# Regexes to match against the build log $bug_matches = { "com\\.sun\\.tools\\.javac\\.Main is not on the classpath" => "err_javacmissing", # e.g. gnu-getopt "Unable to find a javac compiler" => "err_javacmissing", # e.g. fmj "role: org\\.apache\\.maven\\.Maven" => "err_maven", # e.g. XmlSchema "required file './depcomp' not found" => "err_depcomp", # e.g. admesh "depcomp: No such file or directory" => "err_depcomp", # e.g. asteroids3D "aclocal-1.\\d+: command not found" => "err_oldautoconf", # e.g. argtable2 "Empty %files file.*\\.debugfiles.list" => "err_debuglist", # e.g. kon2 "Empty %files file.*\\.lang" => "err_findlang", "Installed \\(but unpackaged\\) file\\(s\\) found" => "err_unpackagedfile", # e.g. flvtool2 "^ File not found:" => "err_packagedfilemissing", "SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'." => "err_python3", # e.g. pyzy "ERROR: ambiguous python shebang" => "err_python3", # e.g. scid "%py2_build" => "err_python3", # e.g. obapps "python2: No such file or directory" => "err_python3", # e.g. python-pyexcelerator "libtool: compile: unable to infer tagged configuration" => "err_libtool", # e.g. mcal "XMvn was unable to resolve artifact" => "err_javadep", # e.g. mnemonicsetter "\\[ERROR\\] *Cannot satisfy dependency:" => "err_javadep", # e.g. eclipse-cdt "unresolved dependency: .*: not found" => "err_javadep", # e.g. sbt "-unsafe-string is not available." => "err_ocamlunsafestring", # e.g. mp3packer "multiple definition of" => "err_multipledefinition", "scalar and rank-1" => "err_fortranscalarandrank", }