/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Thiago Macieira * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * Based on svn-fast-export by Chris Lee * License: MIT * URL: git://repo.or.cz/fast-import.git http://repo.or.cz/w/fast-export.git */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #define _LARGEFILE_SUPPORT #define _LARGEFILE64_SUPPORT #include "svn.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "repository.h" #undef SVN_ERR #define SVN_ERR(expr) SVN_INT_ERR(expr) typedef QList MatchRuleList; typedef QHash RepositoryHash; typedef QHash IdentityHash; class AprAutoPool { apr_pool_t *pool; AprAutoPool(const AprAutoPool &); AprAutoPool &operator=(const AprAutoPool &); public: inline AprAutoPool(apr_pool_t *parent = NULL) { pool = svn_pool_create(parent); } inline ~AprAutoPool() { svn_pool_destroy(pool); } inline void clear() { svn_pool_clear(pool); } inline apr_pool_t *data() const { return pool; } inline operator apr_pool_t *() const { return pool; } }; class SvnPrivate { public: MatchRuleList matchRules; RepositoryHash repositories; IdentityHash identities; SvnPrivate(const QString &pathToRepository); ~SvnPrivate(); int youngestRevision(); int exportRevision(int revnum); int openRepository(const QString &pathToRepository); private: AprAutoPool global_pool; svn_fs_t *fs; svn_revnum_t youngest_rev; }; void Svn::initialize() { // initialize APR or exit if (apr_initialize() != APR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "You lose at apr_initialize().\n"); exit(1); } // static destructor static struct Destructor { ~Destructor() { apr_terminate(); } } destructor; } Svn::Svn(const QString &pathToRepository) : d(new SvnPrivate(pathToRepository)) { } Svn::~Svn() { delete d; } void Svn::setMatchRules(const MatchRuleList &matchRules) { d->matchRules = matchRules; } void Svn::setRepositories(const RepositoryHash &repositories) { d->repositories = repositories; } int Svn::youngestRevision() { return d->youngestRevision(); } bool Svn::exportRevision(int revnum) { return d->exportRevision(revnum) == EXIT_SUCCESS; } SvnPrivate::SvnPrivate(const QString &pathToRepository) : global_pool(NULL) { openRepository(pathToRepository); // get the youngest revision svn_fs_youngest_rev(&youngest_rev, fs, global_pool); } SvnPrivate::~SvnPrivate() { svn_pool_destroy(global_pool); } int SvnPrivate::youngestRevision() { return youngest_rev; } int SvnPrivate::openRepository(const QString &pathToRepository) { svn_repos_t *repos; SVN_ERR(svn_repos_open(&repos, QFile::encodeName(pathToRepository), global_pool)); fs = svn_repos_fs(repos); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static MatchRuleList::ConstIterator findMatchRule(const MatchRuleList &matchRules, int revnum, const QString ¤t) { MatchRuleList::ConstIterator it = matchRules.constBegin(), end = matchRules.constEnd(); for ( ; it != end; ++it) { if (it->minRevision > revnum) continue; if (it->maxRevision != -1 && it->maxRevision < revnum) continue; if (it->rx.indexIn(current) == 0) return it; } // no match return end; } static void splitPathName(const Rules::Match &rule, const QString &pathName, QString *svnprefix_p, QString *repository_p, QString *branch_p, QString *path_p) { QString svnprefix = pathName; svnprefix.truncate(rule.rx.matchedLength()); if (svnprefix_p) *svnprefix_p = svnprefix; if (repository_p) { *repository_p = svnprefix; repository_p->replace(rule.rx, rule.repository); } if (branch_p) { *branch_p = svnprefix; branch_p->replace(rule.rx, rule.branch); } if (path_p) *path_p = pathName.mid(svnprefix.length()); } static int pathMode(svn_fs_root_t *fs_root, const char *pathname, apr_pool_t *pool) { svn_string_t *propvalue; SVN_ERR(svn_fs_node_prop(&propvalue, fs_root, pathname, "svn:executable", pool)); int mode = 0100644; if (propvalue) mode = 0100755; // maybe it's a symlink? SVN_ERR(svn_fs_node_prop(&propvalue, fs_root, pathname, "svn:special", pool)); if (propvalue && strcmp(propvalue->data, "symlink") == 0) mode = 0120000; return mode; } svn_error_t *QIODevice_write(void *baton, const char *data, apr_size_t *len) { QIODevice *device = reinterpret_cast(baton); device->write(data, *len); if (device->bytesToWrite() > 16384) device->waitForBytesWritten(0); return SVN_NO_ERROR; } static svn_stream_t *streamForDevice(QIODevice *device, apr_pool_t *pool) { svn_stream_t *stream = svn_stream_create(device, pool); svn_stream_set_write(stream, QIODevice_write); return stream; } static int dumpBlob(Repository::Transaction *txn, svn_fs_root_t *fs_root, const char *pathname, const QString &finalPathName, apr_pool_t *pool) { // what type is it? int mode = pathMode(fs_root, pathname, pool); svn_filesize_t stream_length; SVN_ERR(svn_fs_file_length(&stream_length, fs_root, pathname, pool)); QIODevice *io = txn->addFile(finalPathName, mode, stream_length); #ifndef DRY_RUN // open the file svn_stream_t *in_stream, *out_stream; SVN_ERR(svn_fs_file_contents(&in_stream, fs_root, pathname, pool)); // open a generic svn_stream_t for the QIODevice out_stream = streamForDevice(io, pool); SVN_ERR(svn_stream_copy(in_stream, out_stream, pool)); // print an ending newline io->putChar('\n'); #endif return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static int recursiveDumpDir(Repository::Transaction *txn, svn_fs_root_t *fs_root, const QByteArray &pathname, const QString &finalPathName, apr_pool_t *pool) { // get the dir listing apr_hash_t *entries; SVN_ERR(svn_fs_dir_entries(&entries, fs_root, pathname, pool)); AprAutoPool dirpool(pool); for (apr_hash_index_t *i = apr_hash_first(pool, entries); i; i = apr_hash_next(i)) { dirpool.clear(); const void *vkey; void *value; apr_hash_this(i, &vkey, NULL, &value); svn_fs_dirent_t *dirent = reinterpret_cast(value); QByteArray entryName = pathname + '/' + dirent->name; QString entryFinalName; if (finalPathName.isEmpty()) entryFinalName = dirent->name; else entryFinalName = finalPathName + '/' + dirent->name; if (dirent->kind == svn_node_dir) { if (recursiveDumpDir(txn, fs_root, entryName, entryFinalName, dirpool) == EXIT_FAILURE) return EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (dirent->kind == svn_node_file) { printf("+"); fflush(stdout); if (dumpBlob(txn, fs_root, entryName, entryFinalName, dirpool) == EXIT_FAILURE) return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } static bool wasDir(svn_fs_t *fs, int revnum, const char *pathname, apr_pool_t *pool) { AprAutoPool subpool(pool); svn_fs_root_t *fs_root; if (svn_fs_revision_root(&fs_root, fs, revnum, subpool) != SVN_NO_ERROR) return false; svn_boolean_t is_dir; if (svn_fs_is_dir(&is_dir, fs_root, pathname, subpool) != SVN_NO_ERROR) return false; return is_dir; } time_t get_epoch(char *svn_date) { struct tm tm; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof tm); QByteArray date(svn_date, strlen(svn_date) - 8); strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &tm); return mktime(&tm); } int SvnPrivate::exportRevision(int revnum) { AprAutoPool pool(global_pool.data()); QHash transactions; // open this revision: printf("Exporting revision %d ", revnum); fflush(stdout); svn_fs_root_t *fs_root; SVN_ERR(svn_fs_revision_root(&fs_root, fs, revnum, pool)); // find out what was changed in this revision: apr_hash_t *changes; SVN_ERR(svn_fs_paths_changed(&changes, fs_root, pool)); AprAutoPool revpool(pool.data()); for (apr_hash_index_t *i = apr_hash_first(pool, changes); i; i = apr_hash_next(i)) { revpool.clear(); const void *vkey; void *value; apr_hash_this(i, &vkey, NULL, &value); const char *key = reinterpret_cast(vkey); QString current = QString::fromUtf8(key); svn_fs_path_change_t *change = reinterpret_cast(value); // was this copied from somewhere? svn_revnum_t rev_from; const char *path_from; SVN_ERR(svn_fs_copied_from(&rev_from, &path_from, fs_root, key, revpool)); // is this a directory? svn_boolean_t is_dir; SVN_ERR(svn_fs_is_dir(&is_dir, fs_root, key, revpool)); if (is_dir) { if (path_from == NULL) { // no, it's a new directory being added // Git doesn't handle directories, so we don't either //qDebug() << " mkdir ignored:" << key; continue; } current += '/'; qDebug() << " " << key << "was copied from" << path_from; } // find the first rule that matches this pathname MatchRuleList::ConstIterator match = findMatchRule(matchRules, revnum, current); if (match != matchRules.constEnd()) { const Rules::Match &rule = *match; if (rule.repository.isEmpty()) { // ignore rule qDebug() << " " << qPrintable(current) << "rev" << revnum << "-> ignored (rule line" << rule.lineNumber << ")"; continue; } else { QString svnprefix, repository, branch, path; splitPathName(rule, current, &svnprefix, &repository, &branch, &path); if (path.isEmpty() && path_from != NULL) { QString previous = QString::fromUtf8(path_from) + '/'; MatchRuleList::ConstIterator prevmatch = findMatchRule(matchRules, rev_from, previous); if (prevmatch != matchRules.constEnd()) { QString prevsvnprefix, prevrepository, prevbranch, prevpath; splitPathName(*prevmatch, previous, &prevsvnprefix, &prevrepository, &prevbranch, &prevpath); if (!prevpath.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << qPrintable(current) << "is a partial branch of repository" << qPrintable(prevrepository) << "branch" << qPrintable(prevbranch) << "subdir" << qPrintable(prevpath); } else if (prevrepository != repository) { qWarning() << qPrintable(current) << "rev" << revnum << "is a cross-repository copy (from repository" << qPrintable(prevrepository) << "branch" << qPrintable(prevbranch) << "path" << qPrintable(prevpath) << "rev" << rev_from << ")"; } else if (prevbranch == branch) { // same branch and same repository qDebug() << qPrintable(current) << "rev" << revnum << "is an SVN rename from" << qPrintable(previous) << "rev" << rev_from; continue; } else { // same repository but not same branch // this means this is a plain branch qDebug() << qPrintable(repository) << ": branch" << qPrintable(branch) << "is branching from" << qPrintable(prevbranch); Repository *repo = repositories.value(repository, 0); if (!repo) { qCritical() << "Rule" << rule.rx.pattern() << "line" << rule.lineNumber << "references unknown repository" << repository; return EXIT_FAILURE; } repo->createBranch(branch, revnum, prevbranch, rev_from); } } } printf("."); fflush(stdout); // qDebug() << " " << qPrintable(current) << "rev" << revnum << "->" // << qPrintable(repository) << qPrintable(branch) << qPrintable(path); Repository::Transaction *txn = transactions.value(repository, 0); if (!txn) { Repository *repo = repositories.value(repository, 0); if (!repo) { qCritical() << "Rule" << rule.rx.pattern() << "line" << rule.lineNumber << "references unknown repository" << repository; return EXIT_FAILURE; } txn = repo->newTransaction(branch, svnprefix, revnum); if (!txn) return EXIT_FAILURE; transactions.insert(repository, txn); } if (change->change_kind == svn_fs_path_change_delete) txn->deleteFile(path); else if (!is_dir) dumpBlob(txn, fs_root, key, path, revpool); else recursiveDumpDir(txn, fs_root, key, path, revpool); continue; } } if (is_dir) { qDebug() << current << "is a new directory; ignoring"; } else if (wasDir(fs, revnum - 1, key, pool)) { qDebug() << current << "was a directory; ignoring"; } else if (change->change_kind == svn_fs_path_change_delete) { qDebug() << current << "is being deleted but I don't know anything about it; ignoring"; } else { qCritical() << current << "did not match any rules; cannot continue"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } revpool.clear(); if (transactions.isEmpty()) { printf("nothing to do\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; // no changes? } // now create the commit apr_hash_t *revprops; SVN_ERR(svn_fs_revision_proplist(&revprops, fs, revnum, pool)); svn_string_t *svnauthor = (svn_string_t*)apr_hash_get(revprops, "svn:author", APR_HASH_KEY_STRING); svn_string_t *svndate = (svn_string_t*)apr_hash_get(revprops, "svn:date", APR_HASH_KEY_STRING); svn_string_t *svnlog = (svn_string_t*)apr_hash_get(revprops, "svn:log", APR_HASH_KEY_STRING); QByteArray log = (char *)svnlog->data; QByteArray authorident = svnauthor ? identities.value((char *)svnauthor->data) : QByteArray(); time_t epoch = get_epoch((char*)svndate->data); if (authorident.isEmpty()) { if (!svnauthor || svn_string_isempty(svnauthor)) authorident = "nobody "; else authorident = svnauthor->data + QByteArray(" <") + svnauthor->data + QByteArray("@localhost>"); } foreach (Repository::Transaction *txn, transactions) { txn->setAuthor(authorident); txn->setDateTime(epoch); txn->setLog(log); txn->commit(); delete txn; } printf("done\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }