# $Id: Checks.pm 59285 2006-09-01 00:10:10Z nanardon $ package MDV::Distribconf::Checks; our $VERSION = (qq$Revision: 59285 $ =~ /(\d+)/)[0]; =head1 NAME MDV::Distribconf::Checks - A Subclass to MDV::Distribconf::Build to check distribution trees =head1 METHODS =over 4 =cut use strict; use warnings; use MDV::Distribconf::MediaCFG; use MDV::Packdrakeng; use Digest::MD5; use MDV::Distribconf::Utils; use base qw(MDV::Distribconf); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); bless $self, $class; } sub _report_err { my ($out, $err_code, $fmt, @args) = @_; my %errs = ( 'UNSYNC_HDLIST' => 'E', 'UNSYNC_MD5' => 'E', 'WRONG_CONFIG' => 'W', 'MISSING_MEDIA' => 'W', 'MISSING_MEDIADIR' => 'E', 'SAME_INDEX' => 'E', 'NOMEDIA' => 'E', 'MISSING_INDEX' => 'E', 'MISSING_INFO' => 'W', ); my $message = sprintf($fmt, @args); if (ref $out eq 'CODE') { $out->( errcode => $err_code || '?', level => $errs{$err_code} || '?', message => $message, ); } else { printf $out "%s: %s\n", $errs{$err_code} || '?', $message; } return($errs{$err_code} || '?' eq 'E' ? 1 : 0) } =item $distrib->check_config =cut sub check_config { my ($self, $fhout) = @_; $fhout ||= \*STDERR; my $error = 0; foreach my $var ($self->{cfg}->Parameters('media_info')) { $self->{cfg}->val('media_info', $var) or next; my @er = MDV::Distribconf::MediaCFG::_valid_param( 'media_info', $var, $self->{cfg}->val('media_info', $var), ); foreach (@er) { $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'WRONG_CONFIG', "%s %s: %s", 'media_info', $var, $_ ); } } foreach my $media ($self->listmedia()) { foreach my $var ($self->{cfg}->Parameters($media)) { $self->{cfg}->val($media, $var) or next; my @er = MDV::Distribconf::MediaCFG::_valid_param( 'media_info', $var, $self->getvalue($media, $var), ); foreach (@er) { $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'WRONG_CONFIG', "%s %s: %s", $media, $var, $_ ); } my $varinfo = MDV::Distribconf::MediaCFG::_value_info($var) || {}; if ($varinfo->{deny}) { if ($self->getvalue($media, $varinfo->{deny})) { $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'WRONG_CONFIG', '%s and %s cannot be set together (media %s)', $var, $varinfo->{deny}, $media ); } } if ($varinfo->{ismedialist} || $varinfo->{cross}) { foreach my $sndmedia (split(/ /, $self->getvalue($media, $var, ''))) { if (!$self->mediaexists($sndmedia)) { $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'MISSING_MEDIA', "`%s' refer as %s to non existant `%s'", $media, $var, $sndmedia, ); } elsif($varinfo->{cross}) { if(!grep { $media eq $_ } split(/ /, $self->getvalue($sndmedia, $varinfo->{cross}) )) { $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'WRONG_CONFIG', "`%s' has not `%s' as %s", $sndmedia, $media, $varinfo->{cross}, ); } } } } } } # checking overlap { my %foundname; push(@{$foundname{$self->getvalue($_, 'name')}}, $_) foreach($self->listmedia()); foreach (keys %foundname) { if (@{$foundname{$_}} > 1) { $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'WRONG_CONFIG', "`%s' have same name (%s)", join(', ', @{$foundname{$_}}), $_, ); } } } $error } =item $distrib->check_media_coherency($fhout) Performs basic checks on the distribution and prints to $fhout (STDERR by default) warnings and errors found. Returns the number of errors reported. =cut sub check_media_coherency { my ($distrib, $fhout) = @_; $fhout ||= \*STDERR; my $error = 0; $distrib->listmedia or $error += _report_err( 'NOMEDIA', "No media found in this config" ); # Checking no overlap foreach my $var (qw/hdlist synthesis path/) { my %e; foreach ($distrib->listmedia) { my $v = $distrib->getpath($_, $var); push @{$e{$v}}, $_; } foreach my $key (keys %e) { if (@{$e{$key}} > 1) { $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'SAME_INDEX', "media `%s' have same %s (%s)", join (", ", @{$e{$key}}), $var, $key ); } } } foreach my $media ($distrib->listmedia) { -d $distrib->getfullpath($media, 'path') or $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'MISSING_MEDIADIR', "dir %s does't exist for media `%s'", $distrib->getpath($media, 'path'), $media ); foreach (qw/hdlist synthesis/) { -f $distrib->getfullpath($media, $_) or $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'MISSING_INDEX', "$_ %s doesn't exist for media `%s'", $distrib->getpath($media, $_), $media ); } foreach (qw/pubkey/) { -f $distrib->getfullpath($media, $_) or $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'MISSING_INFO', "$_ %s doesn't exist for media `%s'", $distrib->getpath($media, $_), $media ); } } return $error; } =item $distrib->check_index_sync($media) Check the synchronisation between rpms contained by media $media and its hdlist: - all rpms should be in the hdlist - the hdlist should not contains rpms that does not exists Return 1 if no problem were found =cut sub check_index_sync { return (get_index_sync_offset(@_))[0] } sub get_index_sync_offset { my ($self, $media, $submedia) = @_; my $rpmspath = $self->getfullpath($media, 'path'); my $hdlist = ($submedia && -d $self->getfullpath($media, 'path') . '/media_info') ? $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'hdlist') : $self->getfullpath($media, 'hdlist'); my $synthesis = ($submedia && -d $self->getfullpath($media, 'path') . '/media_info') ? $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'synthesis') : $self->getfullpath($media, 'synthesis'); -f $hdlist && -f $synthesis or return 0; # avoid warnings my ($inp, $ind) = MDV::Distribconf::Utils::hdlist_vs_dir($hdlist, $rpmspath); if (@{$inp || []} + @{$ind || []}) { return (0, scalar(@{$inp || []}), scalar(@{$ind || []})); } return (1, 0, 0); } =item $distrib->check_media_md5($media) Check md5sum for hdlist and synthesis for the media $media are the same than value contains in the existing MD5SUM file. The function return an error also if the value is missing Return 1 if no error were found. =cut sub check_media_md5 { my ($self, $media) = @_; my ($unsync) = MDV::Distribconf::Utils::checkmd5( $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'MD5SUM'), map { $self->getfullmediapath($media, $_) } (qw(hdlist synthesis)) ); if (@{$unsync || []}) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub check_global_md5 { my ($self) = @_; my @indexes; foreach my $media ($self->listmedia()) { push(@indexes, map { $self->getfullpath($media, $_) } (qw(hdlist synthesis))); } my ($unsync) = MDV::Distribconf::Utils::checkmd5( $self->getfullpath(undef, 'MD5SUM'), @indexes, ); if (@{$unsync || []}) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } =item $distrib->checkdistrib($fhout) Performs all light checks on the distribution and prints to $fhout (STDERR by default) warnings and errors found. Returns the number of errors reported. =cut sub checkdistrib { my ($self, $fhout) = @_; $fhout ||= \*STDERR; my $error = 0; $error += $self->check_config($fhout); $error += $self->check_media_coherency($fhout); foreach my $media ($self->listmedia) { my ($e, $inhd, $indir) = $self->get_index_sync_offset($media); if (!$e) { $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'UNSYNC_HDLIST', "hdlist for media `%s' is not sync with its rpms" . (defined($inhd) ? " (+%d -%d rpms)" : ' (no hdlist)'), $media, $indir, $inhd ); } if(!$self->check_media_md5($media)) { $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'UNSYNC_MD5', "md5sum for media `%s' is not ok", $media, ); } } if ($self->check_global_md5()) { $error += _report_err( $fhout, 'UNSYNC_MD5', 'Global md5sum file is not ok', ); } $error } =item $distrib->check($fhout) =cut sub check { my ($self, $fhout) = @_; $fhout ||= \*STDERR; my $error = $self->check_config($fhout); $error += $self->check_media_coherency($fhout); $error } 1; __END__ =back =head1 SEE ALSO L L =head1 AUTHOR Olivier Thauvin =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT (c) 2005 Olivier Thauvin ; (c) 2005, 2006 Mandriva This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =cut