#!/usr/bin/python3 -O """This is the configuration file for msec. The following variables are defined here: SECURITY_LEVELS: list of supported security levels SECURITYCONF: location of msec configuration file SECURITYLOG: log file for msec messages SETTINGS: all security settings, with correspondent options for each level, callback functions, and regexp of valid parameters. A helper function load_defaults parses the SETTINGS variable. The MsecConfig class processes the main msec configuration file. """ import gettext import sys import traceback import re import os import glob # security levels NONE_LEVEL="none" STANDARD_LEVEL="standard" SECURE_LEVEL="secure" SECURITY_LEVEL="%s/etc/security/msec/level.%s" # msec configuration file SECURITYCONF = '/etc/security/msec/security.conf' EXCEPTIONSCONF = '/etc/security/msec/exceptions' # permissions PERMCONF = '/etc/security/msec/perms.conf' PERMISSIONS_LEVEL = '%s/etc/security/msec/perm.%s' # for level # logging SECURITYLOG = '/var/log/msec.log' # localization try: gettext.install('msec') except IOError: _ = str # shared strings MODIFICATIONS_FOUND = _('Modified system files') MODIFICATIONS_NOT_FOUND = _('No changes in system files') # plugins MSEC_DIR="/usr/share/msec" MAIN_LIB="libmsec" PLUGINS_DIR="/usr/share/msec/plugins" # msec callbacks and valid values # OPTION callback valid values SETTINGS = { 'BASE_LEVEL': ("libmsec.base_level", ['*']), } # text for disabled options OPTION_DISABLED=_("Disabled") # options for periodic checks VALUES_PERIODIC=['manual', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'no'] # options for yes-no checks VALUES_YESNO=['yes', 'no'] # some checks require installation of additional packages if a specific option was activated REQUIRE_PACKAGES = { # the format is: 'OPTION_NAME': (['option values which requires package installation]', ['packages']) # for example, 'CHECK_CHKROOTKIT': (['yes'], ['chkrootkit']) } # settings organizes by category # system security settings - defined by 'msec' plugin SETTINGS_SYSTEM = [] # network security settings - defined by 'msec' plugin SETTINGS_NETWORK = [] # periodic checks - defined by 'audit' plugin SETTINGS_PERIODIC = [] # checks that support exceptions - defined by 'audit' plugin CHECKS_WITH_EXCEPTIONS = [] # system encoding SYS_ENC = sys.getfilesystemencoding() # localized help try: from help import HELP except: HELP = {} # helper function to find documentation for an option def find_doc(msec, option, cached=None): """Helper function to find documentation for an option.""" if option not in SETTINGS: # invalid option ? return None callback, values = SETTINGS[option] # is it already cached? if option in cached: return cached[option] if option in HELP: doc = HELP[option] else: # option not found in HELP, lets look in docstring # get description from function comments func = msec.get_action(callback) if func.__doc__: doc = func.__doc__.strip() else: # well, no luck. Just use the callback then doc = callback # updated cached values if cached: cached[option] = doc return doc def find_callback(param): '''Finds a callback for security option''' if param not in SETTINGS: return None else: callback, valid_params = SETTINGS[param] return callback def find_valid_params(param): '''Finds valid parameters for security option''' if param not in SETTINGS: return None else: callback, valid_params = SETTINGS[param] return valid_params # helper functions def list_available_levels(log, root=''): """Lists available msec levels""" path = SECURITY_LEVEL % (root, "*") levels = [] levels_glob = glob.glob(path) for z in levels_glob: # skip rpm junk if z.find(".rpmsave") >= 0 or z.find(".rpmnew") >= 0: continue levels_re = re.compile(".*/level.(.*)") levelname = levels_re.findall(z) if levelname: levels.append(levelname[0]) return levels def load_defaults(log, level, root=''): """Loads default configuration for given security level, returning a MsecConfig instance. """ config = MsecConfig(log, config=SECURITY_LEVEL % (root, level)) config.load() return config def load_default_perms(log, level, root=''): """Loads default permissions for given security level, returning a MsecConfig instance. """ config = PermConfig(log, config=PERMISSIONS_LEVEL % (root, level)) config.load() return config def merge_with_baselevel(log, config, base_level, load_func, root=''): """Merges a config with its base level""" # reloading levelconf for base level levelconf = load_func(log, base_level, root=root) config.merge(levelconf) def to_utf8(s): """ Returs string after decoding if needed """ try: s.decode() return s except: return str(s).decode("utf-8") # {{{ MsecConfig class MsecConfig: """Msec configuration parser""" def __init__(self, log, config=SECURITYCONF): self.config = config self.options = {} self.comments = [] self.log = log self.base_level = None def merge(self, newconfig, overwrite=False): """Merges parameters from newconfig to current config""" for opt in newconfig.list_options(): if overwrite: self.set(opt, newconfig.get(opt)) else: self.get(opt, newconfig.get(opt)) def reset(self): """Resets all configuration""" del self.options self.options = {} del self.comments self.comments = [] def get_base_level(self, base_level=None): """Configures base level for current level, so the settings could be pulled from it""" if not base_level: base_level = self.get('BASE_LEVEL', NONE_LEVEL) self.base_level = base_level return self.base_level def load(self): """Loads and parses configuration file""" if not self.config: # No associated file return True try: fd = open(self.config) except: self.log.error(_("Unable to load configuration file %s: %s") % (self.config, sys.exc_info()[1])) return False for line in fd.readlines(): line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line[0] == "#": # comment self.comments.append(line) continue try: option, val = line.split("=", 1) self.options[option] = val except: self.log.warn(_("Bad config option: %s") % line) continue fd.close() return True def get(self, option, default=None): """Gets a configuration option, or defines it if not defined""" if option not in self.options: self.options[option] = default return self.options[option] def remove(self, option): """Removes a configuration option.""" if option in self.options: self.options[option]=None def set(self, option, value): """Sets a configuration option""" self.options[option] = value def list_options(self): """Sorts and returns configuration parameters""" sortedparams = list(self.options.keys()) if sortedparams: sortedparams.sort() return sortedparams def save(self, base_level=None): """Saves configuration. Comments go on top. If a variable is present in base_level, and it is identical to the one to be saved, it is skipped""" if not self.config: # No associated file return True try: fd = open(self.config, "w") except: self.log.error(_("Unable to save %s: %s") % (self.config, sys.exc_info()[1])) return False for comment in self.comments: print(comment, file=fd) # sorting keys for option in self.list_options(): value = self.options[option] # is it already on base level? if base_level: if option in base_level.options and option != "BASE_LEVEL": if value == base_level.get(option): self.log.debug("Option %s=%s already on base level!" % (option, value)) continue # prevent saving empty options # TODO: integrate with remove() if value == None or value == OPTION_DISABLED: self.log.debug("Skipping %s" % option) value="" else: # escape special characters escape=False for c in [' ', '|', ';', '\\', '\r', '\n']: if c in value: escape=True if escape: if value[0] == '"' and value[-1] == '"': # string is already escaped pass else: value = '"%s"' % value print("%s=%s" % (option, value), file=fd) fd.close() return True # }}} # {{{ ExceptionConfig class ExceptionConfig: """Exceptions configuration parser""" def __init__(self, log, config=EXCEPTIONSCONF): self.config = config self.options = [] self.comments = [] self.log = log def reset(self): """Resets all configuration""" del self.options self.options = [] del self.comments self.comments = [] def load(self): """Loads and parses configuration file""" if not self.config: # No associated file return True try: fd = open(self.config) except: # this file is optional, so if it is not found that's not fatal self.log.info(_("loading exceptions file %s: %s") % (self.config, sys.exc_info()[1])) self.log.info(_("No exceptions loaded")) return False for line in fd.readlines(): line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line[0] == "#": # comment self.comments.append(line) continue try: option, val = line.split(" ", 1) self.options.append((option, val)) except: self.log.warn(_("Bad config option: %s") % line) continue fd.close() return True def get(self, pos, default=None): """Gets a configuration option, or defines it if not defined""" if pos > len(self.options): return default return self.options[pos] def remove(self, pos): """Removes a configuration option.""" if pos < len(self.options): del self.options[pos] def set(self, pos, value): """Sets a configuration option""" if pos > 0: print("Pos: %d" % pos) self.options[pos] = value else: self.options.append(value) def list_options(self): """Sorts and returns configuration parameters""" sortedparams = self.options if sortedparams: sortedparams.sort() return sortedparams def save(self): """Saves configuration. Comments go on top""" if not self.config: # No associated file return True try: fd = open(self.config, "w") except: self.log.error(_("Unable to save %s: %s") % (self.config, sys.exc_info()[1])) return False for comment in self.comments: print(comment, file=fd) # sorting keys for option,value in self.options: # TODO: integrate with remove() if value == None or value == OPTION_DISABLED: self.log.debug("Skipping %s" % option) else: print("%s %s" % (option, value), file=fd) fd.close() return True # }}} # {{{ PermConfig class PermConfig(MsecConfig): """Msec file permission parser""" def __init__(self, log, config=PERMCONF): self.config = config self.options = {} self.options_order = [] self.comments = [] self.log = log self.regexp = re.compile("^([^\s]*)\s*([a-z]*)\.([a-z]*)\s*([\d]?\d\d\d|current)\s*(force)?\s?([^\s]*)$") def merge(self, newconfig, overwrite=False): """Merges parameters from newconfig to current config""" for opt in newconfig.list_options(): if overwrite: self.set(opt, newconfig.get(opt)) else: self.get(opt, newconfig.get(opt)) def reset(self): MsecConfig.reset(self) del self.options_order self.options_order = [] def remove(self, option): """Removes a configuration option.""" MsecConfig.remove(self, option) if option in self.options_order: pos = self.options_order.index(option) del self.options_order[pos] def load(self): """Loads and parses configuration file""" try: fd = open(self.config) except: self.log.error(_("Unable to load configuration file %s: %s") % (self.config, sys.exc_info()[1])) return False for line in fd.readlines(): line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line[0] == "#": # comment self.comments.append(line) continue try: res = self.regexp.findall(line) if res: if len(res[0]) == 6: file, user, group, perm, force, acl = res[0] self.options[file] = (user, group, perm, force, acl) self.options_order.append(file) except: traceback.print_exc() self.log.warn(_("Bad config option: %s") % line) continue fd.close() return True def list_options(self): """Sorts and returns configuration parameters""" return self.options_order def get(self, option, default=None): """Gets a configuration option, or defines it if not defined""" if option not in self.options: self.set(option, default) return self.options[option] def set(self, option, value): """Sets a configuration option""" self.options[option] = value if option not in self.options_order: self.options_order.append(option) def save(self, base_level=None): """Saves configuration. Comments go on top. If a variable is present in base_level, and it is identical to the one to be saved, it is skipped""" try: fd = open(self.config, "w") except: self.log.error(_("Unable to save %s: %s") % (self.config, sys.exc_info()[1])) return False for comment in self.comments: print(comment, file=fd) # sorting keys for file in self.options_order: value = self.options[file] if base_level: if file in base_level.options: new_value = base_level.get(file) if value == new_value: self.log.debug("Option %s=%s already on base level!" % (file, value)) continue if not value: # the option was removed continue user, group, perm, force, acl = self.options[file] if force: force = "\tforce" else: force = "" print("%s\t%s.%s\t%s%s\t%s" % (file, user, group, perm, force, acl), file=fd) fd.close() return True # }}}