diff options
authorDaouda Lo <>2004-02-27 12:36:57 +0000
committerDaouda Lo <>2004-02-27 12:36:57 +0000
commitc9cce7c507b4f4b9d464287736557d8bccc1b0a4 (patch)
parent7ba953a265f8a9964bc879f46d9952fc5a8015b5 (diff)
- completly rewritten
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/mdkupdate b/mdkupdate
index 4478c053..2882664f 100755
--- a/mdkupdate
+++ b/mdkupdate
@@ -32,13 +32,20 @@ use common;
BEGIN { unshift @::textdomains, 'mdkupdate' }
my $logfile = "/var/log/mdkupdate.log";
-my $url_upload_diff = "";
-my $url_get_rpms = "";
+my $conffile = "/root/.mdkupdate";
+my $onlineUrl = "";
+my %url;
+foreach (qw(online_dif online_update online3_RemoteAction)) {
+ $url->{$_} = $onlineUrl . $_ . 'php'
my $rpms_rep = "/root/tmp/";
my $VERSION = "0.17";
my $security = grep { /^-?-security$/ } @ARGV;
my $update = grep { /^-?-update$/ } @ARGV;
+my ($scheduled, $noscheduled);
sub usage {
print STDERR N("mdkupdate version %s
Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft.
@@ -46,35 +53,71 @@ This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.
", $VERSION) . N(" --help - print this help message.
-") . N(" --security - use only security media.
-") . N(" --update - launch MandrakeUpdate.
-") . N(" -v - verbose mode.
+") . N(" --auto - Mdkupdate launched automatically.
+") . N(" --applet - launch MandrakeUpdate.
+") . N(" --update - Update keys
-grep { $_ !~ /^-?-(v|update|security)$/ } @ARGV and usage;
+my ($opt) = @ARGV;
+@ARGV == 1 && ($opt eq '--auto' || $opt eq '--security' || $opt eq '--applet' || $opt eq '--help') or usage();
--s "/root/.mdkupdate" or die N("No /root/.mdkupdate file found. Run mdkonline wizard first");
+-s $conffile or die N("No $conffile file found. Run mdkonline wizard first");
-my %o = getVarsFromSh("/root/.mdkupdate");
-my %new = getVarsFromSh("/root/.mdkupdate");
-if (! -s "/root/.mdkupdate.rpms" || $update) {
- #- send configuration and get back key to use...
- $new{CURRENTKEY} = send_config($new{LOGIN},$new{PASS},$new{BOX});
- delete $new{OLDKEY};
- #- save back keys.
- setVarsInSh("/root/.mdkupdate", \%new);
+my %o = getVarsFromSh($conffile);
+if ($o{LOGIN} && $o{PASS} && $o{LOGIN} !~ /\s+/ && $o{PASS} !~ /\s+/) {
+ my $MandrakeUpdateURL = $url->{online3_RemoteAction} . '?action=ScheduledRPM' . '&log=' . $o{LOGIN} . '&pass=' . $o{PASS} . '&host=' . $o{BOX} . '&key=' . $o{CURRENTKEY};
+ my $resp = getFromURL($MandrakeUpdateURL);
+ my $contents = $resp->content;
+ print " \n\n ***** Response from Online3_RemoteAction is : \n $contents \n end update_rpms answer **********\n\n";
+ if ($resp->is_success) {
+ $ret = ($contents =~ /TRUE/) ? 0 : -1;
+ } else {
+ log_i(N("Connection problem")."\n" . N("MandrakeUpdate could not contact the site, we will try again."));
+ }
} else {
- #- this can safely be ignored if new configuration is sent.
- send_rpm_dif($new{LOGIN},$new{PASS},$new{BOX},$new{OLDKEY});
+ $ret = -1;
+if(!$ret) {
+ my $c2h = splitContents($contents);
+ if ($c2h->{torf} eq "TRUE" && $c2h->{OLDKEY} && $c2h->{NEWKEY}) { updateConf($c2h->{OLDKEY}, $c2h->{NEWKEY}) }
+ if ($c2h->{FTP}) { addMedia($c2h->{FTP}) }
+ $scheduled = join(',',@{$c2h->{sched}});
+ $noscheduled = join(',',@{$c2h->{nosched}});
+ if ($opt eq '--applet') {
+ system "MandrakeUpdate","--media=mdkupdate","--pkg-sel=$scheduled","--pkg-nosel=$nosheduled";
+ } else {
+ autoInstallRpms($c2h->{sched});
+ }
+ rpm_qa("/root/rpm_qa_installed_after");
+ my %new = getVarsFromSh($conffile);
+ if (! -s "/root/.mdkupdate.rpms" || $update) {
+ #- send configuration and get back key to use...
+ $new{CURRENTKEY} = send_config($new{LOGIN},$new{PASS},$new{BOX});
+ delete $new{OLDKEY};
+ #- save back keys.
+ setVarsInSh($conffile, \%new);
+ } else {
+ #- this can safely be ignored if new configuration is sent.
+ send_rpm_dif($new{LOGIN},$new{PASS},$new{BOX},$new{OLDKEY});
+ }
+ clean_dir();
+sub splitContents {
+ my $cont = shift;
+ my ($elem, $s);
+ $s = [ split /\n/, $cont ];
+ $elem->{torf} = $s->[0];
+ if ($elem->{torf} eq 'TRUE') {
+ ($elem->{torf},$elem->{OLDKEY},$elem->{NEWKEY},$elem->{FTP}) = splice(@$s,0,4);
+ ($elem->{sched},$elem->{nosched}) = partition { $_ =~/i586$/ } @$s;
+ }
+ $elem
-# taken from mdkonline to perform complete update of rpm list (by diff), it has
+# Taken from mdkonline to perform complete update of rpm list (by diff), it has
# been decided to do exactly what mdkonline does the first time to update the db.
sub report_config {
@@ -102,6 +145,14 @@ map { chomp; print FILE "$_\n" }
header("mandrake version"), cat_('/etc/redhat-release');
+sub getFromURL {
+ my ($link) = @_;
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ $ua->agent("MdkUpdateAgent/$VERSION" . $ua->agent);
+ my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $link);
+ my $response = $ua->request($request);
+ $response
sub send_config {
# When we arrive here, we're sure the login/passwd is correct
my ($login, $passwd, $box_name) = @_;
@@ -151,67 +202,47 @@ sub send_config {
-sub update_rpms {
- my ($login,$password,$box_name,$curkey) =@_;
- my $result = -1;
- my $string;
- if ($login && $password && $login !~ /\s+/ && $password !~ /\s+/) {
- my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
- $ua->agent("MdkUpdateAgent/$VERSION" . $ua->agent);
- my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url_get_rpms.'?log='.$login.'&pass='.$password.'&host='.$box_name.'&key='.$curkey);
- my $response = $ua->request($request);
- $string = $response->content;
- print " \n\n ***** Response from update_rpms is : \n $string \n end update_rpms answer **********\n\n";
- if ($response->is_success) {
- $result = ($response->content =~ /TRUE/) ? 0 : -1;
- } else {
- log_i(N("Connection problem")."\n" . N("MandrakeUpdate could not contact the site, we will try again."));
- clean_dir();
- exit 1;
- }
- } else {
- $result = -1;
- }
- # if correct, return 0
- if (! $result) {
- @str_m = split '\n', $string;
- my %l = getVarsFromSh "/root/.mdkupdate";
- if ($str_m[0] eq 'TRUE') {
- setVarsInSh("/root/.mdkupdate", {
- OLDKEY => $str_m[2],
- CURRENTKEY => $str_m[1],
+sub autoInstallRpms {
+ my ($pkgs) = shift;
+ my @pkg;
+ push(@pkg, $_ . '.rpm') foreach @{$pkgs};
+ updatePkgs(@pkg);
+sub updateConf {
+ my ($oldkey, $newkey) = @_;
+ my %l = getVarsFromSh $conffile;
+ setVarsInSh($conffile, {
+ OLDKEY => $oldkey,
+ CURRENTKEY => $newkey,
VER => $l{VER},
- BOX => $l{BOX},
+ BOX => $l{BOX},
PASS => $l{PASS},
LOGIN => $l{LOGIN} ,
- });
- my @junk= splice(@str_m,0,3);
- my $mir_full = "ftp://$l{MIRROR}/$l{VER}/RPMS/";
- update_packages($mir_full, @str_m);
- } else { log_i("problem occur $str_m\n"); }
- } else {
- log_i(N("Your login or password may be wrong") . "\n" . N("You need to have an account on MandrakeOnline, or update your subscription.")."\n" . N("For any problem send an e-mail to support\\n"));
- clean_dir();
- exit 1;
- }
+ });
-sub update_packages {
- my ($mir, @str) = @_;
- @str or return;
+sub addMedia {
+ my $mirror = shift;
+ my $r = getRelease();
+ my $fullpath2mir = "ftp://" . "$mirror". "/$r" . "/RPMS" . "/" ;
eval {
system "/usr/sbin/urpmi.removemedia", "mdkupdate";
- system "/usr/sbin/urpmi.addmedia", "mdkupdate", $mir;
- $? == 0 or die N("Unable to create mdkupdate medium.\n");
+ system "/usr/sbin/urpmi.addmedia", "--update", "mdkupdate", $fullpath2mir, "with ../base/";
+ };
+ $@ and die "Problem adding Update Media with urpmi";
+sub getRelease() {
+ my $release = cat_('/etc/mandrake-release') =~ /release\s+(\S+)/;
+ $release
+sub updatePkgs {
+ my (@str) = @_;
+ @str or return;
+ eval {
system "/usr/sbin/urpmi", "--auto", "--media", "mdkupdate", map { /^(.*)\.rpm$/ && $1 } @str;
$? == 0 or die N("Unable to update packages from mdkupdate medium.\n");
$@ and die "Problem upgrading with urpmi";
sub send_rpm_dif {
my ($login,$password,$box_name,$oldkey) =@_;
#`sdiff -s /root/rpm_qa_installed_after /root/rpm_qa_installed_before >/root/$login.$password.$box_name.$oldkey.dif`;