import QtQuick 2 import QtQuick.Controls 1 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1 // Configuration summary Page Rectangle { LayoutMirroring.enabled: (direction == "LTR" ? false : true) LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true Version {id:version} property var title: qsTr("Your configuration") width: view.width; height: view.height Loader { sourceComponent: slidebackground ; anchors.fill: parent} Column { Rectangle{ height: 50 width:1 color:"transparent" } ListView { id: confList width: view.width height: view.height -150 spacing: 3 model: ConfList delegate: Row { width: view.width Label { text: name leftPadding: 50 rightPadding: 50 textFormat: Text.RichText color: "white" } } } MButton { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter objectName: "launch" onMbuttonClicked: { } buttonText: qsTr("About") } MessageDialog { id: about title: qsTr("About Mageiawelcome") //: %1 will be replaced with the release number, %2 with author's names text: qsTr("Release %1
Authors : %2").arg(version.version).arg("Daniel Napora, Papoteur, Antony Baker
") //: replace with the list of translator's names detailedText: qsTr("Translators: English is the source language") standardButtons: StandardButton.Close } } }