Mageia ISO check script

Test suite for ISOs built for Mageia.
All ISOs should pass this test suite after being built, before being released.

 - License: GPL-2+
 - Authors:
   - Damien Lallement <dams@mageia.org>
   - Romain d'Alverny <rda@mageia.org>
 - Code: [svn://svn.mageia.org/svn/soft/isocheck](http://svnweb.mageia.org/soft/isocheck)
 - [Documentation](https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Isocheck)


If packaged:

    $ su
    # isocheck path/to/your/Mageia-x-i586.iso

If straight from source:

    $ su
    # perl -Ilib ./isocheck.pl path/to/your/Mageia-x-i586.iso
    ... logs ...

Returns 0 in case of success (and last line of log starts with "PASS").

Returns a positive integer otherwise (and last line of log starts with "FAIL").


It tests for:

 - availability of all components needed ((signed) checksums, indexes, lists),
 - ISO file name correctness,
 - file size according to its declaration,
 - MD5 and SHA1 checksums,
 - ISO headers correctness,
 - burnable, hybrid ISO,
 - depending on the type of image, it tests for the presence of autorun,
   correctly signed packages and various bits.


User running this script must be able to mount an ISO image.

Depends on:

 - cdrkit, cdrkit-isotools
 - gpg
 - Perl
   - File::Basename
   - MDK::Common
   - TAP::Harness
   - TAP::Parser::Aggregator;
   - Test::Most

 - fix t_install_iso tests (ids, idx, rpms, pubkey - especially cauldron/stable)
 - script should properly manage other types of ISOs:
   * separate tests that are generic from those that are Mageia-specific
   * move specific tests into t/{name}/*.t
 - script should be run by a non-root user that can sudo mount
 - check all RPM from list are on the ISO
 - check all excluded RPMS are not on the ISO
 - check pubkey on each media
 - check the Theme available on the ISO
 - check the mandriva-release version on the ISO
 - check DKMS are sync with kernel on ISO
 - check product.id on the ISO (vendor=Mandriva,distribution=Mandriva Linux,type=basic,version=Mandriva,branch=official,release=0.1,arch=x86_64,product=public
 - check releases_notes on the ISO
 - package it
 - wrap it to produce automatic reports after BCD
 - think of grepping the project source for TODO or FIXME too

 - 4 spaces indent, no tab