#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use MDK::Common; my ($current_package, $current_prefix, $current_name); sub is_blacklisted { my ($name, $para) = @_; member($name, qw(can isa print use)); } my %l; sub get_paras { my ($name, $para) = @_; $name =~ s/\Q$current_prefix//; # remove empty prototypes from functions (it's possible we see it using shift later): $name =~ s/\(\)//; $current_name = $name; # perl_checker don't like those: return if is_blacklisted($name); $l{$current_package}{$name} = [ map { if (/\Q.../) { # C code: '@_more_paras'; } elsif (/[%@]\w+.* = \@_/) { # perl code: '@_more_paras'; } else { my ($optional) = s/=(.*)//; my $s = /.*\W(\w+)/ ? $1 : $_; # so that perl_checker doesn't complain about fake packages themselves: # (also tag as optionnal) '$_' . ($optional ? 'o_' : '') . $s; } } grep { !/OUTLIST/ } split(',', $para) ]; } sub parse_xs { my ($file) = @_; warn "parse_xs $file\n"; my $state = 'waiting_for_type'; ($current_package, $current_prefix) = ('', ''); my $multi_line; my $c; foreach (cat_($file)) { $c++; next if /^=/ ... /^=cut/; next if /^BOOT/ ... /^$/; chomp; my $orig_line = $_; if (/^\s*#/ || (m!^\s*/\*! .. m!\*/!)) { # forget it } elsif ($state eq 'multi_line') { if (/(.*)\)/) { get_paras($current_name, $multi_line . $1); $state = 'waiting_for_end'; } else { $multi_line .= $_; } # } elsif (/^\s*gperl_set_isa\s*\("(.*)", ".*"\)\s*;/) { } elsif (/MODULE\s*=\s*\S+\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*(\S+)\s+PREFIX\s*=\s*(\S+)/) { ($current_package, $current_prefix) = ($1, $2); } elsif (/MODULE\s*=\s*\S+\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*(\S+)/) { ($current_package, $current_prefix) = ($1, ''); } elsif (!$current_package) { # waiting for the MODULE line } elsif (/^\s*$/) { $state = 'waiting_for_type'; } elsif (/^\w[^\(]*$/ && $state eq 'waiting_for_type') { $state = 'waiting_for_function' if !/^BOOT:/ && !/;/; } elsif (/^\s*ALIAS:\s*$/) { $state = 'alias'; } elsif ($state eq 'alias') { if (my ($f) = /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*\d+\s*$/) { my $pkg = $f =~ s/(.*)::// ? $1 : $current_package; $l{$pkg}{$f} ||= $l{$current_package}{$current_name}; } else { warn "bad line #$c $orig_line (state: $state)\n" if !/^\s*\w+:\s*$/ && !/^\s*$/; $state = 'waiting_for_end'; } } elsif ($state eq 'waiting_for_type' && s/^(const\s*)?\w+\s*(\*\s*)?// || $state eq 'waiting_for_function' && /^\w+/) { if (my ($name, $para) = /^(\S+)\s*\((.*)\)\s*;?\s*$/) { get_paras($name, $para); $state = 'waiting_for_end'; } elsif (($name, $para) = /^(\S+)\s*\((.*)$/) { $multi_line = $para; $current_name = $name; $state = 'multi_line'; } else { warn "bad line #$c $orig_line (state: $state)\n"; } } else { warn "bad line #$c $orig_line (state: $state)\n" if !(($state eq 'waiting_for_end' || $state eq 'waiting_for_type') && (/^\s/ || /^[{}]\s*$/ || /^(CODE|OUTPUT):\s*$/)); } } } sub parse_pm { my ($file) = @_; warn "parse_pm $file\n"; my $state = 'waiting_for_type'; my $name; $current_package = ''; my $c; my $magic_value = 'MAGEIA_MAGIC_STOP'; foreach (cat_($file), $magic_value, $magic_value) { $c++; next if /^=/ .. /^=cut|^$magic_value/; next if /^$magic_value/; chomp; my $orig_line = $_; if (/^\s*#/ || (m!^\s*/\*! .. m!\*/!)) { # forget it } elsif (/^package\s*(\S+)\s*;/) { $current_package = $1; } elsif (!$current_package) { # waiting for the package line } elsif (/^sub\s*(\S*);/ && !/;.*\)/) { # forget it } elsif (/^sub\s*(\S*)/) { $name = $1; # handle functions without spacing before opening "{" (eg: "sub set_color_fg{") $name =~ s/{$//; $l{$current_package}{$name} = [] if !defined($l{$current_package}{$name}) && !is_blacklisted($name); $state = 'waiting_for_param'; } elsif ($state eq 'waiting_for_param' && /=\s*\@_/) { get_paras($name, $_); $state = 'waiting_for_end'; } else { warn "bad line2 #$c $orig_line (state: $state)\n" if 0 && !(($state eq 'waiting_for_end' || $state eq 'waiting_for_type') && (/^\s/ || /^[{}]\s*$/ || /^(CODE|OUTPUT):\s*$/)); } } } my ($pkg_name, $dir) = @ARGV; my @xs_files = chomp_(`find $dir -name "*.xs"`); # ignore test suites, inc/ and ext/ : my @pm_files = chomp_(`find $dir -name "*.pm" | egrep -v '/(ext|inc|t)/'`); @ARGV == 2 && (@xs_files || @pm_files) or die "usage: gen.pl <Gtk2 or Glib> <dir where Gtk2's or Glib's *.xs are>\n"; parse_xs($_) foreach @xs_files; parse_pm($_) foreach @pm_files; print "package $pkg_name;\nuse Glib;\n" if $pkg_name eq 'Gtk2'; foreach my $pkg (sort keys %l) { print "\npackage $pkg;\n"; print "our \@ISA = qw();\n"; foreach my $name (sort keys %{$l{$pkg}}) { my $xs_name = $name . "__XS"; my $para = $l{$pkg}{$xs_name} || $l{$pkg}{$name}; $name = $pkg . '::' . $name if $name =~ /^(ne|eq|foreach|format|ge|length|sub|x|xor|y)$/; if (@$para) { print "sub $name { my (", join(", ", @$para), ") = \@_ }\n"; } elsif ($name =~ /\(/) { print "sub $name {}\n"; } else { print "sub $name() {}\n"; } } }