Deprecated - It's Done! boot dual-bootThere you are. The installation is now complete and your GNU/Linux system is ready to be used. Just click on Reboot to restart the system. Don't forget to remove the installation media (CD-ROM or floppy). The first thing you should see after your computer has finished doing its hardware tests is the bootloader menu, which allows you to choose between the OSes your system can boot.
Advanced Options The Advanced button shows more buttons to: floppy auto-install Generate auto-install floppy: enables you to create an installation floppy disk which will automatically perform a whole installation, similar to the one just finished, without the help of an operator. Note that two different options are available after clicking on that button: installationreplay Replay. This is a partially automated installation. The partitioning step is the only interactive procedure. installation automated Automated. Fully automated installation: the hard disk is completely rewritten, all data is lost. This feature is very handy when installing on a number of similar machines. See the Auto install section on our web site for more information. installation save package selection Save package selectionIf you chose to save on a floppy, you will need a FAT-formatted floppy. To create one under GNU/Linux, type mformat a: or, as root, fdformat /dev/fd0 followed by mkfs.vfat /dev/fd0.: saves a list of the packages selected in this installation. The following screen shows you the possible media to use to save the package list onto: you might need to fill some parameters when you click on the Next button. To use this selection of packages with another installation, perform the installation as usual up to the point of the package selection, and choose to select individual packages, without worrying about the current package selection. Use the floppy icon and select the Load option. Then choose the medium which contains the package list. Finally click OK: the list of packages you loaded will be selected and be installed.