package MGATools::iso; use strict; use Digest::MD5; require Exporter; use URPM; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(include_md5); our ($INFO_OFFSET, $SIZE_OFFSET, $SKIP); $INFO_OFFSET = 883; $SIZE_OFFSET = 84; $SKIP = 15; =head1 NAME Mageia iso tools =head1 SYNOPSYS require MGATools::iso; =head1 DESCRIPTION <MGATools::iso> includes Mageia iso tools. =head1 SEE ALSO mkcd =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004 Mandriva <> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =head1 CREDITS md5 code highly inspired from Redhat anaconda md5 in ISO code =cut # function copied from Mkcd::Tools # TODO must add some check of maximum authorized size sub include_md5 { my ($iso, $write, $verbose) = @_; my $ISO; if ($write) { open $ISO, "+<$iso" or return "ERROR include_md5: unable to open $iso ($!)\n"; } else { open $ISO, $iso or return "ERROR include_md5: unable to open $iso ($!)\n"; } binmode $ISO; my $offset = 16*2048; # blank header seek $ISO, $offset, 0; my ($buf, $msg); while (1) { read $ISO,$buf,2048; my $c = ord $buf; last if $c == 1; return "ERROR include_md5: could not find primary volume descriptor\n" if $c == 255; $offset += 2048 } my $size = ((ord substr $buf, $SIZE_OFFSET, 1) * 0x1000000 + (ord substr $buf, $SIZE_OFFSET + 1, 1) * 0x10000 + (ord substr $buf, $SIZE_OFFSET + 2, 1) * 0x100 + (ord substr $buf, $SIZE_OFFSET + 3, 1)) * 2048; my ($system, $volume, $publisher, $prep, $app) = map { $a = $_ ; $a =~ s/^\s*//; $a =~ s/\s*$//; $a } (substr($buf, 8, 22), substr($buf, 30, 40), substr($buf, 318, 128), substr($buf, 446, 32), substr($buf, 574, 128)); print "include_md5:\nSystem: \t$system\nVolume: \t$volume\nPublisher: \t$publisher\nData preparer: \t$prep\nApplication: \t$app\nISO size: \t$size\n" if $verbose; seek $ISO, $offset + $INFO_OFFSET, 0; read $ISO, $buf,512; my ($md5sum) = $buf =~ /.md5 = (\S+)/; $msg .= "include_md5: previous data $buf\n"; seek $ISO, 0, 0; my $md5 = new Digest::MD5; my $read = read $ISO, $buf, $offset + $INFO_OFFSET; $md5->add($buf); seek $ISO, 512, 1; $read += 512; $|=1; my $val = int $size/2048/100; $verbose and print "\rReading: 0 %"; my ($i, $j); # skip last $SKIP bytes that sometimes are not correctly burned by some drives my $n = 1; while ($n && $read < $size - $SKIP * 2048) { $n = read $ISO, $buf,2048; print "\rReading: ", $j++, " %" if ($verbose && !($i++ % $val)); $md5->add($buf); $read += $n; } print "\n"; my $digest = $md5->hexdigest; $msg .= "include_md5: computed md5 $digest\n"; my $res = $md5sum eq $digest; if ($md5sum) { $msg .= "include_md5: previous md5 $md5sum\ninclude_md5: md5sum check "; $msg .= $res ? "OK\n" : "FAILED\n" } print $msg if $verbose; $write or return $res; seek $ISO, $offset + $INFO_OFFSET, 0; my $str = substr "$volume.md5 = $digest", 0, 512; my $l = length $str; print $ISO ($l > 512 ? substr $str, -1, 512 : $str . ' ' x (512 - $l)); close $ISO } 1