Média pro síťovou instalaci
Popis Tato malá ISO obsahují: less than 120 MB and are convenient if bandwidth is too low to download a full DVD, or if you have a PC without a DVD drive or unable to boot from a USB stick. no more than that which is needed to (a) start the DrakX installer and (b) find DrakX-installer-stage2 and other packages that are needed to continue and complete the install. The required source packages may be on a PC hard disk, a local drive, a local network or on the Internet.
Dostupnost Dostupné jsou dvě verze médií síťové instalace: Pro ty, kteří dávají přednost svobodnému software, je tu netinstall.iso. netinstall-nonfree.iso obsahuje navíc proprietární ovladače, které mohou být vyžadovány pro správnou funkci síťových karet, disků a podobně. Obě verze jsou dostupné v 32bitové i 64bitové verzi na adrese https://www.mageia.org/downloads/
Příprava Po stažení obrazu jej vypalte na CD/DVD. Pokud upřednostňujete USB disk, postupujte dle tohoto návodu: https://wiki.mageia.cz/instalace-live_usb
Fáze instalace Instalace se provede ve dvou fázích: Stage 1 This is the pre-Installation stage. You will need to provide the method and details for accessing the medium containing the files to be used for the installation. If the method involves a server, then the network connection will be activated. This network can be a WiFi connection with WEP or WPA2 encryption (though please be mindful of the Warning below regarding keyboard input). Stage 2 This is the actual Installation stage, which will automatically commence once a connection to the installer files has been established. During Stage 1, nothing will be written to your Hard Disk, so it is safe to quit at any point during Stage 1 if you wish. You can do so by pressing CtrlAltDel. Pro čtení logů můžete použít AltF3 a AltF1 pro návrat na instalační obrazovku. Unlike when installing from DVD or LiveCD, you will be asked to type things during the first part of a Network installation (Stage 1). Throughout this stage, however, your keyboard will operate as per an American keyboard layout. Please bear this in mind to avoid confusion when entering things like names and paths etc.