# Mdkupdate                                                                    # 
#                                                                              #
# Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft                                              #
# Daouda Lo <daouda@mandrakesoft.com>                                          #
#                                                                              #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify         #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as            #
# published by the Free Software Foundation.                                   #
#                                                                              #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,              #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of               #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License            #
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                  #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.   #

use POSIX;
use Digest::MD5  qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Net::HTTPS; #for https connections 
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
use MDK::Common;
use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
use Locale::gettext;

#- I18N.
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
textdomain ("mdkupdate");

sub _ {
    my ($format, @params) = @_;
    sprintf(Locale::gettext::gettext($format), @params);

my $logfile = "/var/log/mdkupdate.log";
my $url_upload_diff = "https://www.mandrakeonline.net/online_dif.php";
my $url_get_rpms = "https://www.mandrakeonline.net/online_update.php";
my $rpms_rep = "/root/tmp/";
my $VERSION = "0.17";
my $security = grep { /^-?-security$/ } @ARGV;
my $update = grep { /^-?-update$/ } @ARGV;

sub usage {
    print STDERR _("mdkupdate version %s
Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft.
This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.

", $VERSION) . _("  --help         - print this help message.
") . _("  --security     - use only security media.
") . _("  --update       - update all information.
") . _("  -v             - verbose mode.

grep { $_ !~ /^-?-(v|update|security)$/ } @ARGV and usage;

my %o = getVarsFromSh("/root/.mdkupdate");
my %new = getVarsFromSh("/root/.mdkupdate");
if (! -s "/root/.mdkupdate.rpms" || $update) {
    #- send configuration and get back key to use...
    $new{CURRENTKEY} = send_config($new{LOGIN},$new{PASS},$new{BOX});
    delete $new{OLDKEY};
    #- save back keys.
    setVarsInSh("/root/.mdkupdate", \%new);
} else {
    #- this can safely be ignored if new configuration is sent.

# taken from mdkonline to perform complete update of rpm list (by diff), it has
# been decided to do exactly what mdkonline does the first time to update the db.
sub report_config {
    my ($file) = @_;
sub header { "
* $_[0]
open (FILE,"> $file") || die "Couldn't open $file : $!";
map { chomp; print FILE "$_\n" }
    header("scsi"), cat_("/proc/scsi/scsi"),
    header("lsmod"), cat_("/proc/modules"),
    header("cmdline"), cat_("/proc/cmdline"),
    header("pcmcia: stab"), cat_("$prefix/var/lib/pcmcia/stab") || cat_("$prefix/var/run/stab"),
    header("usb"), cat_("/proc/bus/usb/devices"),
    header("partitions"), cat_("/proc/partitions"),
    header("cpuinfo"), cat_("/proc/cpuinfo"),
    header("install.log"), cat_("$prefix/root/drakx/install.log"),
    header("fstab"), cat_("$prefix/etc/fstab"),
    header("lilo.conf"), cat_("$prefix/etc/lilo.conf"),
    header("menu.lst"), cat_("$prefix/boot/grub/menu.lst"),
    header("/etc/modules.conf"), cat_("$prefix/etc/modules.conf"),
    header("rpm -qa"), join ('', sort `rpm -qa`),
    header("mandrake version"), cat_('/etc/redhat-release');
sub send_config {
    # When we arrive here, we're sure the login/passwd is correct
    my ($login, $passwd, $box_name) = @_;
#    print STDERR "Sending config\n";
    my $result = -1;
    `/usr/bin/bzip2 \\\-9 \\\-f /root/$login.$passwd.$box_name.online.log`;

    # Turn the binary file into a uuencoded ascii file
    open (FILE, "/root/$login.$passwd.$box_name.online.log.bz2") or die "$!";
    my ($chunk, $buffer);
    while (read(FILE, $chunk, 60*57)) {
	$buffer .= $chunk;
    close (FILE);
    open (FILEOUT, "> /root/$login.$passwd.$box_name.online.log.bz2.uue") or die "$!";
	print FILEOUT encode_base64($buffer);
    close (FILEOUT);

    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    $ua->agent("MdkOnlineAgent/$VERSION" . $ua->agent);
    my $response = $ua->request(POST 'https://www.mandrakeonline.net/wizard.php',

				Content_Type => 'form-data',
				Content => [submit => "upload_wizard",
					    wizard => ["/root/$login.$passwd.$box_name.online.log.bz2.uue"]
    # Check the outcome of the response
    #print "REPONSE: ".$response->content."\n";
    if ($response->is_success) {
	$result = ($response->content =~ /TRUE(.*)/) ? 0 : -1;
	#print("key is $1\n");
	$key = $1; 
	#- update local copy now.
	unlink "/root/.mdkupdate.rpms";
	rename "/root/rpm_qa_installed_after", "/root/.mdkupdate.rpms";
    } else {
	# pb with the connection ?
	$result = -1;

    unlink "/root/$login.$passwd.$box_name.online.log.bz2";
    unlink "/root/$login.$passwd.$box_name.online.log.bz2.uue";

    $result == 0 && $key;

sub update_rpms {
    my ($login,$password,$box_name,$curkey) =@_;
    my $result = -1;
    my $string;
    if ($login && $password && $login !~ /\s+/ && $password !~ /\s+/) {
	my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
	$ua->agent("MdkUpdateAgent/$VERSION" . $ua->agent);
	my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url_get_rpms.'?log='.$login.'&pass='.$password.'&host='.$box_name.'&key='.$curkey);
	my $response = $ua->request($request);
	$string = $response->content;
	if ($response->is_success) {
	    $result = ($response->content =~ /TRUE/) ? 0 : -1;
	} else {
	    log_i(_("Connection problem")."\n"._("MandrakeUpdate could not contact the site, we will try again."));
	    exit 1;
    } else {
	$result = -1; 
    # if correct, return 0
    if (! $result) {
	@str_m = split '\n', $string;
	my %l = getVarsFromSh "/root/.mdkupdate";
	if ($str_m[0] eq 'TRUE') {
	    setVarsInSh("/root/.mdkupdate", {
		OLDKEY => $str_m[2],
		CURRENTKEY => $str_m[1],
		VER => $l{VER},
		BOX => $l{BOX},
		PASS => $l{PASS},
		LOGIN => $l{LOGIN} ,
	    my @junk= splice(@str_m,0,3);
	    my $mir_full = "ftp://$l{MIRROR}/$l{VER}/RPMS/";
	} else { log_i("problem occur $str_m\n"); }
    } else {
	log_i(_("Your login or password may be wrong")."\n"._("You need to have an account on MandrakeOnline, or update your subscription.")."\n"._("For any problem send an e-mail to support\@mandrakeonline.net\n"));
	exit 1;

sub update_packages {
    my ($mir,@str) = @_;
    @str or return;
    eval {
	system "/usr/sbin/urpmi.removemedia", "mdkupdate";
	system "/usr/sbin/urpmi.addmedia", "-c", "mdkupdate", $mir, "with", "../base/hdlist.cz";
	$? == 0 or die _("Unable to create mdkupdate medium.\n");
	system "/usr/sbin/urpmi", "--auto", "--clean", "--media", "mdkupdate", map { /^(.*)\.rpm$/ && $1 } @str;
	$? == 0 or die _("Unable to update packages from mdkupdate medium.\n");
    $@ and die;
#    chdir($rpms_rep) or log_i("\ncannot chdir to $rpms_rep\n");
#    $full_rpm = join(' ',@str);
#    print "@str\n";
#    foreach (@str) {
#	-x "/usr/bin/wget" or die _("wget is missing\n");
#	`/usr/bin/wget -nc $mir$_`;
#    }
#    `urpmi $full_rpm`;
#    foreach $pack (@str) {
#	system("rm -f $pack");
#    }	

sub send_rpm_dif {
    my ($login,$password,$box_name,$oldkey) =@_;
    #`sdiff -s /root/rpm_qa_installed_after /root/rpm_qa_installed_before >/root/$login.$password.$box_name.$oldkey.dif`;
    `sdiff -s /root/rpm_qa_installed_after /root/.mdkupdate.rpms >/root/$login.$password.$box_name.$oldkey.dif`;
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    $ua->agent("MdkOnlineAgent/$VERSION" . $ua->agent);
    my $response = $ua->request(POST "https://www.mandrakeonline.net/online_dif.php",

				Content_Type => 'form-data',
				Content => [submit => "upload_dif",
					    dif_file => ["/root/$login.$password.$box_name.$oldkey.dif"]
    #- update .mdkupdate.rpms with newer version just sent.
    if ($response->content =~ /TRUE/) {
	unlink "/root/.mdkupdate.rpms";
	rename "/root/rpm_qa_installed_after", "/root/.mdkupdate.rpms";

    # Check the outcome of the response
    print "REPONSE: ".$response->content."\n";

sub clean_dir {
    system("rm -f /root/*.dif /root/rpm_qa_installed_before /root/rpm_qa_installed_after");    

sub rpm_qa {
    my ($file) = @_;
    open (FILE,"> $file") || die "Couldn't open $file : $!"; 
    map { chomp; print FILE "$_" } join('',sort `rpm -qa`);
    close FILE;

sub log_i {
    local *LOG;
    open LOG, ">>/var/log/mdkupdate.log" or die "can't output to log file\n";
    print LOG @_;
    close LOG;

sub fatal {
    my ($comment)=@_;
    printf STDERR "%s\n", $comment; exit($_[0]);