# This file is part of the Mageia project # Copyright (C) 2011 Damien Lallement # (C) 2011 Romain D'Alverny # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License # along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # use Test::Most; use File::Basename; use Isocheck; my ($image_path) = @ARGV; my $name = basename($image_path); my %info; bail_on_fail; %info = Isocheck::parse_image_file_name($name); if (scalar %info) { pass 'Image has a valid filename.'; while (my ($k, $v) = each %info) { note uc($k), "=$v\n" if defined $v; } } else { fail 'Image has a valid filename.'; diag 'See https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Product_naming for more information.'; } # is file size correct? my $du = `du --apparent-size --block-size=MB $image_path`; my @size_name = split(/\t/, $du); my $size = $size_name[0]; my %max_sizes = ("CD" => "700MB", "DVD" => "4700MB"); ok($size le $max_sizes{$info{medium}}, "File has a valid size."); diag(sprintf("File is %s. Max size for %s is %s.", $size, $info{medium}, $max_sizes{$info{medium}})); # verify checksums ok -r $image_path . '.md5', 'MD5 checksum is available.'; ok -r $image_path . '.sha1', 'SHA1 checkum is available.'; my $md5file = $image_path . '.md5'; my $sha1file = $image_path . '.sha1'; my @ts = split(/ /, `md5sum $image_path`); my $md5 = $ts[0]; @ts = split(/ /, `cat $md5file`); $md5file = $ts[0]; is($md5, $md5file, 'MD5/.md5 checksums match.'); @ts = split(/ /, `sha1sum $image_path`); my $sha1 = $ts[0]; @ts = split(/ /, `cat $sha1file`); $sha1file = $ts[0]; is($sha1, $sha1file, 'SHA1/.sha1 checksums match.'); if (!defined $info{'release'}) { ok -r $image_path . '.md5.gpg', 'MD5.gpg is available.'; ok -r $image_path . '.sha1.gpg', 'SHA1.gpg is available.'; # TODO check signature are valid! } # check ISO header info # Check (see http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Product_id) my $isoinfo = `isoinfo -d -i $image_path`; my %isoValues = ( "System id", 'LINUX', "Volume id", sprintf('%s %s %s', $info{name}, $info{version}, (defined $info{release}) ? $info{release} : ''), "Volume set id", sprintf('%s %s %s %s %s %s', $info{name}, $info{version}, (defined $info{release}) ? $info{release} : '', $info{variant}, $info{arch}, $info{medium}), "Publisher id", 'Mageia.org', "Data preparer id", 'Mageia BCD', "Copyright File id", sprintf('http://www.mageia.org/%s/license/', $info{version}), "Abstract File id", sprintf('http://www.mageia.org/%s/', $info{version}) ); my $testval; while (my ($k, $v) = each(%isoValues)) { $testval = `printf "%s\n" "$isoinfo" | grep -i "$k:" |tr -d '\n'`; # not testing right now, all expected values are not sure yet. # is $testval, "$k: $v", "$k is correct. Found $testval."; note "Found: $testval \nExpected: $k: $v"; } # bootable? ok(`isoinfo -d -i $image_path | grep bootable`, 'ISO is bootable.'); # TODO check burnable? my $burner = "/dev/sr0"; # FIXME is -eject really needed? my $_burning = `cdrecord -dummy speed=42 dev=$burner -v -eject -data $image_path 2> is_burnable.log`; my $result = `cat is_burnable.log | grep overburn | wc -l | tr -d '\n'`; -r "is_burnable.log" and system "rm is_burnable.log"; is($result, 0, "ISO can be burnt."); done_testing();