
1 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254

# $Id$

#- Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Mandrakesoft (fpons@mandrakesoft.com)
#- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
#- any later version.
#- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#- GNU General Public License for more details.
#- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#- this program is based upon old urpmi.addmedia

use strict;
use urpm;
use urpm::args 'options';
use urpm::msg;
use urpm::download ();

# Default mirror list
our $mirrors = 'http://www.mandrakelinux.com/mirrorsfull.list';

sub usage {
    my $m = shift;
# Translator: The URI types strings 'file:', 'ftp:', 'http:',
# Translator: and 'removable:' must not be translated!
# Translator: neither the ``with''.
# Translator: only what is between <brakets> can be translated.
    my $usage = N("usage: urpmi.addmedia [options] <name> <url> [with <relative_path>]
where <url> is one of
       [file:/]/<path> with <relative filename of hdlist>
       ftp://<login>:<password>@<host>/<path> with <relative filename of hdlist>
       ftp://<host>/<path> with <relative filename of hdlist>
       http://<host>/<path> with <relative filename of hdlist>

and [options] are from
") . N("  --help         - print this help message.
") . N("  --wget         - use wget to retrieve distant files.
") . N("  --curl         - use curl to retrieve distant files.
") . N("  --limit-rate   - limit the download speed.
") . N("  --proxy        - use specified HTTP proxy, the port number is assumed
                   to be 1080 by default (format is <proxyhost[:port]>).
") . N("  --proxy-user   - specify user and password to use for proxy
                   authentication (format is <user:password>).
") . N("  --update       - create an update medium.
") . N("  --probe-synthesis - try to find and use synthesis file.
") . N("  --probe-hdlist - try to find and use hdlist file.
") . N("  --no-probe     - do not try to find any synthesis or
                   hdlist file.
") . N("  --distrib      - automatically create all media from an installation
") . N("  --distrib-XXX  - automatically create a medium for XXX part of a
                   distribution, XXX may be main, contrib, updates or
                   anything else that has been configured ;-)
") . N("  --from         - use specified url for list of mirrors, the default is
", $mirrors) . N("  --version      - use specified distribution version, the default is taken
                   from the version of the distribution told by the
                   installed mandrakelinux-release package.
") . N("  --arch         - use specified architecture, the default is arch of
                   mandrakelinux-release package installed.
") . N("  --virtual      - create virtual media wich are always up-to-date,
                   only file:// protocol is allowed.
") . N("  --no-md5sum    - disable MD5SUM file checking.
") . N("  --norebuild    - don't try to rebuild hdlist if not readable.
") . N("  -c             - clean headers cache directory.
") . N("  -f             - force generation of hdlist files.
") . N("  -q             - quiet mode.
") . N("  -v             - verbose mode.
    warn $m ? "$usage\n$m" : $usage;
    exit 0;

sub main {
    #- parse /etc/urpmi/mirror.config if present, or use default mandrake mirror.
    #  the --from option overrides this setting.
    if ($options{mirrors_url}) {
	$mirrors = $options{mirrors_url};
    elsif (-e "/etc/urpmi/mirror.config") {
	local $_;
	open my $fh, "/etc/urpmi/mirror.config";
	while (<$fh>) {
	    chomp; s/#.*$//; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//;
	    /^url\s*=\s*(.*)/ and $mirrors = $1;
	close $fh;
    $options{force} = 0;
    $options{noclean} = 1;
    $options{verbose} = 1;
    my $urpm = new urpm;
    urpm::args::parse_cmdline(urpm => $urpm);
    #- the default is to probe a synthesis file, except for --distrib
    $options{probe_with} = 'synthesis' unless exists($options{distrib}) || exists($options{probe_with});
    our ($name, $url, $with, $relative_hdlist) = our @cmdline;

    #- remove verbose if not asked.
    $options{verbose} > 0 or $urpm->{log} = sub {};

    $options{distrib} or $url or ($url, $name) = ($name, '');
    my ($type) = $url =~ m,^(([^:]*):/)?/, or $options{distrib} or usage;

    if ($< != 0) {
	$urpm->{fatal}(1, N("Only superuser is allowed to add media"));
    if (!-e $urpm->{config}) {
	$urpm->{error}(N("Will create config file [%s]", $urpm->{config}));
	open my $f, '>', $urpm->{config} or $urpm->{fatal}(6, N("Can't create config file [%s]", $urpm->{config}));
    exists $options{limit_rate} or $options{limit_rate} = $urpm->{options}{'limit-rate'};

    if (exists $options{distrib}) {
	if (defined $options{distrib}) {
	    $name or usage;
	    #- extended distribution support, code is directly inlined here.
	    #- -h always set, updates should allow setting update flag.
	    $options{distrib} eq 'updates' and $options{update} = 1;
	    #- official site by default.
	    #- get default value unless already provided.
	    unless ($options{version} && $options{arch}) {
		my $db = URPM::DB::open;
		$options{arch} or $db->traverse_tag(
		    [ qw(basesystem) ],
		    sub { my ($pkg) = @_; $options{arch} = $pkg->arch },
		$options{version} or $db->traverse_tag(
		    [ qw(mandrakelinux-release) ],
		    sub {
			my ($pkg) = @_;
			$pkg->release =~ /^0\./ and $options{version} = 'cooker';
			$options{version} ||= $pkg->version;
		$urpm->{log}(N("found version %s and arch %d ...", $options{version}, $options{arch}));
	    #- sanity checks...
	    $options{distrib} eq 'updates' && $options{version} eq 'cooker' and
	      die N("cannot add updates of a cooker distribution\n");
	    #- get mirrors list file in urpmi cache.
	    my ($basename) = $options{from} =~ m|^.*/([^/]+)/*$|;
	    unlink "$urpm->{cachedir}/partial/$basename";
	    eval {
		$urpm->{log}(N("retrieving mirrors at %s ...", $options{from}));
			dir => "$urpm->{cachedir}/partial",
			quiet => 1,
			proxy => urpm::download::get_proxy(),
		$urpm->{log}(N("...retrieving done"));
	    $@ and $urpm->{log}(N("...retrieving failed: %s", $@));
	    #- examine its contents and create all requested media, url is now a simple regex.
	    my $heading = quotemeta($options{distrib});
	    my $qarch = quotemeta($options{arch});
	    my $old_mirror_structure = $options{version} =~ /^(?:[2-9]|10\.0$)/;
	    open my $fh, "$urpm->{cachedir}/partial/$basename" or die $!;
	    while (<$fh>) {
		chomp; s/#.*$//; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//;
		my ($v, $a, $l, $burl, $relative_hdlist);
		if (($v, $a, $l, $burl, $relative_hdlist) = /^$heading:([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):(\S*)(?:\s+with\s+(.*))?$/) {
		    $v eq '*' || $v eq $options{version} or next;
		    $a eq '*' || $a eq $options{arch} or next;
		} elsif (($a, $burl) = /^$heading([^:]*):(\S*)$/) {
		    $a eq $options{arch} or next;
		    if ($old_mirror_structure) {
			#- pre-10.1 architecture.
			$options{distrib} eq 'updates' and $burl = "$burl/$options{version}/RPMS";
			$options{distrib} eq 'contrib' and $burl .= "2";
		    } else {
			$options{distrib} eq 'updates' and $burl = "$burl/$options{version}/media/updates";
			$options{distrib} eq 'contrib' and $burl = "$burl/$options{version}/media/contrib";
		} elsif (($a, $burl) = /^cooker([^:]*):(\S*)$/) {
		    $options{version} eq 'cooker' && $options{distrib} eq 'contrib' or next;
		    $a eq $options{arch} or next;
		    if ($old_mirror_structure) {
			$burl .= "2";
		    } else {
			$burl =~ s/main$/contrib/;
		} else {
		    # it could a blank line (from a commentary) or source description.
		#- sort according to url or location if possible.
		!$url || $l && $l =~ /$url/i || $burl =~ /$url/i or next;
		$urpm->add_medium($name, $burl, $relative_hdlist,
				  virtual => $options{virtual}, update => $options{update}, index_name => 0);
	    close $fh;
	} else {
	    $with || $relative_hdlist
		and usage N("no need to give <relative path of hdlist> with --distrib");

	    $urpm->add_distrib_media($name, $url, virtual => $options{virtual}, update => $options{update}, probe_with => $options{probe_with});
	$urpm->update_media(%options, callback => \&urpm::download::sync_logger);

	if (my @unsynced_media = grep { $_->{modified} } @{$urpm->{media}}) {
	    print STDERR join("\n", map { N("unable to update medium \"%s\"\n", $_->{name}) } @unsynced_media);

	    #- remove quietly the failing media.
	    $urpm->{log} = sub {};
	    $urpm->update_media(%options, callback => \&urpm::download::sync_logger);
    } else {
	$name or usage;

	if ($with eq "with") {
	    $relative_hdlist or usage N("<relative path of hdlist> missing\n");
	} elsif ($type =~ /ftp|http|rsync|ssh/) {
	    $options{probe_with} || $with eq "with" or usage N("`with' missing for network media\n");

	$urpm->add_medium($name, $url, $relative_hdlist, virtual => $options{virtual}, update => $options{update});
	$urpm->update_media(%options, callback => \&urpm::download::sync_logger);

	#- check creation of media (during update has been successfull)
	my ($medium) = grep { $_->{name} eq $name } @{$urpm->{media}};
	$medium or die N("unable to create medium \"%s\"\n", $name);
	if ($medium->{modified}) {
	    print STDERR N("unable to update medium \"%s\"\n", $name);
	    #- remove quietly the failing media.
	    $urpm->{log} = sub {};
	    $urpm->update_media(%options, callback => \&urpm::download::sync_logger);

    #- try to umount removable devices which may have been mounted.
