package MDV::Distribconf::Build; =head1 NAME MDV::Distribconf::Build - Subclass to MDV::Distribconf to build configuration =head1 METHODS =over 4 =cut use strict; use warnings; use File::Path; use RPM4; use MDV::Packdrakeng; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use File::Copy qw(cp); use Digest::MD5; use base qw(MDV::Distribconf MDV::Distribconf::Checks); our $VERSION = (qq$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)/)[0]; =item MDV::Distribconf::Build->new($root_of_distrib) Returns a new MDV::Distribconf::Build object. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); bless $self, $class; } =item $distrib->init($flavour) Create initals directories in the distrib tree if missing. $flavour is either 'mandriva' or 'mandrake', depending the tree type you want to create. See also L Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise. =cut sub init { my ($self, $flavour) = @_; $self->settree($flavour || 'mandriva') unless($self->{infodir}); if (!-d $self->getfullpath(undef, 'root')) { if (!mkdir($self->getfullpath(undef, 'root'))) { warn 'Cannot create ' . $self->getfullpath(undef, 'root') .": $!\n"; return 0; } } foreach my $dir (map { $self->getfullpath(undef, $_) } qw(mediadir infodir)) { if (!-d $dir) { eval { mkpath($dir) }; if ($@) { warn "Cannot create $dir: $@\n"; return 0; } } } foreach my $media ($self->listmedia()) { $self->create_media($media) or return 0; } 1; } =item $distrib->create_media($media) Create a media $media if not exists and its directories if need. See also L Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise =cut sub create_media { my ($self, $media) = @_; $self->setvalue($media, undef, undef); foreach my $dir (map { $self->getfullmediapath($media, $_) } qw(path infodir)) { if (!-d $dir) { eval { mkpath($dir) }; if ($@) { warn "Cannot create $dir: $@\n"; $self->delvalue($media, undef); return 0; } } } 1; } =item $distrib->setvalue($media, $var, $val) Sets or adds $var parameter from $media to $val. If $media doesn't exist, it is implicitly created. If $var is C, a new media is created with no defined parameters. =cut sub setvalue { my ($distrib, $media, $var, $val) = @_; $media ||= 'media_info'; $distrib->{cfg}->AddSection($media); if ($var) { if ($media && !$distrib->mediaexists($media)) { $distrib->setvalue($media); } $var =~ /^(?:media|info)dir\z/ and do { $distrib->{$var} = $val; return 1; }; if ($val) { $distrib->{cfg}->newval($media, $var, $val) or warn "Can't set value [$var=$val] for $media\n"; } else { $distrib->{cfg}->delval($media, $var); } } $distrib->_post_setvalue($media, $var, $val) if ($media); } sub _post_setvalue { my ($distrib, $cmedia, $cvar, $cval) = @_; if ($cvar) { my $vsettings = MDV::Distribconf::MediaCFG::_value_info($cvar); if ($vsettings->{cross}) { my %pointed_media = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s/, $cval); foreach my $media ($distrib->listmedia()) { my %ml = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s/, $distrib->getvalue($media, $vsettings->{cross})); if (exists($pointed_media{$media})) { exists($ml{$cmedia}) and next; $ml{$cmedia} = 1; } else { exists($ml{$cmedia}) or next; delete($ml{$cmedia}); } $distrib->setvalue( $media, $vsettings->{cross}, join(" ", keys %ml), ); } } } else { foreach my $media ($distrib->listmedia()) { foreach my $val ($distrib->{cfg}->Parameters($media)) { my $vsettings = MDV::Distribconf::MediaCFG::_value_info($val); if ($vsettings->{cross}) { if (grep { $_ eq $cmedia } split(/\s/, $distrib->getvalue($media, $val))) { my %ml = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s/, $distrib->getvalue($cmedia, $vsettings->{cross})); exists($ml{$media}) and next; $ml{$media} = 1; $distrib->setvalue( $cmedia, $vsettings->{cross}, join(" ", keys %ml), ); } } } } } 1; } =item $distrib->delvalue($media, $var) Delete $var parameter from $media. If $var is not specified, the media is is deleted. If $media is not specified, $var is remove from global settings. =cut sub delvalue { my ($distrib, $media, $var) = @_; if ($var) { $distrib->{cfg}->delval($media, $var); } else { $distrib->{cfg}->DeleteSection($media); } $distrib->_post_delvalue($media, $var); } sub _post_delvalue { my ($distrib, $cmedia, $cvar) = @_; foreach my $media ($distrib->listmedia()) { if ($cvar) { my $vsettings = MDV::Distribconf::MediaCFG::_value_info($cvar); if ($vsettings->{cross}) { if($distrib->getvalue($media, $vsettings->{cross})) { my %ml = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s/, $distrib->getvalue($media, $vsettings->{cross})); exists($ml{$cmedia}) or next; delete($ml{$cmedia}); $distrib->setvalue( $media, $vsettings->{cross}, join(" ", keys %ml) ); } } } else { foreach my $val ($distrib->{cfg}->Parameters($media)) { my $vsettings = MDV::Distribconf::MediaCFG::_value_info($val); if ($vsettings->{ismedialist} && $distrib->getvalue($media, $val)) { my %ml = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s/, $distrib->getvalue($media, $val)); exists($ml{$cmedia}) or next; delete($ml{$cmedia}); $distrib->setvalue( $media, $val, join(" ", keys %ml) ); } } } } 1; } =item $distrib->write_hdlists($hdlists) Writes the F file to C<$hdlists>, or if no parameter is given, in the media information directory. C<$hdlists> can be a file path or a file handle. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error. =cut sub write_hdlists { my ($distrib, $hdlists) = @_; my $h_hdlists; if (ref $hdlists eq 'GLOB') { $h_hdlists = $hdlists; } else { $hdlists ||= "$distrib->{root}/$distrib->{infodir}/hdlists"; open $h_hdlists, ">", $hdlists or return 0; } foreach my $media ($distrib->listmedia) { printf($h_hdlists "%s%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", join('', map { "$_:" } grep { $distrib->getvalue($media, $_) } qw/askmedia suppl noauto/) || "", $distrib->getvalue($media, 'hdlist'), $distrib->getpath($media, 'path'), $distrib->getvalue($media, 'name'), $distrib->getvalue($media, 'size') ? '('.$distrib->getvalue($media, 'size'). ')' : "", ) or return 0; } return 1; } =item $distrib->write_mediacfg($mediacfg) Write the media.cfg file into the media information directory, or into the $mediacfg given as argument. $mediacfg can be a file path, or a glob reference (\*STDOUT for example). Returns 1 on success, 0 on error. =cut sub write_mediacfg { my ($distrib, $hdlistscfg) = @_; $hdlistscfg ||= "$distrib->{root}/$distrib->{infodir}/media.cfg"; $distrib->{cfg}->WriteConfig($hdlistscfg); } =item $distrib->write_version($version) Write the VERSION file. Returns 0 on error, 1 on success. =cut sub write_version { my ($distrib, $version) = @_; my $h_version; if (ref($version) eq 'GLOB') { $h_version = $version; } else { $version ||= $distrib->getfullpath(undef, 'VERSION'); open($h_version, ">", $version) or return 0; } my @gmt = gmtime(time); printf($h_version "Mandriva Linux %s %s-%s-%s%s %s\n", $distrib->getvalue(undef, 'version') || 'cooker', $distrib->getvalue(undef, 'branch') || 'cooker', $distrib->getvalue(undef, 'arch') || 'noarch', $distrib->getvalue(undef, 'product'), $distrib->getvalue(undef, 'tag') ? '-' . $distrib->getvalue(undef, 'tag') : '', sprintf("%04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d", $gmt[5] + 1900, $gmt[4]+1, $gmt[3], $gmt[2], $gmt[1]) ); if (ref($version) ne 'GLOB') { close($h_version); } return 1; } =item $distrib->write_productid($productid) Write the productid file. Returns 0 on error, 1 on success. =cut sub write_productid { my ($distrib, $productid) = @_; my $h_productid; if (ref($productid) eq 'GLOB') { $h_productid = $productid; } else { $productid ||= $distrib->getfullpath(undef, ''); open($h_productid, ">", $productid) or return 0; } print $h_productid $distrib->getvalue(undef, 'productid') . "\n"; if (ref($productid) ne 'GLOB') { close($h_productid); } return 1; } sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; return if($self->{noclean}); foreach (@{$self->{tempfiles} || []}, keys %{$self->{tempfile} || {}}) { unlink($_); } } sub _first_pass { my ($self, $header) = @_; #print $header->fullname() . "\n"; my $r = $header->dep('REQUIRENAME', 0); push(@{$self->{packageinfo}}, { n => scalar($header->fullname()), r => $r } ); $r->init(); while ($r->next() >= 0) { $r->flags & (1 << 24) and next; # rpmlib dep push(@{$self->{requires}{$r->name()}}, { id => $#{$self->{packageinfo}}, dep => $r }); } } sub list_medias_exists { my ($self) = @_; grep { -d $self->getfullmediapath($_, 'path') } $self->listmedia(); } sub clean_info { my ($self) = @_; $self->{requires} = {}; $self->{packageinfo} = []; $self->{depslist} = {}; $self->{group} = {}; $self->{provides} = {}; $self->{media} = {}; } sub traverse_media { my ($self, $media, $callback) = @_; my ($onlyh, $onlyd); my ($hdlisttoread, $pack); my $dir = $self->getfullpath($media, 'path'); if ($self->{media}{$media}{temphdlist}) { $hdlisttoread = $self->{media}{$media}{temphdlist}; } elsif (-f $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'hdlist')) { ($onlyh, $onlyd) = MDV::Distribconf::Utils::hdlist_vs_dir( $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'hdlist'), $dir, ); if (@{$onlyh || []} + @{$onlyd || []}) { printf( "Delta for %s, +%d -%d\n", $media, scalar(@{$onlyd || []}), scalar(@{$onlyh || []}), ); } my @countindir = glob("$dir/*.rpm"); if (@countindir && (@{$onlyh || []} / @countindir) < 0.50) { $hdlisttoread = $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'hdlist'); } else { @{$onlyd} = (); if (opendir(my $dh, $dir)) { while (my $f = readdir($dh)) { $f =~ /\.rpm$/ and push(@{$onlyd}, $f); } close($dh); } } if (@{$onlyh || []} + @{$onlyd || []}) { $self->{media}{$media}{unsych} = 1; ($self->{media}{$media}{temphdlist}, $pack) = $self->get_temp_pack( $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'hdlist') ); } } else { if (opendir(my $dh, $dir)) { while (my $f = readdir($dh)) { $f =~ /\.rpm$/ and push(@{$onlyd}, $f); } close($dh); } $self->{media}{$media}{unsych} = 1; ($self->{media}{$media}{temphdlist}, $pack) = $self->get_temp_pack( $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'hdlist') ); } $self->{media}{$media}{temphdlist} ||= $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'hdlist'); my $addtopack = sub { my ($header) = @_; if ($pack) { my $tmp = new File::Temp( UNLINK => 1, SUFFIX => '.hdr' ); $header->write($tmp); seek($tmp, 0, 0); $pack->add_virtual('f', scalar($header->fullname()), $tmp); close($tmp); } }; my @rpmsneed = map { "$dir/" . $_ } @{$onlyd || []}; RPM4::parserpms( rpms => \@rpmsneed, checkrpms => 0, callback => sub { my %args = @_; $args{header} or do { warn "invalid rpm $args{rpm}\n"; return 1; }; my $ba = ($args{rpm} =~ m:.*/([^/]*)$:)[0]; if ($ba ne $args{header}->fullname() . ".rpm") { warn "$media/$ba differ of header info (" . $args{header}->fullname() . ")\n"; } #printf "+ %s\n", scalar($args{header}->fullname()); #$self->_first_pass($args{header}, $pack); $addtopack->($args{header}); $callback->($args{header}); 1; }, ); if ($hdlisttoread && open(my $hz, "zcat '$hdlisttoread' 2>/dev/null |")) { while(my $h = RPM4::stream2header($hz)) { if (grep { $h->fullname() . '.rpm' eq $_} @{$onlyh || []}) { next; } $addtopack->($h); $callback->($h); #$self->_first_pass($args{header}, $pack); } close($hz); } } sub list_unsynch_medias { my ($self) = @_; grep { $self->{media}{$_}{unsych} } keys %{ $self->{media} || {} } } sub load_media { my ($self, $media, $callback) = @_; if ($self->{media}{$media}{load_done}) { return; } else { $self->{media}{$media}{load_done} = 1; } $callback ||= sub {}; $self->{media}{$media}{start} = $#{$self->{packageinfo} || []} + 1; $self->traverse_media( $media, sub { $self->_first_pass($_[0]); $callback->($_[0]); } ); } sub populate_media { my ($self, $media) = @_; if ($self->{media}{$media}{populate_done}) { return; } else { $self->{media}{$media}{populate_done} = 1; } $self->load_media($media); my $count = $self->{media}{$media}{start}; my $synthhandle; if ($self->list_unsynch_medias()) { my $synthf = $self->get_temp_file( $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'synthesis') ); open($synthhandle, "| gzip --best > '$synthf'"); } $self->traverse_media( $media, sub { my ($h) = @_; my $synthinfo; if ($synthhandle) { $synthinfo = { fullname => scalar($h->fullname()), summary => $h->tag(1004), epoch => $h->tag(1003) || 0, size => $h->tag(1009), group => $h->tag(1016), os => $h->tag('OS'), hdrid => pack("H*",$h->tag('HDRID')), provides => [], requires => [], obsoletes => [], conflicts => [], }; } push(@{$self->{group}{$h->tag('group')}}, $count); if (my $f = $h->files()) { $f->init(); while ($f->next() >= 0) { exists($self->{requires}{$f->filename}) or next; push(@{$synthinfo->{requires}}, $f->filename) if ($synthinfo); foreach my $po (@{$self->{requires}{$f->filename}}) { exists($self->{depslist}{$po->{id}}{$count}) and next; while((my $idx = $po->{dep}->next()) >= 0) { if ($po->{dep}->name eq $f->filename) { push(@{$self->{provides}{$f->filename}}, $count); $self->{depslist}{$po->{id}}{$idx}{$count} = 1; last; } } } } } if (my $p = $h->dep('PROVIDENAME')) { $p->init(); while ($p->next() >= 0) { push(@{$self->{provides}{$p->name}}, $count); if ($synthinfo) { my @d = $p->info(); push(@{$synthinfo->{provides}}, sprintf( "%s%s%s", "$d[1]", ($p->flags() & RPM4::flagvalue('sense', [ 'PREREQ' ])) ? '[*]' : '', $d[2] ? '[' . ($d[2] eq '=' ? '==' : $d[2]) . " $d[3]\]" : '' )); } exists($self->{requires}{$p->name}) or next; foreach my $po (@{$self->{requires}{$p->name}}) { exists($self->{depslist}{$po->{id}}{$count}) and next; $po->{dep}->init(); while((my $idx = $po->{dep}->next()) >= 0) { if ($po->{dep}->overlap($p)) { $self->{depslist}{$po->{id}}{$idx}{$count} = 1; last; } } } } } if ($synthinfo) { if (my $p = $self->{packageinfo}[$count]->{r}) { $p->init(); while ($p->next() >= 0) { $p->flags & (1 << 24) and next; # rpmlib dep my @d = $p->info(); push(@{$synthinfo->{requires}}, sprintf( "%s%s%s", "$d[1]", ($p->flags() & RPM4::flagvalue('sense', [ 'PREREQ' ])) ? '[*]' : '', $d[2] ? '[' . ($d[2] eq '=' ? '==' : $d[2]) . " $d[3]\]" : '' )); } } if (my $p = $h->dep('OBSOLETENAME')) { $p->init(); while ($p->next() >= 0) { my @d = $p->info(); push(@{$synthinfo->{obsoletes}}, sprintf( "%s%s%s", "$d[1]", ($p->flags() & RPM4::flagvalue('sense', [ 'PREREQ' ])) ? '[*]' : '', $d[2] ? '[' . ($d[2] eq '=' ? '==' : $d[2]) . " $d[3]\]" : '' )); } } if (my $p = $h->dep('CONFLICTNAME')) { $p->init(); while ($p->next() >= 0) { if ($synthinfo) { my @d = $p->info(); push(@{$synthinfo->{conflicts}}, sprintf( "%s%s%s", "$d[1]", ($p->flags() & RPM4::flagvalue('sense', [ 'PREREQ' ])) ? '[*]' : '', $d[2] ? '[' . ($d[2] eq '=' ? '==' : $d[2]) . " $d[3]\]" : '' )); } } } foreach my $deptag (qw(provides conflicts obsoletes requires)) { my @deps; { my %uniq; @uniq{@{$synthinfo->{$deptag} || []}} = (); @deps = keys(%uniq); } printf($synthhandle '@%s@%s'."\n", $deptag, join('@', @deps)) if (@deps); } printf($synthhandle '@summary@%s'. "\n", $synthinfo->{summary}, ); printf($synthhandle '@info@%s@%d@%d@%s'."\n", $synthinfo->{fullname}, $synthinfo->{epoch}, $synthinfo->{size}, $synthinfo->{group}, ); } $count++; } ); close($synthhandle) if ($synthhandle); } sub set_media_size { my ($self, $media) = @_; my $size = 0; foreach (glob($self->getfullmediapath($media, 'path') . '/*.rpm')) { $size += (stat($_))[7]; } my $blk = 1; my $showsize = $size; my @unit = (' ', qw(k m g)); while (@unit) { my $u = shift(@unit); if ($size / $blk < 1) { last; } $showsize = sprintf('%d%s', $size / $blk, $u); $blk *= 1024; } $self->setvalue($media, 'size', $showsize); } sub set_all_medias_size { my ($self) = @_; foreach my $media ($self->list_medias_exists()) { $self->set_media_size($media); } } sub load_all_medias { my ($self) = @_; foreach my $media ($self->list_medias_exists()) { $self->load_media($media); } } sub populate_all_medias { my ($self) = @_; $self->load_all_medias(); foreach my $media ($self->list_medias_exists()) { $self->populate_media($media); } } sub generate_base_files { my ($self) = @_; $self->populate_all_medias(); $self->generate_depslist(); $self->generate_compss(); $self->generate_provides(); } sub generate_depslist { my ($self) = @_; if (open(my $hdepl, '>', $self->get_temp_file($self->getfullpath(undef, 'depslist.ordered')))) { my %ordered; foreach my $id (keys %{$self->{depslist} || {}}) { foreach my $depindex (keys %{$self->{depslist}{$id} || {}}) { foreach (keys %{$self->{depslist}{$id}{$depindex} || {}}) { $ordered{$_} ||= 0; $ordered{$_}++; } } } my (@ord, %map); foreach my $id (sort { ($ordered{$a} || 0) <=> ($ordered{$b} || 0) } (0..$#{$self->{packageinfo}})) { push(@ord, $id); $map{$id} = $#ord; } foreach my $id (@ord) { my $r = ${$self->{packageinfo}}[$id]->{r} or next; $r->init; my %found; while ((my $idx = $r->next) >= 0) { $r->flags & (1 << 24) and next; # rpmlib dep if (exists($self->{depslist}{$id}{$idx}) && $self->{depslist}{$id}{$idx}) { @found{ grep { $_ eq $id } # hum ?? join('|', grep { defined($_) } map { $map{$_} } keys %{$self->{depslist}{$id}{$idx}}) } = (); } else { $found{'NOTFOUND_' . $r->name} = 1; } } ${$self->{packageinfo}}[$id]->{r} = undef; printf $hdepl "%s 0 %s\n", ${$self->{packageinfo}}[$id]->{n}, join(' ', keys %found); } close($hdepl); } else { return; } 1; } sub generate_compss { my ($self) = @_; if (open(my $hcompss, '>', $self->get_temp_file($self->getfullpath(undef, 'compss')))) { foreach my $g (sort keys %{$self->{group} || {}}) { print $hcompss "$g\n"; foreach my $p ( sort map { ${$self->{packageinfo}}[$_]->{n} } @{$self->{group}{$g} || []} ) { print $hcompss "\t$p\n"; } print $hcompss "\n"; } close($hcompss); } else { return; } 1; } sub generate_provides { my ($self) = @_; if (open(my $hpro, '>', $self->get_temp_file($self->getfullpath(undef, 'provides')))) { foreach my $pro (keys %{$self->{provides} || {}}) { my %list; @list{map { ${$self->{packageinfo}}[$_]->{n} } @{$self->{provides}{$pro} || []}} = (); printf $hpro "%s@%s\n", $pro, join('@', keys %list); } close($hpro); } else { return; } } sub link_index_to_distrib { my ($self) = @_; foreach my $media ($self->list_medias_exists()) { foreach (qw(hdlist synthesis)) { my ($mfile, $gfile) = ( $self->getfullmediapath($media, $_), $self->getfullpath($media, $_) ); printf "link %s to %s\n", $mfile, $gfile; if (((stat($mfile))[1] || -1) != ((stat($gfile))[1] || -1)) { if (-f $gfile) { unlink($gfile) or next; } link($mfile, $gfile) or return; } } } 1; } sub rebuild_md5 { my ($self) = @_; my $needredo = 0; foreach my $media ($self->list_medias_exists()) { my ($bad, $md5) = MDV::Distribconf::Utils::checkmd5( $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'MD5SUM'), map { $self->getfullmediapath($media, $_) } qw(hdlist synthesis), ); if (@{$bad || []}) { printf "Writting %s\n", $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'MD5SUM'); if(open(my $md5f, ">", $self->getfullmediapath($media, 'MD5SUM'))) { foreach (keys %{$md5 || {}}) { printf $md5f "%s %s\n", $md5->{$_}, $_; } close($md5f); } else { return; } } } my ($bad, $md5) = MDV::Distribconf::Utils::checkmd5( $self->getfullpath(undef, 'MD5SUM'), (map { $self->getfullmediapath($_, 'hdlist') } $self->list_medias_exists()), (map { $self->getfullmediapath($_, 'synthesis') } $self->list_medias_exists()), ); if (@{$bad || []}) { printf "Writting %s\n", $self->getfullpath(undef, 'MD5SUM'); if(open(my $md5f, ">", $self->getfullpath(undef, 'MD5SUM'))) { foreach (keys %{$md5 || {}}) { printf $md5f "%s %s\n", $md5->{$_}, $_; } close($md5f); } else { return; } } 1; } sub push_temp_files { my ($self) = @_; foreach (keys %{$self->{tempfile} || {}}) { printf "%s => %s\n", $self->{tempfile}{$_}, $_; cp($self->{tempfile}{$_}, $_) or return; push(@{$self->{tempfiles}}, $self->{tempfile}{$_}); delete($self->{tempfile}{$_}); } 1; } sub get_temp_pack { my ($self, $destfile) = @_; my ($handle, $filename) = tempfile( TEMPLATE => 'packXXXX', SUFFIX => '.cz' ); close($handle); $self->{tempfile}{$destfile} = $filename; return($filename, MDV::Packdrakeng->new(archive => $filename)); } sub get_temp_file { my ($self, $destfile, @tempopts) = @_; my ($handle, $filename) = tempfile( @tempopts ); close($handle); $self->{tempfile}{$destfile} = $filename; } 1; __END__ =back =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut