path: root/HTML/index-uz.html
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1 files changed, 62 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/HTML/index-uz.html b/HTML/index-uz.html
index de81fd7..41ca019 100644
--- a/HTML/index-uz.html
+++ b/HTML/index-uz.html
@@ -14,16 +14,17 @@
<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/fleche-s.png" alt=">" width="7" height="10">&nbsp;
-<a class="top" href="" title="All you need to know about Mandrake Linux">Mandrake Linux</a>&nbsp;
-<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/carre-gris.png" alt="*" width="7" height="10" align="MIDDLE" >&nbsp;
+<a class="top" href="">MandrakeSoft</a>&nbsp;
+<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/carre-gris.png" alt="Products and Services" width="7" height="10" align="MIDDLE" >&nbsp;
<a class="top" href="">MandrakeStore</a>&nbsp;
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+<a class="top" href="" title="All you need to know about Mandrake Linux">Mandrake Linux</a>&nbsp;
+<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/carre-gris.png" alt="*" width="7" height="10" align="MIDDLE" >&nbsp;
<a class="top" href="">MandrakeClub</a>&nbsp;
<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/carre-gris.png" alt="*" width="7" height="10" align="MIDDLE" >&nbsp;
<a class="top" href="">MandrakeExpert</a>&nbsp;
<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/carre-gris.png" alt="*" width="7" height="10" align="MIDDLE" >&nbsp;
-<a class="top" href="" title="Learn Linux with Mandrake">MandrakeCampus</a>&nbsp;
-<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/carre-gris.png" alt="*" width="7" height="10" align="MIDDLE" >&nbsp;
<a href="" class="top">MandrakeBizcases</a>&nbsp;
<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/carre-gris.png" alt="*" width="7" height="10" align="MIDDLE" >&nbsp;
<a class="top" href="">MandrakeForum</a>&nbsp;
@@ -49,12 +50,18 @@
<table width="90%" border="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
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<td class="text">
- <p>
- O'rganuvchilar va ekspertlar uchun ideal Operasion Sistema bo'lgan Mandrake Linux-dan foydalanayotganingiz bilan Sizni tabriklaymiz. Biz umid qilamizki u Sizning barcha talablaringizga javob beradi. Mandrake Linux haqida ko'proq ma'lumotga ega bo'lish uchun <a href="">qo'llanmalarni o'qish</a> va sistemangizni oldingi o'rinlarda saqlab turish uchun eng oxirgi <a href="">xafvsizlikga doir yangilanishlardan</a> xabardor bo'lib turish esingizdan chiqmasin.
+ <p align="justify">
+ <b>Mandrake Linux'ni tanlaganingiz bilan Sizni tabriklaymiz!</b> Biz Linux'ning bor kuchini Sizning ish stolingizga to'playmiz va Sizga o'zimizning mashhur "foydalanuvchiga juda qulay" uslubimizni ham taqdim etamiz -- umid qilamizki bu Sizning barcha talablaringizga javob beradi. Maxsus takliflardan, alohida imtiyozlardan to'liq foydalanish uchun va Sizning Mandrake sistemangiz uchun yuzlab yuqori sifatli dasturlardan foydalanish huquqiga ega bo'lish uchun <a href="">MandrakeClub</a>'ga a'zo bo'lishingizni biz tavsiya qilamiz.
+<p align="justify">
+<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/arrow.png" valign="center">
+ Rasmiy mahsulotlar va xizmatlar <a href=""></a>'da mavjud. Butun dunyoga tarqalgan Mandrake Linux loyihasiga o'z ixtiyoringiz bilan hissa qo'shish uchun <a href=""></a> bilan bog'laning.
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+<a href=""><img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/safari_logo.png" width="80" height="50" align="right" valign="center" border="0"></a><img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/arrow.png" valign="center">
+Mandrake Linux haqida ko'proq ma'lumotga ega bo'lish uchun <a href="">qo'llanmalarni o'qish</a> esingizdan chiqmasin. Shuningdek, biz <a href=""></a> orqali barcha loyihalaringiz uchun minglab texnik adabiyotlarni taqdim qilamiz.
-<b>MandrakeOnline</b>: Sistemangizni xafvzsizlikga va dasturlarga doir yangilanishlar bilan osongina ta'minlash uchun MandrakeSoft-ning <a href="">internet xizmatlari</a> bilan tanishing.
+<p align="justify">
+<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/arrow.png" valign="center">
+MandrakeSoft yuqori darajali raqobat bardosh axbarot texnologiyalarini va ular bilan bog'liq bo'lgan xizmatlarni juda qiziqtiradigan narxlarda biznes uchun taqdim qiladi. Barcha IT talablaringizga Siz bizning <a href="">biznes taklifimizda</a> javob topasiz.
@@ -75,9 +82,9 @@
<table width="90%" border="0" align="center">
- <td width="31%" align="center">
+ <td width="31%" align="center">
-<b>Mandrake-ning foydali saytlari</b>
+<b>Mandrake'ning foydali saytlari</b>
<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
@@ -97,62 +104,73 @@
<td valign="top" width="31%">
<p class="text">
-<a href="">MandrakeExpert</a> Sizga yordam beradi</p>
+<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/arrow.png" valign="center">
+Yordam kerakmi? Uni <a href="">MandrakeStore</a>'dan sotib oling yoki Mandrake Linux paketingizni <a href="">ro'yxatdan o'tkazing</a>, kegin <a href="">MandrakeExpert</a> orqali yordam oling!</p>
<p class="text">
-<a href="">MandrakeCampus</a> bilan Linuxni o'rganing
+<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/arrow.png" valign="center">
+<a href="">MandrakeStore</a>'dan MandakeSoft'ning eng so'nggi mahsulotlarini sotib oling.
<p class="text">
-<a href="">MandrakeStore</a>-dan Mandake-ning eng so'nggi mahsulotlarini sotib oling</font>
-<p class="text">
-<a href="">MandrakeBizCases</a> bilan Mandrake-dan biznesda foydalaning
-<p class="text">
-<a href="">MandrakeClub</a>
-<p class="text">
-Distributivingizga <a href="">pul qo'ying</a>
+<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/arrow.png" valign="center">
+<a href="">MandrakeClub</a>'ga a'zo bo'lib keng sohadagi imtiyozlardan foydalaning va Mandrake Linux'ning rivojlanishini oshirishga yordam bering.
<td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
- <td valign="top" width="31%">
-<p class="text">
-<a href="">MandrakeSoft yangiliklari</a>
-<p class="text">
-<a href="">MandrakeForum</a>-dagi muhokamalar
-<p class="text">
-<a href="">Mandrake mahsulotlari</a> haqida yangiliklar
+ <td valign="middle" width="31%">
<p class="text">
-<a href="">Slashdot</a>
+<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/arrow.png" valign="center">
+Eng oxirgi <a href=""> MandrakeSoft yangiliklarini</a> o'qing.
<p class="text">
-<a href="">Linux Today</a>
+<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/arrow.png" valign="center">
+MandrakeSoft haqida <a href="">moliyaviy ma'lumotni</a> oling.
<p class="text">
-<a href="">Linux Weekly News</a>
+<img src="/usr/share/mdk/indexhtml/arrow.png" valign="center"> Boshqa:
+<a href="">Slashdot</a>,
+<a href="">LinuxToday</a>,
+<a href="">Linux Weekly News</a>,
+<a href="">NewsForge</a>,
+<a href="">DesktopLinux</a>,
+<a href="">Open For Business</a>
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+<b>Aloqa qilib turing!</b> Eng oxirgi Mandrake yangiliklari haqida doim xabardor bo'ling:<br>
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-Dasturlar bo'yicha patent haqida <a href="">ma'lumot</a>
-<p class="text">
-<a href="">Linux ishqibozlarining birlashmasi</a>
- </td>
+<a href="">Linux O'zbekcha gapiradi</a>
@@ -258,7 +276,7 @@ alt="Catalan" border=0></a>
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@@ -292,4 +310,3 @@ alt="Catalan" border=0></a>