path: root/perl_checker.src/
diff options
authorPascal Rigaux <>2003-12-16 19:24:37 +0000
committerPascal Rigaux <>2003-12-16 19:24:37 +0000
commit579939a2cf626dad1bc4f052d2a1e2b24de5171e (patch)
tree923fde945bee44a88574cb9750f4d3b21933d4ab /perl_checker.src/
parent6898952857ad2b4bd4d476138f5faee1ceae751c (diff)
- add the tuple(...) context
- check that the value xxx in "... or xxx" is dropped - handle "... or ..., ..."
Diffstat (limited to 'perl_checker.src/')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/perl_checker.src/ b/perl_checker.src/
index 13191a5..a1af279 100644
--- a/perl_checker.src/
+++ b/perl_checker.src/
@@ -965,6 +965,7 @@ let rec mcontext2s = function
| M_sub -> "sub"
| M_scalar -> "scalar"
+ | M_tuple l -> "tuple(" ^ String.concat ", " ( mcontext2s l) ^ ")"
| M_list -> "list"
| M_array -> "array"
| M_hash -> "hash"
@@ -993,6 +994,10 @@ let rec mcontext_lower c1 c2 =
| M_string, M_string | M_string, M_scalar | M_string, M_list
| M_revision, M_revision | M_revision, M_scalar | M_revision, M_list
| M_scalar, M_scalar | M_scalar, M_list
+ -> true
+ | M_tuple t1, M_tuple t2 -> List.for_all2 mcontext_lower t1 t2
+ | M_tuple _, M_list
| M_list, M_list
| M_none, M_none
@@ -1088,16 +1093,28 @@ let mcontext_unop_l wanted_mcontext esp = mcontext_unop wanted_mcontext { esp wi
let mcontext_check_non_none esp =
if esp.mcontext = M_none then warn_rule "() context not accepted here"
-let mcontext_check_none esp =
- match esp.mcontext with
- | M_none | M_unknown -> ()
- | M_mixed l when List.exists (fun c -> c = M_none) l -> ()
- | _ ->
- match esp.any with
- | [List [Num("1", _)]; Semi_colon] -> () (* allow "1;" for package return value. It would be much better to check we are at toplevel, but hell i don't want to wire this information up to here *)
- | [List [Call_op ("<>", [Ident (None, "STDIN", _)], _)]; Semi_colon] -> () (* allow <STDIN> to ask "press return" *)
- | [List [Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "map", _)), _)]; Semi_colon] -> warn_rule "if you don't use the return value, use \"foreach\" instead of \"map\""
- | _ -> warn esp.pos "value is dropped"
+let mcontext_check_none msg expr esp =
+ let rec mcontext_check_none_rec msg expr = function
+ | M_none | M_unknown -> ()
+ | M_mixed l when List.exists (fun c -> c = M_none) l -> ()
+ | M_tuple l ->
+ (match expr with
+ | [List l_expr] ->
+ let rec iter = function
+ | e::l_expr, mcontext::l ->
+ mcontext_check_none_rec (if l = [] then msg else "value is dropped") [e] mcontext
+ | [], [] -> ()
+ | _ -> internal_error "mcontext_check_none"
+ in iter (l_expr, l)
+ | _ -> internal_error "mcontext_check_none")
+ | _ ->
+ match expr with
+ | [List [Num("1", _)]; Semi_colon] -> () (* allow "1;" for package return value. It would be much better to check we are at toplevel, but hell i don't want to wire this information up to here *)
+ | [List [Call_op ("<>", [Ident (None, "STDIN", _)], _)]; Semi_colon] -> () (* allow <STDIN> to ask "press return" *)
+ | [List [Call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, "map", _)), _)]; Semi_colon] -> warn_rule "if you don't use the return value, use \"foreach\" instead of \"map\""
+ | _ -> warn esp.pos msg
+ in
+ mcontext_check_none_rec msg expr esp.mcontext
let mcontext_op_assign left right =
mcontext_check_non_none right;
@@ -1105,3 +1122,8 @@ let mcontext_op_assign left right =
match left.any.expr with
| Deref(I_array, _) | My_our("my", [(I_array, _)], _) -> M_mixed [ M_array; M_none ]
| _ -> mcontext_merge right.mcontext M_none
+let mtuple_context_concat c1 c2 =
+ match c1 with
+ | M_tuple l -> M_tuple (l @ [c2])
+ | _ -> M_tuple [c1 ; c2]