#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id$ use strict; use Test::More; use FindBin qw($Bin); use File::Path; use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use RPM4; use RPM4::Transaction::Problems; if (-e '/etc/debian_version' || `uname -a` =~ /BSD/i) { plan skip_all => "*BSD/Debian/Ubuntu do not have a system wide rpmdb"; } else { plan tests => 45; } # Test on wrong db RPM4::add_macro("_dbpath /dev/null"); ok(RPM4::rpmdbverify != 0, "Verify non existing database (get error)"); my $tempdir = tempdir(); my $testdir = "$tempdir/testdb"; mkdir $testdir || die $!; RPM4::add_macro("_dbpath $testdir"); ok(RPM4::rpmdbinit == 0 || -f "$testdir/Packages", "initdb works"); ok(RPM4::rpmdbrebuild == 0, "rebuild database"); ok(RPM4::rpmdbverify == 0, "Verify empty"); my $ts; ok($ts = RPM4::Transaction->new, "Open a new transaction"); ok($ts->traverse(sub { print STDERR $_[0]->tag(1000) . "\n" }) != -1, "ts->traverse"); ok($ts->importpubkey("$Bin/gnupg/test-key.gpg") == 0, "Importing a public key"); my $hd = RPM4::rpm2header("$Bin/test-dep-1.0-1mdk.noarch.rpm"); ok($hd, "Reading the header works"); ok($ts->transadd($hd, "$Bin/test-dep-1.0-1mdk.noarch.rpm") == 0, "Adding a package to transaction works"); ok($ts->transcheck == 0, "Checking transaction works"); ok($ts->transorder == 0, "Run transaction order"); if (0) { my $pbs = RPM4::Transaction::Problems->new($ts); isa_ok( $pbs, 'RPM4::Db::Problems', 'Can retrieve pb from transaction' ); ok($pbs->count, "Can get number of problems"); ok($pbs->init || 1, "Resetting problems counter"); my $strpb; while ($pbs->hasnext) { $strpb .= $pbs->problem; } ok($strpb, "Can get problem description"); } ok(defined($ts->transflag([qw(TEST)])), "Set transflags"); #ok($ts->transrun([ qw(LABEL PERCENT) ]) == 0, "Running transaction justdb"); ok(!defined($ts->transreset), "Resetting transaction"); my $h = RPM4::rpm2header("$Bin/test-rpm-1.0-1mdk.noarch.rpm"); ok($h, "Reading the header works"); ok($ts->transadd($h, "$Bin/test-rpm-1.0-1mdk.noarch.rpm") == 0, "Adding a package to transaction works"); ok($ts->traverse_transaction(sub { ok($_[0]->fullname, "Can get name from te"); ok($_[0]->type, "Can get type from te"); }), "traverse_transaction works"); ok($ts->transcheck == 0, "Checking transaction works"); ok($ts->transorder == 0, "Run transaction order"); ok(defined($ts->transflag([qw(JUSTDB)])), "Set transflags"); ok($ts->transrun(sub { my %a = @_; print STDERR "$a{what} $a{amount} / $a{total}\n" }) == 0, "Running transaction justdb"); my $found = 0; my $roffset; ok($ts->traverse(sub { my ($hf, $offset) = @_; scalar($hf->fullname) eq "test-rpm-1.0-1mdk.noarch" and do { $found++; (undef, $roffset) = ($hf, $offset); }; 1; }), "Running traverse"); ok($found, "Can find header in db"); $ts = undef; # explicitely calling DESTROY to close database ok($ts = RPM4::newdb(1), "Open existing database"); $found = 0; $roffset = undef; ok($ts->traverse(sub { my ($hf, $offset) = @_; scalar($hf->fullname) eq "test-rpm-1.0-1mdk.noarch" and do { $found++; (undef, $roffset) = ($hf, $offset); }; }), "Running traverse"); ok($found == 1, "The previously installed rpm is found"); ok($roffset > 0, "Retrieve offset db"); ok($ts->transremove_pkg("test-rpm(1.0-1mdk)") == 1, "Try to remove a rpm"); ok($ts->transcheck == 0, "Checking transaction works"); ok(!defined($ts->transreset), "Reseting current transaction"); ok($ts->transremove($roffset), "Removing pkg from header and offset"); ok($ts->transorder == 0, "Run transaction order"); ok($ts->transcheck == 0, "Checking transaction works"); ok(defined($ts->transflag([qw(JUSTDB)])), "Set transflags"); #ok($ts->transrun([ qw(LABEL PERCENT) ]) == 0, "Running transaction justdb"); $found = 0; ok($ts->traverse(sub { my ($hf, $offset) = @_; scalar($hf->fullname) eq "test-rpm-1.0-1mdk.noarch" and do { $found++; (undef, $roffset) = ($hf, $offset); }; }), "Running traverse"); #ok($found == 0, "The previously removed rpm is not found"); ok($ts->transadd($h, "test-rpm-1.0-1mdk.noarch.rpm", 1, "/usr", 1) == 0, "Adding a package to transaction with prefix"); ok($ts->transorder == 0, "Run transaction order"); ok($ts->transcheck == 0, "Checking transaction works"); ok(!defined($ts->transreset), "Reseting current transaction"); ok($ts->transadd($h, "test-rpm-1.0-1mdk.noarch.rpm", 1, {"/etc" => "/usr" }, 1) == 0, "Adding a package to transaction with relocation works"); ok($ts->transorder == 0, "Run transaction order"); ok($ts->transcheck == 0, "Checking transaction works"); ok(!defined($ts->transreset), "Reseting current transaction"); { my $spec = $ts->newspec("$Bin/test-rpm.spec"); isa_ok($spec, 'RPM4::Spec', 'ts->newspec'); } $ts = undef; # explicitely calling DESTROY to close database rmtree($tempdir);