%{ (* -*- caml -*- *) open Types open Common open Parser_helper let parse_error msg = die_rule msg let prog_ref = ref None let to_String e = Parser_helper.to_String (some !prog_ref) e let from_PATTERN e = Parser_helper.from_PATTERN (some !prog_ref) e let from_PATTERN_SUBST e = Parser_helper.from_PATTERN_SUBST (some !prog_ref) e %} %token EOF %token NUM RAW_STRING BAREWORD BAREWORD_PAREN REVISION COMMENT POD LABEL PO_COMMENT PERL_CHECKER_COMMENT ONE_SCALAR_PARA %token <(string * string) Types.any_spaces_pos> PRINT_TO_STAR PRINT_TO_SCALAR %token QUOTEWORDS COMPACT_HASH_SUBSCRIPT %token <(string * Types.raw_pos) Types.any_spaces_pos> RAW_HERE_DOC %token <(string * ((int * int) * token) list) list Types.any_spaces_pos> STRING COMMAND_STRING %token <((string * ((int * int) * token) list) list * Types.raw_pos) Types.any_spaces_pos> HERE_DOC FORMAT %token <((string * ((int * int) * token) list) list * string) Types.any_spaces_pos> PATTERN QR_PATTERN %token <((string * ((int * int) * token) list) list * (string * ((int * int) * token) list) list * string) Types.any_spaces_pos> PATTERN_SUBST %token <(string option * string) Types.any_spaces_pos> SCALAR_IDENT ARRAY_IDENT HASH_IDENT FUNC_IDENT STAR_IDENT RAW_IDENT RAW_IDENT_PAREN ARRAYLEN_IDENT %token SUB_WITH_PROTO %token <(string option * string * string) Types.any_spaces_pos> FUNC_DECL_WITH_PROTO %token FOR PRINT %token NEW %token COMPARE_OP COMPARE_OP_STR EQ_OP EQ_OP_STR %token ASSIGN MY_OUR %token IF ELSIF ELSE UNLESS DO WHILE UNTIL CONTINUE SUB LOCAL %token USE PACKAGE BEGIN END %token AT DOLLAR PERCENT AMPERSAND STAR ARRAYLEN %token SEMI_COLON PKG_SCOPE %token PAREN PAREN_END %token BRACKET BRACKET_END BRACKET_HASHREF %token ARRAYREF ARRAYREF_END %token ARROW %token INCR DECR %token POWER %token TIGHT_NOT BIT_NEG REF %token PATTERN_MATCH PATTERN_MATCH_NOT %token MULT %token PLUS %token BIT_SHIFT %token LT GT CONCAT MULT_L_STR %token BIT_AND %token BIT_OR BIT_XOR %token AND_TIGHT %token OR_TIGHT %token DOTDOT %token QUESTION_MARK COLON %token COMMA RIGHT_ARROW %token NOT %token AND %token OR XOR %nonassoc PREC_LOW %nonassoc LOOPEX %right OR XOR %right AND %right NOT %nonassoc LSTOP %left COMMA RIGHT_ARROW %right ASSIGN %right QUESTION_MARK COLON %nonassoc DOTDOT %left OR_TIGHT %left AND_TIGHT %left BIT_OR BIT_XOR %left BIT_AND %nonassoc EQ_OP EQ_OP_STR %nonassoc LT GT COMPARE_OP COMPARE_OP_STR %nonassoc UNIOP %left BIT_SHIFT %left PLUS CONCAT %left MULT MULT_L_STR %left PATTERN_MATCH PATTERN_MATCH_NOT %right TIGHT_NOT BIT_NEG REF UNARY_MINUS %right POWER %nonassoc INCR DECR %left ARROW %nonassoc PAREN_END %left PAREN PREC_HIGH %left ARRAYREF BRACKET %type prog %type expr term %type scalar bracket_subscript variable restricted_subscripted %start prog %% prog: lines EOF {fst $1.any} lines: /* A collection of "lines" in the program */ | { default_esp ([], true) } | sideff { new_1esp ([$1.any], false) $1 } | line lines { if fst $2.any <> [] then mcontext_check_none "value is dropped" $1.any $1; new_esp $2.mcontext ($1.any @ fst $2.any, snd $2.any) $1 $2 } line: | decl { new_1esp [$1.any] $1 } | if_then_else { new_1esp [$1.any] $1 } | loop { new_1esp [$1.any] $1 } | LABEL { sp_cr($1); new_1esp [Label $1.any] $1 } | PERL_CHECKER_COMMENT {sp_p($1); new_1esp [Perl_checker_comment($1.any, get_pos $1)] $1 } | semi_colon {warn_rule [Warn_white_space] "unneeded \";\""; new_1esp [Semi_colon] $1 } | sideff semi_colon {new_1esp [$1.any ; Semi_colon] $1 } | BRACKET lines BRACKET_END {new_esp $2.mcontext [lines_to_Block $2 $3] $1 $3} if_then_else: /* Real conditional expressions */ | IF PAREN expr PAREN_END BRACKET lines BRACKET_END elsif else_ {sp_p($1); sp_n($2); sp_0($3); sp_0_or_cr($4); sp_p($5); mcontext_check M_bool $3; to_Call_op (if $9.any = [] then M_none else mcontext_lmerge ($6.mcontext :: mcontext_lmaybe $8 @ [$9.mcontext])) "if" (prio_lo P_loose $3 :: lines_to_Block $6 $7 :: $8.any @ $9.any) $1 $9} | UNLESS PAREN expr PAREN_END BRACKET lines BRACKET_END elsif else_ {sp_p($1); sp_n($2); sp_0($3); sp_0_or_cr($4); sp_p($5); mcontext_check M_bool $3; check_unless_else $8 $9; to_Call_op M_none "unless" (prio_lo P_loose $3 :: lines_to_Block $6 $7 :: $8.any @ $9.any) $1 $9} elsif: | {default_esp []} | ELSIF PAREN expr PAREN_END BRACKET lines BRACKET_END elsif {sp_p($1); sp_n($2); sp_0($3); sp_0_or_cr($4); sp_p($5); mcontext_check M_bool $3; new_esp (mcontext_lmerge ($6.mcontext :: mcontext_lmaybe $8)) (prio_lo P_loose $3 :: lines_to_Block $6 $7 :: $8.any) $1 $8} else_: | { default_esp [] } | ELSE BRACKET lines BRACKET_END {sp_p($1); sp_n($2); new_esp $3.mcontext [lines_to_Block $3 $4] $1 $4} loop: | WHILE PAREN expr PAREN_END BRACKET lines BRACKET_END cont {sp_p($1); sp_n($2); sp_0($3); sp_0_or_cr($4); sp_p($5); mcontext_check M_bool $3; to_Call_op M_none "while" [ prio_lo P_loose $3; lines_to_Block $6 $7 ] $1 $8} | UNTIL PAREN expr PAREN_END BRACKET lines BRACKET_END cont {sp_p($1); sp_n($2); sp_0($3); sp_0_or_cr($4); sp_p($5); mcontext_check M_bool $3; to_Call_op M_none "until" [ prio_lo P_loose $3; lines_to_Block $6 $7 ] $1 $8} | FOR PAREN expr_or_empty semi_colon expr_or_empty semi_colon expr_or_empty PAREN_END BRACKET lines BRACKET_END {sp_p($1); check_for($1); sp_n($2); sp_0($3); sp_p($5); sp_p($7); sp_0($8); sp_n($9); to_Call_op M_none "for" [ $3.any; $5.any; $7.any; lines_to_Block $10 $11 ] $1 $11} | FOR SCALAR_IDENT PAREN expr PAREN_END BRACKET lines BRACKET_END cont { warn_rule [Warn_normalized_expressions] "don't use for without \"my\"ing the iteration variable"; sp_p($1); sp_0($4); sp_0_or_cr($5); sp_p($6); mcontext_check M_list $4; to_Call_op M_none "foreach" [ prio_lo P_loose $4; lines_to_Block $7 $8 ] $1 $9} | FOR PAREN expr PAREN_END BRACKET lines BRACKET_END cont {sp_p($1); sp_n($2); sp_0($3); sp_0_or_cr($4); sp_p($5); mcontext_check M_list $3; check_for_foreach $1 $3; to_Call_op M_none "foreach" [ prio_lo P_loose $3; lines_to_Block $6 $7 ] $1 $8} | for_my lines BRACKET_END cont { to_Call_op M_none "foreach my" ($1.any @ [ lines_to_Block $2 $3 ]) $1 $4} for_my: | FOR MY_OUR SCALAR_IDENT PAREN expr PAREN_END BRACKET {sp_p($1); check_my($2); check_foreach($1); sp_n($4); sp_0($5); sp_0_or_cr($6); sp_p($7); new_esp M_none [ My_our($2.any, [I_scalar, snd $3.any], get_pos $3); prio_lo P_loose $5 ] $1 $7} cont: /* Continue blocks */ | {default_esp ()} | CONTINUE BRACKET lines BRACKET_END {sp_p($1); sp_n($2); check_block_lines $3 $4; new_esp $3.mcontext () $1 $4} sideff: /* An expression which may have a side-effect */ | expr { new_1esp $1.any.expr $1 } | expr IF expr {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); mcontext_check M_bool $3; call_op_if_infix (prio_lo P_loose $1) (prio_lo P_loose $3) $1 $3} | expr UNLESS expr {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); mcontext_check M_bool $3; call_op_unless_infix (prio_lo P_loose $1) (prio_lo P_loose $3) $1 $3} | expr WHILE expr {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); mcontext_check M_bool $3; to_Call_op M_none "while infix" [ prio_lo P_loose $1 ; prio_lo P_loose $3 ] $1 $3} | expr UNTIL expr {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); mcontext_check M_bool $3; to_Call_op M_none "until infix" [ prio_lo P_loose $1 ; prio_lo P_loose $3 ] $1 $3} | expr FOR expr {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); mcontext_check M_list $3; check_foreach($2); to_Call_op M_none "for infix" [ prio_lo P_loose $1 ; prio_lo P_loose $3 ] $1 $3} decl: | FORMAT BAREWORD ASSIGN {to_Call_op M_none "format" [Raw_string($2.any, get_pos $2) ; to_String false (new_1esp (fst $1.any) $1)] $1 $3} | FORMAT ASSIGN {new_esp M_none Too_complex $1 $2} | func_decl semi_colon {if snd $1.any = None then die_rule "there is no need to pre-declare in Perl!" else (warn_rule [Warn_normalized_expressions] "please don't use prototype pre-declaration" ; new_esp M_special Too_complex $1 $2) } | func_decl BRACKET BRACKET_END {sp_n($2); sp_0_or_cr($3); let name, proto = $1.any in new_esp M_none (sub_declaration (name, proto) [] Real_sub_declaration) $1 $3} | func_decl BRACKET lines BRACKET_END {sp_n($2); check_block_lines $3 $4; new_esp M_none (sub_declaration $1.any (fst $3.any) Real_sub_declaration) $1 $4} | func_decl BRACKET BRACKET expr BRACKET_END BRACKET_END {sp_n($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); sp_p($5); check_block_expr false Undef $5 $6; new_esp M_none (sub_declaration $1.any [hash_ref $4] Real_sub_declaration) $1 $6} | func_decl BRACKET BRACKET expr BRACKET_END semi_colon BRACKET_END {sp_n($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); sp_p($5); check_block_expr true Semi_colon $6 $7; new_esp M_none (sub_declaration $1.any [hash_ref $4; Semi_colon] Real_sub_declaration) $1 $7} | PACKAGE word semi_colon {sp_0_or_cr($1); sp_1($2); new_esp M_none (Package $2.any) $1 $3} | BEGIN BRACKET lines BRACKET_END {sp_0_or_cr($1); sp_1($2); new_esp M_none (Sub_declaration(Ident(None, "BEGIN", get_pos $1), None, lines_to_Block $3 $4, Glob_assign)) $1 $4} | END BRACKET lines BRACKET_END {sp_0_or_cr($1); sp_1($2); new_esp M_none (Sub_declaration(Ident(None, "END", get_pos $1), None, lines_to_Block $3 $4, Glob_assign)) $1 $4} | use {$1} use: | use_word listexpr semi_colon {sp_n($2); new_esp M_none (Use($1.any, $2.any.expr)) $1 $3} | use_revision word_paren PAREN listexpr PAREN_END {sp_0($4); sp_0_or_cr($5); new_esp M_none (Use($2.any, $4.any.expr)) $1 $5} use_word: | use_revision word comma {new_esp M_none $2.any $1 $3} | use_revision word {new_esp M_none $2.any $1 $2} | use_revision {new_1esp Undef $1 } use_revision: | USE REVISION comma {$1} | USE REVISION {$1} | USE {$1} func_decl: | SUB word { new_esp M_none ($2.any, None) $1 $2} | SUB BAREWORD_PAREN PAREN PAREN_END { warn_rule [Warn_white_space] "remove carriage return between \"sub\" and the function name"; new_esp M_none (Ident(None, $2.any, get_pos $2), Some "") $1 $4 } | FUNC_DECL_WITH_PROTO {new_1esp (Ident(fst3 $1.any, snd3 $1.any, get_pos $1), Some (ter3 $1.any)) $1 } listexpr: /* Basic list expressions */ | %prec PREC_LOW { default_pesp P_tok []} | argexpr %prec PREC_LOW {$1} expr: /* Ordinary expressions; logical combinations */ | expr AND expr {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); mcontext_check M_bool $1; mcontext_check_none "value should be dropped" [$3.any.expr] $3; to_Call_op_ M_none P_and "and" [ prio_lo P_and $1; prio_lo_after P_and $3 ] $1 $3} | expr OR expr {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); mcontext_check M_bool $1; mcontext_check_none "value should be dropped" [$3.any.expr] $3; to_Call_op_ M_none P_or "or" [ prio_lo P_or $1; prio_lo_after P_or $3 ] $1 $3} | argexpr %prec PREC_LOW { new_1pesp $1.any.priority (List $1.any.expr) $1 } argexpr: /* Expressions are a list of terms joined by commas */ | argexpr comma { new_pesp $1.mcontext P_comma $1.any.expr $1 $2} | bareword RIGHT_ARROW term {if not_simple ($3.any.expr) then sp_p($3); new_pesp (mtuple_context_concat M_string $3.mcontext) P_comma (followed_by_comma [$1.any] false @ [$3.any.expr]) $1 $3} | bareword RIGHT_ARROW BRACKET expr BRACKET_END {sp_p($3); sp_p($5); new_pesp (mtuple_context_concat M_string (M_ref M_hash)) P_comma (followed_by_comma [$1.any] false @ [ hash_ref $4 ]) $1 $5} | argexpr comma term {prio_lo_check P_comma $1.any.priority $1.pos (last $1.any.expr); if not_simple ($3.any.expr) then sp_p($3); new_pesp (mtuple_context_concat $1.mcontext $3.mcontext) P_comma (followed_by_comma $1.any.expr $2.any @ [$3.any.expr]) $1 $3} | argexpr comma BRACKET expr BRACKET_END {sp_p($3); sp_p($5); new_pesp (mtuple_context_concat $1.mcontext (M_ref M_hash)) P_comma (followed_by_comma $1.any.expr $2.any @ [ hash_ref $4 ]) $1 $5} | term %prec PREC_LOW { new_1pesp $1.any.priority [$1.any.expr] $1 } /********************************************************************************/ term: | term COMPARE_OP_STR term {sp_p $2; symops P_cmp M_string M_bool $2.any $1 $2 $3} | term COMPARE_OP term {sp_p $2; symops P_cmp M_float M_bool $2.any $1 $2 $3} | term LT term {sp_p $2; symops P_cmp M_float M_bool "<" $1 $2 $3} | term GT term {sp_p $2; symops P_cmp M_float M_bool ">" $1 $2 $3} | term EQ_OP term {sp_p $2; symops P_eq M_float M_bool $2.any $1 $2 $3} | term EQ_OP_STR term {sp_p $2; symops P_eq M_string M_bool $2.any $1 $2 $3} | term BIT_AND term {sp_p $2; symops P_bit M_int M_int "&" $1 $2 $3} | term BIT_OR term { symops P_bit M_int M_int "|" $1 $2 $3} | term BIT_XOR term {sp_p $2; symops P_bit M_int M_int "^" $1 $2 $3} | term POWER term { symops P_tight M_float (mcontext_float_or_int [$1.mcontext; $3.mcontext]) "**" $1 $2 $3} | term PLUS term { symops P_add M_float (mcontext_float_or_int [$1.mcontext; $3.mcontext]) $2.any $1 $2 $3} | term CONCAT term {sp_p $2; symops P_add M_string M_string "." $1 $2 $3} | term BIT_SHIFT term { symops (P_paren_wanted P_tight) M_int M_int $2.any $1 $2 $3} | term XOR term {sp_p $2; symops (P_paren_wanted P_expr) M_bool M_bool "xor" $1 $2 $3} | term DOTDOT term { symops (P_paren_wanted P_expr) M_unknown_scalar M_string $2.any $1 $2 $3} | term AND_TIGHT term {sp_p $2; sp_same $2 $3; mcontext_check M_bool $1; let pri = P_tight_and in to_Call_op_ (mcontext_to_scalar $3.mcontext) pri "&&" [prio_lo pri $1; prio_lo_after pri $3] $1 $3} | term OR_TIGHT term {sp_p $2; sp_same $2 $3; mcontext_check M_bool $1; let pri = P_tight_or in to_Call_op_ (mcontext_to_scalar (mcontext_merge $1.mcontext $3.mcontext)) pri "||" [prio_lo pri $1; prio_lo_after pri $3] $1 $3} | term MULT term {sp_same $2 $3; let pri = P_mul in to_Call_op_ (mcontext_float_or_int [$1.mcontext; $3.mcontext]) pri $2.any [prio_lo_concat $1; prio_lo_after pri $3] $1 $3} | term MULT_L_STR term {sp_same $2 $3; mcontext_check M_int $3; let pri = P_mul in to_Call_op_ (if mcontext_lower $1.mcontext M_string then M_string else M_list) pri "x" [prio_lo_concat $1; prio_lo_after pri $3] $1 $3} | term ASSIGN term {sp_same $2 $3; let pri = P_assign in to_Call_assign_op_ (mcontext_op_assign $1 $3) pri $2.any ($1.any.expr) (prio_lo_after pri $3) $1 $3} | term ASSIGN BRACKET expr_bracket_end {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); to_Call_assign_op_ (M_mixed [M_ref M_hash; M_none]) P_assign $2.any (prio_lo P_assign $1) $4.any $1 $4} | term AND_TIGHT BRACKET expr_bracket_end {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); to_Call_op_ M_bool P_tight_and "&&" [prio_lo P_assign $1; $4.any] $1 $4} | term OR_TIGHT BRACKET expr_bracket_end {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); to_Call_op_ M_bool P_tight_or "||" [prio_lo P_assign $1; $4.any] $1 $4} | term PATTERN_MATCH PATTERN {sp_n($2); sp_p($3); check_unneeded_var_dollar_ ($1); mcontext_check M_string $1; to_Call_op_ M_array P_expr "m//" ($1.any.expr :: from_PATTERN $3) $1 $3} | term PATTERN_MATCH_NOT PATTERN {sp_n($2); sp_p($3); check_unneeded_var_dollar_not($1); mcontext_check M_string $1; to_Call_op_ M_int P_expr "!m//" ($1.any.expr :: from_PATTERN $3) $1 $3} | term PATTERN_MATCH PATTERN_SUBST {sp_n($2); sp_p($3); check_unneeded_var_dollar_s ($1); to_Call_op_ (M_mixed[M_none; M_int]) P_expr "s///" ($1.any.expr :: from_PATTERN_SUBST $3) $1 $3} | term PATTERN_MATCH_NOT PATTERN_SUBST {die_with_rawpos $2.pos "use =~ instead of !~ and negate the return value"} | term PATTERN_MATCH QR_PATTERN {warn [Warn_traps] $3.pos "use m/.../ or /.../ instead of qr/.../ when you do a pattern matching"; to_Call_op_ M_array P_expr "m//" ($1.any.expr :: from_PATTERN $3) $1 $3} | term PATTERN_MATCH_NOT QR_PATTERN {warn [Warn_traps] $3.pos "use m/.../ or /.../ instead of qr/.../ when you do a pattern matching"; to_Call_op_ M_int P_expr "!m//" ($1.any.expr :: from_PATTERN $3) $1 $3} | term PATTERN_MATCH scalar { new_pesp M_array P_expr (Call(Too_complex, [$1.any.expr ; $3.any ])) $1 $3} | term PATTERN_MATCH_NOT scalar { new_pesp M_int P_expr (Call(Too_complex, [$1.any.expr ; $3.any ])) $1 $3} | term PATTERN_MATCH RAW_STRING {warn [Warn_complex_expressions] $3.pos "use a regexp, not a string"; to_Call_op_ M_array P_expr "m//" [ $1.any.expr; to_Raw_string $3 ] $1 $3} | term PATTERN_MATCH_NOT RAW_STRING {warn [Warn_complex_expressions] $3.pos "use a regexp, not a string"; to_Call_op_ M_int P_expr "!m//" [ $1.any.expr; to_Raw_string $3 ] $1 $3} | term PATTERN_MATCH STRING {warn [Warn_complex_expressions] $3.pos "use a regexp, not a string"; to_Call_op_ M_array P_expr "m//" [ $1.any.expr; to_String false $3 ] $1 $3} | term PATTERN_MATCH_NOT STRING {warn [Warn_complex_expressions] $3.pos "use a regexp, not a string"; to_Call_op_ M_int P_expr "!m//" [ $1.any.expr; to_String false $3 ] $1 $3} | term QUESTION_MARK term COLON term {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); sp_p($5); mcontext_check M_bool $1; to_Call_op_ (mcontext_merge $3.mcontext $5.mcontext) P_ternary "?:" (check_ternary_paras(prio_lo P_ternary $1, prio_lo_after P_ternary $3, prio_lo_after P_ternary $5)) $1 $5} | term QUESTION_MARK term COLON BRACKET expr BRACKET_END {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); sp_p($5); sp_p($6); sp_p($7); mcontext_check M_bool $1; to_Call_op_ (mcontext_merge $3.mcontext (M_ref M_hash)) P_ternary "?:" (check_ternary_paras(prio_lo P_ternary $1, prio_lo_after P_ternary $3, hash_ref $6)) $1 $7} | term QUESTION_MARK BRACKET expr BRACKET_END COLON term {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); sp_p($5); sp_p($6); sp_p($7); mcontext_check M_bool $1; to_Call_op_ (mcontext_merge $7.mcontext (M_ref M_hash)) P_ternary "?:" (check_ternary_paras(prio_lo P_ternary $1, hash_ref $4, prio_lo_after P_ternary $7)) $1 $7} | term QUESTION_MARK BRACKET expr BRACKET_END COLON BRACKET expr BRACKET_END {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); sp_p($5); sp_p($6); sp_p($7); sp_p($8); sp_p($9); mcontext_check M_bool $1; to_Call_op_ (M_ref M_hash) P_ternary "?:" (check_ternary_paras(prio_lo P_ternary $1, hash_ref $4, hash_ref $8)) $1 $9} /* Unary operators and terms */ | PLUS term %prec UNARY_MINUS { sp_0($2); match $1.any with | "+" -> warn_rule [Warn_normalized_expressions] "don't use unary +" ; to_Call_op_ (mcontext_float_or_int [$2.mcontext]) P_tight "+ unary" [$2.any.expr] $1 $2 | "-" -> (match $2.any.expr with | Ident(_, _, pos) when $2.spaces = Space_0 -> let s = "-" ^ string_of_fromparser $2.any.expr in warn_rule [Warn_complex_expressions] (Printf.sprintf "don't use %s, use '%s' instead" s s); new_pesp M_string P_tok (Raw_string(s, pos)) $1 $2 | _ -> to_Call_op_ (mcontext_float_or_int [$2.mcontext]) P_tight "- unary" [$2.any.expr] $1 $2) | _ -> die_rule "syntax error" } | TIGHT_NOT term {check_negatable_expr $2; mcontext_check M_bool $2; to_Call_op_ M_bool P_tight "not" [$2.any.expr] $1 $2} | BIT_NEG term { mcontext_check M_int $2; to_Call_op_ M_int P_expr "~" [$2.any.expr] $1 $2} | INCR term {sp_0($2); mcontext_check M_int $2; to_Call_op_ (M_mixed [M_int ; M_none]) P_tight "++" [$2.any.expr] $1 $2} | DECR term {sp_0($2); mcontext_check M_int $2; to_Call_op_ (M_mixed [M_int ; M_none]) P_tight "--" [$2.any.expr] $1 $2} | term INCR {sp_0($2); mcontext_check M_int $1; to_Call_op_ (M_mixed [M_int ; M_none]) P_tight "++ post" [$1.any.expr] $1 $2} | term DECR {sp_0($2); mcontext_check M_int $1; to_Call_op_ (M_mixed [M_int ; M_none]) P_tight "-- post" [$1.any.expr] $1 $2} | NOT argexpr {warn_rule [Warn_normalized_expressions] "don't use \"not\", use \"!\" instead"; mcontext_check_unop_l M_bool $2; to_Call_op_ M_bool P_and "not" ($2.any.expr) $1 $2} /* Constructors for anonymous data */ | ARRAYREF ARRAYREF_END {sp_0($2); new_pesp (M_ref M_array) P_expr (Ref(I_array, List[])) $1 $2} | arrayref_start ARRAYREF_END {(if $1.any = [] then sp_0 else sp_p)($2) ; new_pesp (M_ref M_array) P_expr (Ref(I_array, List $1.any)) $1 $2} | arrayref_start expr ARRAYREF_END {sp_same $2 $3; new_pesp (M_ref M_array) P_expr (Ref(I_array, List($1.any @ [$2.any.expr]))) $1 $3} | arrayref_start BRACKET expr BRACKET_END ARRAYREF_END {sp_same $2 $5; new_pesp (M_ref M_array) P_expr (Ref(I_array, List($1.any @ [hash_ref $3]))) $1 $5} | BRACKET BRACKET_END {new_pesp (M_ref M_hash) P_expr (Ref(I_hash, List [])) $1 $2} /* empty hash */ | BRACKET_HASHREF expr BRACKET_END %prec PREC_HIGH {sp_p($3); new_pesp (M_ref M_hash) P_expr (hash_ref $2) $1 $3} /* { foo => "Bar" } */ | SUB BRACKET BRACKET_END %prec PREC_HIGH {sp_n($2); sp_0($3); new_pesp (M_ref M_sub) P_expr (Anonymous_sub(None, Block [], pos_range $2 $3)) $1 $3} | SUB_WITH_PROTO BRACKET BRACKET_END %prec PREC_HIGH {sp_n($2); sp_0($3); new_pesp (M_ref M_sub) P_expr (Anonymous_sub(Some $1.any, Block [], pos_range $2 $3)) $1 $3} | SUB BRACKET lines BRACKET_END %prec PREC_HIGH {sp_n($2); new_pesp (M_ref M_sub) P_expr (anonymous_sub None $3 $4) $1 $4} | SUB_WITH_PROTO BRACKET lines BRACKET_END %prec PREC_HIGH {sp_n($2); new_pesp (M_ref M_sub) P_expr (anonymous_sub (Some $1.any) $3 $4) $1 $4} | termdo {new_1pesp P_tok $1.any $1} | REF term {new_pesp (M_ref $2.mcontext) P_expr (Ref(I_scalar, remove_call_with_same_para_special $2.any.expr)) $1 $2} /* \$x, \@y, \%z */ | my_our %prec UNIOP {new_1pesp P_expr $1.any $1} | LOCAL term %prec UNIOP {sp_n($2); new_pesp (M_mixed [ $2.mcontext ; M_none ]) P_expr (to_Local $2) $1 $2} | parenthesized {new_1pesp $1.any.priority (List $1.any.expr) $1} /* (1, 2) */ | parenthesized arrayref {sp_0($2); let is_slice = not (is_only_one_in_List $2.any) in new_pesp (if is_slice then M_list else M_unknown_scalar) P_tok (to_Deref_with(I_array, (if is_slice then I_array else I_scalar), List $1.any.expr, List $2.any)) $1 $2} /* list indexing or slicing */ | variable { let e = match $1.any with | Deref(I_func, Ident _) -> call_with_same_para_special $1.any (* not the same as f(@_) *) | e -> e in new_1pesp P_tok e $1 } | subscripted {new_1pesp P_tok $1.any $1} | array arrayref {new_pesp M_list P_expr (to_Deref_with(I_array, I_array, from_array $1, List $2.any)) $1 $2} /* array slice: @array[vals] */ | array BRACKET expr BRACKET_END {sp_0($2); sp_0($3); sp_0($4); new_pesp M_list P_expr (to_Deref_with(I_hash, I_array, from_array $1, $3.any.expr)) $1 $4} /* hash slice: @hash{@keys} */ /* function_calls */ | ONE_SCALAR_PARA RAW_STRING {call_one_scalar_para $1 [to_Raw_string $2] $1 $2} | ONE_SCALAR_PARA STRING {call_one_scalar_para $1 [to_String true $2] $1 $2} | ONE_SCALAR_PARA variable {call_one_scalar_para $1 [$2.any] $1 $2} | ONE_SCALAR_PARA restricted_subscripted {call_one_scalar_para $1 [$2.any] $1 $2} | ONE_SCALAR_PARA parenthesized {call_one_scalar_para $1 $2.any.expr $1 $2} | ONE_SCALAR_PARA BRACKET lines BRACKET_END {sp_n($2); new_pesp M_unknown P_tok (call(Deref(I_func, Ident(None, $1.any, raw_pos2pos $1.pos)), [anonymous_sub None $3 $4])) $1 $4} /* eval { foo } */ | ONE_SCALAR_PARA diamond {call_one_scalar_para $1 [$2.any] $1 $2} | ONE_SCALAR_PARA {call_one_scalar_para $1 [] $1 $1} | ONE_SCALAR_PARA word argexpr {check_parenthesized_first_argexpr_with_Ident $2.any $3; call_one_scalar_para $1 [call(Deref(I_func, $2.any), $3.any.expr)] $1 $3} /* ref foo $a, $b */ | ONE_SCALAR_PARA hash PKG_SCOPE {sp_0($3); call_one_scalar_para $1 [ Call(Too_complex, [$2.any]) ] $1 $3} /* keys %main:: */ | ONE_SCALAR_PARA BAREWORD {if $2.any = "_" && $1.any.[0] = '-' then new_pesp M_bool P_mul Too_complex $1 $2 else die_rule "syntax error"} /* -e "foo" && -f _ */ | func parenthesized {sp_0($2); call_func $1 $2} /* &foo(@args) */ | word argexpr {check_parenthesized_first_argexpr_with_Ident $1.any $2; call_no_paren $1 $2} /* foo $a, $b */ | word BRACKET lines BRACKET_END MULT { die_with_rawpos $5.pos "I can't handle this correctly, please add parentheses" } | word BRACKET lines BRACKET_END COMMA argexpr %prec LSTOP {sp_n($2); new_pesp M_unknown P_call_no_paren (call(Deref(I_func, $1.any), Ref(I_hash, List (fst $3.any)) :: $6.any.expr)) $1 $6} /* bless { foo }, $bar */ | word_paren parenthesized {sp_0($2); call_with_paren $1 $2} /* foo(@args) */ | word BRACKET lines BRACKET_END listexpr %prec LSTOP {sp_n($2); call_and_context(Deref(I_func, $1.any), anonymous_sub None $3 $4 :: $5.any.expr) false (if $5.any.expr = [] then P_tok else P_call_no_paren) $1 $5} /* map { foo } @bar */ | word BRACKET BRACKET expr BRACKET_END BRACKET_END listexpr %prec LSTOP {sp_n($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); sp_p($5); sp_p($6); new_pesp M_unknown (if $7.any.expr = [] then P_tok else P_call_no_paren) (call(Deref(I_func, $1.any), anonymous_sub None (new_esp (M_ref M_hash) ([ hash_ref $4 ], false) $3 $5) $6 :: $7.any.expr)) $1 $7} /* map { { foo } } @bar */ | word BRACKET BRACKET expr BRACKET_END semi_colon BRACKET_END listexpr %prec LSTOP {sp_n($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); sp_p($5); sp_p($7); new_pesp M_unknown (if $8.any.expr = [] then P_tok else P_call_no_paren) (call(Deref(I_func, $1.any), anonymous_sub None (new_esp (M_ref M_hash) ([ hash_ref $4; Semi_colon ], true) $3 $6) $7 :: $8.any.expr)) $1 $8} /* map { { foo }; } @bar */ | term ARROW word_or_scalar parenthesized {sp_0($2); sp_0($3); sp_0($4); if $4.any.expr = [] then warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] $4.pos "remove these unneeded parentheses"; new_pesp M_unknown P_tok (to_Method_call($1.any.expr, $3.any, $4.any.expr)) $1 $4} /* $foo->bar(list) */ | term ARROW word_or_scalar {sp_0($2); sp_0($3); new_pesp M_unknown P_tok (to_Method_call($1.any.expr, $3.any, [])) $1 $3} /* $foo->bar */ | NEW word { sp_n($2); new_pesp (M_ref M_unknown) P_expr (to_Method_call ($2.any, Ident(None, "new", get_pos $1), [])) $1 $2} /* new Class */ | NEW word_paren parenthesized { sp_n($2); sp_0($3); new_pesp (M_ref M_unknown) P_expr (to_Method_call($2.any, Ident(None, "new", get_pos $1), $3.any.expr)) $1 $3} /* new Class(...) */ | NEW word terminal { die_rule "you must parenthesize parameters: \"new Class(...)\" instead of \"new Class ...\"" } | NEW word variable { die_rule "you must parenthesize parameters: \"new Class(...)\" instead of \"new Class ...\"" } | PRINT { to_Call_op_ (M_mixed [M_int; M_none]) P_call_no_paren $1.any (var_STDOUT :: [ var_dollar_ (get_pos $1) ]) $1 $1} | PRINT argexpr {check_parenthesized_first_argexpr $1.any $2; to_Call_op_ (M_mixed [M_int; M_none]) P_call_no_paren $1.any (var_STDOUT :: $2.any.expr) $1 $2} | PRINT_TO_SCALAR { to_Call_op_ (M_mixed [M_int; M_none]) P_call_no_paren (fst $1.any) (var_STDOUT :: [ Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, snd $1.any, get_pos $1)) ]) $1 $1} | PRINT_TO_SCALAR argexpr { to_Call_op_ (M_mixed [M_int; M_none]) P_call_no_paren (fst $1.any) (Deref(I_scalar, Ident(None, snd $1.any, get_pos $1)) :: $2.any.expr) $1 $2} | PRINT_TO_STAR { to_Call_op_ (M_mixed [M_int; M_none]) P_call_no_paren (fst $1.any) (Deref(I_star, Ident(None, snd $1.any, get_pos $1)) :: [ var_dollar_ (get_pos $1) ]) $1 $1} | PRINT_TO_STAR argexpr { to_Call_op_ (M_mixed [M_int; M_none]) P_call_no_paren (fst $1.any) (Deref(I_star, Ident(None, snd $1.any, get_pos $1)) :: $2.any.expr) $1 $2} | hash PKG_SCOPE {sp_0($2); new_pesp M_hash P_tok (Call(Too_complex, [$1.any])) $1 $2} /* %main:: */ | terminal {$1} expr_bracket_end: | expr BRACKET_END { sp_p($2); new_esp (M_ref M_hash) (hash_ref $1) $1 $2 } | expr BRACKET_END ARROW bracket_subscript {sp_p($2); sp_0($3); new_esp M_unknown_scalar (to_Deref_with(I_hash, I_scalar, hash_ref $1, $4.any)) $1 $4} /* { foo }->{Bar} */ terminal: | word {word_alone $1} | NUM {new_1pesp P_tok (Num($1.any, get_pos $1)) $1} | STRING {new_1pesp P_tok (to_String true $1) $1} | RAW_STRING {new_1pesp P_tok (to_Raw_string $1) $1} | REVISION {new_1pesp P_tok (to_Raw_string $1) $1} | COMMAND_STRING {to_Call_op_ (M_mixed[M_string; M_list]) P_tok "``" [to_String false $1] $1 $1} | QUOTEWORDS {let l = List.map (fun s -> Raw_string(s, raw_pos2pos $1.pos)) (words $1.any) in new_pesp (M_tuple (repeat M_string (List.length l))) P_tok (List [ List l ]) $1 $1} | HERE_DOC {new_1pesp P_tok (to_String false (new_1esp (fst $1.any) $1)) $1 } | RAW_HERE_DOC {new_1pesp P_tok (Raw_string(fst $1.any, raw_pos2pos (snd $1.any))) $1} | QR_PATTERN {to_Call_op_ M_string P_tok "qr//" (from_PATTERN $1) $1 $1} | PATTERN {to_Call_op_ M_array P_expr "m//" (var_dollar_ (get_pos $1) :: from_PATTERN $1) $1 $1} | PATTERN_SUBST {to_Call_op_ (M_mixed[M_none; M_int]) P_expr "s///" (var_dollar_ (get_pos $1) :: from_PATTERN_SUBST $1) $1 $1} | diamond {new_1pesp P_expr $1.any $1} diamond: | LT GT {sp_0($2); to_Call_op (M_mixed[M_string; M_list]) "<>" [] $1 $2} | LT term GT {sp_0($2); sp_0($3); to_Call_op (M_mixed[M_string; M_list]) "<>" [$2.any.expr] $1 $3} subscripted: /* Some kind of subscripted expression */ | variable PKG_SCOPE bracket_subscript {sp_0($2); sp_0($3); new_esp M_unknown (Call(Too_complex, [$3.any])) $1 $3} /* $foo::{something} */ | scalar bracket_subscript {sp_0($2); check_scalar_subscripted $1; new_esp M_unknown_scalar (to_Deref_with(I_hash , I_scalar, from_scalar $1, $2.any )) $1 $2} /* $foo{bar} */ | scalar arrayref {sp_0($2); check_scalar_subscripted $1; new_esp M_unknown_scalar (to_Deref_with(I_array, I_scalar, from_scalar $1, only_one_array_ref $2)) $1 $2} /* $array[$element] */ | term ARROW simple_subscript {sp_0($2); sp_0($3); new_esp $3.mcontext (to_Deref_with_arrow $2 (fst $3.any, I_scalar, $1.any.expr, snd $3.any)) $1 $3} | subscripted simple_subscript {sp_0($2); new_esp $2.mcontext (to_Deref_with(fst $2.any, I_scalar, $1.any, snd $2.any)) $1 $2} restricted_subscripted: /* Some kind of subscripted expression */ | variable PKG_SCOPE bracket_subscript {sp_0($2); sp_0($3); new_esp M_unknown (Call(Too_complex, [$3.any])) $1 $3} /* $foo::{something} */ | word_paren parenthesized {new_esp M_unknown (call(Deref(I_func, $1.any), $2.any.expr)) $1 $2} | scalar bracket_subscript {sp_0($2); check_scalar_subscripted $1; new_esp M_unknown_scalar (to_Deref_with(I_hash , I_scalar, from_scalar $1, $2.any )) $1 $2} /* $foo{bar} */ | scalar arrayref {sp_0($2); check_scalar_subscripted $1; new_esp M_unknown_scalar (to_Deref_with(I_array, I_scalar, from_scalar $1, only_one_array_ref $2)) $1 $2} /* $array[$element] */ | restricted_subscripted ARROW simple_subscript {sp_0($2); sp_0($3); new_esp $3.mcontext (to_Deref_with_arrow $2 (fst $3.any, I_scalar, $1.any, snd $3.any)) $1 $3} /* somehref->{bar} */ | restricted_subscripted simple_subscript {sp_0($2); new_esp $2.mcontext (to_Deref_with(fst $2.any, I_scalar, $1.any, snd $2.any)) $1 $2} | restricted_subscripted ARROW word_or_scalar parenthesized {sp_0($2); sp_0($3); sp_0($4); if $4.any.expr = [] then warn [Warn_suggest_simpler] $4.pos "remove these unneeded parentheses"; new_esp M_unknown (to_Method_call($1.any, $3.any, $4.any.expr)) $1 $4} /* $foo->bar(list) */ | restricted_subscripted ARROW word_or_scalar {sp_0($2); sp_0($3); new_esp M_unknown (to_Method_call($1.any, $3.any, [])) $1 $3} /* $foo->bar */ simple_subscript: | bracket_subscript {new_esp M_unknown_scalar (I_hash, $1.any) $1 $1} | arrayref {new_esp M_unknown_scalar (I_array, only_one_array_ref $1) $1 $1} | parenthesized {new_esp M_unknown (I_func , List($1.any.expr)) $1 $1} arrayref: | arrayref_start ARRAYREF_END {sp_0($2); new_esp (M_ref M_array) $1.any $1 $2} | arrayref_start expr ARRAYREF_END {sp_0($3); new_esp (M_ref M_array) ($1.any @ [$2.any.expr]) $1 $3} | arrayref_start BRACKET expr BRACKET_END ARRAYREF_END {sp_p($2); sp_p($4); sp_0($5); new_esp (M_ref M_hash) ($1.any @ [hash_ref $3]) $1 $5} parenthesized: | parenthesized_start PAREN_END {sp_0_or_cr($2); new_pesp (if $1.any = [] then M_list else $1.mcontext) (if $1.any = [] then P_tok else P_paren P_comma) $1.any $1 $2} | parenthesized_start expr PAREN_END {sp_0_or_cr($3); (if $1.any = [] then sp_0_or_cr else sp_p)($2); new_pesp (if $1.any = [] then $2.mcontext else M_list) (P_paren (if $1.any = [] then $2.any.priority else P_comma)) ($1.any @ [(if $1.any = [] then prio_lo P_loose else prio_lo_after P_comma) $2]) $1 $3} | parenthesized_start BRACKET expr BRACKET_END PAREN_END {sp_p($4); sp_0_or_cr($5); new_pesp (if $1.any = [] then M_ref M_hash else M_list) (P_paren (if $1.any = [] then P_expr else P_comma)) ($1.any @ [hash_ref $3]) $1 $5} arrayref_start: | ARRAYREF {new_1esp [] $1 } | arrayref_start BRACKET expr BRACKET_END comma {sp_p($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); new_esp M_special ($1.any @ [hash_ref $3]) $1 $5} parenthesized_start: | PAREN {new_1esp [] $1 } | parenthesized_start BRACKET expr BRACKET_END comma {(if $1.any = [] then sp_0_or_cr else sp_p)($2); sp_p($3); sp_p($4); new_esp (M_ref M_hash) ($1.any @ [hash_ref $3]) $1 $5} my_our: /* Things that can be "my"'d */ | my_our_paren PAREN_END {sp_0($2); new_esp (M_mixed [ $1.mcontext ; M_none ]) (My_our(sndfst $1.any, snd $1.any, get_pos $1)) $1 $2} | my_our_paren SCALAR_IDENT PAREN_END {check_my_our_paren $1 $2; new_esp (M_mixed [ mtuple_context_concat $1.mcontext M_unknown_scalar; M_none ]) (My_our(sndfst $1.any, snd $1.any @ [I_scalar, snd $2.any], pos_range $1 $3)) $1 $3} | my_our_paren HASH_IDENT PAREN_END {check_my_our_paren $1 $2; new_esp (M_mixed [ M_list ; M_none ]) (My_our(sndfst $1.any, snd $1.any @ [I_hash, snd $2.any], pos_range $1 $3)) $1 $3} | my_our_paren ARRAY_IDENT PAREN_END {check_my_our_paren $1 $2; new_esp (M_mixed [ M_list ; M_none ]) (My_our(sndfst $1.any, snd $1.any @ [I_array, snd $2.any], pos_range $1 $3)) $1 $3} | MY_OUR SCALAR_IDENT {new_esp (M_mixed [M_unknown_scalar; M_none]) (My_our($1.any, [I_scalar, snd $2.any], get_pos $2)) $1 $2} | MY_OUR HASH_IDENT {new_esp (M_mixed [M_hash ; M_none]) (My_our($1.any, [I_hash, snd $2.any], get_pos $2)) $1 $2} | MY_OUR ARRAY_IDENT {new_esp (M_mixed [M_array ; M_none]) (My_our($1.any, [I_array, snd $2.any], get_pos $2)) $1 $2} my_our_paren: | MY_OUR PAREN {sp_1($2); new_esp (M_tuple []) ((true, $1.any), []) $1 $2} | my_our_paren comma {if fstfst $1.any then die_rule "syntax error"; new_esp $1.mcontext ((true, sndfst $1.any), snd $1.any) $1 $2} | my_our_paren BAREWORD {check_my_our_paren $1 $2; if $2.any <> "undef" then die_rule "scalar expected"; new_esp (mtuple_context_concat $1.mcontext M_none) ((false, sndfst $1.any), snd $1.any @ [I_raw, $2.any]) $1 $2} | my_our_paren SCALAR_IDENT {check_my_our_paren $1 $2; new_esp (mtuple_context_concat $1.mcontext M_unknown_scalar) ((false, sndfst $1.any), snd $1.any @ [I_scalar, snd $2.any]) $1 $2} | my_our_paren HASH_IDENT {check_my_our_paren $1 $2; new_esp M_list ((false, sndfst $1.any), snd $1.any @ [I_hash, snd $2.any]) $1 $2} | my_our_paren ARRAY_IDENT {check_my_our_paren $1 $2; new_esp M_list ((false, sndfst $1.any), snd $1.any @ [I_array, snd $2.any]) $1 $2} termdo: /* Things called with "do" */ | DO term %prec UNIOP { die_rule "\"do EXPR\" not allowed" } /* do $filename */ | DO BRACKET lines BRACKET_END %prec PREC_HIGH {sp_n($2); new_esp $3.mcontext (lines_to_Block $3 $4) $1 $4} /* do { code */ bracket_subscript: | BRACKET expr BRACKET_END {sp_0($1); sp_same $2 $3; check_hash_subscript $2; new_esp M_special (only_one_in_List $2) $1 $3} | COMPACT_HASH_SUBSCRIPT {sp_0($1); new_1esp (to_Raw_string $1) $1 } variable: | scalar %prec PREC_HIGH {$1} | star %prec PREC_HIGH {$1} | hash %prec PREC_HIGH {$1} | array %prec PREC_HIGH {$1} | arraylen %prec PREC_HIGH {$1} /* $#x, $#{ something } */ | func %prec PREC_HIGH {$1} /* &foo; */ word: | bareword { $1 } | RAW_IDENT { new_1esp (to_Ident $1) $1 } comma: COMMA {new_esp M_special true $1 $1} | RIGHT_ARROW {sp_p($1); new_1esp false $1 } semi_colon: SEMI_COLON {sp_0($1); $1} word_or_scalar: | word {$1} | scalar {$1} | word_paren {$1} | MULT_L_STR { new_1esp (Ident(None, "x", get_pos $1)) $1 } | FOR { new_1esp (Ident(None, $1.any, get_pos $1)) $1 } bareword: | NEW { new_1esp (Ident(None, "new", get_pos $1)) $1 } | BAREWORD { new_1esp (Ident(None, $1.any, get_pos $1)) $1 } word_paren: | BAREWORD_PAREN { new_1esp (Ident(None, $1.any, get_pos $1)) $1 } | RAW_IDENT_PAREN { new_1esp (to_Ident $1) $1 } | PO_COMMENT word_paren { po_comment($1); new_esp M_special $2.any $1 $2 } arraylen: ARRAYLEN_IDENT {new_esp M_int (deref_arraylen (to_Ident $1)) $1 $1} | ARRAYLEN scalar {sp_0($2); new_esp M_int (deref_arraylen $2.any ) $1 $1 } | ARRAYLEN bracket_subscript {new_esp M_int (deref_arraylen $2.any) $1 $2} scalar: SCALAR_IDENT {new_esp M_unknown_scalar (Deref(I_scalar, to_Ident $1)) $1 $1} | DOLLAR scalar {sp_0($2); new_esp M_unknown_scalar (Deref(I_scalar, $2.any)) $1 $1 } | DOLLAR bracket_subscript {new_esp M_unknown_scalar (deref_raw I_scalar $2.any) $1 $2} | DOLLAR BRACKET BRACKET expr BRACKET_END BRACKET_END {sp_0($2); sp_0($3); sp_p($5); sp_0($6); new_esp M_unknown_scalar (Deref(I_scalar, hash_ref $4)) $1 $6} func: FUNC_IDENT {new_esp M_unknown (Deref(I_func , to_Ident $1)) $1 $1} | AMPERSAND scalar {sp_0($2); new_esp M_unknown (Deref(I_func , $2.any)) $1 $1 } | AMPERSAND bracket_subscript {new_esp M_unknown (deref_raw I_func $2.any) $1 $2} array: ARRAY_IDENT {new_esp M_array (Deref(I_array , to_Ident $1)) $1 $1} | AT scalar {sp_0($2); new_esp M_array (Deref(I_array , $2.any)) $1 $1 } | AT bracket_subscript {new_esp M_array (deref_raw I_array $2.any) $1 $2} hash: HASH_IDENT {new_esp M_hash (Deref(I_hash , to_Ident $1)) $1 $1} | PERCENT scalar {sp_0($2); new_esp M_hash (Deref(I_hash , $2.any)) $1 $1 } | PERCENT bracket_subscript {new_esp M_hash (deref_raw I_hash $2.any) $1 $2} star: STAR_IDENT {new_esp M_unknown (Deref(I_star , to_Ident $1)) $1 $1} | STAR scalar {sp_0($2); new_esp M_unknown (Deref(I_star , $2.any)) $1 $1 } | STAR bracket_subscript {new_esp M_unknown (deref_raw I_star $2.any) $1 $2} expr_or_empty: {default_esp (Block [])} | expr {new_1esp $1.any.expr $1 } %% prog_ref := Some prog ;;