msgid "" msgstr "" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "Project-Id-Version: remove-old-kernels\n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: en_US\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: \n" msgid "Welcome to 'remove-old-kernels' Interactive" msgstr "Welcome to 'remove-old-kernels' Interactive" msgid "Keep" msgstr "Keep" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Remove" msgid "KEEP" msgstr "KEEP" msgid "AUTO" msgstr "AUTO" msgid "Must be root to allow removal" msgstr "Must be root to allow removal" msgid "Must be root to edit configuration" msgstr "Must be root to edit configuration" msgid "kernel" msgstr "kernel" msgid "kernels" msgstr "kernels" # For languages where y/N/i is not appropriate DO NOT change "y/N/i" # but edit (y=yes N=no i=confirm) with only 'yes' and 'no' translated. msgid "y/N/i (i=confirm for each)" msgstr "y/N/i (y=yes N=no i=confirm for each)" msgid "y/N/q (q=quit)" msgstr "y/N/q (q=quit)" msgid "interactive" msgstr "interactive" msgid "abort" msgstr "abort" msgid "quit" msgstr "quit" msgid "Kernels in" msgstr "Kernels in" msgid "Gain" msgstr "Gain" msgid "Tap spacebar to exit" msgstr "Tap spacebar to exit" msgid "Tap spacebar" msgstr "Tap spacebar" msgid "In use now" msgstr "In use now" msgid "Test mode is on - kernels will not be removed" msgstr "Test mode is on - kernels will not be removed" msgid "DEBUG: Could execute: urpme" msgstr "DEBUG: Could execute: urpme" msgid "Command that would be used" msgstr "Command that would be used" msgid "Commands that would be used" msgstr "Commands that would be used" msgid "Your alternative configuration file does not exist:" msgstr "Your alternative configuration file does not exist:" msgid "Either replace it or set ALTCFG=0 in" msgstr "Either replace it or set ALTCFG=0 in" msgid "FATAL: Failed to read:" msgstr "FATAL: Failed to read:" msgid "No such alternative configuration file:" msgstr "No such alternative configuration file:" msgid "Please use 0 or 1 for OFF and ON" msgstr "Please use 0 or 1 for OFF and ON" msgid "Bad input value" msgstr "Bad input value" msgid "INFO: Number to keep is restricted to " msgstr "INFO: Number to keep is restricted to " msgid ", by the dnf 'installonly_limit' set in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf" msgstr ", by the dnf 'installonly_limit' set in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf" msgid "Usage: [-a] [-A <1|0>] [-c] [-t] [-f 0-9] [-F 0-9] [-n number] [-N number] [-p] [-q] [-Q 0|1][-l] [-m] [-v] [-h|-?]" msgstr "Usage: [-a] [-A <1|0>] [-c] [-t] [-f 0-9] [-F 0-9] [-n number] [-N number] [-p] [-q] [-Q 0|1][-l] [-m] [-v] [-h|-?]" msgid " -a = automatic, no questions. Interactive if not specified. (must be root)" msgstr " -a = automatic, no questions. Interactive if not specified. (must be root)" msgid " -A value = 1 or 0 to turn ON or OFF automatic weekly removal of kernels. (e.g. -A1)" msgstr " -A value = 1 or 0 to turn ON or OFF automatic weekly removal of kernels. (e.g. -A1)" msgid " -c = as automatic but also checks for CRON=1 in the cfg file or exits. (must be root)" msgstr " -c = as automatic but also checks for CRON=1 in the cfg file or exits. (must be root)" msgid " -t = Test mode, nothing is removed, urpme is simulated." msgstr " -t = Test mode, nothing is removed, urpme is simulated." msgid " -f value = number of the alternate .cfg file to use this time only. Exits if missing." msgstr " -f value = number of the alternate .cfg file to use this time only. Exits if missing." msgid " -F value = number of alt .cfg file to use. This changes the ALTCFG= setting in the main .cfg file." msgstr " -F value = number of alt .cfg file to use. This changes the ALTCFG= setting in the main .cfg file." msgid " -n value = number of kernels to keep this time only. (-n5 or -n 5 keep 5 kernels), Min=2, Default=3" msgstr " -n value = number of kernels to keep this time only. (-n5 or -n 5 keep 5 kernels), Min=2, Default=3" msgid " -N value = number of kernels to keep. This changes the config file setting. (e.g. -N 5)" msgstr " -N value = number of kernels to keep. This changes the config file setting. (e.g. -N 5)" msgid " -p = preview the urpme commands which would be used." msgstr " -p = preview the urpme commands which would be used." msgid " -q = advanced mode, this time only - see man page." msgstr " -q = advanced mode, this time only - see man page." msgid " -Q value = 1 or 0 (1 = ON) advanced mode, persistent. (e.g. -Q 1)" msgstr " -Q value = 1 or 0 (1 = ON) advanced mode, persistent. (e.g. -Q 1)" msgid " -l = list the last 1000 lines of the log." msgstr " -l = list the last 1000 lines of the log." msgid " -m = mono. No colours in screen output." msgstr " -m = mono. No colors in screen output." msgid " -v = version." msgstr " -v = version." msgid " -? or -h = show this help." msgstr " -? or -h = show this help." msgid "KEY for column 3:" msgstr "KEY for column 3:" msgid " U = curently (U)sed running kernel." msgstr " U = currently (U)sed running kernel." msgid " V = keeping for (V)irtualbox -latest. (only in advanced mode)" msgstr " V = keeping for (V)irtualbox -latest. (only in advanced mode)" msgid " X = keeping for (X)tables-addons -latest. (only in advanced mode)" msgstr " X = keeping for (X)tables-addons -latest. (only in advanced mode)" msgid " K = keeping kernel-*-devel for installed (K)ernel. (only advanced mode)" msgstr " K = keeping kernel-*-devel for installed (K)ernel. (only advanced mode)"