#!/usr/bin/perl use MDK::Common; my @ignored_modules = ( qw(alsa ignore), ); my ($force, @force_modules, $all, $keep_subids, $wildcards, $use_description); # UPDATE ME WHEN UPDATING ../lst/Cards+: my $ati_driver = 'Card:ATI Radeon HD 2000 and later (radeon/fglrx)'; my $ati_driver_rhd = 'Card:ATI Radeon HD 2000 and later (radeonhd/fglrx)'; my $ati_driver_vesa= 'Card:ATI Radeon HD 2000 and later (vesa/fglrx)'; my $ati_free_only = 'Card:ATI Radeon X1950 and earlier'; my $ati_rhd_only = 'Card:ATI Radeon RV710 9592'; # also, be careful when merging as Cards+ and pcitable may contain card-specific # cases due to bugs in the various drivers if ($0 =~ /merge2pcitable/) { if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-f=?(.*)$/) { shift; @force_modules = split(/,/, $1); $force = !@force_modules; } $ARGV[0] eq '-a' and $all = shift; $ARGV[0] eq '--keep-subids' and $keep_subids = shift; $ARGV[0] eq '--handle-wildcards' and $wildcards = shift; $ARGV[0] eq '--old' and $use_description = shift; my $formats = join '|', grep { $_ } map { /^read_(.*)/ ? $1 : '' } keys %main::; @ARGV == 3 or die "usage: $0 [-f[=module1,...]] [-a] [--old] $formats <in_file> <mdk_pcitable>\n"; my ($format, $in, $pcitable) = @ARGV; my $read = $main::{"read_$format"} or die "unknown format $format (must be one of $formats)\n"; my $d_pci = read_pcitable($pcitable, 'strict'); my ($d_in, $classes) = $read->($in); if ($format eq 'kernel_aliasmap' || $format eq 'fglrxko_pci_ids_h') { foreach (keys %$d_pci) { if (member($d_pci->{$_}[0], ($ati_driver, $ati_driver_rhd, $ati_driver_vesa)) && !$d_in->{$_}[0]) { # support dropped, handle: if ($d_pci->{$_}[0] eq $ati_driver) { $d_pci->{$_}[0] = $ati_free_only; } elsif ($d_pci->{$_}[0] eq $ati_driver_vesa) { delete $d_pci->{$_}; } elsif ($d_pci->{$_}[0] eq $ati_driver_rhd) { $d_pci->{$_}[0] = $ati_rhd_only } else { die 'not handled ' . $_; } } elsif (member($d_pci->{$_}[0], ($ati_free_only, $ati_rhd_only)) && $d_in->{$_}[0]) { # support added for pre-existing entry, handle: if ($d_pci->{$_}[0] eq $ati_free_only) { $d_pci->{$_}[0] = $ati_driver; } elsif ($d_pci->{$_}[0] eq $ati_rhd_only) { $d_pci->{$_}[0] = $ati_driver_rhd; } else { die 'not handled ' . $_; } } } } # Here we hack around so that drivers get used in order radeon, radeonhd, vesa: if ($format eq 'ati_pciids_csv') { foreach (keys %$d_pci) { if (member($d_pci->{$_}[0], ($ati_driver, $ati_free_only)) && !$d_in->{$_}[0]) { # support dropped, handle: if ($d_pci->{$_}[0] eq $ati_driver) { $d_pci->{$_}[0] = $ati_driver_vesa; } elsif ($d_pci->{$_}[0] eq $ati_free_only) { delete $d_pci->{$_}; } else { die 'not handled ' . $_; } } elsif (member($d_pci->{$_}[0], ($ati_driver_rhd, $ati_driver_vesa, $ati_rhd_only)) && $d_in->{$_}[0]) { # support added for pre-existing entry, handle: next if $_ eq "10029610ffffffff"; # see Cards+ and #49824 if (member($d_pci->{$_}[0], ($ati_driver_rhd, $ati_driver_vesa))) { $d_pci->{$_}[0] = $ati_driver; } elsif ($d_pci->{$_}[0] eq $ati_rhd_only) { $d_pci->{$_}[0] = $ati_free_only; } else { die 'not handled ' . $_; } } } } if ($format eq 'rhd_id_c') { foreach (keys %$d_pci) { if (member($d_pci->{$_}[0], ($ati_driver_rhd, $ati_rhd_only)) && !$d_in->{$_}[0]) { # support dropped, handle: if ($d_pci->{$_}[0] eq $ati_driver_rhd) { $d_pci->{$_}[0] = $ati_driver_vesa; } elsif ($d_pci->{$_}[0] eq $ati_rhd_only) { delete $d_pci->{$_}; } else { die 'not handled ' . $_; } } elsif ($d_pci->{$_}[0] eq $ati_driver_vesa && $d_in->{$_}[0]) { # support added for pre-existing entry, handle: $d_pci->{$_}[0] = $ati_driver_rhd; } } } merge($d_pci, $d_in, $classes); exit 1 if our $error; cleanup_subids($d_pci) if !$keep_subids; write_pcitable($d_pci); } else { 1 } sub dummy_module { my ($m) = @_; $m =~ s/"(.*)"/$1/; member($m, @ignored_modules); } sub to_string { my ($id, $driver) = @_; @$driver >= 1 or error("error: to_string $id"); my ($module, $text) = map { defined($_) && qq("$_") } @$driver; my ($id1, $id2, $subid1, $subid2) = map { "0x$_" } ($id =~ /(....)/g); join "\t", $id1, $id2, if_("$subid1 $subid2" ne "0xffff 0xffff", $subid1, $subid2), $module, if_($use_description && $text, $text); } sub read_rhpcitable { my ($f, $strict) = @_; read_pcitable($f, $strict, 1); } # works for RedHat's pcitable old and new format, + mdk format (alike RedHat's old one) # (the new format has ending .o's and double quotes are removed) sub read_pcitable { my ($f, $strict, $newer_rh_format) = @_; my %drivers; my %class; my $line = 0; my $rm_quote_silent = sub { local ($_) = @_; s/^"//; s/"$//; $_ }; my $rm_quote = sub { local ($_) = @_; s/^"// or error("$f:$line: missing left quote"); s/"$// or error("$f:$line: missing right quote"); /"/ && $strict and error("$f:$line: bad double quote"); $_; }; foreach (eval { catMaybeCompressed($f) }) { chomp; $line++; next if /^#/ || /^\s*$/; if (!$strict) { #- help poor written pcitable's like redhat's :) s/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/$1\t$2\t$3/; } if (my ($id1, $id2, @l) = split /\t+/) { push @l, '""' if $newer_rh_format; my ($subid1, $subid2) = ('ffff', 'ffff'); ($subid1, $subid2, @l) = @l if @l > 2; @l == 1 || @l == 2 or die "$f:$line: bad number of fields " . (int @l) . " (in $_)\n"; my ($module, $text) = @l; my $class = $text =~ /(.*?)|/; my $id1_ = $rm_quote_silent->($id1); if (defined $text && $class{$id1_}) { print STDERR "$f:$line: class $id1_ named both $class and $class{$id1_}, taking $class{$id1_}\n"; $class{$id1_} ||= $1; $text =~ s/(.*?)|/$class{$id1_}|/; } $module =~ s/\.o$//; $module = '"unknown"' if dummy_module($module); $module = '"unknown"' if $id1 eq '0x1011' && $id2 eq '0x0004'; # known errors in redhat's pcitable # these are pci to pci bridge $module = '"yenta_socket"' if $module =~ /i82365/; my $id = join '', map { s/^0x//; length == 4 or error("$f:$line: bad number $_"); lc($_); } $id1, $id2, $subid1, $subid2; $drivers{$id} && $strict and error("$f:$line: multiple entry for $id (skipping $module $text)"); $drivers{$id} ||= [ $rm_quote->($module), defined($text) ? $rm_quote->($text) : undef, $line ]; } else { die "$f:$line: bad line\n"; } } \%drivers; } sub read_kernel_aliasmap { my ($f) = @_; my %drivers; if (!$f || $f eq '/dev/null') { $f = find { -e $_ } map { "$_/dkms-modules-info/dkms-modules.alias" } qw(. ..); } foreach (cat_($f)) { # too bad nvidia driver doesn't list its ids... next if !/alias pci.* fglrx/; if (/alias pci:v0000(....)d0000(....)sv/) { my ($id1, $id2) = (lc($1), lc($2)); $drivers{ join '', map { /(....)$/ } $id1, $id2, '0xffff', '0xffff' } = [ $ati_driver ]; } } \%drivers; } sub read_kernel_pcimap { my ($f) = @_; my (%drivers, %driver_with_classes); foreach (cat_($f)) { chomp; next if /^#/ || /^\s*$/; my ($module, $id1, $id2, $subid1, $subid2) = split; next if $module eq 'pci'; ($subid1, $subid2) = ("ffff", "ffff") if hex($subid1) == 0 && hex($subid2) == 0; if ($id2 =~ /ffff$/ && $id1 !~ /ffff$/) { # $driver_with_classes{$id1} = [ $module, '' ]; $driver_with_classes{join '', map { /(....)$/ } $id1, $id2, $subid1, $subid2} = [ $module, '' ]; } else { $drivers{join '', map { /(....)$/ } $id1, $id2, $subid1, $subid2} = [ $module, '' ]; } } \%drivers, \%driver_with_classes; } sub read_kernel_usbmap { my ($f) = @_; my %drivers; foreach (cat_($f)) { chomp; next if /^#/ || /^\s*$/; my ($module, $flag, $id1, $id2) = split; hex($flag) == 3 or next; $drivers{join '', map { /(....)$/ } $id1, $id2, "ffff", "ffff"} = [ $module, '' ]; } \%drivers; } sub read_pciids { my ($f) = @_; my %drivers; my ($id1, $id2, $class, $line, %class); foreach (cat_($f)) { chomp; $line++; next if /^#/ || /^;/ || /^\s*$/; if (/^C\s/) { last; } elsif (my ($subid1, $subid2, $text) = /^\t\t(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)/) { $text =~ s/\t/ /g; $id1 && $id2 or die "$f:$line: unexpected device\n"; $drivers{sprintf qq(%04x%04x%04x%04x), hex($id1), hex($id2), hex($subid1), hex($subid2)} = [ "unknown", "$class|$text" ]; } elsif (/^\t(\S+)\s+(.+)/) { ($id2, $text) = ($1, $2); $text =~ s/\t/ /g; $id1 && $id2 or die "$f:$line: unexpected device\n"; $drivers{sprintf qq(%04x%04xffffffff), hex($id1), hex($id2)} = [ "unknown", "$class|$text" ]; } elsif (/^(\S+)\s+(.+)/) { $id1 = $1; $class = $class{$2} || $2; $class =~ s/(Advanced Micro Devices) \[AMD\]/$1/; } else { warn "bad line: $_\n"; } } \%drivers; } sub read_pcilst { my ($f) = @_; my %drivers; my ($class, $line, %class); foreach (cat_($f)) { chomp; $line++; next if /^#/ || /^;/ || /^\s*$/; if (/^\t\S/) { my ($id, undef, $module, $text) = split ' ', $_, 4 or die "bad line: $_\n"; $text =~ s/\t/ /g; $module = "unknown" if dummy_module($module); $drivers{"${id}ffffffff"} = [ $module, "$class|$text" ]; } elsif (/^(\S+)\s+(.*)/) { $class = $class{$2} || $2; } else { die "bad line: $_\n"; } } \%drivers; } sub read_pcitablepm { my ($f) = @_; eval cat_($f); my %drivers; %pci_probing::pcitable::ids or die; while (my ($k, $v) = each %pci_probing::pcitable::ids) { $drivers{sprintf qq(%08xffffffff), $k >> 32} = [ $v->[1], $v->[0] ]; } \%drivers; } sub read_hwd { my ($f) = @_; my %drivers; foreach (cat_($f)) { next if /^\s*#/; chomp; my ($id1, $id2, $_class, $module, $_undef, $descr) = /(....):(....)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)(\s+(.*))/ or next; $drivers{"$id1${id2}ffffffff"} = [ $module, $descr ]; } \%drivers; } sub read_hwinfo_x11 { my ($f) = @_; my (%drivers, %e, %vendors, $line); foreach (cat_($f)) { $line++; s/\s*$//; if (my ($add, $name, $val) = /^([ &])(\w+)\.id\s+(.*)/) { if (!$add) { warn "read_hwinfo_x11:$line: unused %e\n" if %e; %e = (); } if ($val =~ /^pci\s+0x([0-9a-f]{4})/i) { $val = hex $1; } else { warn "read_hwinfo_x11:$line: weird value $val\n"; } $e{$name} = $val; } elsif (/^\+vendor\.name\s+(.*)/) { $vendors{$e{vendor}} = $1; } elsif (/^\+(?:sub)?device\.name\s+(.*)/) { $e{name} = $1; } elsif (my ($driver) = /^\+driver\.xfree\s+(.*)/) { if (exists $e{vendor} && exists $e{device}) { my $vendor = $vendors{$e{vendor}}; my $module = $driver =~ /^4\|(\w+)/ ? "Driver:$1" : "Card:$driver"; $drivers{sprintf qq(%04x%04x%04x%04x), $e{vendor}, $e{device}, $e{subvendor} || 0xffff, $e{subdevice} || 0xffff} = [ $module, "$vendor|$e{name}" ]; } else { warn "read_hwinfo_x11:$line: $driver but no vendor or no device\n"; } } elsif (/^$/) { %e = (); } elsif (/^\+driver\.xfree\.config/) { # drop } else { warn "read_hwinfo_x11:$line: unknown line $_\n"; } } \%drivers; } sub read_begent_pcids_htm { my ($f) = @_; my %drivers; my $F; open $F, $f or die "can't open $f\n"; # drop until TBODY local $_; while (<$F>) { last if m|<TBODY>| } my $get_one = sub { map { scalar <$F> } 1 .. 6 }; my $from_h = sub { local $_ = lc $_[0]; /([0-9a-g]{4})h/ or die "$.: bad number $_\n"; $1; }; # drop first line $get_one->(); my ($cur_vendor, $cur_vendor_descr, $cur_id); while (1) { my ($tr, $vendor, $device, $sub, $text, $tr2) = map { m|<td>(.*)</td>| ? $1 : $_ } $get_one->(); last if $tr =~ m|</TBODY>|; $tr =~ m|<tr>| or die "$f:$.: bad <tr> line $tr\n"; $tr2 =~ m|</tr>| or die "$f:$.: bad </tr> line $tr2\n"; if ($vendor) { $device eq '-' && $sub eq '-' or die "$f:$.: bad vendor line\n"; $cur_vendor = $vendor; ($cur_vendor_descr) = $text =~ m|<b>(.*)</b>| or die "$f:$.: vendor descr not bold\n"; } else { $cur_id = $device || $cur_id; my $sub_t = $sub ? do { $sub =~ /^rev / and next; # ignoring "rev " thingy if ($sub =~ /^(.....)$/) { 'ffff' . $from_h->($sub); } else { my ($s1, $s2) = $sub =~ /^(....)(.....)$/ or die "$f:$.: bad subid $sub\n"; $from_h->($s2) . $from_h->($s1 . 'h'); } } : 'ffffffff'; $drivers{$from_h->($cur_vendor) . $from_h->($cur_id) . $sub_t} = [ 'unknown', "$cur_vendor_descr|$text" ]; } } \%drivers; } sub read_nvidia_readme { my ($f) = @_; my %drivers; my $section; foreach (cat_($f)) { chomp; last if $section > 3; if (!($section % 2)) { next unless /^\s+NVIDIA GPU product\s+Device PCI ID/; $section++; next; } if (/^\s*$/) { $section++; next; } next if /^\s+-+[\s-]+$/; my ($description, $id) = /^\s+(.+)\s+0x(....)/; print "jee $description\n"; $drivers{"10de" . lc($id) . "ffffffff"} = [ 'Card:NVIDIA_UNKNOWN', $description ]; } \%drivers; } sub read_fglrxko_pci_ids_h { my ($f) = @_; my %drivers; foreach (cat_($f)) { chomp; my ($id) = /^\s+FGL_ASIC_ID\(0x(....)\)/ or next; $drivers{"1002" . lc($id) . "ffffffff"} = [ $ati_driver_vesa, 'unknown' ]; } \%drivers; } sub read_rhd_id_c { my ($f) = @_; my %drivers; foreach (cat_($f)) { chomp; my ($id, $description) = /^\s+RHD_DEVICE_MATCH\(\s*0x(....).*\/\* (.*)\*\// or next; $drivers{"1002" . lc($id) . "ffffffff"} = [ $ati_rhd_only, $description ]; } \%drivers; } sub read_ati_pciids_csv { my ($f) = @_; my %drivers; foreach (cat_($f)) { chomp; my ($id, $description) = /^"0x(....)",.*,(?:"([^,]*)")?$/ or next; $drivers{"1002" . lc($id) . "ffffffff"} = [ $ati_driver, $description ]; } \%drivers; } # write in RedHat's pcitable old format (mdk one) sub write_pcitable { my ($drivers) = @_; foreach (sort keys %$drivers) { print to_string($_, $drivers->{$_}), "\n"; } } sub merge_entries_with_wildcards { my ($drivers, $classes) = @_; foreach (keys %$classes) { my ($vendor, $id, $subvendor, $subid); next unless ($vendor, $id, $subvendor, $subid) = /^([0-9a-f]{4,4})([0-9a-f]{4,4})/; # handle PCI_ANY_ID as PCI device ID: if ($vendor !~ /ffff$/ && $id =~ /ffff$/) { foreach my $old (keys %$drivers) { next if $old !~ /^$vendor/ || $drivers->{$old}[0] ne 'unknown'; # blacklist AGP for now; next if $classes->{$_}[0] =~ /agp/; # the following test would be better but still generates some wrong entries (the only real check is to check # PCI_CAP_ID_AGP at probing time): # next if $classes->{$_}[0] =~ /-agp/ && $drivers->{$old}[1] !~ /Bridge|Controller|Host/i; $drivers->{$old}[0] = $classes->{$_}[0]; # if $drivers->{$old}[0] eq "unknown"; } } } } sub merge { my ($drivers, $new, $classes) = @_; merge_entries_with_wildcards($drivers, $classes) if $wildcards; foreach (keys %$new) { next if $new->{$_}[0] =~ /parport_pc|i810_ng/; if ($drivers->{$_}) { if ($new->{$_}[0] ne "unknown") { if ($drivers->{$_}[0] eq "unknown" || $force || member($new->{$_}[0], @force_modules)) { $drivers->{$_}[0] = $new->{$_}[0]; } elsif ($drivers->{$_}[0] ne $new->{$_}[0]) { my $different = 1; $different = 0 if $new->{$_}[0] =~ /fb/; $different = 0 if $drivers->{$_}[0] =~ /^(Card|Server):/; $different = 0 if $drivers->{$_}[0] =~ /^ISDN:([^,]+)/ && $new->{$_}[0] eq $1; print STDERR "different($drivers->{$_}[0] $new->{$_}[0]): ", to_string($_, $drivers->{$_}), "\n" if $different; } } next if !$new->{$_}[1]; $drivers->{$_}[1] = $new->{$_}[1] if !$drivers->{$_}[1] || $drivers->{$_}[1] =~ /\|$/; } else { if (!/ffffffff$/ && $new->{$_}[0] eq "unknown") { # keep sub-entry with major-entry module # will be dropped if every subids have the same module # ie. if no subids already present have a different module than the main one if (/(........)/) { $new->{$_}[0] = $drivers->{$1 . 'ffffffff'}[0] || "unknown" if exists $drivers->{$1 . 'ffffffff'}; } } $drivers->{$_} = $new->{$_} # don't keep sub-entries with unknown drivers if $all || /ffffffff$/ || $new->{$_}[0] ne "unknown"; } } } sub cleanup_subids { my ($drivers) = @_; my (%l, %m); foreach (sort keys %$drivers) { my ($id, $subid) = /(........)(........)/; if ($l{$id}) { push @{$m{$id}}, $l{$id}, $subid; } else { $l{$id} = $subid; } } foreach my $id (keys %m) { my %modules; my $text; foreach my $subid (@{$m{$id}}) { my $e = $drivers->{"$id$subid"}; $modules{$e->[0]} = 1; $text = $e->[1] if length($e->[1]) > length($text) || $subid eq 'ffffffff'; # favour previous text } if (keys(%modules) == 1) { my ($module, undef) = each %modules; # remove others foreach my $subid (@{$m{$id}}) { delete $drivers->{"$id$subid"}; } # add a main one $drivers->{$id . 'ffffffff'} = [ $module, $text ]; } else { # print STDERR "keeping subids for $id ($text) because of ", join(", ", keys %modules), "\n"; } } } sub error { our $error = 1; print STDERR "$_[0]\n"; }