#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################ # Mdkupdate # # # # Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Mandriva # # # # Daouda Lo # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as # # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ################################################################################ use POSIX; use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX /usr/lib/libDrakX/drakfirsttime); use common; use mdkonline; use interactive; use urpm; BEGIN { unshift @::textdomains, 'mdkupdate' } mdkonline::is_running('mdkupdate') and die "mdkupdate already running\n"; require_root_capability(); my $confdir = '/root/.MdkOnline'; my $conffile = "$confdir/mdkupdate"; my $difflog = '/var/tmp/diff.log'; my $currentrpm = "$confdir/rpm_qa_installed_current"; my $afterrpm = "$confdir/rpm_qa_installed_after"; my $logfile = '/var/tmp/mdkupdate.log'; my $onlineUrl = "https://www.mandrivaonline.com/"; my $url; foreach (qw(online_dif online_update online3_RemoteAction wizard)) { $url->{$_} = $onlineUrl . $_ . '.php'; } my $VERSION = "1.3"; my $YEARS = "2002-2005"; #for compatibilities mkdir_p($confdir) if !-d $confdir; -e '/root/.mdkupdate' and system "/bin/mv", "/root/.mdkupdate", $conffile; my ($scheduled, $noscheduled); sub usage() { print STDERR N("mdkupdate version %s Copyright (C) %s Mandriva. This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. usage: ", $VERSION, $YEARS) . N(" --help - print this help message. ") . N(" --auto - Mandriva Update launched automatically. ") . N(" --applet - launch Mandriva Update. ") . N(" --mnf - launch mnf specific scripts. ") . N(" --noX - text mode version of Mandriva Update. "); exit(0); } my ($opt) = @ARGV; @ARGV == 1 && member($opt, qw(--auto --applet --mnf --noX)) or usage(); -s $conffile or die N("No %s file found. Run mdkonline wizard first", $conffile); my %o = getVarsFromSh($conffile); if ($o{LOGIN} && $o{PASS} && $o{LOGIN} !~ /\s+/ && $o{PASS} !~ /\s+/) { my $u; my $MandrakeUpdateURL = $url->{online3_RemoteAction} . '?action=ScheduledRPM' . '&log=' . $o{LOGIN} . '&pass=' . $o{PASS} . '&host=' . $o{MACHINE} . '&key=' . $o{CURRENTKEY}; my $resp = mdkonline::get_from_URL($MandrakeUpdateURL, 'MdkUpdateAgent'); my $contents = $resp->content; print "CONTENTS = $contents \n"; -e $logfile and system "/bin/rm", $logfile; if ($resp->is_success) { if ($contents =~ /TRUE/) { $u = 10 } elsif ($contents =~ m/(\d+)/) { $u = sprintf("%d", $1) } else { $u = 83 } my $action = { 10 => sub { my $c2h = split_contents($contents); #printf("\nCONTENTS = $contents \n torf = %s\n OLDKEY = %s = %s \n NEWKEY = %s \n FTP = %s\n", $c2h->{torf}, $c2h->{OLDKEY}, $o{CURRENTKEY}, $c2h->{NEWKEY}, $c2h->{FTP} ); if ($c2h->{torf} eq "TRUE" && $c2h->{OLDKEY} && $c2h->{NEWKEY}) { update_conf($c2h->{OLDKEY}, $c2h->{NEWKEY}) } if ($c2h->{FTP}) { # for debugging purpose printf("FTP = %s\n", $c2h->{FTP}); #$c2h->{FTP} = 'ftp://ftp.lip6.fr/pub/linux/distributions/mandrake/updates'; add_media($c2h->{FTP}); } $scheduled = join(',', @{$c2h->{sched}}); $noscheduled = join(',', @{$c2h->{nosched}}); $noscheduled =~ s/\.rpm//g; #printf "SCHEDULED = $scheduled\nNOSCHEDULED = $noscheduled\n"; -f $currentrpm or rpm_qa($currentrpm); if ($opt eq '--applet') { if ($release <= 10.1) { system "/usr/bin/MandrivaUpdate", "--no-confirmation", "--media=update_source", "--pkg-sel=$scheduled", "--pkg-nosel=$noscheduled"; } else { system "/usr/bin/MandrivaUpdate", "--no-confirmation", "--no-media-update", "--media=update_source", "--pkg-sel=$scheduled", "--pkg-nosel=$noscheduled"; } } elsif ($opt eq '--noX') { my $in = interactive->vnew; my $pkgs = ask_pkgs($in); install_pkgs($in, $pkgs) if $pkgs; $in->exit(0); } elsif ($opt eq '--auto') { $o{AUTO} eq 'TRUE' and auto_install_rpms($c2h->{sched}); } rpm_qa($afterrpm); my %new = getVarsFromSh($conffile); my $need_upload = get_rpm_diff(); if ($need_upload || member($opt, qw(--auto --mnf))) { #- send configuration and get back key to use... my $r; ($r, $new{CURRENTKEY}) = send_conf_update($new{LOGIN}, $new{PASS}, $new{MACHINE}); $new{FTP} = if_($opt eq '--mnf', $c2h->{FTP}); if ($r eq 'TRUE') { delete $new{OLDKEY}; setVarsInSh($conffile, \%new) } } clean_dir(); }, 80 => sub { output_p($logfile, "[mdkupdate] Error 80: Client password does not match in database"); }, 81 => sub { output_p($logfile, "[mdkupdate] Error 81: Bad Authentification key. Please rerun mdkonline wizard"); }, 82 => sub { output_p($logfile, "[mdkupdate] Error 82: No active Online service found for this host."); }, 83 => sub { output_p($logfile, "[mdkupdate] Error 83: Unknown problem, better relaunch mdkonline wizard or check connexion"); } }; $action->{$u}->(); } else { output_p($logfile, N("Connection problem") . "\n" . N("Mandriva Update could not contact the site, we will try again.")); } } else { my $ret = -1; } sub ask_pkgs { my ($in) = @_; my $pkgs = get_updatable_pkgs(); $in->ask_browse_tree_info('Mdkupdate', N("Choose which packages should be installed and Press Ok"), { node_state => sub { $pkgs->{$_[0]}{selected} ? 'selected' : 'unselected' }, build_tree => sub { my ($add_node, $flat) = @_; $add_node->($_, undef) foreach sort keys %$pkgs; }, grep_unselected => sub { grep { !$pkgs->{$_}{selected} } @_ }, toggle_nodes => sub { my ($set_state, @nodes) = @_; my $new_state = !$pkgs->{$nodes[0]}{selected}; foreach (@nodes) { $set_state->($_, $new_state ? 'selected' : 'unselected'); $pkgs->{$_}{selected} = $new_state; } }, get_info => sub {}, }) or return keys %$pkgs; #- no change on cancel. [ grep { $pkgs->{$_}{selected} } keys %$pkgs ]; } sub install_pkgs { my ($in, $choosed) = @_; my $w = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Installing packages ...\n")); eval { system "/usr/sbin/urpmi", "--auto", "--media", "update_source", @$choosed; $? == 0 or die N("Unable to update packages from update_source medium.\n"); }; undef $w; } sub get_updatable_pkgs() { my $urpm = new urpm; $urpm->read_config; my %installable_pkgs; my @update_medias; my ($medium) = grep { $_->{name} eq "update_source" } @{$urpm->{media}}; if ($medium) { $urpm->configure(media => $medium->{name}); @update_medias = grep { !$_->{ignore} && $_->{update} } @{$urpm->{media}}; $urpm->compute_installed_flags(URPM::DB::open); foreach my $pkg (@{$urpm->{depslist}}) { $pkg->flag_upgrade or next; my $selected = 0; $pkg->flag_installed or next; any { $pkg->id >= $_->{start} && $pkg->id <= $_->{end} } @update_medias or next; $selected = member($pkg->name, qw(perl-URPM, urpmi, mdkonline, drakxtools)) ? 1 : 0; $installable_pkgs{my_fullname($pkg)} = { selected => $selected, pkg => $pkg }; } } \%installable_pkgs; } sub my_fullname { return '?-?-?' unless ref $_[0]; my ($name, $version, $release) = $_[0]->fullname; "$name-$version-$release"; } sub split_contents { my $cont = shift; my ($elem, $s); $s = [ split /\n/, $cont ]; $elem->{torf} = $s->[0]; if ($elem->{torf} eq 'TRUE') { ($elem->{torf}, $elem->{NEWKEY}, $elem->{OLDKEY}, $elem->{FTP}) = splice(@$s, 0, 4); ($elem->{sched}, $elem->{nosched}) = partition { /(i586|ppc|ia64|noarch|x86_64|amd64|ppc64)$/ } @$s; } $elem; } sub auto_install_rpms { my ($pkgs) = shift; my @pkg; push(@pkg, $_ . '.rpm') foreach @$pkgs; my $ret = update_pkgs(@pkg); $ret == 1 or output_p($logfile, "[mdkupdate] Error 100: Packages failed to upgrade"); } sub update_conf { my ($oldkey, $newkey) = @_; my %l = getVarsFromSh $conffile; setVarsInSh($conffile, { OLDKEY => $oldkey, CURRENTKEY => $newkey, VER => $l{VER}, MACHINE => $l{MACHINE}, PASS => $l{PASS}, LOGIN => $l{LOGIN}, AUTO => $l{AUTO} }); } sub add_media { my $mirror = shift; my ($r, $da, $is_x8664, $dist_name); ($r) = mdkonline::get_release(); # retrieve dist and arch from /etc/mandrakelinux file $da = mdkonline::get_distro_type(); my $media_varfile = "/var/lib/urpmi/list.mdkupdate"; my ($path2new_arch, $path2new_synthesis) = $r <= 10.0 ? ('/RPMS/', '../base/synthesis.hdlist.cz') : ('/main_updates/', 'media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz'); #sometimes server returns the full link http:// or ftp:// ($is_x8664) = $da->{arch} =~ /(x86_64)/; $dist_name = $da->{name}; my $fullpath2mir = if_($mirror !~ m!^(?:http|ftp)://! , "ftp://") . $mirror . if_($is_x8664, "/$is_x8664") . if_($dist_name, "/$dist_name") . "/$r" . $path2new_arch; eval { #Remove historical mdkupdate source -f $media_varfile and system "/usr/sbin/urpmi.removemedia", "mdkupdate"; system "/usr/sbin/urpmi.removemedia", "update_source"; system "/usr/sbin/urpmi.addmedia", "--update", "update_source", $fullpath2mir, "with", $path2new_synthesis; }; $@ and die "Problem adding Update Media with urpmi"; } sub update_pkgs { @_ or return; eval { system "/usr/sbin/urpmi", "--auto", "--media", "update_source", map { /^(.*)\.rpm$/ && $1 } @_; $? == 0 or die N("Unable to update packages from update_source medium.\n"); }; $@ and output_p($logfile, "[mdkupdate] Error 99: $@"), return 0; return 1; } sub send_conf_update { my ($login, $password, $boxname) = @_; mdkonline::report_config("$confdir/$login.$password.$boxname.online.log"); my $tag = { submit => 'upload_wizard', wizard => [ "$confdir/$login.$password.$boxname.online.log.bz2.uue" ] }; my ($res, $key) = mdkonline::send_config($url->{wizard}, $tag); ($res, $key); } sub get_rpm_diff { my $isdif = `sdiff -s $afterrpm $currentrpm`; $isdif and output_p($difflog, $isdif), return 1; return 0; } sub new_rpm_base { -f $afterrpm and system('/bin/mv', $afterrpm, $currentrpm); } sub clean_dir() { new_rpm_base(); mdkonline::clean_confdir(); output_p($logfile, 'OK'); } sub rpm_qa { my ($file) = @_; output($file, chomp_(join('', sort(`rpm -qa`)))); }