# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4: package AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::gui; #***************************************************************************** # # Copyright (c) 2002 Guillaume Cottenceau # Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Thierry Vignaud # Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 MandrakeSoft SA # Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Mandriva SA # Copyright (c) 2013 Matteo Pasotti # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # #***************************************************************************** # # $Id$ ############################################################ # WARNING: do not modify before asking matteo or anaselli ############################################################ use strict; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use common; use utf8; use HTML::Entities; # TO WORKAROUND LOCALIZATION ISSUE use AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::localization; use AdminPanel::rpmdragora; use AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::open_db; use AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::formatting; use AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::init; use AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::icon; use AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::pkg; use AdminPanel::Shared; use AdminPanel::Shared::GUI; use AdminPanel::Shared::Locales; use yui; use feature 'state'; our @EXPORT = qw( $descriptions $find_entry $force_displaying_group $force_rebuild $pkgs $results_ok $results_none $size_free $size_selected $urpm %grp_columns %pkg_columns @filtered_pkgs @initial_selection ask_browse_tree_given_widgets_for_rpmdragora build_tree callback_choices compute_main_window_size do_action get_info get_summary group_has_parent group_parent groups_tree is_locale_available node_state pkgs_provider real_quit reset_search set_node_state sort_callback switch_pkg_list_mode toggle_all toggle_nodes fast_toggle setInfoOnWidget ); my $loc = AdminPanel::rpmdragora::locale(); my $shared_gui = AdminPanel::Shared::GUI->new() ; our ($descriptions, %filters, @filtered_pkgs, %filter_methods, $force_displaying_group, $force_rebuild, @initial_selection, $pkgs, $size_free, $size_selected, $urpm); our ($results_ok, $results_none) = ($loc->N("Search results"), $loc->N("Search results (none)")); our %hidden_info = ( details => "details", changelog => "changelog", files => "file", new_deps => "new_deps", ); our %grp_columns = ( label => 0, icon => 2, ); our %pkg_columns = ( text => 0, state_icon => 1, state => 2, selected => 3, short_name => 4, version => 5, release => 6, 'arch' => 7, selectable => 8, ); sub compute_main_window_size { my ($w) = @_; ($typical_width) = string_size($w->{real_window}, $loc->N("Graphical Environment") . "xmms-more-vis-plugins"); $typical_width > 600 and $typical_width = 600; #- try to not being crazy with a too large value $typical_width < 150 and $typical_width = 150; } sub get_summary { my ($key) = @_; my $summary = $loc->N($pkgs->{$key}{pkg}->summary); require utf8; utf8::valid($summary) ? $summary : @{[]}; } sub get_advisory_link { my ($update_descr) = @_; my $webref = "
{URL} ."\">". $loc->N("Security advisory") ."
"; [ $webref ]; } sub get_description { my ($pkg, $update_descr) = @_; join("
", (eval { encode_entities($pkg->{description}) || encode_entities($update_descr->{description}); } || ''. $loc->N("No description").'')); } sub get_string_from_keywords { my ($medium, $name) = @_; my @media_types; if ($medium->{mediacfg}) { my ($distribconf, $medium_path) = @{$medium->{mediacfg}}; @media_types = split(':', $distribconf->getvalue($medium_path, 'media_type')) if $distribconf; } my $unsupported = $loc->N("It is not supported by Mageia."); my $dangerous = $loc->N("It may break your system."); my $s = ""; $s .= $loc->N("This package is not free software") . "\n" if member('non-free', @media_types); if ($pkgs->{$name}{is_backport} || member('backport', @media_types)) { return join("\n", $loc->N("This package contains a new version that was backported."), $unsupported, $dangerous, $s); } elsif (member('testing', @media_types)) { return join("\n", $loc->N("This package is a potential candidate for an update."), $unsupported, $dangerous, $s); } elsif (member('updates', @media_types)) { return join("\n", (member('official', @media_types) ? $loc->N("This is an official update which is supported by Mageia.") : ($loc->N("This is an unofficial update."), $unsupported)) , $s); } else { $s .= $loc->N("This is an official package supported by Mageia") . "\n" if member('official', @media_types); return $s; } } sub get_main_text { my ($medium, $fullname, $name, $summary, $is_update, $update_descr) = @_; my $txt = get_string_from_keywords($medium, $fullname); my $notice = if_($txt, format_field($loc->N("Notice: ")) . $txt . "\n"); ensure_utf8($notice); my $hdr = format_header(join(' - ', $name, $summary)) . "\n"; ensure_utf8($hdr); my $update = if_($is_update, # is it an update? format_field($loc->N("Importance: ")) . format_update_field($update_descr->{importance}) . "\n", format_field($loc->N("Reason for update: ")) . format_update_field(rpm_description($update_descr->{pre})) . "\n", ); ensure_utf8($update); # TODO Too many lines join( "\n", $hdr, $notice, $update ); } sub get_details { my ($pkg, $upkg, $installed_version, $raw_medium) = @_; my @details = (); push @details, format_field($loc->N("Version: ")) . $upkg->EVR; push @details, format_field($loc->N("Currently installed version: ")) . $installed_version if($upkg->flag_installed); push @details, format_field($loc->N("Group: ")) . translate_group($upkg->group); push @details, format_field($loc->N("Architecture: ")) . $upkg->arch; push @details, format_field($loc->N("Size: ")) . $loc->N("%s KB", int($upkg->size/1024)); push @details, eval { format_field($loc->N("Medium: ")) . $raw_medium->{name} }; my @link = get_url_link($upkg, $pkg); push @details, join("
   ",@link) if(@link); unshift @details, "
   "; join("
   ", @details); } sub get_new_deps { my ($urpm, $upkg) = @_; my $deps = slow_func(undef, sub { my $state = {}; my $db = open_rpm_db(); my @requested = $urpm->resolve_requested__no_suggests_( $db, $state, { $upkg->id => 1 }, ); @requested = $urpm->resolve_requested_suggests($db, $state, \@requested); undef $db; my @nodes_with_deps = map { urpm_name($_) } @requested; my @deps = sort { $a cmp $b } difference2(\@nodes_with_deps, [ urpm_name($upkg) ]); @deps = $loc->N("All dependencies installed.") if !@deps; return \@deps; }); return $deps; } sub get_url_link { my ($upkg, $pkg) = @_; my $url = $upkg->url || $pkg->{url}; if (!$url) { open_rpm_db()->traverse_tag_find('name', $upkg->name, sub { $url = $_[0]->url; return ($url ? 1 : 0) }); } return if !$url; my @a; push @a, format_field($loc->N("URL: ")) . ${spacing} . "". $url .""; @a; } sub files_format { my ($files) = @_; return '' . $spacing . join("\n\t", @$files) . ''; } #============================================================= =head2 format_link =head3 INPUT $description: Description to be shown as link $url: to be reach when click on $description link =head3 OUTPUT $webref: href HTML tag =head3 DESCRIPTION This function returns an href string to be published =cut #============================================================= sub format_link { my ($description, $url) = @_; my $webref = "". $description .""; return $webref; } sub _format_pkg_simplifiedinfo { my ($pkgs, $key, $urpm, $descriptions, $options) = @_; my ($name) = split_fullname($key); my $pkg = $pkgs->{$key}; my $upkg = $pkg->{pkg}; return if !$upkg; my $raw_medium = pkg2medium($upkg, $urpm); my $medium = !$raw_medium->{fake} ? $raw_medium->{name} : undef; my $update_descr = $descriptions->{$medium}{$name}; # discard update fields if not matching: my $is_update = ($upkg->flag_upgrade && $update_descr && $update_descr->{pre}); my $summary = get_summary($key); my $dummy_string = get_main_text($raw_medium, $key, $name, $summary, $is_update, $update_descr); my $s; push @$s, $dummy_string; push @$s, get_advisory_link($update_descr) if $is_update; push @$s, get_description($pkg, $update_descr); my $installed_version = eval { find_installed_version($upkg) }; #push @$s, [ gtkadd(gtkshow(my $details_exp = Gtk2::Expander->new(format_field($loc->N("Details:")))), # gtknew('TextView', text => get_details($pkg, $upkg, $installed_version, $raw_medium))) ]; my $detail_link = format_link(format_field($loc->N("Details:")), $hidden_info{details} ); if ($options->{details}) { my $details = get_details($pkg, $upkg, $installed_version, $raw_medium); utf8::encode($details); $detail_link .= "\n" . $details; } push @$s, join("\n", $detail_link, "\n"); #push @$s, [ build_expander($pkg, $loc->N("Files:"), 'files', sub { files_format($pkg->{files}) }) ]; my $files_link = format_link(format_field($loc->N("Files:")), $hidden_info{files} ); if ($options->{files}) { my $wait = AdminPanel::rpmdragora::wait_msg(); if (!$pkg->{files}) { extract_header($pkg, $urpm, 'files', $installed_version); } my $files = $pkg->{files} ? files_format($pkg->{files}) : $loc->N("(Not available)"); utf8::encode($files); $files_link .= "\n\n" . $files; AdminPanel::rpmdragora::remove_wait_msg($wait); } push @$s, join("\n", $files_link, "\n"); #push @$s, [ build_expander($pkg, $loc->N("Changelog:"), 'changelog', sub { $pkg->{changelog} }, $installed_version) ]; my $changelog_link = format_link(format_field($loc->N("Changelog:")), $hidden_info{changelog} ); if ($options->{changelog}) { my $wait = AdminPanel::rpmdragora::wait_msg(); my @changelog = $pkg->{changelog} ? @{$pkg->{changelog}} : ( $loc->N("(Not available)") ); if (!$pkg->{changelog} || !scalar @{$pkg->{changelog}} ) { # my ($pkg, $label, $type, $get_data, $o_installed_version) = @_; extract_header($pkg, $urpm, 'changelog', $installed_version); @changelog = $pkg->{changelog} ? @{$pkg->{changelog}} : ( $loc->N("(Not available)") ); } utf8::encode(\@changelog); $changelog_link .= "\n\n". join("", @changelog); AdminPanel::rpmdragora::remove_wait_msg($wait); } push @$s, join("\n\n", $changelog_link, "\n"); my $deps_link = format_link(format_field($loc->N("New dependencies:")), $hidden_info{new_deps} ); if ($options->{new_deps}) { if ($upkg->id) { # If not installed $deps_link .= "\n\n". join("\n", @{get_new_deps($urpm, $upkg)}); # push @$s, get_new_deps($urpm, $upkg); } } push @$s, join("\n", $deps_link, "\n"); return $s; } sub warn_if_no_pkg { my ($name) = @_; my ($short_name) = split_fullname($name); state $warned; if (!$warned) { $warned = 1; interactive_msg($loc->N("Warning"), join("\n", $loc->N("The package \"%s\" was found.", $name), $loc->N("However this package is not in the package list."), $loc->N("You may want to update your urpmi database."), '', $loc->N("Matching packages:"), '', join("\n", sort map { #-PO: this is list fomatting: "- (medium: )" #-PO: eg: "- rpmdragora (medium: "Main Release" $loc->N("- %s (medium: %s)", $_, pkg2medium($pkgs->{$_}{pkg}, $urpm)->{name}); } grep { /^$short_name/ } keys %$pkgs), ), scroll => 1, ); } return 'XXX'; } # # @method node_state # =pod =head1 node_state(pkgname) =over 4 =item returns the state of the node (pkg) querying an urpm object from $pkgs->{$pkgname} =over 6 =item I =item I =item I =item I =item I =back =back =cut sub node_state { my ($name) = @_; #- checks $_[0] -> hack for partial tree displaying return 'XXX' if !$name; my $pkg = $pkgs->{$name}; my $urpm_obj = $pkg->{pkg}; return warn_if_no_pkg($name) if !$urpm_obj; $pkg->{selected} ? ($urpm_obj->flag_installed ? ($urpm_obj->flag_upgrade ? 'to_install' : 'to_remove') : 'to_install') : ($urpm_obj->flag_installed ? ($pkgs->{$name}{is_backport} ? 'backport' : ($urpm_obj->flag_upgrade ? 'to_update' : ($urpm_obj->flag_base ? 'base' : 'installed'))) : 'uninstalled'); } my ($common, $w, %wtree, %ptree, %pix, @table_item_list); # # @method set_node_state # =pod =head1 set_node_state($tblItem, $state, $detail_list) =over 4 =item setup the table row by adding a cell representing the state of the package =item see node_state =over 6 =item B<$tblItem> , YTableItem instance =item B<$state> , string containing the state of the package from node_state =item B<$detail_list> , reference to the YCBTable =back =back =cut sub set_node_state { my ($tblItem, $state, $detail_list) = @_; return if $state eq 'XXX' || !$state; if ($detail_list) { $detail_list->parent()->parent()->startMultipleChanges(); $tblItem->addCell($state,"/usr/share/rpmdrake/icons/state_$state.png") if(ref $tblItem eq "yui::YCBTableItem"); if(to_bool(member($state, qw(base installed to_install)))){ # it should be parent()->setChecked(1) $detail_list->checkItem($tblItem, 1); # $tblItem->setSelected(1); }else{ $detail_list->checkItem($tblItem, 0); # $tblItem->setSelected(0); } if(!to_bool($state ne 'base')){ #$iter->cell(0)->setLabel('-'); $tblItem->cell(0)->setLabel('-'); } $detail_list->parent()->parent()->doneMultipleChanges(); } else { # no item list means we use just the item to add state information $tblItem->addCell($state,"/usr/share/rpmdrake/icons/state_$state.png") if(ref $tblItem eq "yui::YCBTableItem"); $tblItem->check(to_bool(member($state, qw(base installed to_install)))); $tblItem->cell(0)->setLabel('-') if !to_bool($state ne 'base'); } } sub set_leaf_state { my ($leaf, $state, $detail_list) = @_; # %ptree is a hash using the pkg name as key and a monodimensional array (?) as value # were it is stored the index of the item into the table my $nodeIndex = $ptree{$leaf}[0]; my $node = itemAt($detail_list,$nodeIndex); set_node_state($node, $state, $detail_list); } #============================================================= =head2 grep_unselected =head3 INPUT $l: ARRAY reference containing the list of package fullnames =head3 OUTPUT \@result: ARRAY reference containing the list of packages that are not selected =head3 DESCRIPTION Function returning the list of not selected packages =cut #============================================================= sub grep_unselected { my $l = shift; my @result = grep { exists $pkgs->{$_} && !$pkgs->{$_}{selected} } @{$l} ; return \@result; } my %groups_tree = (); # # @method add_parent # =pod =head1 add_parent($tree, $root, $state) =over 4 =item populates the treeview with the rpm package groups =over 6 =item B<$tree> , YTree for the group of the rpm packages =item B<$root> , string containing a path-like sequence (e.g. "foo|bar") =item B<$state> , not used currently (from the old impl.) =back =back =cut sub add_parent { my ($tree, $root, $state) = @_; $tree or return undef; #$root or return undef; my $parent = 0; warn "WARNING TODO: add_parent to be removed (called with " . $root . ")\n"; my @items = split('\|', $root); my $i = 0; my $parentItem = undef; my $rootItem = undef; for my $item (@items) { chomp $item; $item = trim($item); my $treeItem; if($i == 0){ $parent = $item; $treeItem = new yui::YTreeItem($item,get_icon_path($item,0),0); $rootItem = $treeItem; $parentItem = $treeItem; if(!defined($groups_tree{$parent})) { $groups_tree{$parent}{parent} = $treeItem; $groups_tree{$parent}{children} = (); # $tree->addItem($groups_tree{$parent}{'parent'}); } }else{ #if(any { $_ ne $item } @{$groups_tree{$parent}{'children'}}){ # push @{$groups_tree{$parent}{'children'}}, $item; #} $parentItem = new yui::YTreeItem($parentItem, $item,get_icon_path($item,$parent),0); if(!defined($groups_tree{$parent}{'children'}{$item})){ # $treeItem = new yui::YTreeItem($treeItem, $item,get_icon_path($item,$parent),0); $treeItem = $parentItem; $groups_tree{$parent}{'children'}{$item} = $treeItem; $groups_tree{$parent}{'parent'}->addChild($treeItem); } } $i++; } $tree->addItem($rootItem) if $rootItem; $tree->rebuildTree(); } #============================================================= =head2 add_package_item =head3 INPUT =item B<$item_list>: reference to a YItemCollection =item B<$pkg_name>: package name =item B<$root>: string containing a path-like sequence (e.g. "foo|bar") =head3 DESCRIPTION populates the item list for the table view with the given rpm package =cut #============================================================= sub add_package_item { my ($item_list, $pkg_name, $root) = @_; return if !$pkg_name; return if ref($item_list) ne "yui::YItemCollection"; my $state = node_state($pkg_name) or return; my $iter; if (is_a_package($pkg_name)) { my ($name, $version, $release, $arch) = split_fullname($pkg_name); $name = "" if !defined($name); $version = "" if !defined($version); $release = "" if !defined($release); $arch = "" if !defined($arch); # TODO FIXME summary is not visible in necurses (adding a new column as in dragoraUpdate) my $newTableItem = new yui::YCBTableItem( $name."\n".get_summary($pkg_name), $version, $release, $arch ); set_node_state($newTableItem, $state); # TODO FIXME evaluate if $ptree is really needed. $item_list->push($newTableItem); $newTableItem->DISOWN(); } else { warn $pkg_name . " is not a leaf package and that is not managed!"; } } # # @method add_node # =pod =head1 add_node($leaf, $root, $options) =over 4 =item populates the tableview with the rpm packages or the treeview with the package groups =over 6 =item B<$leaf> , could be the name of a package or the name of a group o packages =item B<$root> , string containing a path-like sequence (e.g. "foo|bar") =item B<$state> , the string with the state of the package if leaf is the name of a package =back =back =cut sub add_node { my ($leaf, $root, $o_options) = @_; my $state = node_state($leaf) or return; if ($leaf) { my $iter; if (is_a_package($leaf)) { print "TODO: add_node is_a_package(\$leaf)" . $leaf . "\n"; my ($name, $version, $release, $arch) = split_fullname($leaf); #OLD $iter = $w->{detail_list_model}->append_set([ $pkg_columns{text} => $leaf, # $pkg_columns{short_name} => format_name_n_summary($name, get_summary($leaf)), # $pkg_columns{version} => $version, # $pkg_columns{release} => $release, # $pkg_columns{arch} => $arch, # ]); $name = "" if(!defined($name)); $version = "" if(!defined($version)); $release = "" if(!defined($release)); $arch = "" if(!defined($arch)); #my $newTableItem = new yui::YTableItem(format_name_n_summary($name, get_summary($leaf)), my $newTableItem = new yui::YCBTableItem($name."\n".get_summary($leaf), $version, $release, $arch); $w->{detail_list}->addItem($newTableItem); set_node_state($newTableItem, $state, $w->{detail_list}); # $ptree{$leaf} = [ $newTableItem->label() ]; $ptree{$leaf} = [ $newTableItem->index() ]; $table_item_list[$newTableItem->index()] = $leaf; $newTableItem->DISOWN(); } else { print "TODO: add_node !is_a_package(\$leaf)\n"; $iter = $w->{tree_model}->append_set(add_parent($w->{tree},$root, $state), [ $grp_columns{label} => $leaf ]); #push @{$wtree{$leaf}}, $iter; } } else { print "TODO: add_node !\$leaf\n"; my $parent = add_parent($w->{tree}, $root, $state); #- hackery for partial displaying of trees, used in rpmdragora: #- if leaf is void, we may create the parent and one child (to have the [+] in front of the parent in the ctree) #- though we use '' as the label of the child; then rpmdragora will connect on tree_expand, and whenever #- the first child has '' as the label, it will remove the child and add all the "right" children $o_options->{nochild} or $w->{tree_model}->append_set($parent, [ $grp_columns{label} => '' ]); # test $leaf? } } my ($prev_label); sub update_size { my ($common) = shift @_; if ($w->{status}) { my $new_label = $common->{get_status}(); $prev_label="" if(!defined($prev_label)); $prev_label ne $new_label and $w->{status}->setText($prev_label = $new_label); } } #============================================================= =head2 treeview_children =head3 INPUT $tbl: YCBTable widget containing the package list shown =head3 OUTPUT \@l: ARRAY reference containing the list of YItem contained into YCBTable =head3 DESCRIPTION This functions just returns the YCBTable content such as all the YItem objects =cut #============================================================= sub treeview_children { my ($tbl) = @_; my $it; my @l; my $i=0; # using iterators for ($it = $tbl->itemsBegin(); $it != $tbl->itemsEnd(); ) { my $item = $tbl->YItemIteratorToYItem($it); push @l, $item; $it = $tbl->nextItem($it); $i++; if ($i == $tbl->itemsCount()) { last; } } return \@l; } #============================================================= =head2 children =head3 INPUT $tbl: YCBTable object @table_item_list: array containing package fullnames =head3 OUTPUT \@result: ARRAY reference containing package fullnames =head3 DESCRIPTION This Function return the list of package fullnames =cut #============================================================= sub children { my ($tbl, $table_item_list) = @_; # map { $w->{detail_list}->get($_, $pkg_columns{text}) } treeview_children($w->{detail_list}); # map { $table_item_list[$_->index()] } treeview_children($w->{detail_list}); my $children_list = treeview_children($tbl); my @result; for my $child(@{$children_list}){ push @result, $table_item_list->[$child->index()]; } return \@result; } sub itemAt { my ($table, $index) = @_; return $table->item($index); #return bless ($table->item($index),'yui::YTableItem'); #foreach my $item(treeview_children($table)){ # if($item->index() == $index){ # print "\n== item label ".$item->label()."\n"; # return bless ($item, 'yui::YTableItem'); # } #} } #============================================================= =head2 toggle_all =head3 INPUT $common: HASH reference containing (### TODO ###) widgets => { detail_list: YTable reference (?) } table_item_list => array containing package fullnames partialsel_unsel => (?) set_state_callback => set state callback invoked by toggle_nodes if needed. if undef set_leaf_state is used. $_val: value to be set (so it seems not a toggle! unused?) =head3 DESCRIPTION This method (should) check -or un-check if already checked- all the packages =cut #============================================================= sub toggle_all { my ($common, $_val) = @_; my $w = $common->{widgets}; my $l = children($w->{detail_list}, $common->{table_item_list}) or return; my $set_state = $common->{set_state_callback} ? $common->{set_state_callback} : \&set_leaf_state; my $unsel = grep_unselected($l); my $p = $unsel ? #- not all is selected, select all if no option to potentially override (exists $common->{partialsel_unsel} && $common->{partialsel_unsel}->($unsel, $l) ? difference2($l, $unsel) : $unsel) : $l; # toggle_nodes($w->{detail_list}, $w->{detail_list_model}, \&set_leaf_state, node_state($p[0]), @p); toggle_nodes($w->{detail_list}, $w->{detail_list}, $set_state, node_state($p->[0]), @{$p}); update_size($common); } sub fast_toggle { my ($item) = @_; #gtkset_mousecursor_wait($w->{w}{rwindow}->window); #my $_cleaner = before_leaving { gtkset_mousecursor_normal($w->{w}{rwindow}->window) }; my $name = $common->{table_item_list}[$item->index()]; my $urpm_obj = $pkgs->{$name}{pkg}; if ($urpm_obj->flag_base) { interactive_msg($loc->N("Warning"), $loc->N("Removing package %s would break your system", $name)); return ''; } if ($urpm_obj->flag_skip) { interactive_msg($loc->N("Warning"), $loc->N("The \"%s\" package is in urpmi skip list.\nDo you want to select it anyway?", $name), yesno => 1) or return ''; $urpm_obj->set_flag_skip(0); } if ($AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::pkg::need_restart && !$priority_up_alread_warned) { $priority_up_alread_warned = 1; interactive_msg($loc->N("Warning"), '' . $loc->N("Rpmdragora or one of its priority dependencies needs to be updated first. Rpmdragora will then restart.") . '' . "\n\n"); } # toggle_nodes($w->{tree}->window, $w->{detail_list_model}, \&set_leaf_state, $w->{detail_list_model}->get($iter, $pkg_columns{state}), my $state; #pasmatt checked should be to install no? if($item->checked()){ $state = "to_install"; }else{ $state = "to_remove"; } toggle_nodes($w->{tree}, $w->{detail_list}, \&set_leaf_state, $state, $name); update_size($common); }; # ask_browse_tree_given_widgets_for_rpmdragora will run gtk+ loop. its main parameter "common" is a hash containing: # - a "widgets" subhash which holds: # o a "w" reference on a ugtk2 object # o "tree" & "info" references a TreeView # o "info" is a TextView # o "tree_model" is the associated model of "tree" # o "status" references a Label # - some methods: get_info, node_state, build_tree, partialsel_unsel, grep_unselected, rebuild_tree, toggle_nodes, get_status # - "tree_submode": the default mode (by group, ...), ... # - "state": a hash of misc flags: => { flat => '0' }, # o "flat": is the tree flat or not # - "tree_mode": mode of the tree ("gui_pkgs", "by_group", ...) (mainly used by rpmdragora) sub ask_browse_tree_given_widgets_for_rpmdragora { ($common) = @_; $w = $common->{widgets}; $common->{table_item_list} = \@table_item_list; $w->{detail_list} ||= $w->{tree}; #$w->{detail_list_model} ||= $w->{tree_model}; $common->{add_parent} = \&add_parent; my $clear_all_caches = sub { %ptree = %wtree = (); @table_item_list = (); }; $common->{clear_all_caches} = $clear_all_caches; $common->{delete_all} = sub { warn "WARNING TODO delete_all to be removed!"; $clear_all_caches->(); $w->{detail_list}->deleteAllItems() if($w->{detail_list}->hasItems()); $w->{tree}->deleteAllItems() if($w->{tree}->hasItems()); %groups_tree = (); }; $common->{rebuild_tree} = sub { $common->{delete_all}->(); $common->{build_tree}($common->{state}{flat}, $common->{tree_mode}); update_size($common); }; $common->{delete_category} = sub { my ($cat) = @_; warn "WARNING TODO delete_category to be removed!"; exists $wtree{$cat} or return; %ptree = (); return; # exists $wtree{$cat} or return; # %ptree = (); # # if (exists $wtree{$cat}) { # my $_iter_str = $w->{tree_model}->get_path_str($wtree{$cat}); # $w->{tree_model}->remove($wtree{$cat}); # delete $wtree{$cat}; # } # update_size($common); }; $common->{add_nodes} = sub { my (@nodes) = @_; print "TODO ==================> ADD NODES (" . scalar(@nodes) . ") \n"; yui::YUI::app()->busyCursor(); $DB::single = 1; $w->{detail_list}->startMultipleChanges(); $w->{detail_list}->deleteAllItems(); my $itemColl = new yui::YItemCollection; @table_item_list = (); my $index = 0; foreach(@nodes){ add_package_item($itemColl, $_->[0], $_->[1]); warn "Unmanaged param " . $_->[2] if defined $_->[2]; $ptree{$_->[0]} = [ $index ]; $index++; push @table_item_list, $_->[0]; } # foreach(@nodes){ # add_node($_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[2]); # } update_size($common); $w->{detail_list}->addItems($itemColl); $w->{detail_list}->doneMultipleChanges(); yui::YUI::app()->normalCursor(); }; # $common->{display_info} = sub { # gtktext_insert($w->{info}, get_info($_[0], $w->{tree}->window)); # $w->{info}->scroll_to_iter($w->{info}->get_buffer->get_start_iter, 0, 0, 0, 0); # 0; # }; my $fast_toggle = sub { my ($item) = @_; #gtkset_mousecursor_wait($w->{w}{rwindow}->window); #my $_cleaner = before_leaving { gtkset_mousecursor_normal($w->{w}{rwindow}->window) }; my $name = $common->{table_item_list}[$item->index()]; my $urpm_obj = $pkgs->{$name}{pkg}; if ($urpm_obj->flag_base) { interactive_msg($loc->N("Warning"), $loc->N("Removing package %s would break your system", $name)); return ''; } if ($urpm_obj->flag_skip) { interactive_msg($loc->N("Warning"), $loc->N("The \"%s\" package is in urpmi skip list.\nDo you want to select it anyway?", $name), yesno => 1) or return ''; $urpm_obj->set_flag_skip(0); } if ($AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::pkg::need_restart && !$priority_up_alread_warned) { $priority_up_alread_warned = 1; interactive_msg($loc->N("Warning"), '' . $loc->N("Rpmdragora or one of its priority dependencies needs to be updated first. Rpmdragora will then restart.") . '' . "\n\n"); } # toggle_nodes($w->{tree}->window, $w->{detail_list_model}, \&set_leaf_state, $w->{detail_list_model}->get($iter, $pkg_columns{state}), toggle_nodes($w->{tree}->window, $w->{detail_list_model}, \&set_leaf_state, $item->selected, $common->{table_item_list}[$item->index()]); update_size($common); }; #$w->{detail_list}->get_selection->signal_connect(changed => sub { #my ($model, $iter) = $_[0]->get_selected; #$model && $iter or return; # $common->{display_info}($model->get($iter, $pkg_columns{text})); #}); # WARNING: รจ interessante! #($w->{detail_list}->get_column(0)->get_cell_renderers)[0]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { # my ($_cell, $path) = @_; #text_ # my $iter = $w->{detail_list_model}->get_iter_from_string($path); # $fast_toggle->($iter) if $iter; # 1; #}); $common->{rebuild_tree}->(); update_size($common); $common->{initial_selection} and toggle_nodes($w->{tree}->window, $w->{detail_list}, \&set_leaf_state, undef, @{$common->{initial_selection}}); my $_b = before_leaving { $clear_all_caches->() }; $common->{init_callback}->() if $common->{init_callback}; #OLD $w->{w}->main; $w->{w}; } our $find_entry; sub reset_search() { return if !$common; $common->{delete_category}->($_) foreach $results_ok, $results_none; # clear package list: $common->{add_nodes}->(); } sub is_a_package { my ($pkg) = @_; return exists $pkgs->{$pkg}; } sub switch_pkg_list_mode { my ($mode) = @_; return if !$mode; return if !$filter_methods{$mode}; $force_displaying_group = 1; $filter_methods{$mode}->(); } sub is_updatable { my $p = $pkgs->{$_[0]}; $p->{pkg} && !$p->{selected} && $p->{pkg}->flag_installed && $p->{pkg}->flag_upgrade; } sub pkgs_provider { my ($mode, %options) = @_; return if !$mode; my $h = &get_pkgs(%options); ($urpm, $descriptions) = @$h{qw(urpm update_descr)}; $pkgs = $h->{all_pkgs}; %filters = ( non_installed => $h->{installable}, installed => $h->{installed}, all => [ keys %$pkgs ], ); my %tmp_filter_methods = ( all => sub { [ difference2([ keys %$pkgs ], $h->{inactive_backports}) ]; }, all_updates => sub { # potential "updates" from media not tagged as updates: if (!$options{pure_updates} && !$AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::pkg::need_restart) { [ @{$h->{updates}}, difference2([ grep { is_updatable($_) } @{$h->{installable}} ], $h->{backports}) ]; } else { [ difference2($h->{updates}, $h->{inactive_backports}) ]; } }, backports => sub { $h->{backports} }, meta_pkgs => sub { [ difference2($h->{meta_pkgs}, $h->{inactive_backports}) ]; }, gui_pkgs => sub { [ difference2($h->{gui_pkgs}, $h->{inactive_backports}) ]; }, ); foreach my $importance (qw(bugfix security normal)) { $tmp_filter_methods{$importance} = sub { my @media = keys %$descriptions; [ grep { my ($name) = split_fullname($_); my $medium = find { $descriptions->{$_}{$name} } @media; $medium && $descriptions->{$medium}{$name}{importance} eq $importance } @{$h->{updates}} ]; }; } undef %filter_methods; foreach my $type (keys %tmp_filter_methods) { $filter_methods{$type} = sub { $force_rebuild = 1; # force rebuilding tree since we changed filter (FIXME: switch to SortModel) @filtered_pkgs = intersection($filters{$filter->[0]}, $tmp_filter_methods{$type}->()); }; } switch_pkg_list_mode($mode); } sub closure_removal { local $urpm->{state} = {}; urpm::select::find_packages_to_remove($urpm, $urpm->{state}, \@_); } sub is_locale_available { my ($name) = @_; any { $urpm->{depslist}[$_]->flag_selected } keys %{$urpm->{provides}{$name} || {}} and return 1; my $found; open_rpm_db()->traverse_tag_find('name', $name, sub { $found = 1 }); return $found; } sub callback_choices { my (undef, undef, undef, $choices) = @_; return $choices->[0] if $::rpmdragora_options{auto}; foreach my $pkg (@$choices) { foreach ($pkg->requires_nosense) { /locales-/ or next; is_locale_available($_) and return $pkg; } } my $callback = sub { interactive_msg($loc->N("More information on package..."), get_info($_[0]), scroll => 1) }; $choices = [ sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @$choices ]; my @choices = interactive_list_($loc->N("Please choose"), (scalar(@$choices) == 1 ? $loc->N("The following package is needed:") : $loc->N("One of the following packages is needed:")), [ map { urpm_name($_) } @$choices ], $callback, nocancel => 1); defined $choices[0] ? $choices->[$choices[0]] : undef; } #============================================================= =head2 info_details =head3 INPUT $info_detail_selected: string to get more info details (see %hidden_info) $info_options: reference to info options that are going to changed based on passed $info_detail_selected =head3 OUTPUT [0, 1]: 0 if $info_detail_selected not valid, 1 otherwise =head3 DESCRIPTION This function change the info_options accordingly to the string passed returning 0 if the string is not managed (see %hidden_info) =cut #============================================================= sub info_details { my ($info_detail_selected, $info_options) = @_; foreach my $k (keys %hidden_info) { if ($info_detail_selected eq $hidden_info{$k}) { $info_options->{$k} = $info_options->{$k} ? 0 : 1; return 1; } } return 0; } #============================================================= =head2 setInfoOnWidget =head3 INPUT $pckgname: full name of the package $infoWidget: YRichText object to fill =head3 DESCRIPTION This function writes on a YRichText object package info =cut #============================================================= sub setInfoOnWidget { my ($pkgname, $infoWidget, $options) = @_; return if( ref $infoWidget ne "yui::YRichText"); $infoWidget->setValue(""); my $info_text ="

" . $loc->N("Informations") . "

"; my @data = get_info($pkgname, $options); for(@{$data[0]}){ if(ref $_ ne "ARRAY"){ $info_text .= "
" . $_; }else{ $info_text .= "
"; for my $subitem(@{$_}) { $info_text .= "
" . "
   " . $subitem; } } } # change \n to
$info_text =~ s|\n|
|g; $infoWidget->setValue($info_text); } sub deps_msg { return 1 if $dont_show_selections->[0]; my ($title, $msg, $nodes, $nodes_with_deps) = @_; my @deps = sort { $a cmp $b } difference2($nodes_with_deps, $nodes); @deps > 0 or return 1; my $appTitle = yui::YUI::app()->applicationTitle(); ## set new title to get it in dialog yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationTitle($title); # TODO icon if needed # yui::YUI::app()->setApplicationIcon($which_icon); my $factory = yui::YUI::widgetFactory; ## | [msg-label] | ## | | ## | pkg-list | info on selected pkg |(1) ## | | ## | [cancel] [ok] | #### # (1) info on pkg list: # [ label info ] # sub info on click (Details, Files, Changelog, New dependencies) my $dialog = $factory->createPopupDialog; my $vbox = $factory->createVBox( $dialog ); my $msgBox = $factory->createLabel($vbox, $msg, 1); # my $hbox = $factory->createHBox( $vbox ); my $pkgList = $factory->createSelectionBox( $vbox, $loc->N("Select package") ); $factory->createVSpacing($vbox, 1); # my $frame = $factory->createFrame ($hbox, $loc->N("Information on packages")); # my $frmVbox = $factory->createVBox( $frame ); my $infoBox = $factory->createRichText($vbox, "", 0); $pkgList->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 2); $infoBox->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 3); $factory->createVSpacing($vbox, 1); my $hbox = $factory->createHBox( $vbox ); my $align = $factory->createRight($hbox); my $cancelButton = $factory->createPushButton($align, $loc->N("Cancel")); my $okButton = $factory->createPushButton($hbox, $loc->N("Ok")); # adding packages to the list my $itemColl = new yui::YItemCollection; foreach my $p (map { scalar(urpm::select::translate_why_removed_one($urpm, $urpm->{state}, $_)) } @deps) { my $item = new yui::YTableItem ("$p"); $item->setLabel( $p ); $itemColl->push($item); $item->DISOWN(); } $pkgList->addItems($itemColl); $pkgList->setImmediateMode(1); my $item = $pkgList->selectedItem(); if ($item) { my $pkg = $item->label(); setInfoOnWidget($pkg, $infoBox); } my $retval = 0; my $info_options = {}; while(1) { my $event = $dialog->waitForEvent(); my $eventType = $event->eventType(); #event type checking if ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::CancelEvent) { last; } elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::MenuEvent) { my $item = $event->item(); if (!$item) { #URL emitted or at least a ref into RichText widget my $url = yui::toYMenuEvent($event)->id (); if (AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::gui::info_details($url, $info_options) ) { $item = $pkgList->selectedItem(); my $pkg = $item->label(); AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::gui::setInfoOnWidget($pkg, $infoBox, $info_options); } else { # default it's really a URL AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::gui::run_browser($url); } } } elsif ($eventType == $yui::YEvent::WidgetEvent) { ### widget my $widget = $event->widget(); if ($widget == $pkgList) { #change info $item = $pkgList->selectedItem(); $info_options = {}; if ( $item ) { my $pkg = $item->label(); setInfoOnWidget($pkg, $infoBox); } } elsif ($widget == $okButton) { $retval = 1; last; } elsif ($widget == $cancelButton) { last; } } } destroy $dialog; return $retval; # deps_msg_again: # my $results = interactive_msg( # $title, $msg . # format_list(map { scalar(urpm::select::translate_why_removed_one($urpm, $urpm->{state}, $_)) } @deps) # . "\n\n" . format_size($urpm->selected_size($urpm->{state})), # yesno => [ $loc->N("Cancel"), $loc->N("More info"), $loc->N("Ok") ], # scroll => 1, # ); # if ($results eq # #-PO: Keep it short, this is gonna be on a button # $loc->N("More info")) { # interactive_packtable( # $loc->N("Information on packages"), # $::main_window, # undef, # [ map { my $pkg = $_; # [ gtknew('HBox', children_tight => [ gtkset_selectable(gtknew('Label', text => $pkg), 1) ]), # gtknew('Button', text => $loc->N("More information on package..."), # clicked => sub { # interactive_msg($loc->N("More information on package..."), get_info($pkg), scroll => 1); # }) ] } @deps ], # [ gtknew('Button', text => $loc->N("Ok"), # clicked => sub { Gtk2->main_quit }) ] # ); # goto deps_msg_again; # } else { # return $results eq $loc->N("Ok"); # } } # set_state <- package-fullname, node_state = {to_install, to_remove,...}, list=YTable sub toggle_nodes { my ($widget, $detail_list, $set_state, $old_state, @nodes) = @_; @nodes = grep { exists $pkgs->{$_} } @nodes or return; #- avoid selecting too many packages at once return if !$dont_show_selections->[0] && @nodes > 2000; my $new_state = !$pkgs->{$nodes[0]}{selected}; my @nodes_with_deps; my $bar_id = statusbar_msg($loc->N("Checking dependencies of package..."), 0); my $warn_about_additional_packages_to_remove = sub { my ($msg) = @_; statusbar_msg_remove($bar_id); deps_msg($loc->N("Some additional packages need to be removed"), formatAlaTeX($msg) . "\n\n", \@nodes, \@nodes_with_deps) or @nodes_with_deps = (); }; if (member($old_state, qw(to_remove installed))) { # remove pacckages if ($new_state) { my @remove; slow_func($widget, sub { @remove = closure_removal(@nodes) }); @nodes_with_deps = grep { !$pkgs->{$_}{selected} && !/^basesystem/ } @remove; $warn_about_additional_packages_to_remove->( $loc->N("Because of their dependencies, the following package(s) also need to be removed:")); my @impossible_to_remove; foreach (grep { exists $pkgs->{$_}{base} } @remove) { ${$pkgs->{$_}{base}} == 1 ? push @impossible_to_remove, $_ : ${$pkgs->{$_}{base}}--; } @impossible_to_remove and interactive_msg($loc->N("Some packages cannot be removed"), $loc->N("Removing these packages would break your system, sorry:\n\n") . format_list(@impossible_to_remove)); @nodes_with_deps = difference2(\@nodes_with_deps, \@impossible_to_remove); } else { @nodes_with_deps = grep { intersection(\@nodes, [ closure_removal($_) ]) } grep { $pkgs->{$_}{selected} && !member($_, @nodes) } keys %$pkgs; push @nodes_with_deps, @nodes; $warn_about_additional_packages_to_remove->( $loc->N("Because of their dependencies, the following package(s) must be unselected now:\n\n")); $pkgs->{$_}{base} && ${$pkgs->{$_}{base}}++ foreach @nodes_with_deps; } } else { if ($new_state) { if (@nodes > 1) { #- unselect i18n packages of which locales is not already present (happens when user clicks on KDE group) my @bad_i18n_pkgs; foreach my $sel (@nodes) { foreach ($pkgs->{$sel}{pkg}->requires_nosense) { /locales-([^-]+)/ or next; $sel =~ /-$1[-_]/ && !is_locale_available($_) and push @bad_i18n_pkgs, $sel; } } @nodes = difference2(\@nodes, \@bad_i18n_pkgs); } my @requested; @requested = $urpm->resolve_requested( open_rpm_db(), $urpm->{state}, { map { $pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->id => 1 } @nodes }, callback_choices => \&callback_choices, ); @nodes_with_deps = map { urpm_name($_) } @requested; statusbar_msg_remove($bar_id); if (!deps_msg($loc->N("Additional packages needed"), formatAlaTeX($loc->N("To satisfy dependencies, the following package(s) also need to be installed:\n\n")) . "\n\n", \@nodes, \@nodes_with_deps)) { @nodes_with_deps = (); $urpm->disable_selected(open_rpm_db(), $urpm->{state}, @requested); goto packages_selection_ok; } if (my $conflicting_msg = urpm::select::conflicting_packages_msg($urpm, $urpm->{state})) { if (!interactive_msg($loc->N("Conflicting Packages"), $conflicting_msg, yesno => 1, scroll => 1)) { @nodes_with_deps = (); $urpm->disable_selected(open_rpm_db(), $urpm->{state}, @requested); goto packages_selection_ok; } } if (my @cant = sort(difference2(\@nodes, \@nodes_with_deps))) { my @ask_unselect = urpm::select::unselected_packages($urpm->{state}); my @reasons = map { my $cant = $_; my $unsel = find { $_ eq $cant } @ask_unselect; $unsel ? join("\n", urpm::select::translate_why_unselected($urpm, $urpm->{state}, $unsel)) : ($pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->flag_skip ? $loc->N("%s (belongs to the skip list)", $cant) : $cant); } @cant; my $count = @reasons; interactive_msg( ($count == 1 ? $loc->N("One package cannot be installed") : $loc->N("Some packages cannot be installed")), ($count == 1 ? $loc->N("Sorry, the following package cannot be selected:\n\n%s", format_list(@reasons)) : $loc->N("Sorry, the following packages cannot be selected:\n\n%s", format_list(@reasons))), scroll => 1, ); foreach (@cant) { next unless $pkgs->{$_}{pkg}; $pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->set_flag_requested(0); $pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->set_flag_required(0); } } packages_selection_ok: } else { my @unrequested; @unrequested = $urpm->disable_selected(open_rpm_db(), $urpm->{state}, map { $pkgs->{$_}{pkg} } @nodes); @nodes_with_deps = map { urpm_name($_) } @unrequested; statusbar_msg_remove($bar_id); if (!deps_msg($loc->N("Some packages need to be removed"), $loc->N("Because of their dependencies, the following package(s) must be unselected now:\n\n"), \@nodes, \@nodes_with_deps)) { @nodes_with_deps = (); $urpm->resolve_requested(open_rpm_db(), $urpm->{state}, { map { $_->id => 1 } @unrequested }); goto packages_unselection_ok; } packages_unselection_ok: } } foreach (@nodes_with_deps) { #- some deps may exist on some packages which aren't listed because #- not upgradable (older than what currently installed) exists $pkgs->{$_} or next; if (!$pkgs->{$_}{pkg}) { #- can't be removed # FIXME; what about next packages in the loop? undef $pkgs->{$_}{selected}; log::explanations("can't be removed: $_"); } else { $pkgs->{$_}{selected} = $new_state; } # invoke set_leaf_state($pkgname, node_state, ) # node_state = {to_install, to_remove,...} $set_state->($_, node_state($_), $detail_list); if (my $pkg = $pkgs->{$_}{pkg}) { # FIXME: shouldn't we threat all of them as POSITIVE (as selected size) $size_selected += $pkg->size * ($pkg->flag_installed && !$pkg->flag_upgrade ? ($new_state ? -1 : 1) : ($new_state ? 1 : -1)); } } } sub is_there_selected_packages() { int(grep { $pkgs->{$_}{selected} } keys %$pkgs); } sub real_quit() { if (is_there_selected_packages()) { return interactive_msg($loc->N("Some packages are selected."), $loc->N("Some packages are selected.") . "\n" . $loc->N("Do you really want to quit?"), yesno => 1); } return 1; } sub do_action__real { my ($options, $callback_action, $o_info) = @_; require urpm::sys; if (!urpm::sys::check_fs_writable()) { $urpm->{fatal}(1, $loc->N("Error: %s appears to be mounted read-only.", $urpm::sys::mountpoint)); return 1; } if (!$AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::pkg::need_restart && !is_there_selected_packages()) { interactive_msg($loc->N("You need to select some packages first."), $loc->N("You need to select some packages first.")); return 1; } my $size_added = sum(map { if_($_->flag_selected && !$_->flag_installed, $_->size) } @{$urpm->{depslist}}); if ($MODE eq 'install' && $size_free - $size_added/1024 < 50*1024) { interactive_msg($loc->N("Too many packages are selected"), $loc->N("Warning: it seems that you are attempting to add so many packages that your filesystem may run out of free diskspace, during or after package installation ; this is particularly dangerous and should be considered with care. Do you really want to install all the selected packages?"), yesno => 1) or return 1; } my $res = $callback_action->($urpm, $pkgs); if (!$res) { $force_rebuild = 1; pkgs_provider($options->{tree_mode}, if_($AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::pkg::probe_only_for_updates, pure_updates => 1), skip_updating_mu => 1); reset_search(); $size_selected = 0; (undef, $size_free) = MDK::Common::System::df('/usr'); $options->{rebuild_tree}->() if $options->{rebuild_tree}; $o_info->setValue("") if $o_info; } $res; } sub do_action { my ($options, $callback_action, $o_info) = @_; my $res = eval { do_action__real($options, $callback_action, $o_info) }; my $err = $@; # FIXME: offer to report the problem into bugzilla: if ($err && $err !~ /cancel_perform/) { interactive_msg($loc->N("Fatal error"), $loc->N("A fatal error occurred: %s.", $err)); } $res; } sub translate_group { join('/', map { $loc->N($_) } split m|/|, $_[0]); } sub ctreefy { join('|', map { $loc->N($_) } split m|/|, $_[0]); } sub _build_tree { my ($tree, $elems, @elems) = @_; print "TODO ====> BUILD TREE\n"; #- we populate all the groups tree at first %$elems = (); # better loop on packages, create groups tree and push packages in the proper place: my @groups = (); foreach my $pkg (@elems) { my $grp = $pkg->[1]; # no state for groups (they're not packages and thus have no state) push @groups, $grp; $elems->{$grp} ||= []; push @{$elems->{$grp}}, $pkg; } my $tree_hash = AdminPanel::Shared::pathList2hash({ paths => \@groups, separator => '|', }); $tree->startMultipleChanges(); # TODO fixing geti icon api to get a better hash from the module my %icons = (); foreach my $group (@groups) { next if defined($icons{$group}); my @items = split('\|', $group); if (scalar(@items) > 1) { $icons{$items[0]} = get_icon_path($items[0], 0); $icons{$group} = get_icon_path($items[1], $items[0]) } else { $icons{$group} = get_icon_path($group, 0); } } my $itemColl = new yui::YItemCollection; $shared_gui->hashTreeToYItemCollection({ collection => $itemColl, hash_tree => $tree_hash, icons => \%icons, default_item_separator => '|', }); $tree->addItems($itemColl); $tree->doneMultipleChanges(); $tree->rebuildTree(); } sub build_tree { my ($tree, $tree_model, $elems, $options, $force_rebuild, $flat, $mode) = @_; state $old_mode; $mode = $options->{rmodes}{$mode} || $mode; $old_mode = '' if(!defined($old_mode)); return if $old_mode eq $mode && !$force_rebuild; $old_mode = $mode; undef $force_rebuild; my @elems; my $wait; $wait = statusbar_msg($loc->N("Please wait, listing packages...")) if $MODE ne 'update'; { my @keys = @filtered_pkgs; if (member($mode, qw(all_updates security bugfix normal))) { @keys = grep { my ($name) = split_fullname($_); member($descriptions->{$name}{importance}, @$mandrakeupdate_wanted_categories) || ! $descriptions->{$name}{importance}; } @keys; if (@keys == 0) { add_node('', $loc->N("(none)"), { nochild => 1 }); state $explanation_only_once; $explanation_only_once or interactive_msg($loc->N("No update"), $loc->N("The list of updates is empty. This means that either there is no available update for the packages installed on your computer, or you already installed all of them.")); $explanation_only_once = 1; } } # FIXME: better do this on first group access for faster startup... @elems = map { [ $_, !$flat && ctreefy($pkgs->{$_}{pkg}->group) ] } sort_packages(@keys); } my %sortmethods = ( by_size => sub { sort { $pkgs->{$b->[0]}{pkg}->size <=> $pkgs->{$a->[0]}{pkg}->size } @_ }, by_selection => sub { sort { $pkgs->{$b->[0]}{selected} <=> $pkgs->{$a->[0]}{selected} || uc($a->[0]) cmp uc($b->[0]) } @_ }, by_leaves => sub { # inlining part of MDK::Common::Data::difference2(): my %l; @l{map { $_->[0] } @_} = (); my @pkgs_times = ('rpm', '-q', '--qf', '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch} %{installtime}\n', map { chomp_($_) } run_program::get_stdout('urpmi_rpm-find-leaves')); sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } grep { exists $l{$_->[0]} } map { chomp; [ split ] } run_rpm(@pkgs_times); }, flat => sub { no locale; sort { uc($a->[0]) cmp uc($b->[0]) } @_ }, by_medium => sub { sort { $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] || uc($a->[0]) cmp uc($b->[0]) } @_ }, ); if ($flat) { add_node($tree->currentItem()->label(), '') foreach $sortmethods{$::mode->[0] || 'flat'}->(@elems); } else { if (0 && $MODE eq 'update') { foreach ($sortmethods{flat}->(@elems)){ add_node($tree->currentItem()->label(), $_->[0], $loc->N("All")) } $tree->expand_row($tree_model->get_path($tree_model->get_iter_first), 0); } elsif ($::mode->[0] eq 'by_source') { _build_tree($tree, $elems, $sortmethods{by_medium}->(map { my $m = pkg2medium($pkgs->{$_->[0]}{pkg}, $urpm); [ $_->[0], $m->{name}, $m->{priority} ]; } @elems)); } elsif ($::mode->[0] eq 'by_presence') { _build_tree($tree, $elems, map { my $pkg = $pkgs->{$_->[0]}{pkg}; [ $_->[0], $pkg->flag_installed ? (!$pkg->flag_skip && $pkg->flag_upgrade ? $loc->N("Upgradable") : $loc->N("Installed")) : $loc->N("Addable") ]; } $sortmethods{flat}->(@elems)); } else { _build_tree($tree, $elems, @elems); # INFO: $elems contains references to the packages of the group, see _build_tree } } statusbar_msg_remove($wait) if defined $wait; } #============================================================= =head2 get_info =head3 INPUT $key: package full name $options: HASH reference containing: details => show details changelog => show changelog files => show files new_deps => show new dependencies =head3 DESCRIPTION return a string with all the package info =cut #============================================================= sub get_info { my ($key, $options) = @_; #- the package information hasn't been loaded. Instead of rescanning the media, just give up. exists $pkgs->{$key} or return [ [ $loc->N("Description not available for this package\n") ] ]; #- get the description if needed: exists $pkgs->{$key}{description} or slow_func("", sub { extract_header($pkgs->{$key}, $urpm, 'info', find_installed_version($pkgs->{$key}{pkg})) }); _format_pkg_simplifiedinfo($pkgs, $key, $urpm, $descriptions, $options); } sub sort_callback { my ($store, $treeiter1, $treeiter2) = @_; URPM::rpmvercmp(map { $store->get_value($_, $pkg_columns{version}) } $treeiter1, $treeiter2); } sub run_help_callback { my (undef, $url) = @_; my ($user) = grep { $_->[2] eq $ENV{USERHELPER_UID} } list_passwd(); local $ENV{HOME} = $user->[7] if $user && $ENV{USERHELPER_UID}; run_program::raw({ detach => 1, as_user => 1 }, 'www-browser', $url); } #============================================================= =head2 run_browser =head3 INPUT $url: url to be passed to the configured browser =head3 DESCRIPTION This function calls the browser with the given URL =cut #============================================================= sub run_browser { my $url = shift; my ($user) = grep { $_->[2] eq $ENV{USERHELPER_UID} } list_passwd(); local $ENV{HOME} = $user->[7] if $user && $ENV{USERHELPER_UID}; run_program::raw({ detach => 1, as_user => 1 }, 'www-browser', $url); } sub groups_tree { warn "DEPRECATE groups_tree: do not use it any more!"; return %groups_tree; } sub group_has_parent { my ($group) = shift; warn "DEPRECATE group_has_parent: do not use it any more!"; return 0 if(!defined($group)); return defined($groups_tree{$group}{parent}); } sub group_parent { my ($group) = shift; warn "DEPRECATE group_parent: do not use it any more!"; # if group is a parent itself return it # who use group_parent have to take care of the comparison # between a group and its parent # e.g. group System has groups_tree{'System'}{parent}->label() = 'System' return $groups_tree{$group}{parent} if(group_has_parent($group)); for my $sup (keys %groups_tree){ for my $item(keys %{$groups_tree{$sup}{children}}){ if(defined($group) && ($item eq $group)){ return $groups_tree{$sup}{parent}; } } } return undef; } 1;