Version 0.27 - template: change default dist and dist-suffix for Mageia 9 - template: change default CVE year to 2023 Version 0.26 - Report the broken file rather than exploding when an advisory is invalid - template: change default dist and dist-suffix for Mageia 8 - template: change default CVE year to 2021 Version 0.25 - template: change default dist and dist-suffix for Mageia 7 - template: change default CVE year to 2019 Version 0.24 - template: change default dist and dist-suffix for Mageia 6 - template: change default CVE year to 2017 - MGA/ Reset 'advisory' keyword instead of 'validated_update' for invalid advisories Version 0.23 - template: also change dist-suffix from mga4 to mga5 Version 0.22 - template: change default release to Mageia 5 now that Mageia 4 is EOL - template: assume SRPM with multiple binary packages as it's often the case (plural in default title) - Add functions useful to generate update descriptions Version 0.21 - add a [name] argument to mgaadv new to prefill package name - prefill subject in new advisories Version 0.20 - print out bug link when assigning IDs - add support for posting to bugzilla during ID assignment if cross checks fail - add publishall option to process all pending advisories - fix bugnum regexp for '12345.mga4' type advisory names - add check to highlight that the first reference must be the MGA advisory bug Version 0.19 - check that SRPMs exist when publishing updates - add ability to commit advisories automatically after publishing ID - add a sleep when delivering mails to attempt to force ordering Version 0.18 - close bugs automatically when processing advisories - perform some cross checks on bugzilla when publishing advisories Version 0.17 - add a new tools to actually move the advisories - process publication and emails in advisory ID order - fix perl warning when incomplete SRPM is used Version 0.16 - move advisories to index, and infos to a separate page - add menu to filter advisories list - infos.html: update sources URL (svn -> git) Version 0.15 - correctly encode html in rss feed Version 0.14 - set ENCODING when creating templates Version 0.13 - set template output to utf8 - allow specifying .adv extension with the publish command Version 0.12 - add stylesheet and mageia navigation bar Version 0.11 - fix next free id assignement Version 0.10 - add CVE links in references - set defaults for send_adv_mail and send_report_mail Version 0.9 - don't save status for unpublished advisories - fix display of publication date - list command now accept filters to filter results Version 0.8 - add 'no_mail' option in advisory file to disable advisory mail Version 0.7 - list unpublished advisories when mode is set to 'qa' - add 'nextid' and 'publish' commands to assign an ID to an advisory file Version 0.6 - Fix hash which was not dereferenced Version 0.5 - add 'new' command to add a new advisory - add 'list' command to list advisories - add 'show' command to show an advisory - load config from home directory if file exists - add option to load advisories db from a file dump instead of a directory - add 'update' command to download new advisories db - add 'initqaconf' command to initialize config for QA team members - add RSS feeds Version 0.4 - advisory.{html,txt}: don't add a CVE line when there is no CVE Version 0.3 - add file tmpl/CVE.html, missed in previous version Version 0.2 - add advisories html pages - add advisories pages by CVE, release, source package - add CVE list page Version 0.1 - first version