#!/usr/bin/perl #***************************************************************************** # # dragoraUpdate # Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Angelo Naselli # # MandrivaUpdate and MageiaUpdate # Copyright (c) 2002 Guillaume Cottenceau # Copyright (c) 2002-2014 Thierry Vignaud # Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 MandrakeSoft SA # Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Mandriva SA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # #***************************************************************************** # use strict; use MDK::Common::Func 'any'; use File::ShareDir ':ALL'; use ManaTools::Rpmdragora::init; use ManaTools::rpmdragora; use ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gui; use ManaTools::Rpmdragora::rpmnew; use ManaTools::Rpmdragora::formatting; use ManaTools::Rpmdragora::pkg; use ManaTools::Shared::Locales; use ManaTools::Shared::GUI; use yui; # make Rpmdrake::gui aware MageiaUpdate do not use the same columns ids as rpmdrake: %pkg_columns = ( image => 0, selected => 1, text => 2, short_name => 3, version => 4, release => 5, 'arch' => 6, importance => 7, ); our $w; # TODO try to see if we can Moosify all! our $statusbar; my $loc = ManaTools::rpmdragora::locale(); warn_about_user_mode(); my (%data, $initialized); my %update_icons = ( security => { icon => 'images/rpmdragora/security-update.png', text => $loc->N("Security") }, bugfix => { icon => 'images/rpmdragora/bugfix-update.png', text => $loc->N("Bug fixing") }, normal => { icon => 'images/rpmdragora/general-update.png', text => '' }, title => { icon => 'images/rpmdragora/title-update.png', text => $loc->N("Here is the list of software package updates") }, ); my %icons_cache; sub _refresh_packages_list { my ($dialog, $packageTbl) = @_; my $item = $packageTbl->selectedItem(); my $packageName = $item ? $data{$item->index()}{name} : undef; # select packages to update: my @requested = sort grep { $pkgs->{$_}{pkg} } @filtered_pkgs; # don't select packages in skip list: if (!$initialized) { undef $pkgs->{$_}{selected} foreach @requested; my @selectable = grep { !$pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->flag_skip } @requested; toggle($packageTbl, @selectable) if @selectable; $initialized = 1; } $dialog->startMultipleChanges(); $packageTbl->deleteAllItems(); if (scalar(@requested)) { my $itemCollection = new yui::YItemCollection; my $i = 0; foreach (@requested) { my $summary = get_summary($_); my ($name, $version, $release, $arch) = split_fullname($_); # TODO check if %data is needed $data{$i} = { name => $name, fullname => $_ }; $i++; my $pkg = $pkgs->{$_}; my $raw_medium = pkg2medium($pkg->{pkg}, $urpm); my $medium = !$raw_medium->{fake} ? $raw_medium->{name} : undef; my $icon = ""; $item = new yui::YCBTableItem("", $name , $summary, $version, $release, $arch); my $importance = $medium && $descriptions->{$medium}{$name}{importance}; if ($importance) { my $update_label = ""; if (yui::YUI::app()->hasImageSupport()) { $icon = File::ShareDir::dist_file(ManaTools::Shared::distName(), $update_icons{$importance}->{icon}); } else { # For ncurses set a label $update_label = $update_icons{$importance}->{name}; } my $cell = new yui::YTableCell($item, 1, $update_label, $icon); } $item->check($pkgs->{$_}{selected}); $item->setLabel($name); $item->setSelected(1) if ($packageName && $name eq $packageName); $itemCollection->push($item); $item->DISOWN(); } $packageTbl->addItems($itemCollection); } $dialog->doneMultipleChanges(); # return number of packages to be updated return scalar(@requested); } #============================================================= =head2 toggle =head3 INPUT $packageTbl: CBYTable containing all the packages to be updated @names: list of package names to be toggled =head3 DESCRIPTION This function toggle a package status from "to be installed" to "to be updated" and viceversa based on the first package status. =cut #============================================================= sub toggle { my ($packageTbl, @names) = @_; my $name = $names[0]; # TODO working with a single package instead a list... # since it's used only in that case my $val = $pkgs->{$name}{selected}; my $old_status = $val ? 'to_install' : 'to_update'; my $done; my $pkg = $pkgs->{$name}{pkg}; return if !$pkg; $pkg->set_flag_skip(0); toggle_nodes($packageTbl, $packageTbl, sub {}, $old_status, @names); } #============================================================= =head2 toggle_all_packages =head3 INPUT $packageTbl: CBYTable containing all the packages to be updated $val: new value wanted for the status (1 selected) =head3 DESCRIPTION This function select or deselect all the packages according to the $val passed. =cut #============================================================= sub toggle_all_packages { my ($packageTbl, $val) = @_; my $it; my @l; my $i=0; # using iterators for ($it = $packageTbl->itemsBegin(); $it != $packageTbl->itemsEnd(); ) { my $item = $packageTbl->YItemIteratorToYItem($it); my $cbItem = $packageTbl->toCBYTableItem($item); push @l, $data{$item->index()}{fullname} if $cbItem->checked() != $val; $it = $packageTbl->nextItem($it); $i++; if ($i == $packageTbl->itemsCount()) { last; } } #revert old status my $old_status = $val ? 'to_update' : 'to_install'; toggle_nodes($packageTbl, $packageTbl, sub {}, $old_status, @l); } sub quit() { # ($mandrivaupdate_width->[0], $mandrivaupdate_height->[0]) = $::w->{real_window}->get_size; real_quit(); } sub run_treeview_dialog { my ($callback_action) = @_; my ($list, $info, $update_button); my $appTitle = yui::YUI::app()->applicationTitle(); ## set new title to get it in dialog yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($loc->N("Software Management")); ## set icon if not already set by external launcher yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationIcon("/usr/share/mcc/themes/default/MageiaUpdate.png"); my $mageiaPlugin = "mga"; my $factory = yui::YUI::widgetFactory; my $mgaFactory = yui::YExternalWidgets::externalWidgetFactory($mageiaPlugin); $mgaFactory = yui::YMGAWidgetFactory::getYMGAWidgetFactory($mgaFactory); my $dialog = $factory->createMainDialog; $::main_window = $dialog; # rpmdrake way of working :( my $vbox = $factory->createVBox( $dialog ); #Line for logo and title my $hbox_iconbar = $factory->createHBox($vbox); my $head_align_left = $factory->createLeft($hbox_iconbar); $hbox_iconbar = $factory->createHBox($head_align_left); my $wm_icon = File::ShareDir::dist_file(ManaTools::Shared::distName(), $update_icons{'title'}->{icon}); $factory->createImage($hbox_iconbar, $wm_icon); $factory->createHeading($hbox_iconbar, $update_icons{'title'}->{text}); my $yTableHeader = new yui::YTableHeader(); # checkbox $yTableHeader->addColumn("", $yui::YAlignCenter); # icon $yTableHeader->addColumn("", $yui::YAlignCenter); $yTableHeader->addColumn($loc->N("Name"), $yui::YAlignBegin); $yTableHeader->addColumn($loc->N("Summary"), $yui::YAlignBegin); $yTableHeader->addColumn($loc->N("Version"), $yui::YAlignCenter); $yTableHeader->addColumn($loc->N("Release"), $yui::YAlignBegin); $yTableHeader->addColumn($loc->N("Arch"), $yui::YAlignBegin); ## service list (serviceBox) my $packageTbl = $mgaFactory->createCBTable($vbox, $yTableHeader, $yui::YCBTableCheckBoxOnFirstColumn); $factory->createVSpacing($vbox, 1); my $infoBox = $factory->createRichText($vbox, "", 0); # dialog buttons $factory->createVSpacing($vbox, 1.0); ## Window push buttons my $hbox = $factory->createHBox( $vbox ); $hbox->setWeight(0, 1); my $align = $factory->createLeft($hbox); $hbox = $factory->createHBox($align); my $helpButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $loc->N("&Help")); my $aboutButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $loc->N("&About") ); $align = $factory->createRight($hbox); $hbox = $factory->createHBox($align); ### Service Refresh button ($refreshButton) my $uncheckButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $loc->N("U&ncheck all")); my $selectButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $loc->N("&Select all")); my $updateButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $loc->N("&Update")); my $closeButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $loc->N("&Quit") ); $statusbar = $factory->createBusyIndicator($vbox, "" ); $statusbar->setWeight(0, 1); $ManaTools::Rpmdragora::pkg::probe_only_for_updates = 1; # faster startup pkgs_provider('all_updates', pure_updates => 1); # default mode my $num_pkgs = _refresh_packages_list($dialog, $packageTbl); if ($num_pkgs) { $packageTbl->setImmediateMode(1); $packageTbl->setWeight(0, 50); my $item = $packageTbl->selectedItem(); if ($item) { my $pkg = $data{$item->index()}{fullname}; ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gui::setInfoOnWidget($pkg, $infoBox); } my $info_options = {}; while(1) { my $event = $dialog->waitForEvent(); my $eventType = $event->eventType(); #event type checking if ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::CancelEvent) { last if quit(); } elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::MenuEvent) { my $item = $event->item(); if (!$item) { #URL emitted or at least a ref into RichText widget my $url = yui::toYMenuEvent($event)->id (); if (ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gui::info_details($url, $info_options) ) { $item = $packageTbl->selectedItem(); my $pkg = $data{$item->index()}{fullname}; ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gui::setInfoOnWidget($pkg, $infoBox, $info_options); } else { # default it's really a URL ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gui::run_browser($url); } } } elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::WidgetEvent) { # widget selected my $widget = $event->widget(); if ($widget == $closeButton) { last if quit(); } elsif ($widget == $aboutButton) { my $translators = $loc->N("_: Translator(s) name(s) & email(s)\n"); $translators =~ s/\/\>\;/g; my $sh_gui = ManaTools::Shared::GUI->new(); $sh_gui->AboutDialog({ name => "dragoraUpdate", version => $VERSION, credits => $loc->N("Copyright (C) %s Mageia community", '2013-2015'), license => $loc->N("GPLv2"), description => $loc->N("dragoraUpdate is the Mageia package management tool."), authors => $loc->N("



", "Angelo Naselli <anaselli\@linux.it>", $translators ), }); } elsif ($widget == $packageTbl) { yui::YUI::app()->busyCursor(); my $item = $packageTbl->selectedItem(); if ($item) { my $pkg = $data{$item->index()}{fullname}; $info_options = {}; ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gui::setInfoOnWidget($pkg, $infoBox); } my $wEvent = yui::toYWidgetEvent($event); if ($wEvent->reason() == $yui::YEvent::ValueChanged) { $item = $packageTbl->changedItem(); if ($item) { my $name = $data{$item->index()}{fullname}; toggle($packageTbl, $name ); $num_pkgs = _refresh_packages_list($dialog, $packageTbl); } } yui::YUI::app()->normalCursor(); } elsif ($widget == $selectButton) { yui::YUI::app()->busyCursor(); toggle_all_packages($packageTbl, 1); $num_pkgs = _refresh_packages_list($dialog, $packageTbl); yui::YUI::app()->normalCursor(); } elsif ($widget == $uncheckButton) { yui::YUI::app()->busyCursor(); toggle_all_packages($packageTbl, 0); $num_pkgs = _refresh_packages_list($dialog, $packageTbl); yui::YUI::app()->normalCursor() } elsif ($widget == $updateButton) { my $res = do_action({ tree_mode => 'all_updates' }, $callback_action); $initialized = 0 if !$res; $num_pkgs = _refresh_packages_list($dialog, $packageTbl); $infoBox->setValue(""); if ($num_pkgs) { $item = $packageTbl->selectedItem(); if ($item) { my $pkg = $data{$item->index()}{fullname}; ManaTools::Rpmdragora::gui::setInfoOnWidget($pkg, $infoBox); } } } elsif ($widget == $helpButton) { } last if !$num_pkgs; } } } if (!$num_pkgs) { ManaTools::rpmdragora::interactive_msg( $loc->N("rpmdragora update"), $loc->N("The list of updates is empty. This means that either there is no available update for the packages installed on your computer, or you already installed all of them."), scroll => 1, # main_dialog => 1, ); } $dialog->destroy(); #restore old application title yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($appTitle) if $appTitle; } # -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=-- main -=-=-=---=-=-=---=-=-=- ManaTools::Rpmdragora::rpmnew::do_merge_if_needed(); ManaTools::rpmdragora::readconf(); init(); run_treeview_dialog(\&perform_installation); ManaTools::rpmdragora::writeconf(); # myexit(0);