path: root/mdkupdate
diff options
authorThierry Vignaud <>2008-03-21 19:19:30 +0000
committerThierry Vignaud <>2008-03-21 19:19:30 +0000
commit7f62cee8c9f7209b231f19d249a624c12da0bb3d (patch)
tree5ffdb1db7f7e16f9261179a8e8679cc0e6a33e12 /mdkupdate
parentc0011d5371e2f2e1bd42f453540a95ba8731d935 (diff)
kill dead code (bundles), thus loading quite a lot less useless modules thus
reducing resident size of mdkapplet by 9MB aka 30% (#31860) (along with previous (smaller) gains)
Diffstat (limited to 'mdkupdate')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/mdkupdate b/mdkupdate
index d3c8c39d..672b6f56 100755
--- a/mdkupdate
+++ b/mdkupdate
@@ -47,15 +47,9 @@ require_root_capability();
my $confdir = '/root/.MdkOnline';
my $conffile = "$confdir/mdkupdate";
-my $difflog = '/var/tmp/diff.log';
my $logfile = '/var/tmp/mdkupdate.log';
-my $currentrpm = "$confdir/rpm_qa_installed_current";
-my $afterrpm = "$confdir/rpm_qa_installed_after";
-my $startpage = '';
my $YEARS = "2002-2006";
@@ -75,194 +69,31 @@ usage:
") . N(" --mnf - launch mnf specific scripts.
") . N(" --noX - text mode version of Mandriva Update.
") . N(" --debug - log what is done
-") . N(" --bundle file.bundle - parse and install package from .bundle metainfo file.
-my ($auto, $mnf, $noX, $bundle, $debug);
+my ($auto, $mnf, $noX, $debug);
my %options = (
'auto' => \$auto,
'mnf' => \$mnf,
'noX' => \$noX,
'd|debug' => \$debug,
- 'b|bundle:s' => sub { $bundle = $_[1] || 'webbundle' } ,
'h|help' => \&usage,
-# workaround an issue with browsers that sometimes drop the --bundle option:
-$bundle = shift @ARGV if $ARGV[0] =~ /\.bundle$/;
-$bundle eq "webbundle" and mdkonline::get_site($startpage), exit(0);
my $in;
-$bundle || $noX and $in = interactive->vnew;
+$noX and $in = interactive->vnew;
-my $result;
-my $wc = mdkonline::read_conf();
-e $logfile and system "/bin/rm", $logfile;
-if (!$bundle) {
- my ($release) = mdkonline::get_release();
my $ret = update_pkgs();
$ret == 1 or output_p($logfile, "[mdkupdate] Error 100: Packages failed to upgrade");
- rpm_qa($afterrpm);
- my $wc = mdkonline::read_conf();
-} else {
- log::explanations("managing the $bundle bundle");
- if (-d '/live/media/loopbacks') {
- $in->ask_warn(N("Warning"),
- #-PO: here Live Install is currently *NOT* translated on the desktop, so it's better to keep as it:
- N("You first need to install the system on your harddrive with the 'Live Install' wizard."));
- $in->exit(1);
- }
- my $w = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Preparing..."));
- my %bundle_vars = getVarsFromSh($bundle);
- rm_rf($bundle);
- my %mapping = (
- );
- while (my ($bundle_varname, $onlinesrv_varname) = each %mapping) {
- $wc->{$onlinesrv_varname} = $bundle_vars{$bundle_varname};
- }
- if (!($wc->{HOST_ID} && $wc->{HOST_KEY})) {
- use lang;
- my $hostname = chomp_(cat_('/proc/sys/kernel/hostname'));
- my $reg_host = mdkonline::soap_register_host($bundle_vars{USER}, $bundle_vars{PASS}, $hostname, ' ', lang::read()->{country});
- my $res = mdkonline::check_server_response($reg_host);
- if ($res ne 'OK') {
- undef $w;
- $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Failed to authenticate to the bundle server:\n\n%s", $reg_host->{message}));
- exit(3);
- }
- # we've no previous config so write one so that write_wide_conf() do not miss some fields:
- setVarsInSh('/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline', {
- USER_EMAIL => $bundle_vars{USER},
- HOST_NAME => $hostname,
- });
- mdkonline::write_wide_conf($reg_host);
- }
- $wc = mdkonline::read_conf();
- $wc->{USER_EMAIL} or die("Configuration not uploaded to Mandriva Online");
- my $res = mdkonline::prepare_upload_conf($wc);
- if ($res ne 'OK') {
- undef $w;
- log::explanations("we failed to be accepted by the server: $res");
- $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("An error occurred") . "\n\n" . $res);
- }
- if ($bundle_vars{CLIENT_VERSION} > $CLIENT_VERSION) {
- log::explanations("the client is too old in order to install the bundle $bundle_vars{BUNDLE}");
- $in->ask_warn(N("Warning"), N("The version of the Mandriva Online client is too old.
-You need to update to a newer version. You can get a new one from"));
- $in->exit(1);
- }
- my $bundle_info = mdkonline::soap_query_bundle($wc, $bundle_vars{BUNDLE});
- $res = mdkonline::check_server_response($bundle_info);
- print Data::Dumper->Dump([ $bundle_info ], [ qw(bundle_info) ]);
- if ($res eq 'OK') {
- my @bundles;
- $w = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Preparing..."));
- my ($mirrors, $bundle) = ($bundle_info->{data}{mirrors}, $bundle_info->{data}{bundle});
- $bundle =~ s/-[^-]*-[^-]*\.[^.]*\.rpm$//;
- push @bundles, $bundle;
- my %mirrors = add_mirrors($in, $w, $mirrors, \%bundle_vars);
- undef $w;
- install_pkgs($in, \@bundles, (find { /^bundle/ } keys %mirrors),
- { is_bundle => 1,
- auto_select => ($bundle_vars{POST} =~ /AUTO_SELECT/ ? 1 : 0),
- medias => [ keys %mirrors ],
- });
- } else {
- undef $w;
- log::explanations("we did not got back a bundle: $bundle_info->{message}");
- $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("An error occurred") . "\n\n" . $res . "\n\n" . $bundle_info->{message});
- }
-sub add_mirrors {
- my ($in, $w, $mirrors, $bundle_vars, $option) = @_;
- foreach my $mirror (@$mirrors) {
- next if $mirror->{mode} eq 'anon'; # nothing to do
- if ($mirror->{mode} eq 'auth') {
- # add "user:pass@" substring if needed:
- # user password & login provided by server on those provided with the bundle:
- $bundle_vars->{USER} = $mirror->{user} if $mirror->{user};
- $bundle_vars->{PASS} = $mirror->{pass} if $mirror->{pass};
- my $encoded_login = uri_escape($bundle_vars->{USER});
- my $encoded_pass = uri_escape($bundle_vars->{PASS});
- $mirror->{url} =~ s!^([^:]*)://!\1://$encoded_login:$encoded_pass@!;
- } else { # unknown method, aborting
- undef $w;
- log::explanations("we got a bad bundle");
- $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("This bundle is not well formated. Aborting."));
- $in->exit(1);
- }
- }
- my %mirrors = map { $_->{name} => join('@', grep { $_ } $_->{auth}, $_->{url}) } @$mirrors;
- add_media($_, $mirrors{$_}, 'media_info/', $option) foreach keys %mirrors;
- %mirrors;
-sub install_pkgs {
- my ($in, $choosed, $media_name, $o_options) = @_;
- $o_options ||= {};
- my $w = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Installing packages ...\n")) if !$o_options->{is_bundle};
- my $program = $o_options->{no_X} ? '/usr/sbin/urpmi' : '/usr/bin/gurpmi';
- eval {
- if (!$o_options->{is_bundle}) {
- log::explanations("applying the updates");
- system $program, "--auto", "--media", $media_name, @$choosed;
- } else {
- log::explanations("installing the bundle");
- system $program, '--auto', if_($o_options->{auto_select}, "--auto-select"),
- if_($o_options->{medias}, "--media", join(',', @{$o_options->{medias}})),
- "--searchmedia", $media_name, @$choosed;
- }
- $? == 0 or die N("Unable to update packages from update_source medium.\n");
- };
- undef $w;
-sub my_fullname {
- return '?-?-?' unless ref $_[0];
- my ($name, $version, $release) = $_[0]->fullname;
- "$name-$version-$release";
-sub add_media {
- my ($media_name, $mirror, $hdlist, $option) = @_;
- log::explanations("removing/adding the media $media_name");
- eval {
- system "/usr/sbin/urpmi.removemedia", $media_name;
- # use curl because wget sometime fail on https url
- system "/usr/sbin/urpmi.addmedia", if_($option, $option), '--curl', $media_name, $mirror, "with", $hdlist;
- };
- $@ and die "Problem adding bundle media with urpmi";
-sub prepare_media {
- my $mirror = shift;
- my ($r, $da, $is_x8664, $dist_name);
- ($r) = mdkonline::get_release();
- # retrieve dist and arch from /etc/mandrakelinux file
- $da = mdkonline::get_distro_type();
- my ($path2new_arch, $path2new_synthesis) = $r <= 10.0 ? ('/RPMS/', '../base/') : ('/main_updates/', 'media_info/');
- #sometimes server returns the full link http:// or ftp://
- ($is_x8664) = $da->{arch} =~ /(x86_64)/;
- $dist_name = $da->{name};
- my $fullpath2mir = if_($mirror !~ m!^(?:http|ftp)://! , "ftp://") . $mirror . if_($is_x8664, "/$is_x8664") . if_($dist_name, "/$dist_name") . "/$r" . $path2new_arch;
- add_media('update_source', $fullpath2mir, $path2new_synthesis, '--update');
sub update_pkgs {
my (@pkgs) = @_;
@@ -274,23 +105,7 @@ sub update_pkgs {
return 1;
-sub get_rpm_diff() {
- my $isdif = `sdiff -s $afterrpm $currentrpm`;
- $isdif and output_p($difflog, $isdif), return 1;
- return 0;
-sub new_rpm_base() {
- -f $afterrpm and system('/bin/mv', $afterrpm, $currentrpm);
sub clean_dir() {
- new_rpm_base();
output_p($logfile, 'OK');
-sub rpm_qa {
- my ($file) = @_;
- output($file, chomp_(join('', sort(`rpm -qa`))));