#!/usr/bin/python import gobject import gtk import pango import gc import os from stat import * import datetime import getopt import sys import traceback from threading import Thread from Queue import Queue import time import textwrap # localization import gettext try: gettext.install("msec") except IOError: _ = str ifaces = {} HISTOGRAM_SIZE=50 def readnet(): """Reads values from /proc/net/dev""" net = {} data = open("/proc/net/dev").readlines()[2:] for l in data: dev, vals = l.split(":") dev = dev.strip() vals = vals.split() net[dev] = vals return net def get_traffic(iface): net = readnet() if iface in net: bytes_in = int(net[iface][0]) bytes_out = int(net[iface][8]) else: bytes_in = 0 bytes_out = 0 return bytes_in, bytes_out def format_size(size): """Pretty-Formats size""" return size # borrowed from gnome-network-monitor 0.9.1 (gnetworkmonitor.sourceforge.net) class LoadGraph: """ This class is able do display a nicely formatted graph if interface bandwidth load. """ # we don't want to allow the window to shrink below this height min_height = 70 padding = { "left" : 50, "right" : 10, "top" : 10, "bottom" : 10 } colors = ( "bg", "bg_outer", "in", "out" ) def __init__(self, widget, hist, size): """ widget => GtkDrawingArea we paint into hist => a list of integers containing the hist of incoming traffic width, height => initial size of the GtkDrawingArea widget """ # set the minimum height of the widget widget.set_size_request(-1, 70) # the object holding the history and its size self.__hist = hist self.__size = size # strings holding 0, middle and max values for displayed graph self.__str_min = "0" self.__str_mid = "" # gets computed later self.__str_max = "" # gets computer later # size of the GtkDrawingArea self.__rect = self.__inner = gtk.gdk.Rectangle() self.maxval = 0 # maximum value in the history self.__mesh_x = self.__mesh_y = 0 # distance in pixels between items self.__get_max() self.__on_size(widget.get_allocation()) # save reference to the widget we paint into self.__widget = widget # lists holding bandwidth history mapped to actual coordinates self.__in = list() self.__out = list() self.__colors = dict() self.set_color(bg=(0, 0, 0), fg_in=(255, 0, 0), fg_out=(0, 255, 0)) self.__context = None def __set_context_color(self, con, col_tuple): """ Cleaner might be to extend the context class, but who cares? """ con.set_source_rgb(col_tuple[0], col_tuple[1], col_tuple[2]) def __draw(self): """ Strokes the rectangles and draws the curves """ if (self.__context == None): return # stroke the outer rectangle self.__context.rectangle(0, 0, self.__rect.width, self.__rect.height) self.__set_context_color(self.__context, self.__colors["bg"]) self.__context.fill_preserve() self.__context.stroke() # stroke the inner rectangle self.__context.rectangle(self.__inner.x, self.__inner.y, self.__inner.width, self.__inner.height) self.__set_context_color(self.__context, self.__colors["bg"]) self.__context.fill_preserve() self.__context.stroke() # stroke the quad around self.__context.move_to(self.__inner.x, self.__inner.y + self.__inner.height) self.__context.line_to(self.__inner.x, self.__inner.y) self.__context.line_to(self.__inner.x + self.__inner.width - self.__mesh_x, self.__inner.y) self.__context.line_to(self.__inner.x + self.__inner.width - self.__mesh_x, self.__inner.y + self.__inner.height) self.__set_context_color(self.__context, (255, 255, 255)) self.__context.stroke() # draw the actual bandwidth curves self.__draw_bw(self.__in, self.__colors["fg_in"]) self.__draw_bw(self.__out, self.__colors["fg_out"]) # draw minimum, middle and max numbers self.__draw_num(self.__inner.height + self.__inner.y, self.__str_min, (255, 255, 255)) self.__draw_num(self.__rect.height/2, self.__str_mid, (255, 255, 255)) self.__draw_num(self.__inner.y, self.__str_max, (255, 255, 255)) def __draw_num(self, ypos, num, color): """ The leftmost column is used to draw info about maximum, minimum and average bw """ self.__context.move_to(5, ypos) self.__context.show_text(num) self.__set_context_color(self.__context, color) self.__context.stroke() def __draw_bw(self, bw_list, color): """ Draws a curve from points stored in bw_list in color """ self.__context.move_to(self.__inner.x, self.__inner.y + self.__inner.height) self.__set_context_color(self.__context, color) x = self.__inner.x + self.__mesh_x for i in bw_list[1:]: self.__context.line_to(x, i) x += self.__mesh_x self.__context.stroke() def __convert_one_hist(self, hist): """ Maps values from one history object to real coordinates of the drawing area """ converted = list() if self.__mesh_y == 0: return [self.__inner.height + self.__inner.y] * len(hist) for item in hist: if item <= 100: item = 0 # treshold to get rid of really small peaks converted.append((self.__inner.height - int(item / self.__mesh_y)) + self.__inner.y) return converted def __convert_points(self): """ The bandwidth history object has the bandwidth stored as bytes. This method converts the bytes into actual coordiantes of the rectangle displayed """ # compute the aspect ratio self.__mesh_x = float(self.__inner.width) / float(self.__size) self.__mesh_y = float(self.maxval) / float(self.__inner.height) self.__in = self.__convert_one_hist(self.__hist["in"]) self.__out = self.__convert_one_hist(self.__hist["out"]) def __get_max(self): """ Finds the maximum value in both incoming and outgoing queue """ if self.__hist["in"]: maxin = max(self.__hist["in"]) else: maxin = 0 if self.__hist["out"]: maxout = max(self.__hist["out"]) else: maxout = 0 self.maxval = max(maxin, maxout) def __text_size(self): """ Computes the size of the text and thus the left border """ val = self.maxval if val == 0 and self.maxval != 0: val = self.maxval self.__str_max = "%d %s" % (val, _("KB")) self.__str_mid = "%d %s" % (val/2, _("KB")) LoadGraph.padding["left"] = self.__context.text_extents(self.__str_max)[2] + 10 def __on_size(self, rect): """ rect => a rectangle holding the size of the widget """ self.__rect = rect self.__inner.x = LoadGraph.padding["left"] self.__inner.y = LoadGraph.padding["top"] self.__inner.width = rect.width - LoadGraph.padding["right"] - self.__inner.x self.__inner.height = rect.height - LoadGraph.padding["bottom"] - self.__inner.y self.__convert_points() def on_expose(self, widget, event): """ A signal handler that is called every time we need to redraw the widget """ self.__context = widget.window.cairo_create() self.__get_max() self.__text_size() self.__on_size(widget.get_allocation()) self.__draw() return False def set_history(self, hist): """ Called typically on change of interface displayed """ self.__hist = hist self.__convert_points() def update(self): """ Redraws the area """ alloc = self.__widget.get_allocation() self.__widget.queue_draw_area(0, 0, alloc.width, alloc.height) def change_colors(self, col_in = None, col_out = None): """ Sets the colors to draw the curves with """ if ( col_in ) : self.__colors["fg_in"] = col_in if ( col_out ) : self.__colors["fg_out"] = col_out def set_color(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Sets the colors of the graph """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.__colors[key] = value class Monitor: def __init__(self): self.window = gtk.Window() self.window.set_title(_("Network monitor")) self.window.set_default_size(640, 440) self.window.connect('delete-event', lambda *w: gtk.main_quit()) self.main_vbox = gtk.VBox() self.window.add(self.main_vbox) # notebook self.notebook = gtk.Notebook() self.main_vbox.pack_start(self.notebook) #self.notebook.connect('switch-page', self.show_net_status) self.ifaces = readnet() self.enabled_ifaces = [] for iface in self.ifaces: data_in, data_out = get_traffic(iface) self.ifaces[iface] = {'data_in': 0, 'data_out': 0, 'total_in': 0, 'total_out': 0, 'widget_in': None, 'widget_out': None, 'widget_speed_in': None, 'widget_speed_out': None, 'graph': None, 'histogram': [], } iface_stat = self.build_iface_stat(iface) self.notebook.append_page(iface_stat, gtk.Label(iface)) if self.check_network_accounting(iface): self.enabled_ifaces.append(iface) # configure timer gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.update) self.window.show_all() def update(self, interval=1): """Updates traffic counters (interval is in seconds)""" for iface in self.ifaces: old_data_in = self.ifaces[iface]['data_in'] old_data_out = self.ifaces[iface]['data_out'] total_in = self.ifaces[iface]['total_in'] total_out = self.ifaces[iface]['total_out'] data_in, data_out = get_traffic(iface) # is it the first measure? if old_data_in == 0 and old_data_out == 0: old_data_in = data_in old_data_out = data_out # check total download diff_in = data_in - old_data_in diff_out = data_out - old_data_out # checking for 32bits overflow if diff_in < 0: diff_in += 2**32 if diff_out < 0: diff_out += 2**32 total_in += diff_in total_out += diff_out # speed speed_in = diff_in / interval speed_out = diff_out / interval # update saved values self.ifaces[iface]['data_in'] = data_in self.ifaces[iface]['data_out'] = data_out self.ifaces[iface]['total_in'] = total_in self.ifaces[iface]['total_out'] = total_out # update widgets for widget, value in [('widget_in', total_in), ('widget_out', total_out), ('widget_speed_in', speed_in), ('widget_speed_out', speed_out)]: if widget in self.ifaces[iface]: self.ifaces[iface][widget].set_text(str(value)) else: print "%s not found in %s" % (widget, iface) # updating graph hist_in = self.ifaces[iface]['histogram']['in'] hist_in.append(speed_in) if len(hist_in) > HISTOGRAM_SIZE: del hist_in[0] hist_out = self.ifaces[iface]['histogram']['out'] hist_out.append(speed_out) if len(hist_out) > HISTOGRAM_SIZE: del hist_out[0] graph = self.ifaces[iface]['graph'] graph.update() gobject.timeout_add(interval * 1000, self.update) def check_network_accounting(self, iface): """Checks if network accounting was enabled on interface""" try: os.stat("/var/lib/vnstat/%s" % iface) return True except: return False def show_statistics_dialog(self, widget, iface): """Shows statistics dialog""" dialog = gtk.Dialog(_("Network statistics for %s") % iface, self.window, 0, (gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) ) # statistics vbox stats_vbox = dialog.vbox if self.check_network_accounting(iface): # graph graph_vnstat = gtk.Image() pixbuf = self.load_graph_from_vnstat(iface, type="summary") graph_vnstat.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) stats_vbox.pack_start(graph_vnstat) # buttons frame = gtk.Frame(_("Show interface statistics")) stats_vbox.add(frame) vbox = gtk.VBox() frame.add(vbox) # summary button = gtk.RadioButton(None, _("Summary")) button.connect('toggled', self.update_stat_iface, (iface, graph_vnstat, "summary")) vbox.pack_start(button, False, False) # summary button = gtk.RadioButton(button, _("Hourly traffic")) button.connect('toggled', self.update_stat_iface, (iface, graph_vnstat, "hourly")) vbox.pack_start(button, False, False) # summary button = gtk.RadioButton(button, _("Daily traffic")) button.connect('toggled', self.update_stat_iface, (iface, graph_vnstat, "daily")) vbox.pack_start(button, False, False) # summary button = gtk.RadioButton(button, _("Monthly traffic")) button.connect('toggled', self.update_stat_iface, (iface, graph_vnstat, "monthly")) vbox.pack_start(button, False, False) # summary button = gtk.RadioButton(button, _("Top 10 traffic days")) button.connect('toggled', self.update_stat_iface, (iface, graph_vnstat, "top")) vbox.pack_start(button, False, False) else: label = gtk.Label(_("Network accounting was not enabled on interface %s.\nPlease enable network accounting on the interface in order to view traffic statistics.")) stats_vbox.add(label) stats_vbox.show_all() ret = dialog.run() dialog.destroy() def build_iface_stat(self, iface): """Builds graphical view for interface""" traf_vbox = gtk.VBox() # graph draw = gtk.DrawingArea() traf_vbox.pack_start(draw) histogram = {"in": [], "out": []} graph = LoadGraph(draw, histogram, HISTOGRAM_SIZE) draw.connect('expose_event', graph.on_expose) self.ifaces[iface]['graph'] = graph self.ifaces[iface]['histogram'] = histogram frame = gtk.Frame(_("Interface statistics")) traf_vbox.pack_start(frame) vbox = gtk.VBox() frame.add(vbox) # configuring callbacks sizegroup = gtk.SizeGroup(gtk.SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL) # interface iface_h, iface_p = self.build_value_pair(sizegroup, _("Network interface:"), iface) vbox.pack_start(iface_h, False, False) iface_s, iface_status = self.build_value_pair(sizegroup, _("Device status:"), _("Up")) vbox.pack_start(iface_s, False, False) # traffic total_in_h, total_in = self.build_value_pair(sizegroup, _("Received data:")) self.ifaces[iface]["widget_in"] = total_in vbox.pack_start(total_in_h, False, False) total_out_h, total_out = self.build_value_pair(sizegroup, _("Sent data:")) self.ifaces[iface]["widget_out"] = total_out vbox.pack_start(total_out_h, False, False) speed_in_h, speed_in = self.build_value_pair(sizegroup, _("Download speed:")) self.ifaces[iface]["widget_speed_in"] = speed_in vbox.pack_start(speed_in_h, False, False) speed_out_h, speed_out = self.build_value_pair(sizegroup, _("Upload speed:")) self.ifaces[iface]["widget_speed_out"] = speed_out vbox.pack_start(speed_out_h, False, False) # statistics button if self.check_network_accounting(iface): button = gtk.Button(_("Show detailed network statistics")) button.connect('clicked', self.show_statistics_dialog, iface) traf_vbox.pack_start(button, False, False) else: label = gtk.Label("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(_("Network accounting is not enabled for this interface. Please enable it in Mandriva network center in order to view detailed traffic statistics")))) traf_vbox.pack_start(label, False, False) return traf_vbox def build_value_pair(self, sizegroup, text, value_text=None): """Builds a value pair""" hbox = gtk.HBox() name = gtk.Label(text) hbox.pack_start(name) value = gtk.Label(value_text) hbox.pack_start(value) sizegroup.add_widget(name) return hbox, value def update_stat_iface(self, widget, data): """Updates graphic statistics""" iface, graph, type = data pixbuf = self.load_graph_from_vnstat(iface, type) graph.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) def load_graph_from_vnstat(self, iface, type="hourly"): """Loads graph from vnstat. Right now uses vnstati to do all the dirty job""" # load image from data if type == "hourly": param="-h" elif type == "monthly": param="-m" elif type == "daily": param="-d" elif type == "top": param="-t" elif type == "summary": param="-s" else: # show summary if parameter is unknown print "Unknown parameter %s, showing summary.." % type param="-s" data = os.popen("vnstati %s -o - -i %s" % (param, iface)).read() loader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader() loader.write(data) loader.close() pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf() return pixbuf if __name__ == "__main__": monitor = Monitor() gtk.main()