$Id: TODO 53482 2005-11-23 17:18:57Z rdalverny $
Things to do on mdkonline

 * mdkonline, mdkapplet
     * probe remote web services before asking anything to user,
       and display explicit warning with most frequent problem solutions
       instead of just showing a network connectivity problem alert

 * use popen() to call blocking/long processes?

 * in the last mdkonline wizard page, put a prechecked option box "launch
   mdkapplet if not running yet": if checked, mdkonline should check if
   mdkapplet is running, and if not, launch it (pb, with which user?)

 * handle additional sources for update alerts (only) (like plf, etc.)

 * mdkonline package: 
   force update if available, before any other update,
   then restart update process (mdkapplet/mdkupdate)

 * kernel updates:
   applet should notify if kernel security updates are available, and give
   an option to install it (and to restart host, then).

 * pro/v3: move to SOAP/REST queries.
   Client queries for higher level tasks.

 * v3: move auth/reg calls to my (remove expert/online calls)
 * mdkapplet:
   * several releases of the same package may be installed along each other
     (seen for libaspell15, ~december); check that at least the most up to
     date available package is installed.
     Should it be handled by rpm instead?

   * a launch system menu item should appear in System > ?
     or the applet should be always started as a service, not being
     necessary visible all the time (not configure, up to date)

   * > applet icon should appear only for notifications:
     no config, config problem, available updates.
     when minimizing applet, minimize to icon, not to task bar

   * applet should display the number of available updates, per type
     (security, bug, update, kernel) ; requires full diff check.

   * configuration: should allow to supersed env vars such as PROXY_*,
     should include online help

   * when the server is not reachable (name does not resolve, ip does
     not answer) or an unmanaged error is received, change icon status
     to something stating 'service under maintenance', or st like that.

 * mdkonline:
   * should separate host registration and applet configuration

   * configuration should allow to change mdkupdate cron

   * should allow to supersede env vars such as PROXY_*

 * mdkupdate:
   * at start, first query the server to check if anything should be done;
     if nothing, do not run urpmi, just upload the config.
     if not in command-line mode, an alert box should inform that no update
     is available.

   * (command line, --auto)
     when failing, informative feedback should be displayed: not authenticated,
     not subscribed, not activated, st like that; system name, account name,

   * MAILTO to the email of the user instead of root, if possible.

$Id: TODO 53482 2005-11-23 17:18:57Z rdalverny $