package mdkonline; use strict; use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64); use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use c; use common; use LWP::UserAgent; use Net::HTTPS; use HTTP::Request::Common; use HTTP::Request; use SOAP::Lite; use Switch; use Log::Agent; # use settings from main file use Error qw(:try); #For debugging use Data::Dumper; my $release_file = find { -f $_ } '/etc/mandriva-release', '/etc/mandrakelinux-release', '/etc/mandrake-release', '/etc/redhat-release'; my $uri = 'https://localhost/~romain/online3/htdocs/soap'; #my $uri = ''; my $serviceProxy = $uri; my $onlineProxy = $uri; my $useragent = set_ua('mdkonline'); sub is_proxy () { return 1 if defined $ENV{http_proxy}; } my $s = is_proxy() ? SOAP::Lite->uri($uri)->proxy($serviceProxy, proxy => [ 'http' => $ENV{http_proxy} ], agent => $useragent) : SOAP::Lite->uri($uri)->proxy($serviceProxy, agent => $useragent); # sub get_configuration { my $in = shift; my $config_file = '/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline'; my %conf; my $ret; logsay "checking configuration"; try { # check local config file if( ! ( -e $config_file ) || ! ( -s $config_file ) ) { logsay "checking dns service"; %conf = get_conf_from_dns(); print "from dns:\n",Dumper(%conf),"\n"; if( %conf ) { } else { throw( ) } if( %conf eq undef ) { logwarn "found none"; } else { logsay "found one"; } } else { # found one logsay "found $config_file"; %conf = getVarsFromSh($config_file); if( defined $conf{MACHINE} && ! defined $conf{VERSION} ) { # old (v2) config logsay "old (v2) conf found; trying to upgrade to v3"; $ret = upgrade_to_v3(); print "\n", $ret, "\n"; if( $ret eq 1 ) { logsay "succeeded; reloading configuration"; # reload config %conf = getVarsFromSh($config_file); } else { logsay "failed. stop."; # TODO what do we do now? email warning? support? forget it? %conf = undef; } } } } catch Error with { my $ex = shift; print Dumper($ex); } finally { }; # now, a valid working config file is loaded if( defined $conf{MOBILE} && $conf{MOBILE} eq 'TRUE' ) { logsay "checking for mobile options"; # client is mobile: we check for any dns-declared local option # (like, a local update mirror) # TODO set precedence rules. user may not want/have the right to # follow local network rules (security of the update process). # depends on host config, and on server commands. my $sd = new Discovery; my $info = $sd->search(); if( $info ) { # TODO } else {} # nothing to do } %conf; } # update current configuration values with those passed as argument sub save_config { my $params = shift; my %current = getVarsFromSh('/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline'); print Dumper($params); defined $params->{customer_id} and $current{CUSTOMER_ID} = $params->{customer_id}; defined $params->{host_id} and $current{HOST_ID} = $params->{host_id}; defined $params->{host_key} and $current{HOST_KEY} = $params->{host_key}; defined $params->{host_name} and $current{HOST_NAME} = $params->{host_name}; ! defined $current{VERSION} and $current{VERSION} = 3; defined $params->{country} and $current{COUNTRY} = $params->{country}; defined $params->{mobile} and $current{MOBILE} = $params->{mobile}; defined $params->{auto} and $current{AUTO} = $params->{auto}; $current{DATE_SET} = chomp_(`LC_ALL=C date`); print Dumper(%current); print setVarsInSh( '/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline', %current ); %current; }; # sub upgrade_to_v3 { my $oldconffile = '/root/.MdkOnline/mdkupdate'; if( ( -e $oldconffile ) && ( -s $oldconffile ) ) { my %old = getVarsFromSh('/root/.MdkOnline/mdkupdate'); if( $old{LOGIN} ne '' && $old{PASS} ne '' && $old{MACHINE} ne '' ) { my $res = mdkonline::soap_recover_service($old{LOGIN},'{md5}'.$old{PASS},$old{MACHINE},$old{COUNTRY}); if( $res->{code} eq '0' || $res->{code} == 0 ) { #logsay "succeeded to register anew to service; configuring local host."; my $cd = $res->{data}; $cd->{auto} = 'FALSE'; $cd->{mobile} = 'FALSE'; $cd->{country} = ''; $cd->{service} = ''; mdkonline::save_config( $res->{data} ); return 1; } else { $res->{code} eq '1' and logwarn "this host may be already registered"; logwarn "failed to recover service; answer was: " . $res->{message} . "(" . $res->{code} . ")"; } } else { # missing info in config file; invalid; #logwarn "failed to recover service; config file is missing some info."; } } else { # no config file found; #logwarn "no config file has been found (" . $oldconffile . ")"; } return undef; }; sub register_from_dns { my $dnsconf = shift; my $user = $dnsconf->{user}->{name} || ''; my $pass = $dnsconf->{user}->{pass} || ''; my $hostname = chomp_(`hostname`); my $hostinfo = ''; my $country = ''; # FIXME # TODO change SOAP proxy to the one indicated at $dnsconf->{service} before # TODO wrap all soap calls into an object so we can update the proxy on the fly? my $res = mdkonline::soap_register_host( $user, $pass, $hostname, $hostinfo, $country ); if( $res->{code} eq 0 ) { $res->{data}->{service} = $dnsconf->{service}; return mdkonline::save_config( $res->{data} ); } return undef; } sub get_conf_from_dns { my $sd = new Discover; my $info = $sd->search(); my $ret; if( $info ) { logsay "found service"; if( defined $info->{user}->{name} && defined $info->{user}->{pass} && $info->{user}->{name} ne '' && $info->{user}->{pass} ne '' ) { print Dumper($info); # TODO check service certificate $ret = mdkonline::register_from_dns( $info ); if( $ret ) { return $ret; } else { logsay "failed to register to dns declared service"; } } else { logsay "does not permit automatic registration (no user info)"; } } else { logsay "no service info found"; } return; } # sub run_and_return_task { my $task = shift; my $ret; if( $task->{command} ne 'none' ) { # switch( $task->{command} ) { # case 'update' { # #$task->{mirror} # #$task->{packages} # } # case 'upload_config' { # # # } # case 'set_params' { # #$task->{params} # } # case 'none' { # logsay "nothing to do"; # } # else { # logwarn "unknown task " . $task->{command}; # } # } # # TODO soap_return_task_result(); } else { $ret = 1; } $ret; }; sub upload_host_data { print "Saving local sw config...\n"; my $swdata = `rpm -qa --queryformat '%{HDRID};%{N};%{E};%{V};%{R};%{ARCH};%{OS};%{DISTRIBUTION};%{VENDOR};%{SIZE};%{BUILDTIME};%{INSTALLTIME}\n'`; my $etcrelease = `cat /etc/mandrake-release`; print "Done.\n"; print "Uploading data...\n"; print $etcrelease,"\n"; $data = soap_upload_host_config( $id, $key, $etcrelease, $swdata ); print "Done.\n\n"; print Dumper($data); 1 }; sub md5file { require Digest::MD5; my @md5 = map { my $sum; if (open(my $FILE, $_)) { binmode($FILE); $sum = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($FILE)->hexdigest; close($FILE); } $sum; } @_; return wantarray() ? @md5 : $md5[0]; } sub get_release() { my ($release) = cat_($release_file) =~ /release\s+(\S+)/; ($release) } sub set_ua { my $package_name = shift; my $qualified_name = chomp_(`rpm -q $package_name`); $qualified_name } sub get_distro_type { my $release = cat_($release_file); my ($arch) = $release =~ /\s+for\s+(\w+)/; my ($name) = $release =~ /(corporate|mnf)/i; { name => lc($name), arch => $arch }; } sub soap_create_account { my $register = $s->registerUser(@_)->result(); $register; } sub soap_authenticate_user { my $auth = $s->authenticateUser(@_)->result(); $auth; } sub soap_register_host { my $auth = $s->registerHost(@_)->result(); $auth; } sub soap_upload_config { my $auth = $s->setHostConfig(@_)->result(); $auth; } sub soap_recover_service { my $auth = $s->recoverHostFromV2(@_)->result(); $auth; } sub soap_get_task { my $auth = $s->getTask(@_)->result(); $auth; } sub soap_return_task_result { my $auth = $s->setTaskResult(@_)->result(); $auth; } sub get_from_URL { my ($link, $agent_name) = @_; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent($agent_name . $useragent); $ua->env_proxy; my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $link); my $response = $ua->request($request); $response } sub get_site { my $link = shift; $link .= join('', @_); system("/usr/bin/www-browser " . $link . "&"); } sub create_authenticate_account { my $type = shift; my @info = @_; my ($response, $code, $ret); my $hreturn = { 1 => [ N("Security error"), N("Unsecure invocation: Method available through httpS only") ], 2 => [ N("Database error"), N("Server Database failed\nPlease Try again Later") ], 3 => [ N("Registration error"), N("Some parameters are missing") ], 5 => [ N("Password error"), N("Wrong password") ], 7 => [ N("Login error"), N("The email you provided is already in use\nPlease enter another one\n") ], 8 => [ N("Login error"), N("The email you provided is invalid or forbidden") ], 10 => [ N("Login error"), N("Email address box is empty\nPlease provide one") ], 12 => [ N("Restriction Error"), N("Database access forbidden") ], 13 => [ N("Service error"), N("Mandriva web services are currently unavailable\nPlease Try again Later") ], 17 => [ N("Password error"), N("Password mismatch") ], 20 => [ N("Service error"), N("Mandriva web services are under maintenance\nPlease Try again Later") ], 22 => [ N("User Forbidden"), N("User account forbidden by Mandriva web services") ], 99 => [ N("Connection error"), N("Mandriva web services not reachable") ] }; foreach my $num ([9, 8], [21, 20]) { $hreturn->{$num->[0]} = $hreturn->{$num->[1]} }; my $action = { create => sub { eval { $response = soap_create_account(@info) }; }, authenticate => sub { eval { $response = soap_authenticate_user(@info) }; } }; $action->{$type}->(); $ret = check_server_response($response, $hreturn); $ret; } sub check_server_response { my ($response, $h) = @_; my $code = $response->{code} || '99'; return $response->{status} ? 'OK' : $h->{$code}->[0] . ' : ' . $h->{$code}->[1]; } sub check_valid_email { my $email = shift; my $st = $email = ~/^[a-z][a-z0-9_\-]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9_]+)?@([a-z][a-z0-9_\-]+\.){1,3}(\w{2,4})(\.[a-z]{2})?$/ix ? 1 : 0; return $st } sub check_valid_boxname { my $boxname = shift; return 0 if length($boxname) >= 40; my $bt = $boxname =~ /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/i ? 1 : 0; $bt } sub rpm_ver_parse { my ($ver) = @_; my @verparts; while ($ver ne "") { if ($ver =~ /^([A-Za-z]+)/) { # leading letters push(@verparts, $1); $ver =~ s/^[A-Za-z]+//; } elsif ($ver =~ /^(\d+)/) { # leading digits push(@verparts, $1); $ver =~ s/^\d+//; } else { # remove non-letter, non-digit $ver =~ s/^.//; } } return @verparts; } sub rpm_ver_cmp { my ($a, $b) = @_; # list of version/release tokens my @aparts; my @bparts; # individual token from array my ($apart, $bpart, $result); if ($a eq $b) { return 0; } @aparts = rpm_ver_parse($a); @bparts = rpm_ver_parse($b); while (@aparts && @bparts) { $apart = shift (@aparts); $bpart = shift (@bparts); if ($apart =~ /^\d+$/ && $bpart =~ /^\d+$/) { # numeric if ($result = $apart <=> $bpart) { return $result; } } elsif ($apart =~ /^[A-Za-z]+/ && $bpart =~ /^[A-Za-z]+/) { # alpha if ($result = $apart cmp $bpart) { return $result; } } else { # "arbitrary" in original code my $rema = shift(@aparts); my $remb = shift(@bparts); if ($rema && !$remb) { return 1 } elsif (!$rema && $remb) { return -1 } #return -1; } } # left over stuff in a or b, assume one of the two is newer if (@aparts) { return 1 } elsif (@bparts) { return -1 } else { return 0 } } sub report_config { my $file = shift; sub header { " ******************************************************************************** * $_[0] ********************************************************************************"; } output($file, map { chomp; "$_\n" } header("rpm -qa"), join('', sort `rpm -qa`), header("mandrake version"), cat_($release_file)); system("/usr/bin/bzip2 -f $file"); open(my $F, $file . ".bz2") or die "Cannot open file : $!"; my ($chunk, $buffer); while (read($F, $chunk, 60*57)) { $buffer .= $chunk; } close($F); open(my $OUT, "> $file" . ".bz2.uue") or die "Cannot open file : $!"; print $OUT encode_base64($buffer); close($OUT); } sub send_config { my ($link, $content) = @_; my ($res, $key); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent($useragent); $ua->env_proxy; my $response = $ua->request(POST $link, Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ %$content ]); if ($response->is_success && $response->content =~ /^TRUE(.*?)([^a-zA-Z0-9].*)?$/) { ($res, $key) = ('TRUE', $1); } ($res, $key) } sub mv_files { my ($source, $dest) = @_; -e $source and system("mv", $source, $dest); } sub clean_confdir { my $confdir = '/root/.MdkOnline'; system "/bin/rm", "-f", "$confdir/*log.bz2", "$confdir/*log.bz2.uue", "$confdir/*.dif $confdir/rpm_qa_installed_before", "$confdir/rpm_qa_installed_after"; } sub hw_upload { my ($login, $passwd, $hostname) = @_; my $hw_exec = '/usr/sbin/hwdb_add_system'; -x $hw_exec && !-s '/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline' and system("HWDB_PASSWD=$passwd $hw_exec $login $hostname &"); } sub automated_upgrades { my ($conffile, $login, $passwd, $boxname, $key, $country, $auto) = @_; my ($r) = get_release(); output $conffile, qq(# automatically generated file. Please don't edit LOGIN=$login PASS=$passwd MACHINE=$boxname VER=$r CURRENTKEY=$key COUNTRY=$country AUTO=$auto ); output_p "/etc/cron.daily/mdkupdate", qq(#!/bin/bash if [ -f $conffile ]; then /usr/sbin/mdkupdate --auto; fi ); chmod 0755, "/etc/cron.daily/mdkupdate"; } sub write_wide_conf { my ($login, $boxname, $country) = @_; my $wideconf = '/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline'; my $d = localtime(); $d =~ s/\s+/_/g; output_with_perm $wideconf, 0644, qq(LOGIN=$login MACHINE=$boxname COUNTRY=$country LASTCHECK=$d ); } sub is_running { my ($name) = @_; any { my ($ppid, $pid, $n) = /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)/; $pid != $$ && $n eq $name; } `ps -o '%P %p %c' -u $ENV{USER}`; } 1;