path: root/bugscan.rb
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add err_conflictstrl and err_implicitdeclHEADmasterDan Fandrich2024-04-011-0/+3
* Add err_stdincludeDan Fandrich2024-03-271-0/+1
* Add err_egginfomissinguser/danf/bugscanDan Fandrich2022-08-071-1/+2
* Add err_mountcompatDan Fandrich2022-08-071-1/+5
* Fix detection regex for err_dynamicexceptionDan Fandrich2022-07-191-1/+1
* Add err_literalformatDan Fandrich2022-07-191-0/+2
* Add some common recent errors to bugscanDan Fandrich2022-03-111-0/+5
* Add sbt missing dependency detection.Dan Fandrich2020-05-151-0/+1
* Detect dome of the GCC 10.1 problemsPascal Terjan2020-05-101-0/+2
* Add a few more common build problem attributes.Dan Fandrich2020-04-251-0/+3
* Add rust & fix C# detection and add a few more detected bugs.Dan Fandrich2020-04-161-0/+2
* Add a few common mga8 issues to bugscan.Dan Fandrich2020-03-261-0/+3
* Add scanning of build logs looking for known bugsDan Fandrich2020-03-261-0/+13