/* $Id$ */ /* */ var isRemoteAvail = false; /* Remote web site */ var remoteweb = 'http://start.mandriva.com/'; /* Display a warning message on parent document in specific element if available. @param text string to display @param color text color @param background background color @return boolean */ /* function parentMessage( text, color, background ) { var p = parent.window.document.getElementById('status'); if( p == null ) return false; p.style.display = 'none'; if( text == '' ) return true; p.innerHTML = text; p.style.color = color; p.style.background = background; p.style.display = 'block'; return true; } */ /* Redirect parent document to available remote web site with the current language code. @return boolean */ function actOnline() { var lang = null; try { lang = parent.window.document.documentElement.attributes.getNamedItem('lang').value; } catch( e ) { return false; } finally { } if( lang != null ) remoteweb += '?l='+lang; parent.location = remoteweb; //parentMessage('You are online. Go to '+remoteweb+'','#006000','#aaff99'); return true; } /* If the remote website is not available. @return boolean */ function actOffline() { //parentMessage('You are offline...','#a00000','#ffaa88'); //TODO write in ? return true; } function bodyLoad() { if( isRemoteAvail ) { actOnline(); } else { actOffline(); } } function imgLoad() { isRemoteAvail = true; } function imgError() { isRemoteAvail = false; } window.alert = function() {} //parentMessage( 'Mandriva...', '#000' ); /* */