/* * This file is part of the vng project * Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Zander * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "CommandLineParser.h" #include #include #include #include #include CommandLineParser *CommandLineParser::self = 0; class CommandLineParser::Private { public: Private(int argc, char **argv); // functions void addDefinitions(const CommandLineOption * options); void setArgumentDefinition(const char *definition); void parse(); // variables; const int argumentCount; char ** const argumentStrings; bool dirty; int requiredArguments; QString argumentDefinition; struct OptionDefinition { OptionDefinition() : optionalParameters(0), requiredParameters(0) { } QString name; QString comment; QChar shortName; int optionalParameters; int requiredParameters; }; // result of what the user typed struct ParsedOption { QString option; QList parameters; }; QList definitions; QHash options; QList arguments; QList undefinedOptions; QList errors; }; CommandLineParser::Private::Private(int argc, char **argv) : argumentCount(argc), argumentStrings(argv), dirty(true), requiredArguments(0) { } void CommandLineParser::Private::addDefinitions(const CommandLineOption * options) { for (int i=0; options[i].specification != 0; i++) { OptionDefinition definition; QString option = QString::fromLatin1(options[i].specification); if (option.indexOf(QLatin1Char(',')) >= 0) { QStringList optionParts = option.split(QLatin1Char(','), QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (optionParts.count() != 2) { qWarning() << "option definition '" << option << "' is faulty; only one ',' allowed"; continue; } foreach (QString s, optionParts) { s = s.trimmed(); if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("--")) && s.length() > 2) definition.name = s.mid(2); else if (s.startsWith(QLatin1String("-")) && s.length() > 1) definition.shortName = s.at(1); else { qWarning() << "option definition '" << option << "' is faulty; the option should start with a -"; break; } } } else if (option.startsWith(QLatin1String("--")) && option.length() > 2) definition.name = option.mid(2); else qWarning() << "option definition '" << option << "' has unrecognized format. See the api docs for CommandLineParser for a howto"; if(definition.name.isEmpty()) continue; if (option.indexOf(QLatin1Char(' ')) > 0) { QStringList optionParts = definition.name.split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts); definition.name = optionParts[0]; bool first = true; foreach (QString s, optionParts) { if (first) { first = false; continue; } s = s.trimmed(); if (s[0].unicode() == '[' && s.endsWith(QLatin1Char(']'))) definition.optionalParameters++; else definition.requiredParameters++; } } definition.comment = QString::fromLatin1(options[i].description); definitions << definition; } /* foreach (OptionDefinition def, definitions) { qDebug() << "definition:" << (def.shortName != 0 ? def.shortName : QChar(32)) << "|" << def.name << "|" << def.comment << "|" << def.requiredParameters << "+" << def.optionalParameters; } */ dirty = true; } void CommandLineParser::Private::setArgumentDefinition(const char *defs) { requiredArguments = 0; argumentDefinition = QString::fromLatin1(defs); QStringList optionParts = argumentDefinition.split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts); bool inArg = false; foreach (QString s, optionParts) { s = s.trimmed(); if (s[0].unicode() == '<') { inArg = true; requiredArguments++; } else if (s[0].unicode() == '[') inArg = true; if (s.endsWith(QLatin1Char('>'))) inArg = false; else if (!inArg) requiredArguments++; } } void CommandLineParser::Private::parse() { if (dirty == false) return; errors.clear(); options.clear(); arguments.clear(); undefinedOptions.clear(); dirty = false; class OptionProcessor { public: OptionProcessor(Private *d) : clp(d) { } void next(Private::ParsedOption &option) { if (! option.option.isEmpty()) { // find the definition to match. OptionDefinition def; foreach (Private::OptionDefinition definition, clp->definitions) { if (definition.name == option.option) { def = definition; break; } } if (! def.name.isEmpty() && def.requiredParameters >= option.parameters.count() && def.requiredParameters + def.optionalParameters <= option.parameters.count()) clp->options.insert(option.option, option); else if (!clp->undefinedOptions.contains(option.option)) clp->undefinedOptions << option.option; else clp->errors.append(QLatin1String("Not enough arguments passed for option `") + option.option +QLatin1Char('\'')); } option.option.clear(); option.parameters.clear(); } private: CommandLineParser::Private *clp; }; OptionProcessor processor(this); bool optionsAllowed = true; ParsedOption option; OptionDefinition currentDefinition; for (int i = 1; i < argumentCount; i++) { QString arg = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argumentStrings[i]); if (optionsAllowed) { if (arg == QLatin1String("--")) { optionsAllowed = false; continue; } if (arg.startsWith(QLatin1String("--"))) { processor.next(option); int end = arg.indexOf(QLatin1Char('=')); option.option = arg.mid(2, end - 2); if (end > 0) option.parameters << arg.mid(end+1); continue; } if (arg[0].unicode() == '-' && arg.length() > 1) { for (int x = 1; x < arg.length(); x++) { bool resolved = false; foreach (OptionDefinition definition, definitions) { if (definition.shortName == arg[x]) { resolved = true; processor.next(option); currentDefinition = definition; option.option = definition.name; if (definition.requiredParameters == 1 && arg.length() >= x+2) { option.parameters << arg.mid(x+1, arg.length()); x = arg.length(); } break; } } if (!resolved) { // nothing found; copy char so it ends up in unrecognized option.option = arg[x]; processor.next(option); } } continue; } } if (! option.option.isEmpty()) { if (currentDefinition.name != option.option) { // find the definition to match. foreach (OptionDefinition definition, definitions) { if (definition.name == option.option) { currentDefinition = definition; break; } } } if (currentDefinition.requiredParameters + currentDefinition.optionalParameters <= option.parameters.count()) processor.next(option); } if (option.option.isEmpty()) arguments << arg; else option.parameters << arg; } processor.next(option); if (requiredArguments > arguments.count()) errors.append(QLatin1String("Not enough arguments, usage: ") + QString::fromLocal8Bit(argumentStrings[0]) + QLatin1Char(' ') + argumentDefinition); /* foreach (QString key, options.keys()) { ParsedOption p = options[key]; qDebug() << "-> " << p.option; foreach (QString v, p.parameters) qDebug() << " +" << v; } qDebug() << "---"; foreach (QString arg, arguments) { qDebug() << arg; } */ } // ----------------------------------- // static void CommandLineParser::init(int argc, char **argv) { if (self) delete self; self = new CommandLineParser(argc, argv); } // static void CommandLineParser::addOptionDefinitions(const CommandLineOption * optionList) { if (!self) { qWarning() << "CommandLineParser:: Use init before addOptionDefinitions!"; return; } self->d->addDefinitions(optionList); } // static CommandLineParser *CommandLineParser::instance() { return self; } // static void CommandLineParser::setArgumentDefinition(const char *definition) { if (!self) { qWarning() << "CommandLineParser:: Use init before addOptionDefinitions!"; return; } self->d->setArgumentDefinition(definition); } CommandLineParser::CommandLineParser(int argc, char **argv) : d(new Private(argc, argv)) { } CommandLineParser::~CommandLineParser() { delete d; } void CommandLineParser::usage(const QString &name, const QString &argumentDescription) { QTextStream cout(stdout, QIODevice::WriteOnly); cout << "Usage: " << d->argumentStrings[0]; if (! name.isEmpty()) cout << " " << name; if (d->definitions.count()) cout << " [OPTION]"; if (! argumentDescription.isEmpty()) cout << " " << argumentDescription; cout << endl << endl; if (d->definitions.count() > 0) cout << "Options:" << endl; int commandLength = 0; foreach (Private::OptionDefinition definition, d->definitions) commandLength = qMax(definition.name.length(), commandLength); foreach (Private::OptionDefinition definition, d->definitions) { cout << " "; if (definition.shortName == 0) cout << " --"; else cout << "-" << definition.shortName << " --"; cout << definition.name; for (int i = definition.name.length(); i <= commandLength; i++) cout << ' '; cout << definition.comment <parse(); return d->options.keys(); } bool CommandLineParser::contains(const QString & key) const { d->parse(); return d->options.contains(key); } QStringList CommandLineParser::arguments() const { d->parse(); return d->arguments; } QStringList CommandLineParser::undefinedOptions() const { d->parse(); return d->undefinedOptions; } QString CommandLineParser::optionArgument(const QString &optionName, const QString &defaultValue) const { QStringList answer = optionArguments(optionName); if (answer.isEmpty()) return defaultValue; return answer.first(); } QStringList CommandLineParser::optionArguments(const QString &optionName) const { if (! contains(optionName)) return QStringList(); Private::ParsedOption po = d->options[optionName]; return po.parameters; } QStringList CommandLineParser::parseErrors() const { d->parse(); return d->errors; }