1999-13-10  Yoann Vandoorselaere <yoann@mandrakesoft.com>
	* Documentation
	* diff_check.sh : Fix a typo.

1999-12-10	Yoann Vandoorselaere <yoann@mandrakesoft.com>
	* custom.sh : Fix a typo & forgot to export path & secure level 

1999-12-09  Yoann Vandoorselaere <yoann@mandrakesoft.com>
	* More bug fix.
	* xhost + localhost for lower level, xhost + for level0.
	* Many bugfix, just trying to get a bugfree release
    * Renamed some variable, added consistencie. 
	* security_check.sh: print header at begining of the log.
	* diff_check.sh: typo.

1999-12-08  Yoann Vandoorselaere <yoann@mandrakesoft.com>
	* security_check.sh: remove /tmp stuff.
	* security_check.sh: typo
	* level[1-3].sh: Changed crontab call to file_check.sh 
	from every hour to every midnight ( bug reported by axalon ).
    * file_check.sh: clean up.
	* moved file_check.sh to diff_check.sh and changed 
	  what is related to cron call in level[15].sh
	* Added missing configurations question in level custom.
	* bug fix.

1999-12-08  Chmouel Boudjnah  <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com>

	* Makefile (rpm): target for rpm.
	(dis): Add a make dis to easy switch from cvs to dis.

	* msec.spec: use bzip2 sources, clean up %install to use Makefile.
	move msec.spec on the top to allow rpm -ta (in fact rpm -ta don't
	support currently bzip2 sources)

	* cron-sh/promisc_check.sh (LogPromisc): add a missing quote.

	* ChangeLog: first entry.

1999-12-07  Axalon Bloodstone  <axalon@linux-mandrake.com>

	* Fix call to security_check.sh

	* Handle usernames longer than 8 chars in file_check