package MGA::Advisories; use warnings; use strict; use YAML qw(LoadFile DumpFile Load); use Template; use DateTime; use Email::Sender::Simple qw(try_to_sendmail); use Email::Simple; use Email::Simple::Creator; use LWP::UserAgent; use File::Basename; #use Data::Dump qw(dd); our $config_file = '/usr/share/mga-advisories/config'; our $config = LoadFile($ENV{MGAADV_CONF} || $config_file); our $home_config_file = $ENV{HOME} . '/.mga-advisories/mga-advisories.conf'; my $custom_config_file = -f $home_config_file ? $home_config_file : '/etc/mga-advisories.conf'; my $custom_config = LoadFile($custom_config_file); foreach my $k (keys %$custom_config) { $config->{$k} = $custom_config->{$k}; } my %basename = ( CVE => sub { $_[0] }, ID => sub { $_[0] }, rel => sub { $_[0] }, src => sub { 'src_' . $_[0] }, ); my %tools = ( pkgname => sub { $_[0] =~ m/(.+)-[^-]+-[^-]+/; $1; }, ); my @report_logs; sub report_log { push @report_logs, @_; } sub report_exit { report_log($_[0]); send_report({ error => $_[0] }); exit 1; } sub status_file { $config->{status_dir} . '/' . $_[0]; } sub save_status { my ($advdb, $adv) = @_; my $statusfile = status_file($adv); DumpFile($statusfile, $advdb->{advisories}{$adv}{status}); } sub get_advisories_from_dir { my %advisories; foreach my $advfile (glob "$config->{advisories_dir}/*.adv") { my $adv = LoadFile($advfile); next unless $adv->{ID}; report_exit("Duplicate advisory $adv->{ID}") if $advisories{$adv->{ID}}; report_exit("Unknown type $adv->{type}") unless $config->{advisory_types}{$adv->{type}}; $advisories{$adv->{ID}} = $adv; my $statusfile = status_file($adv->{ID}); $adv->{status} = -f $statusfile ? LoadFile($statusfile) : {}; } return \%advisories; } sub next_id { my $prefix = shift; my $year = DateTime->now->year; my $newid = (0, sort map { m/^$prefix-$year-(\d+)$/ ? int $1 : () } @_)[-1] + 1; return sprintf("%s-%s-%.4d", $prefix, $year, $newid); } sub assign_id { my ($bugnum) = @_; my $advfile = "$config->{advisories_dir}/$bugnum.adv"; my $adv = LoadFile($advfile); if ($adv->{ID}) { print STDERR "$bugnum already has an ID assigned: $adv->{ID}\n"; return; } my $type = $config->{advisory_types}{$adv->{type}}{prefix}; if (!$type) { print STDERR "Unknow type $adv->{type}\n"; return; } $adv->{ID} = next_id($type, keys %{get_advisories_from_dir()}); open(my $fh, '>>', $advfile) or die "Error opening $advfile"; print $fh "ID: $adv->{ID}\n"; close $fh; print "Assigned ID $adv->{ID} to advisory $bugnum\n"; } sub advdb_dumpfile { $config->{advdb_dumpfile} || $ENV{HOME} . '/.mga-advisories/advisories.yaml'; } sub get_advisories_from_dump { my $advfile = advdb_dumpfile; return -f $advfile ? LoadFile($advfile) : {}; } sub get_advisories { return $config->{mode} eq 'dump' ? get_advisories_from_dump : get_advisories_from_dir; } sub download_advisories { my $oldadvisories = get_advisories_from_dump; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $resp = $ua->get($config->{dump_url}); die "Error loading $config->{dump_url}" unless $resp->is_success; my $newadvisories = Load($resp->decoded_content); my @newadv = grep { ! $oldadvisories->{$_} } keys %$newadvisories; if (@newadv) { my %n; my @v = @{$newadvisories}{@newadv}; @n{@newadv} = @v; print "New advisories have been downloaded :\n"; listadv({advisories => \%n}); } else { print "No new advisories available\n"; } if (!-d dirname(advdb_dumpfile)) { mkdir dirname(advdb_dumpfile) || die "Error creating directory " . dirname(advdb_dumpfile); } open(my $fh, '>', advdb_dumpfile) || die "Could not open " . advdb_dumpfile; print $fh $resp->decoded_content; close $fh; } sub publish_advisories { my ($advdb) = @_; foreach my $adv (keys %{$advdb->{advisories}}) { next if $advdb->{advisories}{$adv}{status}{published}; $advdb->{advisories}{$adv}{status}{published} = $advdb->{advisories}{$adv}{pubtime} || time(); save_status($advdb, $adv); } } sub adv_sort { my $advdb = shift; sort { my $now = time; my $pa = $advdb->{advisories}{$a}{status}{published} || $now; my $pb = $advdb->{advisories}{$b}{status}{published} || $now; return $pa == $pb ? $b cmp $a : $pb cmp $pa; } @_; } sub sort_advisories { my ($advdb) = @_; foreach my $adv (keys %{$advdb->{advisories}}) { push @{$advdb->{by_type}{$advdb->{advisories}{$adv}{type}}}, $adv; foreach my $cve (@{$advdb->{advisories}{$adv}{CVE}}) { push @{$advdb->{by_cve}{$cve}}, $adv; } foreach my $rel (keys %{$advdb->{advisories}{$adv}{src}}) { push @{$advdb->{by_rel}{$rel}}, $adv; foreach my $media (keys %{$advdb->{advisories}{$adv}{src}{$rel}}) { push @{$advdb->{by_media}{$media}}, $adv; my %pkgs; foreach my $srpm (@{$advdb->{advisories}{$adv}{src}{$rel}{$media}}) { my $pkgname = $tools{pkgname}->($srpm); push @{$advdb->{by_src}{$pkgname}}, $adv unless grep { $_ eq $adv } @{$advdb->{by_src}{$pkgname}}; } } } } foreach my $by ('by_type', 'by_cve', 'by_rel', 'by_media', 'by_src') { foreach my $k (keys %{$advdb->{$by}}) { $advdb->{$by}{$k} = [ adv_sort($advdb, @{$advdb->{$by}{$k}}) ]; } } $advdb->{sorted} = [ adv_sort($advdb, keys %{$advdb->{advisories}}) ]; } sub process_template { my ($template, $src, $vars, $dest, $ext) = @_; foreach my $extension ($ext ? $ext : @{$config->{output_format}}) { next unless -f "$config->{tmpl_dir}/$src.$extension"; $template->process("$src.$extension", $vars, ref $dest ? $dest : "$dest.$extension") || die $template->error, "\n"; } } sub output_pages { my ($advdb) = @_; my $template = Template->new( INCLUDE_PATH => $config->{tmpl_dir}, OUTPUT_PATH => $config->{out_dir}, ); foreach my $adv (keys %{$advdb->{advisories}}) { my $vars = { config => $config, advisory => $adv, advdb => $advdb, basename => \%basename, tools => \%tools, }; process_template($template, 'advisory', $vars, $basename{ID}->($adv)); } foreach my $by (['rel', 'by_rel'], ['CVE', 'by_cve'], ['src', 'by_src']) { foreach my $r (keys %{$advdb->{$by->[1]}}) { my $vars = { config => $config, $by->[0] => $r, advdb => $advdb, basename => \%basename, tools => \%tools, }; process_template($template, $by->[1], $vars, $basename{$by->[0]}->($r)); } } my $vars = { config => $config, advdb => $advdb, basename => \%basename, tools => \%tools, }; process_template($template, 'index', $vars, 'index'); process_template($template, 'advisories', $vars, 'advisories'); process_template($template, 'CVE', $vars, 'CVE'); } sub send_adv_mail { my ($advdb) = @_; return unless $config->{send_adv_mail} eq 'yes'; return unless $config->{mode} eq 'site'; my $template = Template->new( INCLUDE_PATH => $config->{tmpl_dir}, ); foreach my $adv (keys %{$advdb->{advisories}}) { next if $advdb->{advisories}{$adv}{status}{mail_sent}; my $mailcontent; my $vars = { config => $config, advisory => $adv, advdb => $advdb, basename => \%basename, tools => \%tools, }; process_template($template, 'advisory', $vars, \$mailcontent, 'txt'); my $email = Email::Simple->create( header => [ To => $config->{adv_mail_to}, From => $config->{adv_mail_from}, Subject => "$adv: " . $advdb->{advisories}{$adv}{subject}, ], body => $mailcontent ); if (try_to_sendmail($email)) { report_log("Advisory mail for $adv sent"); $advdb->{advisories}{$adv}{status}{mail_sent} = time(); save_status($advdb, $adv); } else { report_log("Error sending advisory mail $adv"); } } } sub send_report { my ($advdb) = @_; return unless @report_logs; my $template = Template->new( INCLUDE_PATH => $config->{tmpl_dir}, ); my $reportcontent; my $vars = { config => $config, advdb => $advdb, report_logs => \@report_logs, }; process_template($template, 'report', $vars, \$reportcontent, 'txt'); if ($config->{send_report_mail} eq 'yes' && $config->{mode} eq 'site') { my $email = Email::Simple->create( header => [ To => $config->{report_mail_to}, From => $config->{report_mail_from}, Subject => $advdb->{error} ? 'Advisories Error' : 'Advisories Update', ], body => $reportcontent ); try_to_sendmail($email); } else { print $reportcontent; } } sub dumpdb { my ($advdb) = @_; DumpFile($config->{out_dir} . '/advisories.yaml', $advdb->{advisories}); } sub newadv { my ($type, $bugnum) = @_; my $file = $config->{advisories_dir} . '/' . $bugnum . '.adv'; if (-f $file) { print STDERR "File $file already exists\n"; return undef; } my $template = Template->new( INCLUDE_PATH => $config->{tmpl_dir}, OUTPUT_PATH => $config->{advisories_dir}, ); my $vars = { type => $type, bugnum => $bugnum, }; process_template($template, 'newadvisory', $vars, $bugnum, 'adv'); return $file; } sub listadv { my ($advdb) = @_; print map { "$_ . $advdb->{advisories}{$_}{subject}\n" } adv_sort($advdb, keys %{$advdb->{advisories}}); } sub showadv { my ($advdb, $adv) = @_; if (!$advdb->{advisories}{$adv}) { print STDERR "Cannot find advisory $adv\n"; return undef; } my $template = Template->new( INCLUDE_PATH => $config->{tmpl_dir}, ); my $vars = { config => $config, advisory => $adv, advdb => $advdb, basename => \%basename, tools => \%tools, }; my $advtxt; process_template($template, 'advisory', $vars, \$advtxt, 'txt'); print $advtxt; } 1;