#!/usr/bin/perl -w ################################################################################ # Mandrake Online # # # # Copyright (C) 2001 MandrakeSoft - Daouda Lo # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as # # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ################################################################################ use Config; use POSIX; use Locale::GetText; #use strict; setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); Locale::GetText::textdomain ("MdkOnline"); import Locale::GetText I_; use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use interactive; my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su', 'default'); sub _ { my $s = shift @_; my $t = I_($s); $t && ref $t or return sprintf $t, @_; my ($T, @p) = @$t; sprintf $T, @_[@p]; } my $nb_pages=0; my $page; my $xpm_path="/usr/share/mdkonline/pixmaps"; my $path_to_welcome="/usr/share/doc/HTML/welcome.html"; my $check_custid; my $true=1; my $false=0; $::isWizard = "@ARGV" =~ /--wizard/; $::isWizard=1; local $_ = join '', @ARGV; require Gtk; require Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage; init Gtk; Gtk->set_locale; Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage->init; my $Main_Window = new Gtk::Window -toplevel; $Main_Window->set_policy($false,$false,$true); $Main_Window->set_position( 1 ); $Main_Window->border_width( 5 ); $Main_Window->set_title(_("Mandrake Online")); $Main_Window->set_usize(540, 430); $Main_Window->realize(); $Main_Window->signal_connect( "delete_event", \>k_main_quit); my $Button_Next= new Gtk::Button(_(" Next > ")); my $Button_SkipWiz= new Gtk::Button(_(" Cancel ")); my $Button_Prev= new Gtk::Button(_(" < Back ")); my $notebook_global = new Gtk::Notebook; $notebook_global->set_show_border($false); $notebook_global->set_show_tabs($false); $page=$notebook_global->get_current_page(); my $vbox = new Gtk::VBox(0,0); $Main_Window->add($vbox); $vbox->pack_start($notebook_global,1,1,0); $vbox->pack_start(new Gtk::HSeparator, 0, 0, 1); my $hbox= new Gtk::HBox(0,5); $vbox->pack_start($hbox, 0, 0, 1); $hbox->pack_end($Button_Next, 0, 1, 0); $hbox->pack_end($Button_Prev, 0, 1, 0); $Button_SkipWiz->signal_connect( clicked => \&confirm_quit); $hbox->pack_start($Button_SkipWiz, 0, 1, 0); my $login_user= new Gtk::Entry(); my $passwd_user= new Gtk::Entry(); init_ui(); $Main_Window->show_all; Gtk->main_iteration while Gtk->events_pending; Gtk->main; sub init_ui { step_wizard(); $Button_Next->signal_connect(clicked =>\&on_next_clicked); $Button_Prev->signal_connect(clicked =>\&on_prev_clicked); } sub on_next_clicked { $page=$notebook_global->get_current_page(); print "$page\n" ; $notebook_global->next_page(); $page=$notebook_global->get_current_page(); print "$page\n" ; } sub on_prev_clicked { $notebook_global->prev_page(); } sub step_wizard { my $vbox_welc= new Gtk::VBox(0,0); write_on_pixmaps($vbox_welc,"welcome.png",_("Welcome to Mandrake Online"),540,100); my $label_welc = new Gtk::Label(_("At this step You are supposed to have an account on Mandrake Online.\nThis assistant will help you to upload your configuration\n(packages, hardware configuration) to a centralized database in\norder to keep you informed about security updates and useful upgrades.\n")); $label_welc->set_uposition(20,150); $vbox_welc->pack_start($label_welc,0,0,1); $notebook_global->append_page($vbox_welc,new Gtk::Label("welcome")); my $vbox_priv = new Gtk::VBox(0,0); write_on_pixmaps($vbox_priv,"privacy.png",_("Mandrake Privacy Policy"),540,100); get_on_privacy($vbox_priv); $notebook_global->append_page($vbox_priv,new Gtk::Label("club")); my $vbox_ident= new Gtk::VBox(0,0); write_on_pixmaps($vbox_ident,"identity.png",_("Mandrake Online Authentification"),540,100); my $label_log = new Gtk::Label("\n\n" . _("Enter your Mandrake Online login and password:")); $vbox_ident->pack_start($label_log,$false ,$false,1); pack_box_identity($vbox_ident,_("Login:"),$login_user,_("Password:"),$passwd_user); $notebook_global->append_page($vbox_ident,new Gtk::Label("login")); my $vbox_rev=new Gtk::VBox(0,0); write_on_pixmaps($vbox_rev,"mailnews.png",_("Sending your Configuration"),540,100); my $label_rev = new Gtk::Label(_("This is your chance, to help us improving Mandrake Linux.\n\nThe Wizard will now send the following informations to MandrakeSoft:\n1) the packages you have installed on your system,\n2) your hardware configuration.\n\nIf you feel uncomfortable, by that idea, press 'Cancel'.\nBy pressing 'Next', you will grant us the privilege\nto learn more about about you as our customer\nand it gives us the chance to keep you informed\nabout security updates and useful upgrades.")); $label_rev->set_uposition(20,150); $vbox_rev->pack_start($label_rev,0,0,1); $notebook_global->append_page($vbox_rev,new Gtk::Label("revision")); } sub confirm_quit { my $window_about = new Gtk::Dialog(); $window_about->set_position(1); my $bbox1 = new Gtk::HButtonBox; $window_about->action_area->pack_start($bbox1,0,0,0); my $button_cancel = new Gtk::Button(_("Cancel")); $button_cancel->signal_connect_object("clicked",$window_about => 'destroy'); $bbox1->add($button_cancel); my $button_quit = new Gtk::Button(_("Quit")); $button_quit->signal_connect_object("clicked",\>k_main_quit); $bbox1->add($button_quit); my $label = new Gtk::Label( _("Do you really want to abort Mandrake Online?\nTo return to the Wizard press 'Cancel',\nto really quit it press 'Quit'.")); my $style1 = new Gtk::Style; $style1->font(Gtk::Gdk::Font->fontset_load(_("-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--14-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"))); $label->set_style($style1); $window_about->set_title(_("Really abort? - Mandrake Online")); $window_about->vbox->pack_start( $label, 1, 1, 0 ); $window_about->show_all(); $window_about->set_modal(1); } sub pack_box_identity { my ($vbox,$label1,$entry1,$label2,$entry2)=@_; my $table = new Gtk::Table( 2, 2, $true); my $Label_wg1=new Gtk::Label($label1); my $Label_wg2=new Gtk::Label($label2); $table->attach_defaults( $Label_wg1, 0, 1, 0, 1); $table->attach_defaults( $entry1, 1, 2, 0, 1); $table->attach_defaults( $Label_wg2, 0, 1, 1, 2); $table->attach_defaults( $entry2, 1, 2, 1, 2); $Label_wg1->set_uposition(50,170); $Label_wg2->set_uposition(40,200); $entry1->set_uposition(210,170); $entry2->set_uposition(210,200); $entry2->set_visibility($false); $vbox->pack_start($table,$true ,$true ,1); } sub load_text { my $line; my ($text,$file)=@_; open( FILE, $file ) or die "load_text: missing file $file"; foreach $line ( ) { $text->insert( $fixed_font, undef, undef, $line ); } close( FILE ); } sub get_on_privacy { my ($vbox)=@_; my $table=new Gtk::Table( 1, 2, $false ); my $text=new Gtk::Text(undef,undef); $text->set_editable($false); $table->attach( $text, 0, 1, 0, 1, [ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ], [ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ], 0, 0 ); my $vscrollbar = new Gtk::VScrollbar( $text->vadj ); $table->attach( $vscrollbar, 1, 2, 0, 1, 'fill', [ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ], 0, 0 ); load_text($text,"/usr/share/mdkonline/privacy.txt"); $vbox->pack_start( $table, $true, $true, 0 ); } sub gtkpng { new Gtk::Pixmap(gtkcreate_png(@_)) } sub gtkcreate_png { my ($f) = @_; $f =~ m|.png$| or $f="$f.png"; if ( $f !~ /\//) { -e "$_/$f" and $f="$_/$f", last foreach $ENV{SHARE_PATH}, "$pixmaps", "pixmaps" } my $im = Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage->load_image($f) or die "gtkcreate_png: missing png file $f"; $im->render($im->rgb_width, $im->rgb_height); ($im->move_image(), $im->move_mask); } sub write_on_pixmaps { my ($vbox, $pix_name, $step_label, $width, $height)=@_; my $darea= new Gtk::DrawingArea(); $darea->set_usize($width,$height); $vbox->pack_start($darea,0,0,0); my ($pix1,$pix_mask1) = gtkcreate_png("$xpm_path/$pix_name"); my ($y1, $x1) = $pix1->get_size; my $style= new Gtk::Style; $style->font(Gtk::Gdk::Font->fontset_load(_("-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--17-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"))); my $w = $style->font->string_width(_("Welcome")); $darea->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { my $i; for ($i=0;$i<($width/$y1);$i++) { $darea->window->draw_pixmap ($darea->style->bg_gc('normal'), $pix1, 0, 0, 0, $y1*$i, $x1 , $y1 ); $darea->window->draw_string( $style->font, $darea->style->white_gc, 120+(380-$w)/2, 62, $step_label ); } }); } sub gtk_main_quit { print _("Quitting Wizard\n"); main_quit Gtk; }