Deprecated - Choosing Mount Points Listed here are the existing Linux partitions detected on your hard drive. You can keep the choices made by the wizard, since they are good for most common installations. If you make any changes, you must at least define a root partitionpartitions rootroot partition (/). Do not choose too small a partition or you will not be able to install enough software. In most cases it is best to also create a /home partition, to store your data on (only possible if you have more than one Linux partition available). Each partition is listed as follows: "Device", "Capacity", "Mount point","Type". "Device", is structured: "hard drive type", "hard drive number", "partition number" (for example, "sda5"). When the mount points are correct, or corrected, click Next. You'll then be given the choice to format one or more of the partitions you just chose to install Mageia on. Usually, formatting / and saving /home (if the same partition was your /home before), is a good choice.