diff options
authorAngelo Naselli <anaselli@linux.it>2015-01-06 01:59:52 +0100
committerAngelo Naselli <anaselli@linux.it>2015-01-06 01:59:52 +0100
commitbe1dcd0ca7de608b87fa1cdd93219ac026e2c5a5 (patch)
parente8e185d0d1bc36beb5fc2cf2f9733e354add20c1 (diff)
Added search menu filter
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/modules/rpmdragora/rpmdragora b/modules/rpmdragora/rpmdragora
index 409943ce..bc6f7067 100755
--- a/modules/rpmdragora/rpmdragora
+++ b/modules/rpmdragora/rpmdragora
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
use File::ShareDir ':ALL';
-use MDK::Common::Func qw(any if_);
+use MDK::Common::Func qw(any if_ before_leaving);
use utf8;
use MDK::Common::DataStructure qw(uniq intersection);
@@ -125,6 +125,28 @@ sub _filterbox_callback {
+sub _searchmenu_callback {
+ my ($selection, $options, $search_types, $current_search_type) = @_;
+ state $old_index = -1;
+ # TODO add a check on selection type YItem
+ my $curr_index = $selection->index();
+ return if $curr_index == $old_index;
+ yui::YUI::app()->busyCursor();
+ $old_index = $curr_index;
+ my $val = $search_types->[$curr_index];
+ if ($$current_search_type ne $val) {
+ $$current_search_type = $val;
+ reset_search();
+ slow_func(sub { switch_pkg_list_mode($default_list_mode) });
+ $options->{rebuild_tree}->();
+ }
+ yui::YUI::app()->normalCursor();
my $current_group = -1;
sub _tree_callback {
@@ -231,8 +253,8 @@ sub _do_search($$$$$$) {
my $searchw = $factory->createPopupDialog;
my $vbox = $factory->createVBox($searchw);
my $lblWIP = $factory->createLabel($vbox, $loc->N("Please wait, searching..."));
- my $searchprogress = $factory->createProgressBar($vbox, 'ProgressBar');
- my $stop_button = $factory->createIconButton($vbox,"",$loc->N("Stop"));
+ my $searchprogress = $factory->createProgressBar($vbox, '');
+# my $stop_button = $factory->createIconButton($vbox,"",$loc->N("Stop"));
@@ -250,86 +272,87 @@ sub _do_search($$$$$$) {
- $searchw->pollEvent();
- $searchw->doneMultipleChanges();
+ $searchw->pollEvent();
# should probably not account backports packages or find a way to search them:
- my $total_size = keys %$pkgs;
- my $progresscount;
- my $update_search_pb = sub {
- $progresscount++;
- if (!($progresscount % 100)) {
- $progresscount <= $total_size and $searchprogress->setValue($progresscount/$total_size);
- $searchw->flush; # refresh and handle clicks
- }
- };
- foreach my $medium (grep { !$_->{ignore} } @{$urpm->{media}}) {
- $searchstop and last;
- my $gurpm; # per medium download progress bar (if needed)
- my $_gurpm_clean_guard = before_leaving { undef $gurpm };
- my $xml_info_file =
- urpm::media::any_xml_info($urpm, $medium,
- ($current_search_type eq 'files' ? 'files' : 'info'),
- undef,
- sub {
- $gurpm ||= AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::gurpm->new($loc->N("Please wait"),
- transient => $::main_window);
- download_callback($gurpm, @_) or do {
- $searchstop = 1;
- };
- });
- if (!$xml_info_file) {
- $urpm->{error}($loc->N("no xml-info available for medium \"%s\"", $medium->{name}));
- next;
- }
- $searchstop and last;
- require urpm::xml_info;
- require urpm::xml_info_pkg;
- $urpm->{log}("getting information from $xml_info_file");
- if ($current_search_type eq 'files') {
- # special version for speed (3x faster), hopefully fully compatible
- my $F = urpm::xml_info::open_lzma($xml_info_file);
- my $fn;
- local $_;
- while (<$F>) {
- if ($searchstop) {
- statusbar_msg($loc->N("Search aborted"), 1);
- goto end_search;
- }
- if (m!^<!) {
- ($fn) = /fn="(.*)"/;
- $update_search_pb->();
- } elsif (/$entry_rx/) {
- $fn or $urpm->{fatal}("fast algorithm is broken, please report a bug");
- push @search_results, $fn;
- }
- }
- } else {
- eval {
- urpm::xml_info::do_something_with_nodes(
- 'info',
- $xml_info_file,
- sub {
- $searchstop and die 'search aborted';
- my ($node) = @_;
- $update_search_pb->();
- push @search_results, $node->{fn} if $node->{description} =~ $entry_rx;
- #$searchstop and last;
- return 0 || $searchstop;
- },
- );
- };
- my $err = $@;
- if ($err =~ /search aborted/) {
+ my $total_size = scalar keys %$pkgs;
+ my $progresscount = 0;
+ my $update_search_pb = sub {
+ $progresscount++;
+ my $val = int($progresscount * 100 / $total_size);
+ if (!($progresscount % 100)) {
+ $progresscount <= $total_size and $searchprogress->setValue($val);
+ $searchw->pollEvent() if $searchw->isTopmostDialog(); # refresh only if top most or crashing
+ }
+ };
+ foreach my $medium (grep { !$_->{ignore} } @{$urpm->{media}}) {
+ $searchstop and last;
+ my $gurpm; # per medium download progress bar (if needed)
+ my $_gurpm_clean_guard = MDK::Common::Func::before_leaving { undef $gurpm };
+ my $xml_info_file =
+ urpm::media::any_xml_info($urpm, $medium,
+ ($current_search_type eq 'files' ? 'files' : 'info'),
+ undef,
+ sub {
+ $gurpm ||= AdminPanel::Rpmdragora::gurpm->new($loc->N("Please wait"),
+ transient => $::main_window);
+ download_callback($gurpm, @_) or do {
+ $searchstop = 1;
+ };
+ });
+ if (!$xml_info_file) {
+ $urpm->{error}($loc->N("no xml-info available for medium \"%s\"", $medium->{name}));
+ next;
+ }
+ $searchstop and last;
+ require urpm::xml_info;
+ require urpm::xml_info_pkg;
+ $urpm->{log}("getting information from $xml_info_file");
+ if ($current_search_type eq 'files') {
+ # special version for speed (3x faster), hopefully fully compatible
+ my $F = urpm::xml_info::open_lzma($xml_info_file);
+ my $fn;
+ local $_;
+ while (<$F>) {
+ if ($searchstop) {
statusbar_msg($loc->N("Search aborted"), 1);
+ goto end_search;
+ if (m!^<!) {
+ ($fn) = /fn="(.*)"/;
+ $update_search_pb->();
+ } elsif (/$entry_rx/) {
+ $fn or $urpm->{fatal}("fast algorithm is broken, please report a bug");
+ push @search_results, $fn;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ eval {
+ urpm::xml_info::do_something_with_nodes(
+ 'info',
+ $xml_info_file,
+ sub {
+ $searchstop and die 'search aborted';
+ my ($node) = @_;
+ $update_search_pb->();
+ push @search_results, $node->{fn} if $node->{description} =~ $entry_rx;
+ #$searchstop and last;
+ return 0 || $searchstop;
+ },
+ );
+ };
+ my $err = $@;
+ if ($err =~ /search aborted/) {
+ statusbar_msg($loc->N("Search aborted"), 1);
+ }
- end_search:
+ end_search:
@search_results = uniq(@search_results); #- there can be multiple packages with same version/release for different arch's
@search_results = intersection(\@search_results, \@filtered_pkgs);
@@ -420,33 +443,8 @@ sub _run_treeview_dialog {
$tree = $factory->createTree($hbox_middle, "");
- #OLD $tree->get_selection->set_mode('browse');
- #OLD $tree->append_column(Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(undef, Gtk2::MDV::CellRendererPixWithLabel->new, 'pixbuf' => $grp_columns{icon}, label => $grp_columns{label}));
- #OLD $tree->set_headers_visible(0);
- #OLD $detail_list_model = Gtk2::ListStore->new("Glib::String",
- # "Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf",
- # "Glib::String",
- # "Glib::Boolean",
- # "Glib::String",
- # "Glib::String",
- # "Glib::String",
- # "Glib::String",
- # "Glib::Boolean");
- #OLD $detail_list = Gtk2::TreeView->new_with_model($detail_list_model);
- my $detail_list_header = new yui::YTableHeader();
- #$detail_list->append_column(
- # my $col_sel = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(
- # undef,
- # Gtk2::CellRendererToggle->new,
- # active => $pkg_columns{selected},
- # activatable => $pkg_columns{selectable}
- # ));
- #$col_sel->set_fixed_width(34); # w/o this the toggle cells are not displayed
- #$col_sel->set_sizing('fixed');
- #$col_sel->set_sort_column_id($pkg_columns{selected});
+ my $detail_list_header = new yui::YTableHeader();
my $display_arch_col = to_bool(arch() =~ /64/);
my @columns = (qw(name summary version release), if_($display_arch_col, 'arch'));
@@ -479,44 +477,14 @@ sub _run_treeview_dialog {
## check column is first no title needed here, but we need to add it
foreach my $col (@columns{@columns}) {
- #OLD $detail_list->append_column(
- # $col->{widget} =
- # Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(
- # ' ' . $col->{title} . ' ',
- # $col->{renderer} = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new,
- # ($col->{markup} ? (markup => $col->{markup}) : (text => $col->{text})),
- # )
- # );
- #$col->{widget}->set_sort_column_id($col->{markup} || $col->{text});
- #OLD $columns{$_}{widget}->set_sizing('autosize') foreach @columns;
- #OLD $columns{name}{widget}->set_property('expand', '1');
- #OLD $columns{name}{renderer}->set_property('ellipsize', 'end');
- #OLD $columns{$_}{renderer}->set_property('xpad', '6') foreach @columns;
- #OLD $columns{name}{widget}->set_resizable(1);
- #OLD $detail_list_model->set_sort_column_id($pkg_columns{text}, 'ascending');
- #OLD $detail_list_model->set_sort_func($pkg_columns{version}, \&sort_callback);
- #OLD $detail_list->set_rules_hint(1);
- #OLD $detail_list->append_column(
- # my $pixcolumn =
- # Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(
- # #-PO: "Status" should be kept *small* !!!
- # $loc->N("Status"),
- # my $rdr = Gtk2::CellRendererPixbuf->new,
- # 'pixbuf' => $pkg_columns{state_icon})
- # );
- #$rdr->set_fixed_size(34, 24);
- #$pixcolumn->set_sort_column_id($pkg_columns{state});
- # it should be istanciated this way
$detail_list = $mgaFactory->createCBTable($hbox_middle,$detail_list_header,$yui::YCBTableCheckBoxOnFirstColumn);
- #OLD compute_main_window_size($w);
=for comment
my $cursor_to_restore;
@@ -630,20 +598,38 @@ sub _run_treeview_dialog {
+ my %local_search_types = (
+ normal => $loc->N("in names"),
+ descriptions => $loc->N("in descriptions"),
+ summaries => $loc->N("in summaries"),
+ files => $loc->N("in file names"),
+ );
my @search_types = ( qw(normal descriptions summaries files) );
my $current_search_type = $search_types[0];
my $search_menu = $factory->createComboBox($hbox_top,"");
- my $i = 0;
- my $previous;
- foreach ($loc->N("in names"), $loc->N("in descriptions"), $loc->N("in summaries"), $loc->N("in file names")) {
- my ($name, $val) = ($_, $i);
- #OLD $search_menu->append(gtksignal_connect(gtkshow(
- # $previous = Gtk2::RadioMenuItem->new_with_label($previous, $name)),
- # activate => sub { $current_search_type = $search_types[$val] }));
- $search_menu->addItem($name);
- $i++;
+ $itemColl = new yui::YItemCollection;
+ foreach (@search_types) {
+ my $item = yui::YItem->new("$local_search_types{$_}", 0);
+ $item->setSelected(1) if defined($local_search_types{$current_search_type}) && $_ eq $current_search_type;
+ $itemColl->push($item);
+ $item->DISOWN();
+ $search_menu->addItems($itemColl);
+ $search_menu->setNotify(1);
+# my $i = 0;
+# my $previous;
+# foreach ($loc->N("in names"), $loc->N("in descriptions"), $loc->N("in summaries"), $loc->N("in file names")) {
+# my ($name, $val) = ($_, $i);
+# #OLD $search_menu->append(gtksignal_connect(gtkshow(
+# # $previous = Gtk2::RadioMenuItem->new_with_label($previous, $name)),
+# # activate => sub { $current_search_type = $search_types[$val] }));
+# $search_menu->addItem($name);
+# $i++;
+# }
$find_entry = $factory->createInputField($hbox_top, "");
@@ -1153,6 +1139,9 @@ print "Menu " . $menuLabel . " chosen\n";
elsif ($widget == $filter_box) {
_filterbox_callback($filter_box->selectedItem(), \%$options, \@ordered_filters);
+ elsif ($widget == $search_menu) {
+ _searchmenu_callback($search_menu->selectedItem(), \%$options, \@search_types, \$current_search_type);
+ }
elsif ($widget == $tree) {