# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Danny Zeng <danny@zeng.com.cn>, 2001-2002
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: mdkonline 0.15\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2002-03-11 11:25+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-03-04 10:30+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Danny Zeng <danny@zeng.com.cn>\n"
"Language-Team: Simplified Chinese <zh@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=gb2312\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: mdkonline:71
msgid "Africa"
msgstr "����"

#: mdkonline:72
msgid "Asia"
msgstr "����"

#: mdkonline:73
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "����"

#: mdkonline:74
msgid "Europe"
msgstr "ŷ��"

#: mdkonline:75
msgid "USA"
msgstr "����"

#: mdkonline:76
msgid "South America"
msgstr "����"

#: mdkonline:97 mdkonline:215 mdkonline:248
msgid "Next"
msgstr "��һ��"

#: mdkonline:98
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "���"

#: mdkonline:99 mdkonline:548
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "�˳�"

#: mdkonline:100 mdkonline:216 mdkonline:250 mdkonline:252
msgid "Back"
msgstr "��һ��"

#: mdkonline:102
msgid "I don't have a MandrakeOnline account and I want to "
msgstr "��û�� MandrakeOnline �ʻ�, ��Ҫ"

#: mdkonline:103
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Ԥ��"

#: mdkonline:119
msgid "Yes I want automated updates"
msgstr "��, ��Ҫ�Զ�����"

#: mdkonline:164
msgid "Quitting Wizard\n"
msgstr "�����˳�����\n"

#: mdkonline:262
msgid "Warning: No browser specified"
msgstr "����: û��ָ�������"

#: mdkonline:289
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connecting ...\n"
msgstr "��������"

#: mdkonline:297 mdkonline:360
msgid "Connection problem"
msgstr "��������"

#: mdkonline:297 mdkonline:360
msgid "MandrakeOnline could not be contacted, please try again at a later time"
msgstr "�޷����ӵ� MandrakeOnline, ���Ժ�����"

#: mdkonline:309
msgid "Wrong password"
msgstr "�������"

#: mdkonline:309
msgid ""
"Your login or password was wrong.\n"
" Either you'll have to type it again, or you'll need to create an account on "
" In the latter case, go back to the first step to connect to "
" Be aware that you must also provide a Machine name \n"
" (only alphabetical characters are admitted)"
msgstr ""
" ����Ҫ��������, ������Ҫ���� MandrakeOnline �ʻ�\n"
" �����Ҫ�����ʻ�, ��ص���һ��, ���� MandrakeOnline.\n"
" ��ע���������ṩһ��������(ֻ�ܰ�����ĸ)"

#: mdkonline:368
msgid "Welcome to MandrakeOnline"
msgstr "MandrakeOnline ��ӭ��"

#: mdkonline:369
msgid ""
"At this step You are supposed to have an account on MandrakeOnline [1].\n"
"This assistant will help you to upload your configuration\n"
"(packages, hardware configuration) to a centralized database in\n"
"order to keep you informed about security updates and useful upgrades.\n"
msgstr ""
"��һ���������ӵ��һ�� MandrakeOnline [1] �ʻ�.\n"
"�ҽ�������������������Ϣ ( ��װ��������, Ӳ������ )\n"

#: mdkonline:386
msgid "Mandrake Privacy Policy"
msgstr "Mandrake ��˽��������"

#: mdkonline:391
msgid "Authentification"
msgstr "��֤"

#: mdkonline:392
msgid "Enter your MandrakeOnline login, password and machine name:"
msgstr "���������� MandrakeOnline ��¼��, ����ͻ�����:"

#: mdkonline:394
msgid "Login:"
msgstr "��¼��:"

#: mdkonline:394
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "����:"

#: mdkonline:394
msgid "Machine name:"
msgstr "������:"

#: mdkonline:398
msgid "Sending your Configuration"
msgstr "������������"

#: mdkonline:399
msgid ""
"In order to benefit from MandrakeOnline services,\n"
"we are about to upload your configuration.\n"
"The Wizard will now send the following information to MandrakeSoft:\n"
"1) the list of packages you have installed on your system,\n"
"2) your hardware configuration.\n"
"If you feel uncomfortable by that idea, or do not want to benefit from this "
"please press 'Cancel'. By pressing 'Next', you allow us to keep you "
"about security updates and useful upgrades via personalized email alerts.\n"
"Furthermore, you benefit from discounted paid support services on\n"
"Finally, an email alias with your username\\@mandrakeonline.net will be "
"provided to you."
msgstr ""
"Ϊ������ MandrakeOnline �ĸ������,\n"
"������Ϣ�������͵� MandrakeSoft:\n"
"1) ���ڴ�ϵͳ�а�װ���������嵥,\n"
"2) ����Ӳ������.\n"
"�������ϲ��������Щ��Ϣ, ���߲���Ҫʹ����Щ����,\n"
" ��ѡ�� 'ȡ��'. �����ѡ�� '��һ��', ��ʾ����������\n"
"ͨ��Ϊ�����Ƶ� email ����, ֪ͨ���йصİ�ȫ���º��������õ�����.\n"
"����, �������Żݼ۸��� www.mandrakeexpert.com �õ��շѵ�֧��.\n"
"���, ���ǽ��ṩ�������µ� email ת����ַ: your.username\\@mandrakeonline.net"

#: mdkonline:407
msgid "Error while sending informations"
msgstr "������Ϣ����"

#: mdkonline:408
msgid ""
"There was an error while sending your personal informations.\n"
"Press Next to try and send your configuration again."
msgstr ""
"Ҫ���³��Է�����������, ��ѡ�� '��һ��' "

#: mdkonline:414
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "���"

#: mdkonline:415
msgid "Your upload was successful!"
msgstr "���Ѿ��ɹ�����"

#: mdkonline:415
msgid ""
"From now you will receive on security\n"
"and updates announcements thanks to MandrakeOnline."
msgstr ""
"��������յ����� MandrakeOnline ��\n"

#: mdkonline:415
msgid "MandrakeOnline offers you the ability to automate the updates."
msgstr "MandrakeOnline Ϊ���ṩ�Զ�����������"

#: mdkonline:415
msgid "A program will run regulary in your system waiting for new updates\n"
msgstr "����ϵͳ�ᶨ�ڵ�����һ������, �����µ�����\n"

#: mdkonline:420
msgid "automated Upgrades"
msgstr "�Զ�����"

#: mdkonline:431
msgid "Choose your geographical location"
msgstr "ѡ�����ĵ���λ��"

#: mdkonline:463
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reading configuration\n"
msgstr "������������"

#: mdkonline:490
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open this file for read: %s"
msgstr "�޷�������ļ����ж�ȡ: %s"

#: mdkonline:523
msgid "OK"
msgstr "ȷ��"

#: mdkonline:529 mdkonline:555
msgid "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--14-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"
msgstr "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--14-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"

#: mdkonline:544
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "ȡ��"

#: mdkonline:553
msgid ""
"Do you really want to abort MandrakeOnline?\n"
"To return to the Wizard press 'Cancel',\n"
"to really quit it press 'Quit'."
msgstr ""
"���Ҫ��ֹ MandrakeOnline ��?\n"
"Ҫ�ص�������ѡ�� 'ȡ��',\n"
"Ҫ�˳���ѡ�� '�˳�'. "

#: mdkonline:557
msgid "Really abort? - MandrakeOnline"
msgstr "���Ҫ�˳�? - MandrakeOnline"

#: mdkonline:635
msgid "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--17-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"
msgstr "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--17-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"

#: mdkonline:636
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "��ӭ"

#: mdkonline:660
msgid "Close"
msgstr "�ر�"

#~ msgid "Your personal informations are now stored at MdkOnline"
#~ msgstr "MdkOnline ���ڱ��������ĸ�����Ϣ"