[%- USE date(format='%Y/%m/%d') -%] [% config.sitename %] treasurer infos


This website provides some informations about Mageia.Org bank accounts status.


RSS feed [%- l = 3 -%] Last [% l %] donations received : See more about donations.

Accounts status

Expenses and revenues by category

Accounts history

RSS Feeds

Donations RSS Feed RSS feed

Transactions RSS Feed RSS feed


Mageia.Org accounts are managed using grisbi. For more details about Mageia.Org accounts, you can download this file, and open it with grisbi.

If you want to receive an email notification when it is updated, you can subscribe to the treasurer-commits mailing list.


For any question related to Mageia.Org accounts or donations you can send an email to treasurer@mageia.org.

Source code

Source code for the tools used to generate this website is available on Mageia svn repository :

$ svn co svn://svn.mageia.org/svn/soft/mga-treasurer/trunk/ mga-treasurer

Last update: [% date.format(last_update, format => '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') %]