#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################ # MandrakeOnline # # # # Copyright (C) 2001-2002-2003-2004 MandrakeSoft # # # # Daouda Lo # # Renaud Chaillat # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as # # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ################################################################################ use strict; use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use interactive; use common; use Config; init Gtk2; #use LWP::Debug qw(+); use LWP::UserAgent; use Net::HTTPS; use HTTP::Request::Common; use HTTP::Request; BEGIN { unshift @::textdomains, 'mdkonline' } use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64); use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64); use Sys::Hostname; use ugtk2 qw(:all); use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX/drakfirsttime); use comdialog; use data; add_icon_path("/usr/share/drakfirsttime/pixmaps/"); my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su', 'default'); my $VERSION = '1.0'; my ($create_account, $auto_update) = (0, 0); my $linkAccount = "http://www.mandrakeexpert.com/index2.php"; my $wideconf = '/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline'; my ($o, $p); $o->{mw} = ugtk2->new("MandrakeOnline" . " " . $VERSION, center => 1); gtkset_size_request($o->{mw}{window}, 580, 470); $o->{mw}{rwindow}->set_position('center'); $o->{mw}{window}->signal_connect( "delete_event", sub { Gtk2->main_quit} ); $o->{nb} = Gtk2::Notebook->new; $o->{nb}->set_show_tabs(0); $o->{nb}->set_show_border(0); $o->{bottomHbox} = Gtk2::HBox->new; my %stage = ( 0 => sub { if ($o->{account_cb}->get_active) { subsOnline() } else { $o->{nb}->next_page} }, 1 => sub { $o->{nb}->next_page(); setEntryWithConf() }, 2 => sub { testPasswd() }, 3 => sub { sendConfig() }, 4 => sub { setConf() } ); $o->{actions} = { Next => sub { $p = $o->{nb}->get_current_page; $stage{$p}->(); $p <= 0 and $o->{Prev}->set_sensitive(1); $p == 4 and mainQuit() }, SkipWiz => sub { mainQuit() }, Prev => sub { $p = $o->{nb}->get_current_page; $o->{nb}->prev_page(); $p <= 1 and init(0) } }; foreach my $l (['Next', 'gtk-go-forward', 'stock'], ['SkipWiz', N("Skip Wizard")], ['Prev', 'gtk-go-back', 'stock']) { $o->{$l->[0]} = $l->[2] ? Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock($l->[1]) : Gtk2::Button->new(" " . $l->[1] . " "); $l->[2] ? $o->{bottomHbox}->pack_end($o->{$l->[0]}, 0, 0, 1) : $o->{bottomHbox}->pack_start($o->{$l->[0]}, 0, 0, 1); $o->{$l->[0]}->signal_connect( clicked => sub { $o->{actions}{$l->[0]}->() }); } gtkadd($o->{mw}{window}, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 2), 1, $o->{nb}, 0, Gtk2::HSeparator->new, 0, gtkpack($o->{bottomHbox}), ), ); gtkappend_page($o->{nb}, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 3), 0, set_darea(N("Welcome to MandrakeOnline"), 'welcome'), 0, Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("At this step You are supposed to have an account on MandrakeOnline.\nThis assistant will help you to upload your configuration\n(packages, hardware configuration) to a centralized database in\norder to keep you informed about security updates and useful upgrades.\n")), 1, gtkadd(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("Create a MandrakeOnline Account")), gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 3), 0, gtksignal_connect(gtkset_active($o->{account_cb} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("I don't have a MandrakeOnline account and I want to ") . N("Subscribe")), $create_account), clicked => sub { $create_account =! $create_account; $o->{vbox_account}->set_sensitive($create_account) }), 1, gtkpack_($o->{vbox_account} = Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 3), 1, create_packtable({ homogeneous => 1, col_spacings => 10, row_spacings => 10, mcc => 1 }, [], [ N("Login:"), $o->{clogin} = Gtk2::Entry->new(), " " ], [ N("Password:"), $o->{cpasswd} = entry_hidepass(), " " ], [ N("Confirm Password:"), $o->{cconfirm} = entry_hidepass(), " " ], [ N("Mail contact:"), $o->{cmail} = Gtk2::Entry->new() ] )) ) )) ); gtkappend_page($o->{nb}, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 3), 0, set_darea(N("Mandrake Privacy Policy"), 'privacy'), 1, create_scrolled_window(gtktext_insert(Gtk2::TextView->new, privacy_text())) ) ); gtkappend_page($o->{nb}, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 3), 0, set_darea("MandrakeOnline" . " " . N("Authentification"), 'authentification'), 0, Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new("\n\n" . N("Enter your MandrakeOnline login, password and machine name:")), 1, create_packtable({ homogeneous => 1, col_spacings => 10, row_spacings => 10, mcc => 1 }, [], [ N("Login:"), $o->{login} = Gtk2::Entry->new(), "" ], [ N("Password:"), $o->{passwd} = entry_hidepass(), "" ], [ N("Machine name:"), $o->{machine} = Gtk2::Entry->new() ], )) ); gtkappend_page($o->{nb}, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 3), 0, set_darea("Send Configuration", 'sendingconf'), 1, Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(N("In order to benefit from MandrakeOnline services,\nwe are about to upload your configuration.\n\nThe Wizard will now send the following information to MandrakeSoft:\n1) the list of packages you have installed on your system,\n2) your hardware configuration.\n\nIf you feel uncomfortable by that idea, or do not want to benefit from this service,\nplease press 'Cancel'. By pressing 'Next', you allow us to keep you informed\nabout security updates and useful upgrades via personalized email alerts.\nFurthermore, you benefit from discounted paid support services on\nwww.mandrakeexpert.com.\nFinally, an email alias with your username\@mandrakeonline.net will be provided to you.")) ) ); gtkappend_page($o->{nb}, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 3), 0, set_darea("Finish", 'welcome'), 1, Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new("\n\n" . N("Your upload was successful!") . "\n" . N("From now you will receive on security and updates \nannouncements thanks to MandrakeOnline.") . "\n\n" . N("MandrakeOnline offers you the ability to automate the updates.\nA program will run regulary in your system waiting for new updates\n")), 0, gtkadd(Gtk2::Frame->new(N("automated Upgrades")), gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 3), 0, gtksignal_connect(gtkset_active($o->{autoup} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Yes I want automated updates")), $auto_update), clicked => sub { $auto_update =! $auto_update; $o->{vbox_auto}->set_sensitive($auto_update) }), 0, gtkpack_($o->{vbox_auto} = Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 3), 0, create_packtable({ homogeneous => 1, col_spacings => 5, row_spacings => 5 }, [ N("Country:"), $o->{country} = Gtk2::Combo->new ], [" ", " "], )) )))); init(1); $o->{country}->set_popdown_strings(sort(getAllCountries())); $o->{mw}{rwindow}->show_all; Gtk2->main; ugtk2->exit(0); sub subsOnline { my $explink = 'http://www.mandrakeexpert.com/online3_CreateAccount.php'; my $login = $o->{clogin}->get_text; my $despwd = $o->{cpasswd}->get_text; my $despwdcfm = $o->{cconfirm}->get_text; my $cmail = $o->{cmail}->get_text; $::error = 0; checkErrors($login, $despwd, $despwdcfm, $o->{cmail}); # print "Error = $::error"; if (!$::error) { my $url = $explink . '?desuserid=' . $login . '&despwd=' . $despwd . '&user_email=' . $cmail; print "LOGIN = $login\nPASSWD = $despwd\nMAIL= $cmail\nURL=$url\n"; my $ret = requestURL($url); my $result = { 10 => sub { !$::error and $o->{nb}->next_page}, 11 => sub { raiseError($o->{mw}->{window},N("Creation"),N("Login and password should be less than 12 characters\n")) }, 12 => sub { raiseError($o->{mw}->{window},N("Special characters"),N("Special characters are not allowed\n")) }, 13 => sub { raiseError($o->{mw}->{window},N("Empty fields"),N("Please fill in all fields\n")) }, 14 => sub { raiseError($o->{mw}->{window},N("Email"),N("Email not valid\n")) }, 15 => sub { raiseError($o->{mw}->{window},N("Change account"),N("Account already exist\n")) }, }; if ($ret->is_success) { my $content = $ret->content; print "CODE_RETOUR = $content\n"; if ($content =~ m/(\d+)/) { my $code = sprintf("%d",$1);print "CODE = $code\n"; eval { $result->{$code}->() } } } else { raiseError($o->{mw}->{window}, N("Server Problem"), N("Problem connecting to server \n")) } } } sub checkErrors { my ($login, $despwd, $despwdcfm, $cmail) = @_; $login or raiseError($o->{mw}->{window},N("Error"), N("Please provide a login")); if (!$::error && $despwd ne $despwdcfm) { raiseError($o->{mw}->{window},N("Error"), N("The passwords do not match\n Please try again\n")) } elsif (!$::error and check_valid_email($cmail) != 1) { raiseError($o->{mw}->{window},N("Error"), N("Not a valid mail address!\n")) } } sub setEntryWithConf { my %t = getVarsFromSh($wideconf); foreach (qw(login machine)) { $o->{$_}->set_text($t{uc($_)}) } } sub sendConfig { # When we arrive here, we're sure the login/passwd is correct # print STDERR "Sending config\n"; my $result = -1; my ($login, $boxname, $passwd); $login = $o->{login}->get_text; $boxname = $o->{machine}->get_text; my $passwd = md5_hex($o->{passwd}->get_text); reportConfig("/root/$login.$passwd.$boxname.online.log"); `/usr/bin/bzip2 \\\-9 \\\-f /root/$login.$passwd.$boxname.online.log`; # Turn the binary file into a uuencoded ascii file open (FILE, "/root/$login.$passwd.$boxname.online.log.bz2") or die "$!"; my ($chunk, $buffer); while (read(FILE, $chunk, 60*57)) { $buffer .= $chunk; } close (FILE); open (FILEOUT, "> /root/$login.$passwd.$boxname.online.log.bz2.uue") or die "$!"; print FILEOUT encode_base64($buffer); close (FILEOUT); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent("MdkOnlineAgent/0.15" . $ua->agent); my $w = wait_msg(N("Sending configuration...")); my $response = $ua->request(POST 'http://www.mandrakeonline.net/wizard.php', Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [submit => "upload_wizard", wizard => ["/root/$login.$passwd.$boxname.online.log.bz2.uue"] ]); #printf("*********** Reponse is %s ***********\n", $response->as_string); # Check the outcome of the response #print "REPONSE: ".$response->content."\n"; remove_wait_msg($w); if ($response->is_success) { $result = ($response->content =~ /^TRUE(.*)/) ? 0 : -1; #printf("Send Config :\nNEWKEY=%s\nRESPONSE=%s", $1, $response->content); $o->{currentkey} = $1; } else { # pb with the connection ? $result = -1; } # if information were sent correctly (exit code: 0 from scp script), go to page 5 if (! $result) { # go to last page $o->{nb}->next_page; $o->{Next}->set_label(N("Finish")); $o->{Prev}->hide } else { # if incorrect, go/stay on page 4 to retry sending data # pb with the connection ? raiseError($o->{mw}->{window}, N("Connection problem"), N("MandrakeOnline could not be contacted, please try again at a later time")); } } sub setConf { my $login = $o->{login}->get_text; my $passwd = md5_hex($o->{passwd}->get_text); my $boxname = $o->{machine}->get_text; my $country = getCountry($o->{country}->entry->get_text); my $key = $o->{currentkey}; if ($o->{autoup}->get_active) { automatedUpgrades($login, $passwd, $boxname, $key, $country) } writeWideConf($login, $boxname, $country); } sub init { my $i = shift; $o->{Prev}->set_sensitive(0); $o->{Next}->grab_focus; $i and FirstSettings(); } sub FirstSettings { foreach my $l (qw(vbox_account vbox_auto)) { $o->{$l}->set_sensitive(0); } } sub final { $o->{Prev}->hide; $o->{SkipWiz}->hide; $o->{Next}->set_label(N("Finish")) } sub getNames { my ($login, $passwd, $machine) = @_; $login = $o->{login}->get_text; $passwd = $o->{passwd}->get_text; $machine = $o->{machine}->get_text; ($login, $passwd, $machine) } sub mainQuit { # remove local files my ($login, $passwd, $boxname) = getNames(); if ($o->{login}->get_text && $o->{passwd}->get_text) { [ -f "/root/$login.$passwd.$boxname.online.log.bz2.uue" ] && unlink ("/root/$login.$passwd.$boxname.online.log.bz2.uue"); [ -f "/root/$login.$passwd.$boxname.online.log.bz2" ] && unlink ("/root/$login.$passwd.$boxname.online.log.bz2"); } # quit print N("Quitting Wizard\n"); Gtk2->main_quit; } sub isalphanum { my ($str) = @_; if ($str =~ /^[[:alnum:]]+$/) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub testPasswd () { my $result = -1; my $login = $o->{login}->get_text; my $passwd = $o->{passwd}->get_text; my $boxname = $o->{machine}->get_text; my $test = isalphanum($boxname); #print ("isalnum : $test"); if ($login && $passwd && $test && $login !~ /\s+/ && $passwd !~ /\s+/) { # NEW METHOD (http) # first, MD5ify the password my $w = wait_msg(("Connecting ...\n")); $passwd = md5_hex($passwd); # or md5 () or md5_base64 () my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent("MdkOnlineAgent/0.15" . $ua->agent); my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'http://www.mandrakeexpert.com/firsttimewizard/validusercheck.php?u=' . $login . '&p=' . $passwd); my $response = $ua->request($request); remove_wait_msg($w); # Check the outcome of the response if ($response->is_success) { $result = ($response->content =~ /TRUE/) ? 0 : -1; } else { # pb with the connection ? stay on page 2 raiseError($o->{mw}->{window}, N("Connection problem"), N("MandrakeOnline could not be contacted, please try again at a later time")); return; } } else { $result = -1; # not needed, but this way it's clear } # if correct, go to page 4 if (! $result) { $o->{nb}->next_page(); } else { # if incorrect, clear passwd and stay on page 2 raiseError($o->{mw}->{window}, N("Wrong password"), N("Your login or password was wrong.\n Either you'll have to type it again, or you'll need to create an account on MandrakeOnline.\n In the latter case, go back to the first step to connect to MandrakeOnline.\n Be aware that you must also provide a Machine name \n (only alphabetical characters are admitted)")); $o->{passwd}->set_text(""); } } sub reportConfig { my ($file) = @_; #touch($file); my $w = wait_msg(N("Reading configuration\n")); sub header { " ******************************************************************************** * $_[0] ********************************************************************************"; } open (FILE,"> $file") || die "Couldn't open $file : $!"; join '', map { chomp; print FILE "$_\n" } header("scsi"), cat_("/proc/scsi/scsi"), header("lsmod"), cat_("/proc/modules"), header("cmdline"), cat_("/proc/cmdline"), header("pcmcia: stab"), cat_("/var/lib/pcmcia/stab") || cat_("/var/run/stab"), header("usb"), cat_("/proc/bus/usb/devices"), header("partitions"), cat_("/proc/partitions"), header("cpuinfo"), cat_("/proc/cpuinfo"), header("install.log"), cat_("/root/drakx/install.log"), header("fstab"), cat_("/etc/fstab"), header("lilo.conf"), cat_("/etc/lilo.conf"), header("menu.lst"), cat_("/boot/grub/menu.lst"), header("/etc/modules.conf"), cat_("/etc/modules.conf"), header("rpm -qa"), join ('', sort `rpm -qa`), header("mandrake version"), cat_('/etc/mandrake-release'); close(FILE); remove_wait_msg($w); } sub wait_msg { my ($msg, %options) = @_; my $mainw = ugtk2->new('club', grab => 1, if_(exists $options{transient}, transient => $options{transient})); $mainw->{rwindow}->set_position($options{transient} ? 'center_on_parent' : 'center_always') if !$::isEmbedded; my $label = ref($msg) =~ /^Gtk/ ? $msg : Gtk2::Label->new($msg); gtkadd($mainw->{window}, gtkpack__(gtkadd(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 5), $label, if_(exists $options{widgets}, @{$options{widgets}})))); $label->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { $mainw->{displayed} = 1; 0 }); $mainw->sync until $mainw->{displayed}; gtkset_mousecursor_wait($mainw->{rwindow}->window); $mainw->flush; $mainw; } sub remove_wait_msg { $_[0]->destroy } sub automatedUpgrades { my ($login, $passwd, $boxname, $key, $country) = @_; my ($r) = cat_('/etc/mandrake-release') =~ /release\s(\S+)/; output "/root/.mdkupdate", qq(# automatically generated file. Please don't edit LOGIN=$login PASS=$passwd BOX=$boxname VER=$r CURRENTKEY=$key COUNTRY=$country ); output_p "/etc/cron.daily/mdkupdate", qq(#!/bin/bash if [ -f /root/.mdkupdate ]; then /usr/bin/mdkupdate --auto; fi ); chmod 0755, "/etc/cron.daily/mdkupdate"; } sub writeWideConf { my ($login, $boxname, $country) = @_; my $d = localtime(); $d =~ s/\s+/_/g; output_with_perm $wideconf, 644, qq(LOGIN=$login MACHINE=$boxname COUNTRY=$country LASTCHECK=$d ); }