#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################ # Mandriva Online # # # # Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Mandriva # # # # Daouda Lo # # Thierry Vignaud # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as # # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ################################################################################ use strict; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; use Config; use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use standalone; # for explanations use interactive; use common; use run_program; use Gtk2::Pango; BEGIN { unshift @::textdomains, 'mdkonline' } use mygtk2 qw(gtknew); #- do not import gtkadd which conflicts with ugtk2 version use ugtk2 qw(:all); use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX/drakfirsttime); use mdkonline; use Gtk2::Notify '-init', 'mdkapplet'; # POSIX unmasks the sigprocmask properly my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new; my $action = POSIX::SigAction->new('restart_applet', $sigset, &POSIX::SA_NODEFER); POSIX::sigaction(&POSIX::SIGHUP, $action); if (!find { $_ eq '--auto-update' } @ARGV) { if (my $pid = mdkonline::is_running('mdkapplet')) { die "mdkapplet already running ($pid)\n"; } } my $in = interactive->vnew(''); ugtk2::add_icon_path("/usr/share/mdkonline/pixmaps/"); my $online_site = "http://www.mandrivalinux.com/"; my ($menu, $timeout, $state_global); my $localdir = "$ENV{HOME}/.MdkOnline"; my $localfile = "$localdir/mdkonline"; my $release = mdkonline::get_release(); my %config = getVarsFromSh('/etc/sysconfig/mdkapplet'); $config{UPDATE_FREQUENCY} ||= 3*60*60; # default to 3hours $config{FIRST_CHECK_DELAY} ||= 5 * 60 * 1000; # default to 5 minutes my $insensitive_while_running_a_child; #compatibility mkdir_p($localdir) if !-d $localdir; -e "$ENV{HOME}/.mdkonline" and system("mv", "$ENV{HOME}/.mdkonline", $localfile); my %state = ( delayed => { colour => [ 'busy' ], changes => [ 'busy', 'critical', 'disconnected' ], menu => [ 'check' ], do_not_use_bubble => 1, tt => [ #-PO: here %s will be replaced by the local time (eg: "Will check updates at 14:03:50" N("Will check updates at %s", POSIX::strftime("%T", localtime(time() + $config{FIRST_CHECK_DELAY}/1000))) ], }, okay => { colour => [ 'okay' ], changes => [ 'busy', 'critical', 'disconnected' ], menu => [ 'check' ], do_not_use_bubble => 1, tt => [ N_("Your system is up-to-date") ] }, critical => { colour => [ 'noconf' ], changes => [ 'okay', 'busy', 'critical', 'disconnected' ], menu => [ 'check' ], tt => [ N_("Service configuration problem. Please check logs and send mail to support\@mandrivaonline.com") ] }, busy => { colour => [ 'busy' ], changes => [ 'okay', 'critical', 'error', 'disconnected' ], menu => [], do_not_use_bubble => 1, tt => [ N_("Please wait, finding available packages...") ] }, updates => { colour => [ 'error' ], changes => [ 'okay' ], menu => [ 'update', 'check' ], tt => [ N_("New updates are available for your system") ] }, bundles => { colour => [ 'bundle' ], changes => [ 'okay' ], menu => [ 'update', 'check' ], tt => [ N_("New bundles are available for your system") ] }, disconnected => { colour => [ 'disconnect' ], changes => [ 'okay', 'busy', 'critical', 'error' ], menu => [ 'confNetwork' ], tt => [ N_("Network is down. Please configure your network") ] }, disabled => { colour => [ 'disabled' ], changes => [ 'okay', 'busy', 'critical', 'error' ], menu => [], tt => [ N_("Service is not activated. Please click on \"Online Website\"") ] }, locked => { colour => [ 'noconf' ], changes => [ 'okay', 'busy', 'critical', 'disconnected' ], menu => [ 'check' ], tt => [ N_("urpmi database locked") ], }, notsupported => { colour => [ 'disabled' ], changes => [ 'okay', 'busy', 'critical', 'error' ], menu => [], tt => [ N_("Release not supported (too old release, or development release)") ] }, no_update_medium => { colour => [ 'noconf' ], changes => [ 'okay', 'busy', 'critical', 'disconnected' ], menu => [ 'check' ], tt => [ N_("No medium found. You must add some media through 'Software Media Manager'.") ], }, no_enabled_medium => { colour => [ 'noconf' ], changes => [ 'okay', 'busy', 'critical', 'disconnected' ], menu => [ 'check' ], tt => [ N("You already have at least one update medium configured, but all of them are currently disabled. You should run the Software Media Manager to enable at least one (check it in the \"%s\" column). Then, restart \"%s\".", N("Enabled"), 'mdkapplet') ], }, ); my %comm_codes = ( locked => { code => 2, status => 'locked', log => N_("urpmi database locked") . ", skipping updating urpmi database", }, error_updating => { code => 3, status => 'critical', log => N_("Error updating media"), }, no_update_medium => { code => 4, status => 'no_update_medium', log => "no update media configured", }, no_enabled_medium => { code => 5, status => 'no_enabled_medium', log => "all update media are disabled", }, updates => { code => 6, status => 'updates', log => N_("Checking... Updates are available\n") . "\n", }, uptodate => { code => 7, status => 'okay', log => N_("Packages are up to date") . "\n", }, db_not_open => { code => 8, status => 'critical', log => N_("Failed to open urpmi database") . "\n", }, ); my %actions = ( 'update' => { name => N("Install updates"), launch => sub { installUpdates() } }, 'check' => { name => N("Check Updates"), launch => \&checkUpdates }, 'confNetwork' => { name => N("Configure Network"), launch => sub { configNetwork() } }, ); my $icon = Gtk2::StatusIcon->new; #$icon->shape_combine_mask($img, 0, 0); $icon->signal_connect(popup_menu => sub { my ($_icon, $button, $time) = @_; $menu and $menu->popup(undef, undef, undef, undef, $button, $time); }); $icon->signal_connect(activate => sub { my %actions = ( no_update_medium => sub { fork_exec('/usr/sbin/edit-urpm-sources.pl') }, no_enabled_medium => sub { fork_exec('/usr/sbin/edit-urpm-sources.pl') }, updates => \&installUpdates, ); $actions{$state_global}->() if ref $actions{$state_global}; }); my ($opt) = @ARGV; if ($opt eq '--force' || $opt eq '-f') { setAutoStart('TRUE') } shouldStart() or die "$localfile should be set to TRUE: please use --force or -f option to launch applet\n"; go2State('delayed'); gtkflush(); checkConfig(); Glib::Timeout->add($config{FIRST_CHECK_DELAY}, sub { checkUpdates(); 0 }); setup_cyclic_check(); $SIG{USR1} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{USR2} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{CHLD} = \&harvester; run_program::raw({ detach => 1 }, 'ionice', '-p', $$, '-n7'); Gtk2->main; ugtk2::exit(0); my ($mdv_update_pid, $checker_pid); # Signal management sub harvester { my ($_signame, $_clean) = @_; my ($childpid, @pids); my $mdvupdate_returned; do { $childpid = waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG); if ($mdv_update_pid && $mdv_update_pid == $childpid) { undef $mdv_update_pid; $mdvupdate_returned = 1; } elsif ($checker_pid && $checker_pid == $childpid) { undef $checker_pid; my $status = $? >> 8; my ($state) = grep { $_->{code} eq $status } values %comm_codes; if ($state) { logIt($state->{log}); go2State($state->{status}); } } push @pids, $childpid; WIFEXITED($?) and refresh_gui(1); } while $childpid > 0; Glib::Timeout->add(200, sub { silentCheck(); 0 }) if $mdvupdate_returned; return @pids; } sub fork_exec { my $pid = run_program::raw({ detach => 1 }, @_); refresh_gui(1); return $pid; } sub refresh_gui { my ($sens) = @_; #!$conf_launched and silentCheck(); $conf_launched = 0; my $w = $::main_window ? $::main_window->window : undef; $insensitive_while_running_a_child = !$sens; $sens ? gtkset_mousecursor_normal($w) : gtkset_mousecursor_wait($w); gtkflush(); } sub configNetwork() { logIt(N_("Launching drakconnect\n")); refresh_gui(0); fork_exec("/usr/sbin/drakconnect") } sub restart_applet() { logIt(N_("Mandriva Online seems to be reinstalled, reloading applet ....")); exec($0, '--auto-update'); } sub installUpdates() { my $binfile = $0; return if $mdv_update_pid; my $oldmd5 = $release <= 10.2 ? mdkonline::md5file($binfile) : common::md5file($binfile); logIt(N_("Launching MandrivaUpdate\n")); refresh_gui(0); $mdv_update_pid = fork_exec('MandrivaUpdate', '--no-media-update', '--no-confirmation'); my $newmd5 = $release <= 10.2 ? mdkonline::md5file($binfile) : common::md5file($binfile); restart_applet() if $newmd5 ne $oldmd5; #my $w = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Check updates")); silentCheck(); gtkflush(); #undef $w; my $mdkupdate_status = cat_('/var/tmp/mdkupdate.log'); if ($mdkupdate_status && $mdkupdate_status !~ /OK/) { logIt($mdkupdate_status); $in->ask_warn(N("Mandriva Linux Updates Applet"), $mdkupdate_status) } } sub silentCheck() { return if $mdv_update_pid || $checker_pid; logIt(N_("Computing new updates...\n")); logIt(N_("Connecting to") . " ...\n"); # i18n bug to fix in cooker my $w = $::main_window ? $::main_window->window : undef; gtkset_mousecursor_wait($w); gtkflush(); go2State('busy'); gtkflush(); gtkset_mousecursor_normal($w) if !$insensitive_while_running_a_child; # are there any updates ? $checker_pid = fork(); if (defined $checker_pid) { return if $checker_pid; # parent # immediate exit, else forked gtk+ object destructors will badly catch up parent applet my $_safe = before_leaving { POSIX::_exit(0) }; # be nice with other processes: setpriority(0, $$, 7); # 0 is PRIO_PROCESS my $exit = sub { my ($state) = @_; POSIX::_exit($comm_codes{$state}{code}); }; my $will_not_update_media; require urpm; require urpm::lock; my $urpm = urpm->new; { local $urpm->{fatal} = sub { print "Fatal: @_\n"; $will_not_update_media = 1; }; local $urpm->{error} = $urpm->{fatal}; urpm::lock::urpmi_db($urpm, 'exclusive', 1); } $exit->('locked') if $will_not_update_media; if (!run_program::raw({ sensitive_arguments => 1 }, 'urpmi.update', '--update')) { $exit->('error_updating') if $will_not_update_media; } require urpm::select; require urpm::media; urpm::media::configure($urpm, update => 1); my @update_medias = grep { $_->{update} } @{$urpm->{media}}; if (!@update_medias) { $exit->('no_update_medium'); } elsif (!any { ! $_->{ignore} } @update_medias) { $exit->('no_enabled_medium'); } if (my $db = urpm::db_open_or_die($urpm)) { my $requested = {}; my $state = {}; $urpm->request_packages_to_upgrade($db, $state, $requested); my @requested_strict = $urpm->resolve_requested($db, $state, $requested, callback_choices => sub { 0 }); if (@requested_strict) { # FIXME: log first found pkgs? $exit->('updates'); } else { $exit->('uptodate'); } } else { $exit->('db_not_open'); } $exit->('updates'); } else { logIt("cannot fork: %s", "update checker ($!)"); go2State('critical'); } } sub okState() { logIt(N_("System is up-to-date\n")); go2State('okay') } sub setup_cyclic_check() { $timeout = Glib::Timeout->add($config{UPDATE_FREQUENCY}*1000, sub { my $first_run if 0; if (!$first_run) { $first_run = 1; return 1; } checkConfig(); checkUpdates(); 1; }); } sub getTime() { my $d = localtime(); $d =~ s/\s+/_/g; $d; } sub setLastTime() { my $date = getTime(); setVar($localfile, 'LASTCHECK', $date); } sub checkConfig() { if (!isNetwork()) { logIt(N_("Checking Network: seems disabled\n")); go2State('disconnected'); } elsif (member($state_global, qw(disconnected))) { silentCheck(); #- state has changed, update } } sub checkUpdates() { member($state_global, qw(disconnected)) or silentCheck(); } sub go2State { my $state = shift; $menu->destroy if $menu; $menu = setState($state); $state_global = $state; } sub isNetwork() { require network::network; require network::tools; my $net = {}; network::network::read_net_conf($net); my ($_gw_intf, $_is_up, $gw_address, $_dns_server) = network::tools::get_internet_connection($net); to_bool($gw_address); } sub shouldStart() { my %p = getVarsFromSh($localfile); my $ret = $p{AUTOSTART} eq 'FALSE' ? 0 : 1; $ret; } sub setState { my $state_type = shift; my $checkme; my $arr = $state{$state_type}{menu}; my $tmp = gtkcreate_pixbuf($state{$state_type}{colour}[0]); $icon->set_from_pixbuf($tmp); $icon->set_tooltip(formatAlaTeX(translate($state{$state_type}{tt}[0]))); $icon->set_visible($state_type ne 'okay'); if ($state{$state_type}{tt}[0] && $icon->isa('Gtk2::StatusIcon') && !$state{$state_type}{do_not_use_bubble}) { my $bubble = Gtk2::Notify->new_with_status_icon(N("Warning"), formatAlaTeX(translate($state{$state_type}{tt}[0])), '/usr/share/icons/mdkonline.png', $icon); $bubble->set_timeout(5000); $bubble->show; } my $menu = Gtk2::Menu->new; foreach (@$arr) { $menu->append(gtksignal_connect(gtkshow(Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label($actions{$_}{name})), activate => $actions{$_}{launch})); } $menu->append(gtkshow(Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new)); $menu->append(gtksignal_connect(gtkshow(Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label(N("About..."))), activate => sub { my $ver = 1; # automatically set from spec file my $url = $online_site; $url =~ s/^https:/http:/; my $w = gtknew('AboutDialog', name => N("Mandriva Online %s", $ver), copyright => N("Copyright (C) %s by Mandriva", '2001-2007'), license => join('', cat_('/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL')), icon => '/usr/share/icons/mini/mdkonline.png', comments => N("Mandriva Online gives access to Mandriva web services."), website => $url, website_label => N("Online WebSite"), authors => 'Thierry Vignaud ', artists => 'Hélène Durosini ', translator_credits => #-PO: put here name(s) and email(s) of translator(s) (eg: "John Smith ") N("_: Translator(s) name(s) & email(s)\n"), transient_for => $::main_window, modal => 1, position_policy => 'center-on-parent', ); $w->show_all; $w->run; return 1; })); $menu->append(gtksignal_connect(gtkset_active($checkme = Gtk2::CheckMenuItem->new_with_label(N("Always launch on startup")), shouldStart()), toggled => sub { setAutoStart(uc(bool2text($checkme->get_active))) })); $checkme->show; $menu->append(gtksignal_connect(gtkshow(Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label(N("Quit"))), activate => sub { mainQuit() })); $menu; } sub logIt { my $log = shift; log::explanations($log); } sub setVar { my ($file, $var, $st) = @_; my %s = getVarsFromSh($file); $s{$var} = $st; setVarsInSh($file, \%s); } sub setAutoStart { my $state = shift; my $date = getTime(); if (-f $localfile) { setVar($localfile, 'AUTOSTART', $state); } else { output_p $localfile, qq(AUTOSTART=$state LASTCHECK=$date ); } } sub mainQuit() { # setAutoStart('FALSE'); Glib::Source->remove($timeout) if $timeout; Gtk2->main_quit; }