# MdkOnline Bahasa Indonesia
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Budi Rachmanto <rac@linux-mandrake.com>, 2001 - 2003.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: mdkonline 0.01\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-02-06 17:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-03-18 15:48+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Budi Rachmanto <rac@linux-mandrake.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Bahasa Indonesia <id@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

#: ../mdkonline:64
msgid "Africa"
msgstr "Afrika"

#: ../mdkonline:65
msgid "Asia"
msgstr "Asia"

#: ../mdkonline:66
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "Australia"

#: ../mdkonline:67
msgid "Europe"
msgstr "Eropa"

#: ../mdkonline:68
msgid "North America"
msgstr "Amerika Utara"

#: ../mdkonline:69
msgid "South America"
msgstr "Amerika Selatan"

#: ../mdkonline:87 ../mdkonline:201 ../mdkonline:234
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Lanjut"

#: ../mdkonline:88
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Selesai"

#: ../mdkonline:89 ../mdkonline:531
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Keluar"

#: ../mdkonline:90 ../mdkonline:202 ../mdkonline:236 ../mdkonline:238
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Kembali"

#: ../mdkonline:92
msgid "I don't have a MandrakeOnline account and I want to "
msgstr "Saya tak punya account MandrakeOnline dan saya ingin "

#: ../mdkonline:93
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Ikut"

#: ../mdkonline:109
msgid "Yes I want automated updates"
msgstr "Ya saya ingin upgrade otomatis"

#: ../mdkonline:150
msgid "Quitting Wizard\n"
msgstr "Keluar Wizard\n"

#: ../mdkonline:164
msgid "Empty Mirror"
msgstr ""

#: ../mdkonline:164
msgid "Empty Mirror. Please choose a place."
msgstr ""

#: ../mdkonline:248
msgid "Warning: No browser specified"
msgstr "Awas: Tiada browser ditunjuk"

#: ../mdkonline:273
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connecting ...\n"
msgstr "Problem koneksi"

#: ../mdkonline:282 ../mdkonline:347 ../mdkupdate:169
msgid "Connection problem"
msgstr "Problem koneksi"

#: ../mdkonline:282 ../mdkonline:347
#, fuzzy
msgid "MandrakeOnline could not be contacted, please try again at a later time"
msgstr "MandrakeUpdate gagal menghubungi situs yg dimaksud, nanti dicoba lagi."

#: ../mdkonline:294
msgid "Wrong password"
msgstr "Salah katasandi"

#: ../mdkonline:294
msgid ""
"Your login or password was wrong.\n"
" Either you'll have to type it again, or you'll need to create an account on "
" In the latter case, go back to the first step to connect to "
" Be aware that you must also provide a Machine name \n"
" (only alphabetical characters are admitted)"
msgstr ""
"Login atau katasandi Anda keliru.\n"
"Anda harus menuliskannya lagi, atau membuat account di MandrakeOnline.\n"
" Pada kasus terakhir, kembalilah ke step awal utk menghubungi "
" Ingat, Anda juga harus memberikan nama Mesin \n"
" (hanya karakter alfabet)"

#: ../mdkonline:320
msgid "Sending configuration..."
msgstr ""

#: ../mdkonline:356
msgid "Welcome to MandrakeOnline"
msgstr "Selamat Datang di MandrakeOnline"

#: ../mdkonline:357
msgid ""
"At this step You are supposed to have an account on MandrakeOnline.\n"
"This assistant will help you to upload your configuration\n"
"(packages, hardware configuration) to a centralized database in\n"
"order to keep you informed about security updates and useful upgrades.\n"
msgstr ""
"Pada tahap ini Anda dianggap punya account di MandrakeOnline.\n"
"Asisten ini akan menolong Anda meng-upload konfigurasi Anda\n"
"(paket, konfigurasi perangkat keras) ke database terpusat agar Anda selalu\n"
"diberi tahu update sekuriti dan upgrade yang berguna.\n"

#: ../mdkonline:374
msgid "Mandrake Privacy Policy"
msgstr "Kebijakan Privacy Mandrake"

#: ../mdkonline:379
msgid "Authentification"
msgstr ""

#: ../mdkonline:380
msgid "Enter your MandrakeOnline login, password and machine name:"
msgstr "Masukkan login, katasandi, dan nama mesin  MandrakeOnline Anda:"

#: ../mdkonline:382
msgid "Login:"
msgstr "Login:"

#: ../mdkonline:382
msgid "Machine name:"
msgstr "Nama mesin:"

#: ../mdkonline:382
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Katasandi:"

#: ../mdkonline:387
msgid "Sending your Configuration"
msgstr "Mengirim Konfigurasi Anda"

#: ../mdkonline:388
msgid ""
"In order to benefit from MandrakeOnline services,\n"
"we are about to upload your configuration.\n"
"The Wizard will now send the following information to MandrakeSoft:\n"
"1) the list of packages you have installed on your system,\n"
"2) your hardware configuration.\n"
"If you feel uncomfortable by that idea, or do not want to benefit from this "
"please press 'Cancel'. By pressing 'Next', you allow us to keep you "
"about security updates and useful upgrades via personalized email alerts.\n"
"Furthermore, you benefit from discounted paid support services on\n"
"Finally, an email alias with your username@mandrakeonline.net will be "
"provided to you."
msgstr ""
"Agar mendapat manfaat servis MandrakeOnline,\n"
"kami akan meng-upload konfigurasi Anda.\n"
"Wizard kini akan mengirim info berikut ke MandrakeSoft:\n"
"1) daftar paket terinstal di sistem Anda,\n"
"2) konfigurasi perangkat keras Anda.\n"
"Jika Anda merasa tak enak dengan ide ini, atau tak ingin memanfaatkan\n"
"servis ini, tekan 'Batal'. Dengan menekan 'Lanjut', Anda mengizinkan kami\n"
"memberi tahu Anda tentang update sekuriti dan upgrade bermanfaat via email.\n"
"Tambah lagi, Anda akan mendapat diskon servis di www.mandrakeexpert.com.\n"
"Terakhir, Anda akan mendapatkan alias email namaanda@mandrakeonline.net."

#: ../mdkonline:396
msgid "Error while sending informations"
msgstr "Error saat mengirim informasi"

#: ../mdkonline:397
msgid ""
"There was an error while sending your personal informations.\n"
"Press Next to try and send your configuration again."
msgstr ""
"Ada error saat mengirim info personal Anda.\n"
"Tekan Lanjut untuk mencoba dan mengirim konfigurasi Anda lagi."

#: ../mdkonline:403
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Selesai"

#: ../mdkonline:404
msgid ""
"From now you will receive on security and updates \n"
"announcements thanks to MandrakeOnline."
msgstr ""
"Mulai saat ini Anda akan menerima pemberitahuan sekuriti dan upgrade\n"
"dari MandrakeOnline."

#: ../mdkonline:404
msgid ""
"MandrakeOnline offers you the ability to automate the updates.\n"
"A program will run regulary in your system waiting for new updates\n"
msgstr ""
"MandrakeOnline memberi Anda kemampuan update otomatis.\n"
"Sebuah program akan secara periodik berjalan menunggu update baru\n"

#: ../mdkonline:404
msgid "Your upload was successful!"
msgstr "Upload Anda sukses!"

#: ../mdkonline:409
msgid "automated Upgrades"
msgstr "upgrade otomatis"

#: ../mdkonline:417
msgid "Choose your geographical location"
msgstr "Pilih letak geografis Anda"

#: ../mdkonline:435
msgid "Reading configuration\n"
msgstr "Baca konfigurasi\n"

#: ../mdkonline:512
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: ../mdkonline:528
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Batal"

#: ../mdkonline:534
msgid ""
"Do you really want to abort MandrakeOnline?\n"
"To return to the Wizard press 'Cancel',\n"
"to really quit it press 'Quit'."
msgstr ""
"Anda ingin keluar dari MandrakeOnline?\n"
"Untuk kembali ke Wizard tekan 'Batal',\n"
"untuk benar-benar keluar tekan 'Keluar'."

#: ../mdkonline:535
msgid "Really abort? - MandrakeOnline"
msgstr "Benar ingin keluar? - MandrakeOnline"

#: ../mdkonline:567
msgid ""
" You are just starting our Free Mandrake Linux Download Edition for the "
"first time. \n"
"There are now over three million Mandrake Linux users all over the world!\n"
"Please take a few seconds to fill a short questionnaire. The data from "
"this \n"
"questionnaire will be used only for aggregate market studies.\n"
"The text below is the privacy policy of MandrakeSoft about your personal "
msgstr ""

#: ../mdkonline:576
msgid ""
"What personal data do we collect ?         \n"
"                               \n"
"Various information is collected in different areas of the website;\n"
"what follows is an overview of the data we keep:\n"
"Firstly, we record your email address, name and postal address.\n"
"Secondly we give you a unique customer ID. This ID will be used to \n"
"add additional information related to your Mandrake account such as:\n"
"    - Your subscription to mailling lists.\n"
"    - When registering a purchased product, we ask for personal\n"
"information as well as system/hardware details so that we may deliver\n"
"the best support services customized to your needs.\n"
"    - On our donation page and on our online store (MandrakeStore), we\n"
"record data for billing purpose (we do not store any credit card data).\n"
"    \n"
"What do we do with this information?\n"
"We never share personal information with other persons or companies -\n"
"we use this data strictly for the following purposes:\n"
"    - If you have subscribed to a mailing list, we keep this email\n"
"address in our database to provide you with customized information\n"
"and/or to enable you to participate in discussions in various mailing\n"
"lists. If you send a message to such a list, other people will see\n"
"your email address but no external parties have access to our database\n"
"of subscribers. At any time you may unsubscribe to any list by using\n"
"the appropriate form.\n"
"    - If you provide information when registering a purchased product\n"
"to receive support, we keep this information private unless the\n"
"information is required by one of our partners to deliver the support\n"
"you require.\n"
"    - If you use MandrakeStore, we also use your Customer ID to track\n"
"your order and deliver your products.\n"
"    - If you provide us with marketing information, we keep it for \n"
"internal use only in order to improve our products so that they can \n"
"better fit your needs whether you have purchased a product or not.), How to "
"change / correct your personal data?\n"
"French law gives individuals the right to access, correct, modify or \n"
"remove their own personal data that we have on record. We offer this \n"
"as a worldwide privilege. You may execute this right at any time by \n"
"logging to your account with your customer ID and editing your\n"
"personnal data. You can log on to this page: http://www.mandrakeonline.net"
msgstr ""

#: ../mdkonline:623
msgid "Sans Italic 17"
msgstr ""

#: ../mdkonline:641
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Tutup"

#: ../mdkupdate:43
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"mdkupdate version %s\n"
"Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft.\n"
"This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU "
msgstr ""
"mdkupdate versi %s\n"
"Hakcipta (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft.\n"
"Ini adalah software bebas dan boleh disebar ulang di bawah syarat GPL GNU.\n"

#: ../mdkupdate:48
msgid "  --help         - print this help message.\n"
msgstr "  --help         - cetak pesan pertolongan ini.\n"

#: ../mdkupdate:49
msgid "  --security     - use only security media.\n"
msgstr "  --security     - pakai hanya media sekuritas.\n"

#: ../mdkupdate:50
msgid "  --update       - update all information.\n"
msgstr "  --update       - update semua informasi.\n"

#: ../mdkupdate:51
msgid "  -v             - verbose mode.\n"
msgstr "  -v             - mode verbose.\n"

#: ../mdkupdate:169
msgid "MandrakeUpdate could not contact the site, we will try again."
msgstr "MandrakeUpdate gagal menghubungi situs yg dimaksud, nanti dicoba lagi."

#: ../mdkupdate:196
msgid "For any problem send an e-mail to support@mandrakeonline.net\n"
msgstr "Jika ada masalah kirimlah email ke support@mandrakeonline.net\n"

#: ../mdkupdate:196
msgid ""
"You need to have an account on MandrakeOnline, or update your subscription."
msgstr "Anda butuh account di MandrakeOnline, atau update subskripsi Anda."

#: ../mdkupdate:196
msgid "Your login or password may be wrong"
msgstr "Login atau katakunci Anda mungkin salah"

#: ../mdkupdate:208
msgid "Unable to create mdkupdate medium.\n"
msgstr "Gagal membuat media mdkupdate.\n"

#: ../mdkupdate:210
msgid "Unable to update packages from mdkupdate medium.\n"
msgstr "Gagal meng-update paket dari media mdkupdate.\n"