path: root/
diff options
authorDexter Morgan <>2011-06-02 20:46:37 +0000
committerDexter Morgan <>2011-06-02 20:46:37 +0000
commit4b355ecce57236a58c251514364b2fa51fbb0d39 (patch)
tree7f5ac9f3dbdcecc504d49044ed0e1bef7ce3ad7e /
Branch for updates
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..802a70ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+package mgaapplet_gui;
+# Mandriva Online #
+# #
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Mandriva #
+# #
+# Daouda Lo #
+# Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud at mandriva dot com> #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as #
+# published by the Free Software Foundation. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+use strict;
+use feature 'state';
+use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
+use common;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+ @common
+ %local_config
+ $localdir
+ $localfile
+ $width
+ fill_n_run_portable_dialog
+ iso8601_date_to_locale
+ new_link_button
+ new_portable_dialog
+ setVar
+ );
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+ $powerpack_ad
+ run_ask_credentials_dialog
+ run_no_rights_dialog
+ open_ask_powerpack_dialog
+use mygtk2 qw(gtknew); #- do not import gtkadd which conflicts with ugtk2 version
+use ugtk2 qw(:all);
+use mgaonline qw(); # you don't want to polute the namespace
+use interactive;
+use interactive::gtk;
+use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX/drakfirsttime);
+our $localdir = "$ENV{HOME}/.MgaOnline";
+our $localfile = "$localdir/mgaonline";
+mkdir_p($localdir) if !-d $localdir;
+-e "$ENV{HOME}/.mgaonline" and system("mv", "$ENV{HOME}/.mgaonline", $localfile);
+# make it work on 2008.X:
+eval { interactive::gtk::add_padding(Gtk2::Label->new) };
+if ($@) {
+ *interactive::gtk::add_padding = sub { $_[0] };
+our %local_config;
+our $width = 500;
+our @common = (
+ # explicitely wrap (for 2008.1):
+ line_wrap => 1,
+ # workaround infamous 6 years old gnome bug #101968:
+ width => $width - 50,
+# List of widgets advertising Powerpack
+our $powerpack_ad = [
+ gtknew('Label_Left',
+ text => N("Mageia Powerpack brings you the best of Linux experience for desktop: stability and efficiency of open source solutions together with exclusive softwares and Mageia official support."),
+ @common),
+ gtknew('HButtonBox',
+ layout => 'center',
+ children_tight => [
+ new_link_button(
+ '', # FIXME: URL!
+ N("Mageia Linux Features")
+ )
+ ]),
+ gtknew('Label_Left',
+ text => 'You can order now access for Powerpack',
+ ),
+ gtknew('HButtonBox',
+ layout => 'center',
+ children_tight => [
+ new_link_button(
+ '', # FIXME: URL!
+ N("Online subscription")
+ )
+ ]),
+sub new_portable_dialog {
+ my ($title) = @_;
+ ugtk2->new($title, width => $width + 20);
+sub fill_n_run_portable_dialog {
+ my ($w, $widgets) = @_;
+ # use wizard button order (for both 2008.1 & 2009.0):
+ {
+ local $::isWizard = 1;
+ local $w->{pop_it} = 0;
+ local $::isInstall = 1;
+ my %children;
+ if ($::isEmbedded) {
+ my (@children_tight, $child);
+ @children_tight = @$widgets;
+ $child = pop @children_tight;
+ %children = (
+ children => [
+ (map { (0, $_) } @children_tight),
+ 1, gtknew('Label'),
+ 0, $child,
+ ]
+ );
+ } else {
+ %children = (children_tight => $widgets);
+ }
+ gtkadd($w->{window}, gtknew('VBox', %children));
+ }
+ $w->{ok}->grab_focus;
+ $w->main;
+sub new_link_button {
+ my ($url, $text) = @_;
+ my $link = Gtk2::LinkButton->new($url, $text);
+ $link->set_uri_hook(sub {
+ my (undef, $url) = @_;
+ run_program::raw({ detach => 1, setuid => get_parent_uid() }, 'www-browser', $url);
+ });
+ $link;
+sub read_local_config() {
+ %local_config = getVarsFromSh($localfile);
+sub setVar {
+ my ($var, $st) = @_;
+ my %s = getVarsFromSh($localfile);
+ $s{$var} = $st;
+ setVarsInSh($localfile, \%s);
+ read_local_config();
+sub iso8601_date_to_locale {
+ my ($date) = @_;
+ return $date if $date !~ /(\d\d\d\d)-?(\d\d)-?(\d\d)/;
+ require POSIX;
+ POSIX::strftime("%x", 0, 0, 0, $3, $2-1, $1-1900);
+# %options keys:
+# 'top_extra': reference to a list of widgets to shown on top of dialog.
+sub run_ask_credentials_dialog {
+ my ($title, $description, $callback, %options) = @_;
+ my $w = new_portable_dialog($title);
+ my $password_text;
+ state $email_text;
+ my $password_w = gtknew('Entry');
+ my $email_w = gtknew('Entry', text => $email_text);
+ my $ok_clicked;
+ $password_w->set_visibility(0);
+ $w->{ok_clicked} = sub {
+ $password_text = $password_w->get_text;
+ $email_text = $email_w->get_text;
+ $ok_clicked = 1;
+ Gtk2->main_quit;
+ };
+ my @widgets = (
+ if_(!$::isEmbedded, mgaonline::get_banner($title)),
+ if_($options{top_extra},
+ @{ $options{top_extra} },
+ gtknew('HSeparator'),
+ ),
+ gtknew('Label_Left',
+ text => $description,
+ @common),
+ gtknew('HButtonBox',
+ layout => 'start',
+ children_tight => [
+ interactive::gtk::add_padding(
+ new_link_button(
+ '', # FIXME: URL!
+ N("More information on your user account")
+ )
+ )
+ ]),
+ gtknew('Table',
+ col_spacings => 5,
+ row_spacings => 5,
+ children => [ [ N("Your email"), $email_w ],
+ [ N("Your password"), $password_w ] ]),
+ gtknew('HButtonBox',
+ layout => 'start',
+ children_tight => [
+ interactive::gtk::add_padding(
+ new_link_button(
+ '', # FIXME: URL!
+ N("Forgotten password")
+ )
+ )
+ ]),
+ ugtk2::create_okcancel($w, N("Next"), N("Cancel")),
+ );
+ fill_n_run_portable_dialog($w, \@widgets);
+ if ($ok_clicked) {
+ $ok_clicked = 0;
+ if ($email_text && $password_text) {
+ $callback->($email_text, $password_text);
+ }
+ else {
+ interactive->vnew->ask_warn(
+ N("Error"),
+ N("Password and email cannot be empty.")
+ );
+ goto &run_ask_credentials_dialog;
+ }
+ }
+sub run_no_rights_dialog {
+ my ($title, $info, $info_url) = @_;
+ my $w = new_portable_dialog($title);
+ my @widgets = (
+ mgaonline::get_banner($title),
+ gtknew('Label_Left',
+ text => $info,
+ @mgaapplet_gui::common),
+ gtknew('HButtonBox',
+ layout => 'start',
+ children_tight => [
+ interactive::gtk::add_padding(
+ new_link_button($info_url, N("More Information"))
+ )
+ ]),
+ create_okcancel($w, N("Close"), undef)
+ );
+ fill_n_run_portable_dialog($w, \@widgets);
+# Returns a string of user's choice: 'powerpack' or 'free'.
+sub open_ask_powerpack_dialog {
+ my ($current_product, $new_version) = @_;
+ # Setup powerpack offering radio buttons...
+ my @radio_widgets;
+ my $rbutton;
+ # pwp/flash users will be offered powerpack by default
+ my $want_powerpack = $current_product =~ /powerpack|flash/i;
+ foreach my $product ($want_powerpack
+ ? ('powerpack', 'free') : ('free', 'powerpack')) {
+ my $info = mgaonline::get_product_info($product);
+ $rbutton
+ = Gtk2::RadioButton->new_with_label($rbutton
+ ? $rbutton->get_group
+ : undef,
+ $info->{name});
+ $rbutton->signal_connect('toggled',
+ sub {
+ my ($button, $is_pwp) = @_;
+ $want_powerpack = $is_pwp
+ if $button->get_active;
+ },
+ $product eq 'powerpack');
+ push @radio_widgets, [ $rbutton, $info->{description} ];
+ }
+ # Setup dialog widgets...
+ my $title = N("Choose your upgrade version");
+ my $w = new_portable_dialog($title);
+ my @widgets
+ = (mgaonline::get_banner($current_product =~ /powerpack/i
+ ? N("Your Powerpack access has ended")
+ : $title),
+ gtknew('Label_Left',
+ text => N("%s is now available, you can upgrade to:",
+ $new_version),
+ @common),
+ gtknew('Table', children => \@radio_widgets, row_spacings => 10),
+ ugtk2::create_okcancel($w, N("Next"), N("Cancel")),
+ );
+ fill_n_run_portable_dialog($w, \@widgets) or return undef;
+ return $want_powerpack;