diff options
authorDaouda Lo <>2006-02-15 16:08:09 +0000
committerDaouda Lo <>2006-02-15 16:08:09 +0000
commit935d0afae4b4cb843b2a7e4c5d9478f4ab7b3ce1 (patch)
parent5cedd60005433a0a64a738f407d92a76f3ce176e (diff)
- sync with new arch
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 225 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index d31f89db..321013b5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,18 +12,16 @@ use Net::HTTPS;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use HTTP::Request;
use SOAP::Lite;
-use Switch;
-use Log::Agent; # use settings from main file
-use Error qw(:try);
#For debugging
use Data::Dumper;
+my ($uri, $service_proxy, $online_proxy);
my $release_file = find { -f $_ } '/etc/mandriva-release', '/etc/mandrakelinux-release', '/etc/mandrake-release', '/etc/redhat-release';
-my $uri = 'https://localhost/~romain/online3/htdocs/soap';
-#my $uri = '';
-my $serviceProxy = $uri;
-my $onlineProxy = $uri;
+#$uri = 'https://localhost/~romain/online3/htdocs/soap';
+my $uri = '';
+$service_proxy = $online_proxy = $uri;
my $useragent = set_ua('mdkonline');
@@ -31,228 +29,144 @@ sub is_proxy () {
return 1 if defined $ENV{http_proxy};
-my $s = is_proxy() ? SOAP::Lite->uri($uri)->proxy($serviceProxy, proxy => [ 'http' => $ENV{http_proxy} ], agent => $useragent) : SOAP::Lite->uri($uri)->proxy($serviceProxy, agent => $useragent);
+my $s = is_proxy()
+? SOAP::Lite->uri($uri)->proxy($service_proxy, proxy => [ 'http' => $ENV{http_proxy} ], agent => $useragent)
+: SOAP::Lite->uri($uri)->proxy($service_proxy, agent => $useragent);
sub get_configuration {
- my $in = shift;
- my $config_file = '/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline';
- my %conf;
- my $ret;
- logsay "checking configuration";
- try {
- # check local config file
- if( ! ( -e $config_file ) || ! ( -s $config_file ) ) {
- logsay "checking dns service";
- %conf = get_conf_from_dns();
- print "from dns:\n",Dumper(%conf),"\n";
- if( %conf ) {
- }
- else { throw( ) }
- if( %conf eq undef ) {
- logwarn "found none";
- } else {
- logsay "found one";
- }
- }
- else {
- # found one
- logsay "found $config_file";
- %conf = getVarsFromSh($config_file);
- if( defined $conf{MACHINE} && ! defined $conf{VERSION} ) {
- # old (v2) config
- logsay "old (v2) conf found; trying to upgrade to v3";
- $ret = upgrade_to_v3();
- print "\n", $ret, "\n";
- if( $ret eq 1 ) {
- logsay "succeeded; reloading configuration";
- # reload config
- %conf = getVarsFromSh($config_file);
- }
- else {
- logsay "failed. stop.";
- # TODO what do we do now? email warning? support? forget it?
- %conf = undef;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch Error with {
- my $ex = shift;
- print Dumper($ex);
+ my $in = shift;
+ my $config_file = '/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline';
+ my %conf;my $ret;
+ # check local config file
+ if( ! ( -e $config_file ) || ! ( -s $config_file ) ) {
+ %conf = get_conf_from_dns();
+ print "from dns:\n",Dumper(%conf),"\n";
+ } else {
+ %conf = getVarsFromSh($config_file);
+ if( defined $conf{MACHINE} && ! defined $conf{VERSION} ) {
+ $ret = upgrade_to_v3();
+ print "\n", $ret, "\n";
+ if( $ret eq 1 ) {
+ # reload config
+ %conf = getVarsFromSh($config_file);
+ }
+ else {
+ # TODO what do we do now? email warning? support? forget it?
+ %conf = undef;
+ }
- finally {
- };
- # now, a valid working config file is loaded
- if( defined $conf{MOBILE} && $conf{MOBILE} eq 'TRUE' ) {
- logsay "checking for mobile options";
- # client is mobile: we check for any dns-declared local option
- # (like, a local update mirror)
- # TODO set precedence rules. user may not want/have the right to
- # follow local network rules (security of the update process).
- # depends on host config, and on server commands.
- my $sd = new Discovery;
- my $info = $sd->search();
- if( $info ) {
- # TODO
- }
- else {} # nothing to do
+ }
+ # now, a valid working config file is loaded
+ if( defined $conf{MOBILE} && $conf{MOBILE} eq 'TRUE' ) {
+ # client is mobile: we check for any dns-declared local option
+ # (like, a local update mirror)
+ # TODO set precedence rules. user may not want/have the right to
+ # follow local network rules (security of the update process).
+ # depends on host config, and on server commands.
+ my $sd = new Discovery;
+ my $info = $sd->search();
+ if( $info ) {
+ # TODO
- %conf;
+ else {} # nothing to do
+ }
+ %conf;
# update current configuration values with those passed as argument
sub save_config {
- my $params = shift;
- my %current = getVarsFromSh('/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline');
- print Dumper($params);
- defined $params->{customer_id} and $current{CUSTOMER_ID} = $params->{customer_id};
- defined $params->{host_id} and $current{HOST_ID} = $params->{host_id};
- defined $params->{host_key} and $current{HOST_KEY} = $params->{host_key};
- defined $params->{host_name} and $current{HOST_NAME} = $params->{host_name};
- ! defined $current{VERSION} and $current{VERSION} = 3;
- defined $params->{country} and $current{COUNTRY} = $params->{country};
- defined $params->{mobile} and $current{MOBILE} = $params->{mobile};
- defined $params->{auto} and $current{AUTO} = $params->{auto};
- $current{DATE_SET} = chomp_(`LC_ALL=C date`);
- print Dumper(%current);
- print setVarsInSh( '/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline', %current );
- %current;
+ my $params = shift;
+ my %current = getVarsFromSh('/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline');
+ print Dumper($params);
+ foreach my $l (qw(customer_id host_id host_key host_name country mobile auto)) {
+ my $u = uc($l);
+ $current{$u} = $params->{$l} if defined $params->{$l}
+ }
+ $current{VERSION} ||= 3;
+ $current{DATE_SET} = chomp_(`LC_ALL=C date`);
+ print Dumper(%current);
+ print setVarsInSh( '/etc/sysconfig/mdkonline', %current );
+ %current;
sub upgrade_to_v3 {
- my $oldconffile = '/root/.MdkOnline/mdkupdate';
- if( ( -e $oldconffile ) && ( -s $oldconffile ) ) {
- my %old = getVarsFromSh('/root/.MdkOnline/mdkupdate');
- if( $old{LOGIN} ne '' && $old{PASS} ne '' && $old{MACHINE} ne '' ) {
- my $res = mdkonline::soap_recover_service($old{LOGIN},'{md5}'.$old{PASS},$old{MACHINE},$old{COUNTRY});
- if( $res->{code} eq '0' || $res->{code} == 0 ) {
- #logsay "succeeded to register anew to service; configuring local host.";
- my $cd = $res->{data};
- $cd->{auto} = 'FALSE';
- $cd->{mobile} = 'FALSE';
- $cd->{country} = '';
- $cd->{service} = '';
- mdkonline::save_config( $res->{data} );
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- $res->{code} eq '1' and logwarn "this host may be already registered";
- logwarn "failed to recover service; answer was: " . $res->{message} . "(" . $res->{code} . ")";
- }
- }
- else {
- # missing info in config file; invalid;
- #logwarn "failed to recover service; config file is missing some info.";
- }
+ my $oldconffile = '/root/.MdkOnline/mdkupdate';
+ if( ( -e $oldconffile ) && ( -s $oldconffile ) ) {
+ my %old = getVarsFromSh('/root/.MdkOnline/mdkupdate');
+ if( $old{LOGIN} ne '' && $old{PASS} ne '' && $old{MACHINE} ne '' ) {
+ my $res = mdkonline::soap_recover_service($old{LOGIN},'{md5}'.$old{PASS},$old{MACHINE},$old{COUNTRY});
+ if( $res->{code} eq '0' || $res->{code} == 0 ) {
+ my $cd = $res->{data};
+ $cd->{auto} = 'FALSE';
+ $cd->{mobile} = 'FALSE';
+ $cd->{country} = '';
+ $cd->{service} = '';
+ save_config( $res->{data} );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ }
else {
- # no config file found;
- #logwarn "no config file has been found (" . $oldconffile . ")";
- return undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ }
sub register_from_dns {
- my $dnsconf = shift;
- my $user = $dnsconf->{user}->{name} || '';
- my $pass = $dnsconf->{user}->{pass} || '';
- my $hostname = chomp_(`hostname`);
- my $hostinfo = '';
- my $country = ''; # FIXME
- # TODO change SOAP proxy to the one indicated at $dnsconf->{service} before
- # TODO wrap all soap calls into an object so we can update the proxy on the fly?
- my $res = mdkonline::soap_register_host( $user, $pass, $hostname, $hostinfo, $country );
- if( $res->{code} eq 0 ) {
- $res->{data}->{service} = $dnsconf->{service};
- return mdkonline::save_config( $res->{data} );
- }
- return undef;
+ my $dnsconf = shift;
+ my ($hostinfo, $country );
+ my $user = $dnsconf->{user}->{name};
+ my $pass = $dnsconf->{user}->{pass};
+ my $hostname = chomp_(`hostname`);
+ # TODO change SOAP proxy to the one indicated at $dnsconf->{service} before
+ # TODO wrap all soap calls into an object so we can update the proxy on the fly?
+ my $res = mdkonline::soap_register_host( $user, $pass, $hostname, $hostinfo, $country );
+ if ($res->{code}) {
+ $res->{data}->{service} = $dnsconf->{service};
+ return mdkonline::save_config( $res->{data} );
+ }
sub get_conf_from_dns {
- my $sd = new Discover;
- my $info = $sd->search();
- my $ret;
- if( $info ) {
- logsay "found service";
- if( defined $info->{user}->{name} && defined $info->{user}->{pass}
- && $info->{user}->{name} ne '' && $info->{user}->{pass} ne '' ) {
- print Dumper($info);
- # TODO check service certificate
- $ret = mdkonline::register_from_dns( $info );
- if( $ret ) {
- return $ret;
- }
- else {
- logsay "failed to register to dns declared service";
- }
- }
- else {
- logsay "does not permit automatic registration (no user info)";
- }
+ my $sd = new Discover;
+ my $info = $sd->search();
+ my $ret;
+ if( $info ) {
+ if( defined $info->{user}->{name} && defined $info->{user}->{pass} && $info->{user}->{name} ne '' && $info->{user}->{pass} ne '' ) {
+ print Dumper($info);
+ # TODO check service certificate
+ $ret = mdkonline::register_from_dns( $info );
+ if( $ret ) {
+ return $ret;
+ }
- else {
- logsay "no service info found";
- }
- return;
+ }
sub run_and_return_task {
- my $task = shift;
- my $ret;
- if( $task->{command} ne 'none' ) {
-# switch( $task->{command} ) {
-# case 'update' {
-# #$task->{mirror}
-# #$task->{packages}
-# }
-# case 'upload_config' {
-# #
-# }
-# case 'set_params' {
-# #$task->{params}
-# }
-# case 'none' {
-# logsay "nothing to do";
-# }
-# else {
-# logwarn "unknown task " . $task->{command};
-# }
-# }
-# # TODO soap_return_task_result();
- }
- else {
- $ret = 1;
- }
- $ret;
+ my $task = shift;
+ my $ret;
+ if( $task->{command} ne 'none' ) {
+ }
+ $ret;
sub upload_host_data {
- print "Saving local sw config...\n";
- my $swdata = `rpm -qa --queryformat '%{HDRID};%{N};%{E};%{V};%{R};%{ARCH};%{OS};%{DISTRIBUTION};%{VENDOR};%{SIZE};%{BUILDTIME};%{INSTALLTIME}\n'`;
- my $etcrelease = `cat /etc/mandrake-release`;
- print "Done.\n";
- print "Uploading data...\n";
- print $etcrelease,"\n";
- $data = soap_upload_host_config( $id, $key, $etcrelease, $swdata );
- print "Done.\n\n";
- print Dumper($data);
- 1
+ my ($id, $key) = @_;
+ my $data;
+ print "Saving local sw config...\n";
+ my $swdata = `rpm -qa --queryformat '%{HDRID};%{N};%{E};%{V};%{R};%{ARCH};%{OS};%{DISTRIBUTION};%{VENDOR};%{SIZE};%{BUILDTIME};%{INSTALLTIME}\n'`;
+ print "Done.\n";
+ print "Uploading data...\n";
+ my ($r) = get_release();
+ $data = soap_upload_host_config( $id, $key, $r, $swdata );
+ print "Done.\n\n";
+ print Dumper($data);
sub md5file {
@@ -287,6 +201,13 @@ sub get_distro_type {
{ name => lc($name), arch => $arch };
+sub soap_exec_action {
+ my $func = shift;
+ my $ret;
+ $ret = eval "$s->$func" . '(@_)' . '->result()';
+ $ret;
sub soap_create_account {
my $register = $s->registerUser(@_)->result();
@@ -298,28 +219,13 @@ sub soap_authenticate_user {
sub soap_register_host {
- my $auth = $s->registerHost(@_)->result();
- $auth;
+ my $auth = $s->registerHost(@_)->result();
+ $auth;
sub soap_upload_config {
- my $auth = $s->setHostConfig(@_)->result();
- $auth;
-sub soap_recover_service {
- my $auth = $s->recoverHostFromV2(@_)->result();
- $auth;
-sub soap_get_task {
- my $auth = $s->getTask(@_)->result();
- $auth;
-sub soap_return_task_result {
- my $auth = $s->setTaskResult(@_)->result();
- $auth;
+ my $auth = $s->setHostConfig(@_)->result();
+ $auth;
sub get_from_URL {
@@ -359,8 +265,10 @@ sub create_authenticate_account {
foreach my $num ([9, 8], [21, 20]) { $hreturn->{$num->[0]} = $hreturn->{$num->[1]} };
my $action = {
- create => sub { eval { $response = soap_create_account(@info) }; },
- authenticate => sub { eval { $response = soap_authenticate_user(@info) }; }
+ #create => sub { eval { $response = soap_create_account(@info) }; },
+ create => sub { eval { $response = soap_exec_action('registerUser', @info) }; },
+ #authenticate => sub { eval { $response = soap_authenticate_user(@info) }; }
+ authenticate => sub { eval { $response = soap_exec_action('authenticateUser', @info) }; }
$ret = check_server_response($response, $hreturn);
@@ -369,6 +277,7 @@ sub create_authenticate_account {
sub check_server_response {
my ($response, $h) = @_;
+ print Dumper($response);
my $code = $response->{code} || '99';
return $response->{status} ? 'OK' : $h->{$code}->[0] . ' : ' . $h->{$code}->[1];
@@ -437,6 +346,21 @@ sub rpm_ver_cmp {
if (@aparts) { return 1 } elsif (@bparts) { return -1 } else { return 0 }
+sub soap_recover_service {
+ my $auth = $s->recoverHostFromV2(@_)->result();
+ $auth;
+sub soap_get_task {
+ my $auth = $s->getTask(@_)->result();
+ $auth;
+sub soap_return_task_result {
+ my $auth = $s->setTaskResult(@_)->result();
+ $auth;
sub report_config {
my $file = shift;
sub header { "