#--------------------------------------------------------------- # Project : Mandrake Linux # Module : msec # File : ConfigFile.py # Version : $Id$ # Author : Frederic Lepied # Created On : Wed Dec 5 21:42:49 2001 # Purpose : class abstraction to handle configuration # files. #--------------------------------------------------------------- import re import string import os import stat import Config import commands from Log import * import gettext try: cat = gettext.Catalog('msec') _ = cat.gettext except IOError: _ = str BEFORE=0 INSIDE=1 AFTER=2 space = re.compile('\s') class ConfigFiles: def __init__(self): self.files = {} self.modified_files = [] self.action_assoc = [] def add(self, file, path): self.files[path] = file def modified(self, path): if not path in self.modified_files: self.modified_files.append(path) def get_config_file(self, path, suffix): try: return self.files[path] except KeyError: return ConfigFile(path, suffix, self) def add_config_assoc(self, regex, action): self.action_assoc.append((re.compile(regex), action)) all_files=ConfigFiles() def move(old, new): try: os.unlink(new) except OSError: pass try: os.rename(old, new) except: error('rename %s %s: %s' % (old, new, str(sys.exc_value))) class ConfigFile: def __init__(self, path, suffix=None, meta=all_files): self.meta=meta self.path = Config.get_config('root', '') + path self.is_modified = 0 self.is_touched = 0 self.is_deleted = 0 self.is_moved = 0 self.suffix = suffix self.lines = None self.sym_link = None self.meta.add(self, path) def get_lines(self): if self.lines == None: file=None try: file = open(self.path, 'r') except IOError: if self.suffix: try: moved = self.path + self.suffix file = open(moved, 'r') move(moved, self.path) self.meta.modified(self.path) except IOError: self.lines = [] else: self.lines = [] if file: self.lines = string.split(file.read(), "\n") file.close() return self.lines def append(self, value): lines = self.lines l = len(lines) if l > 0 and lines[l - 1] == '': lines.insert(l - 1, value) else: lines.append(value) lines.append('') def modified(self): self.is_modified = 1 return self def touch(self): self.is_touched = 1 return self def symlink(self, link): self.sym_link = link return self def exists(self, really=0): return os.path.exists(self.path) or (not really and self.suffix and os.path.exists(self.path + self.suffix)) def move(self, suffix): self.suffix = suffix self.is_moved = 1 def unlink(self): self.is_deleted = 1 self.lines=[] return self def write(self): if self.is_deleted: if self.exists(): try: os.unlink(self.path) except: error('unlink %s: %s' % (self.path, str(sys.exc_value))) log(_('deleted %s') % (self.path,)) elif self.is_modified: content = string.join(self.lines, "\n") mkdir_p(self.path) file = open(self.path, 'w') file.write(content) file.close() self.meta.modified(self.path) elif self.is_touched: if os.path.exists(self.path): try: os.utime(self.path, None) except: error('utime %s: %s' % (self.path, str(sys.exc_value))) elif self.suffix and os.path.exists(self.path + self.suffix): move(self.path + self.suffix, self.path) try: os.utime(self.path, None) except: error('utime %s: %s' % (self.path, str(sys.exc_value))) else: self.lines = [] self.is_modified = 1 file = open(self.path, 'w') file.close() log(_('touched file %s') % (self.path,)) elif self.sym_link: done = 0 if self.exists(): full = os.lstat(self.path) if stat.S_ISLNK(full[stat.ST_MODE]): link = os.readlink(self.path) # to be fixed: resolv relative symlink done = (link == self.sym_link) if not done: try: os.unlink(self.path) except: error('unlink %s: %s' % (self.path, str(sys.exc_value))) log(_('deleted %s') % (self.path,)) if not done: try: os.symlink(self.sym_link, self.path) except: error('symlink %s %s: %s' % (self.sym_link, self.path, str(sys.exc_value))) log(_('made symbolic link from %s to %s') % (self.sym_link, self.path)) if self.is_moved: move(self.path, self.path + self.suffix) log(_('moved file %s to %s') % (self.path, self.path + self.suffix)) self.meta.modified(self.path) self.is_touched = 0 self.is_modified = 0 self.is_deleted = 0 self.is_moved = 0 def set_shell_variable(self, var, value, start=None, end=None): regex = re.compile('^' + var + '="?([^#"]+)"?(.*)') lines = self.get_lines() idx=0 value=str(value) if start: status = BEFORE start = re.compile(start) else: status = INSIDE if end: end = re.compile(end) idx = None for idx in range(0, len(lines)): line = lines[idx] if status == BEFORE: if start.search(line): status = INSIDE else: continue elif end and end.search(line): break res = regex.search(line) if res: if res.group(1) != value: if space.search(value): lines[idx] = var + '="' + value + '"' + res.group(2) else: lines[idx] = var + '=' + value + res.group(2) self.modified() log(_('set variable %s to %s in %s') % (var, value, self.path,)) return self if space.search(value): s = var + '="' + value + '"' else: s = var + '=' + value if idx == None or idx == len(lines): self.append(s) else: lines.insert(idx, s) self.modified() log(_('set variable %s to %s in %s') % (var, value, self.path,)) return self def get_shell_variable(self, var, start=None, end=None): if end: end=re.compile(end) if start: start=re.compile(start) regex = re.compile('^' + var + '="?([^#"]+)"?(.*)') lines = self.get_lines() llen = len(lines) start_idx = 0 end_idx = llen if start: found = 0 for idx in range(0, llen): if start.search(lines[idx]): start_idx = idx found = 1 break if found: for idx in range(start_idx, llen): if end.search(lines[idx]): end_idx = idx break else: start_idx = 0 for idx in range(end_idx - 1, start_idx - 1, -1): res = regex.search(lines[idx]) if res: return res.group(1) return None def get_match(self, regex, replace=None): r=re.compile(regex) lines = self.get_lines() for idx in range(0, len(lines)): res = r.search(lines[idx]) if res: if replace: s = substitute_re_result(res, replace) return s else: return lines[idx] return None def replace_line_matching(self, regex, value, at_end_if_not_found=0, all=0, start=None, end=None): r=re.compile(regex) lines = self.get_lines() matches = 0 if start: status = BEFORE start = re.compile(start) else: status = INSIDE if end: end = re.compile(end) idx = None for idx in range(0, len(lines)): line = lines[idx] if status == BEFORE: if start.search(line): status = INSIDE else: continue elif end and end.search(line): break res = r.search(line) if res: s = substitute_re_result(res, value) matches = matches + 1 if s != line: log(_("replaced in %s the line %d:\n%s\nwith the line:\n%s") % (self.path, idx, line, s)) lines[idx] = s self.modified() if not all: return matches if matches == 0 and at_end_if_not_found: log(_("appended in %s the line:\n%s") % (self.path, value)) if idx == None or idx == len(lines): self.append(value) else: lines.insert(idx, value) self.modified() matches = matches + 1 return matches def insert_after(self, regex, value, at_end_if_not_found=0, all=0): matches = 0 r=re.compile(regex) lines = self.get_lines() for idx in range(0, len(lines)): res = r.search(lines[idx]) if res: s = substitute_re_result(res, value) log(_("inserted in %s after the line %d:\n%s\nthe line:\n%s") % (self.path, idx, lines[idx], s)) lines.insert(idx+1, s) self.modified() matches = matches + 1 if not all: return matches if matches == 0 and at_end_if_not_found: log(_("appended in %s the line:\n%s") % (self.path, value)) self.append(value) self.modified() matches = matches + 1 return matches def insert_before(self, regex, value, at_top_if_not_found=0, all=0): matches = 0 r=re.compile(regex) lines = self.get_lines() for idx in range(0, len(lines)): res = r.search(lines[idx]) if res: s = substitute_re_result(res, value) log(_("inserted in %s before the line %d:\n%s\nthe line:\n%s") % (self.path, idx, lines[idx], s)) lines.insert(idx, s) self.modified() matches = matches + 1 if not all: return matches if matches == 0 and at_top_if_not_found: log(_("inserted at the top of %s the line:\n%s") % (self.path, value)) lines.insert(0, value) self.modified() matches = matches + 1 return matches def insert_at(self, idx, value): lines = self.get_lines() try: lines.insert(idx, value) log(_("inserted in %s at the line %d:\n%s") % (self.path, idx, value)) self.modified() return 1 except KeyError: return 0 def remove_line_matching(self, regex, all=0): matches = 0 r=re.compile(regex) lines = self.get_lines() for idx in range(len(lines) - 1, -1, -1): res = r.search(lines[idx]) if res: log(_("removing in %s the line %d:\n%s") % (self.path, idx, lines[idx])) lines.pop(idx) self.modified() matches = matches + 1 if not all: return matches return matches # utility funtions def substitute_re_result(res, s): for idx in range(0, (res.lastindex or 0) + 1): subst = res.group(idx) or '' s = string.replace(s, '@' + str(idx), subst) return s def write_files(): global all_files run_commands = Config.get_config('run_commands', 0) for f in all_files.files.values(): f.write() for f in all_files.modified_files: for a in all_files.action_assoc: res = a[0].search(f) if res: s = substitute_re_result(res, a[1]) if run_commands != '0': log(_('%s modified so launched command: %s') % (f, s)) cmd = commands.getstatusoutput(s) if cmd[0] == 0: log(cmd[1]) else: error(cmd[1]) else: log(_('%s modified so should have run command: %s') % (f, s)) def get_config_file(path, suffix=None): global all_files return all_files.get_config_file(path, suffix) def add_config_assoc(regex, action): global all_files return all_files.add_config_assoc(regex, action) def mkdir_p(path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) # ConfigFile.py ends here