#!/usr/bin/python -O #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Project : Mandriva Linux # Module : msec # File : Perms.py # Version : $Id$ # Author : Frederic Lepied # Created On : Fri Dec 7 23:33:49 2001 # Purpose : fix permissions and owner/group of files # and directories. #--------------------------------------------------------------- import glob import re import string import os import stat import pwd import grp import Config import sys from Log import * import gettext try: cat = gettext.Catalog('msec') _ = cat.gettext except IOError: _ = str comment_regex = re.compile('^\s*#|^\s*$') USER = {} GROUP = {} USERID = {} GROUPID = {} def get_user_id(name): try: return USER[name] except KeyError: try: USER[name] = pwd.getpwnam(name)[2] except KeyError: error(_('user name %s not found') % name) USER[name] = -1 return USER[name] def get_user_name(id): try: return USERID[id] except KeyError: try: USERID[id] = pwd.getpwuid(id)[0] except KeyError: error(_('user name not found for id %d') % id) USERID[id] = str(id) return USERID[id] def get_group_id(name): try: return GROUP[name] except KeyError: try: GROUP[name] = grp.getgrnam(name)[2] except KeyError: error(_('group name %s not found') % name) GROUP[name] = -1 return GROUP[name] def get_group_name(id): try: return GROUPID[id] except KeyError: try: GROUPID[id] = grp.getgrgid(id)[0] except KeyError: error(_('group name not found for id %d') % id) GROUPID[id] = str(id) return GROUPID[id] # Build a regexp that matches all the non local filesystems REGEXP_START = '^(' REGEXP_END = ')' def build_non_localfs_regexp(): # Allow to avoid this feature if Config.get_config('all-local-files', '0') == '1': return None try: file = open('/proc/mounts', 'r') except IOError: error(_('Unable to check /proc/mounts. Assuming all file systems are local.')) return None non_localfs = Config.get_config('non-local-fstypes', None) if non_localfs: non_localfs = string.split(non_localfs) else: non_localfs = ('nfs', 'codafs', 'smbfs') regexp = None for line in file.readlines(): fields = string.split(line) if fields[2] in non_localfs: if regexp: regexp = regexp + '|' + fields[1] else: regexp = REGEXP_START + fields[1] file.close() if not regexp: return None else: return re.compile(regexp + REGEXP_END) # resolv symlink def get_sylink_name(path): try: p = os.readlink(path) except OSError: return path if p and p[0] != '/': p = os.path.dirname(path) + '/' + p p = os.path.abspath(p) if p == path: return path else: return get_sylink_name(p) # put the new perm/group/owner in the assoc variable according to the # content of the path file. assoc = {} def fix_perms(path, _interactive, force): try: file = open(path, 'r') except IOError: return root = Config.get_config('root', '') fs_regexp = build_non_localfs_regexp() lineno = 0 for line in file.readlines(): lineno = lineno + 1 if comment_regex.search(line): continue fields = re.split('\s*', line) try: mode_str = fields[2] except IndexError: error(_("%s: syntax error line %d") % (path, lineno)) continue if mode_str == 'current': perm = -1 else: try: perm = int(mode_str, 8) except ValueError: error(_("%s: syntax error line %d") % (path, lineno)) continue if fields[1] == 'current': user = group = -1 user_str = group_str = '' else: (user_str, group_str) = string.split(fields[1], '.') if user_str != '': user = get_user_id(user_str) else: user = -1 if group_str != '': group = get_group_id(group_str) else: group = -1 fieldcount = len(fields) if fieldcount == 5: if fields[3] == 'force': mandatory = 1 fieldcount = 4 else: mandatory = 0 if fieldcount == 4: for f in glob.glob(fields[0]): newperm = perm if fs_regexp and fs_regexp.search(f): _interactive and log(_('Non local file: "%s". Nothing changed.') % fields[0]) continue try: full = os.lstat(f) except OSError: continue if stat.S_ISLNK(full[stat.ST_MODE]): f = get_sylink_name(f) try: full = os.stat(f) except OSError: continue mode = stat.S_IMODE(full[stat.ST_MODE]) if newperm != -1 and stat.S_ISDIR(full[stat.ST_MODE]): if newperm & 0400: newperm = newperm | 0100 if newperm & 0040: newperm = newperm | 0010 if newperm & 0004: newperm = newperm | 0001 uid = full[stat.ST_UID] gid = full[stat.ST_GID] if f != '/' and f[-1] == '/': f = f[:-1] if f[-2:] == '/.': f = f[:-2] assoc[f] = (mode, uid, gid, newperm, user, group, user_str, group_str, mandatory or force) else: error(_('invalid syntax in %s line %d') % (path, lineno)) file.close() # commit the changes to the files def act(change): for f in assoc.keys(): (mode, uid, gid, newperm, user, group, user_str, group_str, mandatory) = assoc[f] # if we don't change the security level, try not to lower the security # if the user has changed it manually if not change and not mandatory: newperm = newperm & mode if newperm != -1 and mode != newperm: try: os.chmod(f, newperm) log(_('changed mode of %s from %o to %o') % (f, mode, newperm)) except: error('chmod %s %o: %s' % (f, newperm, str(sys.exc_value))) if user != -1 and user != uid: try: os.chown(f, user, -1) log(_('changed owner of %s from %s to %s') % (f, get_user_name(uid), user_str)) except: error('chown %s %s: %s' % (f, user, str(sys.exc_value))) if group != -1 and group != gid: try: os.chown(f, -1, group) log(_('changed group of %s from %s to %s') % (f, get_group_name(gid), group_str)) except: error('chgrp %s %s: %s' % (f, group, str(sys.exc_value))) def chmod(f, newperm): try: full = os.stat(f) except OSError: return 0 mode = stat.S_IMODE(full[stat.ST_MODE]) if stat.S_ISDIR(full[stat.ST_MODE]): if newperm & 0400: newperm = newperm | 0100 if newperm & 0040: newperm = newperm | 0010 if newperm & 0004: newperm = newperm | 0001 if mode != newperm: log(_('changed mode of %s from %o to %o') % (f, mode, newperm)) try: os.chmod(f, newperm) except: error('chmod %s %o: %s' % (f, newperm, str(sys.exc_value))) return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': import getopt _interactive = sys.stdin.isatty() change = 0 # process the options try: (opt, args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'co:', ['change', 'option']) except getopt.error: error(_('Invalid option. Use %s (-o var=<val>...) ([0-5])') % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) for o in opt: if o[0] == '-o' or o[0] == '--option': pair = string.split(o[1], '=') if len(pair) != 2: error(_('Invalid option format %s %s: use -o var=<val>') % (o[0], o[1])) sys.exit(1) else: Config.set_config(pair[0], pair[1]) elif o[0] == '-c' or o[0] == '--change': change = 1 # initlog must be done after processing the option because we can change # the way to report log with options... if _interactive: import syslog initlog('msec', syslog.LOG_LOCAL1) else: initlog('msec') _interactive and log(_('Fixing owners and permissions of files and directories')) # process the files fix_perms(args[0], _interactive, 0) for p in args[1:]: _interactive and log(_('Reading data from %s') % p) fix_perms(p, _interactive, 1) # do the modifications act(change) # Perms.py ends here