#!/bin/bash # turn tracing on with /bin/bash -x # # Check for translation work by checking out / updating from GIT, SVN and # displaying the project name when your language.po has fuzzy strings or # empty string messages. Also useful for translation of web pages. # # Filip Komar, 2012, 2013 # Remco Rijnders, 2012 # $Id: check_for_translation_work.sh 2013-11-01 22:19:00 UTC filip $ # # Please see git for a list of changes to this script. # # More information about this script is in README file. if [ -f ~/.mageia-i18n-config ]; then source ~/.mageia-i18n-config else cat > ~/.mageia-i18n-config << "EOF" # Please change the below values to match your needs: language_code=xx # Where to put the files from repositories and your working directory, # please make sure those directories exist before running the script!!! svn_directory="/home/user/Mageia/i18n/svn" git_directory="/home/user/Mageia/i18n/git" # added after git transition working_translations_directory="/home/user/Mageia/i18n/translations" # choose svn method: # 1. anonymous (no commit access) svn_method="svn://" # 2. public ssh key svn access. Remember to upload it to identity! # Otherwise it will prompt you for password everytime for every resource. #svn_method="svn+ssh://" # The following lines can be changed if you desire, but this is # not needed to properly use this script. # set checking syntax of po files with 1 check_po_syntax=1 # set copying of po files with 1 copying_po=1 # uncomment next line to exclude copying of desktop files #copying_desktop_files=no # uncomment next line to exclude work on software desktop files resources #work_on_docs_and_tools=no # uncomment next line to exclude work on software desktop files resources #work_on_desktop_files=no # uncomment next line to exclude work on unofficial software resources #work_on_unofficial=no # uncomment next line to exclude work on html software resources #work_on_html_software_files=no # uncomment next line to exclude all work on web pages translation #work_on_web_pages_translation=no # set copying of web page files with 1 copying_wp=1 # uncomment next line to exclude work on software resources for mageia 3 #work_on_mga3=no # ADVANCED SETTINGS # set checking syntax of pot files with 1 check_pot_syntax=0 # set copying options (-i: interactive, -v: verbose, -u: update, -r: recursive) copy_options="-ivur" # choose log filename log_filename="updated_translations_in_git" log_directory="$git_directory" logfile="$git_directory/$log_filename" # switch of logging by uncommenting the following line #logfile="/dev/null" # checkout whole website www.mageia.org and mognase navigation checkout_whole_website=0 # set searching for new *.pot files in svn with 1 searching_for_new_pot_files_in_svn=0 # whether to look for new versions of the script and list of translatable resources check_updates=1 # red color for differences from last time (green 32, blue 34) color_for_differences=31 # uncomment next line to show log with differences from last run #stop_showing_differences_from_last_run=yes # uncomment next line to prevent creation of working copy of po file #create_a_working_copy_of_po_file=no EOF echo -e "\E[31m" echo "This script has not been configured yet for you. A template" echo "configuration file named .mageia-i18n-config has been made in your" echo "home directory. Please edit it according to your needs and remember" echo "to create apropriate directories before running this script again." echo echo "For more information about this script please read README file." echo -e "\E[m" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$git_directory" ]; then echo -e "\E[31m" echo "Please first set git_directory variable in your configuration file" echo "named .mageia-i18n-config in your home directory before running" echo "this script again." echo -e "\E[m" exit 2 fi # save pwd to saved_dir saved_dir=$(pwd) if [ -f "$logfile"_this_run.log ]; then mv "$logfile"_this_run.log "$logfile"_previous_run.log fi separator="-----------------------------------------------------" if [ -z "$work_on_web_pages_translation" ]; then # Check if directories exist and create them if not if [ ! -d "$svn_directory" ]; then mkdir -vp "$svn_directory/" # | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi fi if [ ! -d "$git_directory" ]; then mkdir -vp "$git_directory/" # | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi if [ ! -d "$working_translations_directory" ]; then mkdir -vp "$working_translations_directory/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi echo "" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log date | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log # Check if a newer version of this script is available. If yes, show the changes. if [ $check_updates -eq 1 ]; then if [ -f "$git_directory"/translation_projects.dat ]; then cp "$git_directory"/translation_projects.dat "$git_directory"/translation_projects.dat_previous fi wget -Nq http://gitweb.mageia.org/software/i18n/tools/plain/translation_projects.dat "$git_directory"/ if [ -f "$git_directory"/check_for_translation_work.sh ]; then cp "$git_directory"/check_for_translation_work.sh "$git_directory"/check_for_translation_work.sh_previous fi wget -Nq http://gitweb.mageia.org/software/i18n/tools/plain/check_for_translation_work.sh "$git_directory"/ if [ -f "$git_directory"/check_for_translation_work.sh_previous ]; then diff -q "$git_directory"/check_for_translation_work.sh "$git_directory"/check_for_translation_work.sh_previous > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then # there are differences echo -e "\E[33m" echo $separator | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo You are running an old revision of this script. You may consider updating. Changes are: | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log diff "$git_directory"/check_for_translation_work.sh "$git_directory"/check_for_translation_work.sh_previous | tee -a "$logfile".log echo -e "\E[m" echo "" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi fi echo "" fi declare -A git_addresses declare -A translate_projects_po declare -A translate_projects_desktop declare -A translate_projects_help declare -A web_pages if [ -f "$git_directory"/translation_projects.dat ]; then source "$git_directory/translation_projects.dat" else echo -e "\E[31m" echo "Please set check_updates=1 in your configuration file first or copy" echo "translation_projects.dat into $git_directory/ before running this" echo "script again." echo -e "\E[m" exit 2 fi echo "LIST OF RESOURCES WITH FUZZY OR EMPTY STRINGS (in $language_code language)" > "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt # clone / pull git repositories echo -e "\E[32m" echo "Clone / pull git repositories:" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo -e "\E[m" for git_address in "${!git_addresses[@]}" do echo $separator | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log if [ -d "$git_directory/$git_address" ]; then echo Pull git repository "${git_addresses[$git_address]}" to "$git_address". | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log cd "$git_directory/$git_address" # just echo $language_code.po or *.pot file line if they are updated git pull --stat --rebase | grep -E "$language_code.po$|.pot$|.desktop$|.html$" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log # git diff --name-status ORIG_HEAD.. | grep -E "$language_code.po|[\.]pot" else echo Clone git repository "${git_addresses[$git_address]}" to "$git_address". | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log cd "$git_directory/" # echo "${git_addresses[$git_address]}" # debug git clone -q --single-branch mga:${git_addresses[$git_address]} $git_address | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log # cd "$git_directory/$git_address" fi done echo $separator | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo "" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo -e "\E[32m" echo "" >> "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt echo "Po and pot files:" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo "Translate po files in working directories ($working_translations_directory/):" >> "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt echo -e "\E[m" # echo about checking the syntax of po file if required if [ $check_po_syntax -eq 1 ]; then echo "Syntax of $language_code.po in git will be tested." fi # echo about copying the *.pot file and $language_code.po for editing in apropriate directory if required if [ $copying_po -eq 1 ]; then echo "Files *.pot and $language_code.po will be copied into apropriate directory." fi for translate_project_name_po in "${!translate_projects_po[@]}" do echo $separator | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log unexisted_po="no" translate_this="no" statistics_git_po="" statistics_wd_po="" pot_filename="*.pot" echo "Working on $language_code.po file in working translations directory: $translate_project_name_po and local git directory: ${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log if [ ! -d "$git_directory/${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}/" ]; then echo "Directory $git_directory/${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}/ doesn't exist." echo "It seems that something wen't wrong in git clone operation. Other operations in $translate_project_name_po will be aborted." echo "All operations in $translate_project_name_po was aborted! Check script output or logs." >> "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt continue else cd "$git_directory/${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}/" # $translate_project_name_po" pot_filename=`ls *.pot` wip_po_filename="$pot_filename"_$language_code.po if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Pot file not found in $git_directory/${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}/. Please report that on our mailing list." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi fi # checking for fuzzy and untranslated strings in git $language_code.po if [ -f $language_code.po ]; then msgattrib $language_code.po --only-fuzzy --no-obsolete | grep . >> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then translate_this="yes" fi msgattrib $language_code.po --untranslated --no-obsolete | grep . >> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then translate_this="yes" fi else # $language_code.po not in git yet translate_this="yes" fi # creating statistics if [ -f $language_code.po ]; then statistics_git_po=`msgfmt --statistics --verbose $language_code.po -o /dev/null 2>&1 | tail -1` fi if [ -f $pot_filename ]; then statistics_git_pot=`msgfmt --statistics --verbose $pot_filename -o /dev/null 2>&1 | tail -1` fi # checking the syntax of po file from git if required if [ $check_po_syntax -eq 1 ]; then if [ -f $language_code.po ]; then msgfmt --statistics --verbose -c $language_code.po -o /dev/null 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log else # Automatic test is not possible. echo "File $language_code.po is not present yet in ${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]} for msgfmt test. Please translate it and commit & push it to git." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log unexisted_po="yes" fi # checking the syntax of pot file from git if required if [ $check_pot_syntax -eq 1 ]; then if [ -f $pot_filename ]; then msgfmt -c $pot_filename -o /dev/null 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log else # Automatic test is not possible. echo "File *.pot is not present in ${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}. Please report that on our mailing list." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi fi fi # copying the *.pot file and $language_code.po for editing in working directory if required if [ $copying_po -eq 1 ]; then if [ ! -d "$working_translations_directory/$translate_project_name_po/" ]; then mkdir -vp "$working_translations_directory/$translate_project_name_po/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi if [ "$unexisted_po" != "yes" ]; then # testing for differences of *.po file from git and working copy if [ -f "$working_translations_directory/$translate_project_name_po/$language_code.po" ]; then diff -q "$git_directory/${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}/"$language_code.po "$working_translations_directory/$translate_project_name_po/$language_code.po" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi cp $copy_options $language_code.po "$working_translations_directory/$translate_project_name_po/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log else # echo "File $language_code.po is not present yet in ${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}. Copying to working directory is not possible." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo -n # nop fi if [ -f $pot_filename ]; then # testing for differences of *.pot file from git and working copy if [ -f "$working_translations_directory/$translate_project_name_po/$pot_filename" ]; then diff -q "$git_directory/${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}/$pot_filename" "$working_translations_directory/$translate_project_name_po/$pot_filename" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi cp $copy_options $pot_filename "$working_translations_directory/$translate_project_name_po/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log cd "$working_translations_directory/$translate_project_name_po/" # rm sl.po # debug if [ -f "$working_translations_directory/$translate_project_name_po/$wip_po_filename" ]; then # creating new_pot_lang.po from latest *.pot file msgmerge -q $wip_po_filename $pot_filename > new_pot_$language_code.po | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log # || rm new_pot_$language_code.po # msgmerge *.pot_lang.po *.pot > new_pot_lang.po if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]; then msgfmt -c "$git_directory/${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}/$pot_filename" -o /dev/null if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]; then echo Test with msgfmt -c discovered a problem with "$git_directory/${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}/$pot_filename" file. | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo Please report on our mailing list that msgfmt -c test has a problem with "$translate_project_name_po/$pot_filename" file. >> "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt fi msgfmt -c "$git_directory/${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}/"$language_code.po -o /dev/null if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]; then echo Test with msgfmt -c discovered a problem with "$git_directory/${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}/"$language_code.po file. | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo Test with msgfmt -c discovered a problem with $language_code.po file. Check script output or logs. >> "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt fi rm new_pot_$language_code.po # remove it as it's no good anyway fi # comparing new_pot_lang.po from working copy if [ -f new_pot_$language_code.po ]; then statistics_wd_po=`msgfmt --statistics --verbose new_pot_$language_code.po -o /dev/null 2>&1 | tail -1` # checking for fuzzy and untranslated strings in fresh new_pot_$language_code.po msgattrib new_pot_$language_code.po --only-fuzzy --no-obsolete 2>&1 | grep . >> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then translate_this="yes" fi msgattrib new_pot_$language_code.po --untranslated --no-obsolete 2>&1 | grep . >> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then translate_this="yes" fi diff -q $wip_po_filename new_pot_$language_code.po >> /dev/null #| tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log # diff -q $language_code.po new_pot_$language_code.po | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log diff_exit_status_1=${PIPESTATUS[0]} # this reads and remembers exit status of first command in pipe (diff in this case) # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ $diff_exit_status_1 -eq 0 ]; then # no differences rm new_pot_$language_code.po # remove resulting file # echo There are no differences between $wip_po_filename and new_pot_$language_code.po. # debug else if [ $diff_exit_status_1 -eq 1 ]; then # there are differences echo Replace existing file $wip_po_filename with new_pot_$language_code.po in working directory $translate_project_name_po since they differ. | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log else echo There was an error in diff between $wip_po_filename and new_pot_$language_code.po in working directory $translate_project_name_po. fi fi else # echo There is no new_pot_$language_code.po. # debug echo -n # nop fi # comparing git lang.po from working copy lang.po if [ -f $language_code.po ]; then diff -q $wip_po_filename $language_code.po | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log diff_exit_status_2=${PIPESTATUS[0]} # this reads and remembers exit status of first command in pipe (diff in this case) # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ $diff_exit_status_2 -eq 1 ]; then # there are differences echo New commit will be needed when the file $wip_po_filename will be ready in working directory $translate_project_name_po. | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log else if [ $diff_exit_status_2 -eq 2 ]; then # there was an error echo There was an error in diff between file $wip_po_filename and $language_code.po in working directory $translate_project_name_po. fi fi fi else if [ "$unexisted_po" != "yes" ]; then echo "File $wip_po_filename is not present in working directory $translate_project_name_po. Comparing is not possible." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi if [ -z "$create_a_working_copy_of_po_file" ]; then if [ "$unexisted_po" != "yes" ]; then cp $copy_options $language_code.po $wip_po_filename | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo "File $language_code.po in working directory $translate_project_name_po copied to $wip_po_filename." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log else cp $copy_options $pot_filename $wip_po_filename | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo "Template file $pot_filename in working directory $translate_project_name_po copied to $wip_po_filename." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi fi fi else echo "File $pot_filename is not present in ${translate_projects_po[$translate_project_name_po]}. Copying is not possible." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi # echo "Files *.pot and $language_code.po copied into $working_translations_directory/$translate_project_name_po/." fi if [ -n "$statistics_wd_po" ]; then statistics_po=$statistics_wd_po else statistics_po=$statistics_git_po fi if [ -n "$statistics_po" ]; then statistics=$statistics_po else statistics=$statistics_git_pot fi if [ "$translate_this" = "yes" ]; then echo $translate_project_name_po, $statistics >> "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt fi # cd "$git_directory/" # echo "" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log done echo "" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo -e "\E[32m" echo "" >> "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt echo "*.desktop files:" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo "Translate *.desktop files in working directories ($working_translations_directory/desktop/$translate_project_name_desktop):" >> "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt echo -e "\E[m" for translate_project_name_desktop in "${!translate_projects_desktop[@]}" do if [ ! -f "$git_directory/${translate_projects_desktop[$translate_project_name_desktop]}" ]; then echo "File $git_directory/${translate_projects_desktop[$translate_project_name_desktop]} doesn't exist." echo "It seems that something wen't wrong in git clone operation. Other operations in $translate_project_name_desktop will be aborted." echo "All operations in $translate_project_name_desktop was aborted! Check script output or logs." >> "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt continue fi echo $separator | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log copy_this_desktop_file="no" untranslated_name="Name, " untranslated_comment="Comment," echo "Working on *.desktop file in working translations directory: $translate_project_name_desktop and local git directory: ${translate_projects_desktop[$translate_project_name_desktop]}." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log # cd "$git_directory/${translate_projects_desktop[$translate_project_name_desktop]}/" # $translate_project_name_desktop" names_and_comments=`cat "$git_directory/${translate_projects_desktop[$translate_project_name_desktop]}" #| grep -E "^Name=|^Name\[$language_code\]=|^Comment=|^Comment\[$language_code\]="` # echo names_and_comments: "$names_and_comments" # debug eng_name=`echo "$names_and_comments" | grep -E "^Name=" | sed 's/^Name=//'` lang_name=`echo "$names_and_comments" | grep -E "^Name\[$language_code\]=" | sed 's/^Name\['$language_code'\]=//'` eng_comment=`echo "$names_and_comments" | grep -E "^Comment=" | sed 's/^Comment=//'` lang_comment=`echo "$names_and_comments" | grep -E "^Comment\[$language_code\]=" | sed 's/^Comment\['$language_code'\]=//'` if [ -n "$eng_name" ]; then # Name string present in original desktop file if [ -n "$lang_name" ]; then # Name string present in your language if [ "$lang_name" != "$eng_name" ]; then # both strings differ # echo Name string \"$eng_name\" present in $language_code language: \"$lang_name\" # debug # echo -n # nop untranslated_name="" else # both strings are equal copy_this_desktop_file="yes" echo Name string \"$eng_name\" in $language_code language present but untranslated | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi else # Name string not present in your language copy_this_desktop_file="yes" echo Name string \"$eng_name\" not present in $language_code language | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi fi if [ -n "$eng_comment" ]; then # Comment string present in original desktop file if [ -n "$lang_comment" ]; then # Comment string present in your language if [ "$lang_comment" != "$eng_comment" ]; then # both strings differ # echo Comment string \"$eng_comment\" in $language_code language present: \"$lang_comment\" # debug # echo -n # nop untranslated_comment="" else # both strings are equal copy_this_desktop_file="yes" echo Comment string \"$eng_comment\" in $language_code language present but untranslated | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi else # Comment string not present in your language copy_this_desktop_file="yes" echo Comment string \"$eng_comment\" not present in $language_code language | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi fi # copying the *.desktop file for editing in working directory if required if [ -z $copying_desktop_files ]; then if [ "$copy_this_desktop_file" = "yes" ]; then if [ ! -d "$working_translations_directory/desktop/$translate_project_name_desktop/" ]; then mkdir -vp "$working_translations_directory/desktop/$translate_project_name_desktop/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi cp $copy_options "$git_directory/${translate_projects_desktop[$translate_project_name_desktop]}" "$working_translations_directory/desktop/$translate_project_name_desktop/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi fi if [ "$copy_this_desktop_file" = "yes" ]; then echo $translate_project_name_desktop, untranslated line: $untranslated_name $untranslated_comment >> "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt fi done if [ -z "$work_on_web_pages_translation" ]; then # Check out / update web_page files echo -e "\E[32m" echo "Check out / update web page files:" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo "" >> "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt echo "Please check http://www.mageia.org/langs/report.php for details about translation of web page files in $language_code language." >> "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt echo -e "\E[m" for web_page_name in "${!web_pages[@]}" do echo $separator | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo Working on: "$web_page_name" from "${web_pages[$web_page_name]}". | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log # \' if [ -d "$svn_directory/$web_page_name/" ]; then cd "$svn_directory/$web_page_name/" # just echo $language_code.lang or *.php file line if they are updated svn up | grep -E "$language_code.lang|en.lang|.php" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log # echo -n "" # debug else cd "$svn_directory/" # just echo $language_code.lang or *.php file line if they are updated svn co $svn_method${web_pages[$web_page_name]} $web_page_name | grep -E "$language_code.lang|en.lang|.php" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo -n "" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log cd "$svn_directory/$web_page_name/" fi # echo "" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log done #copying the english files and $language_code.lang files for editing in working directory if required if [ $copying_wp -eq 1 ]; then echo $separator | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo -e "\E[32m" echo "Web files will be copied (updated) into working translations directory." echo -e "\E[m" cd "$svn_directory/" if [ ! -d "$working_translations_directory/web_pages_lang/en/" ]; then mkdir -vp "$working_translations_directory/web_pages_lang/en/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi cp $copy_options ./web_pages_lang/en/* "$working_translations_directory/web_pages_lang/en/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log if [ ! -d "$working_translations_directory/web_pages_lang/$language_code/" ]; then mkdir -vp "$working_translations_directory/web_pages_lang/$language_code/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi cp $copy_options ./web_pages_lang/$language_code/* "$working_translations_directory/web_pages_lang/$language_code/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log if [ ! -d "$working_translations_directory/web_page_navigation/" ]; then mkdir -vp "$working_translations_directory/web_page_navigation/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi cp $copy_options ./web_page_navigation/en.lang "$working_translations_directory/web_page_navigation/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log cp $copy_options ./web_page_navigation/$language_code.lang "$working_translations_directory/web_page_navigation/" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi if [ -d "$svn_directory/web_page_navigation/" ]; then if [ -d "$svn_directory/web_page_navigation_2/" ]; then diff -rq "$svn_directory/web_page_navigation" "$svn_directory/web_page_navigation_2" | grep -E ".lang" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log else echo "Both navigation directories ($svn_directory/web_page_navigation and $svn_directory/web_page_navigation_2) are not present. Comparing is not possible." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi else echo "Both navigation directories ($svn_directory/web_page_navigation and $svn_directory/web_page_navigation_2) are not present. Comparing is not possible." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi echo "" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi cd "$git_directory/" ##################################### TODO START change searching for new *.pot files and other resources in git if [ $searching_for_new_pot_files_in_svn -eq 1 ]; then if [ "when_this_works_on_git" = "true" ]; then echo $separator | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo -e "\E[32m" echo "Searching for new *.pot files in svn." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log echo -e "\E[m" if [ -f "$log_directory"/new_svn_list_of_pot_files ]; then mv "$log_directory"/new_svn_list_of_pot_files "$log_directory"/old_svn_list_of_pot_files # -f fi svn list -R svn://svn.mageia.org/svn/soft/ > "$log_directory"/svn_list cat "$log_directory"/svn_list | grep [\.]pot > "$log_directory"/new_svn_list_of_pot_files # svn list -R svn://svn.mageia.org/svn/soft/ | grep [\.]pot > new_svn_list_of_pot_files if [ -f "$log_directory"/old_svn_list_of_pot_files ]; then diff new_svn_list_of_pot_files old_svn_list_of_pot_files | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 ]; then # this reads exit status of first command in pipe echo "No new *.pot files found." | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi fi echo "" | tee -a "$logfile"_this_run.log fi fi ##################################### TODO END # append this_run_log to full_log cat "$logfile"_this_run.log >> "$logfile"_full.log echo "" | tee -a "$logfile".log echo $separator | tee -a "$logfile".log if [ -z "$stop_showing_differences_from_last_run" ]; then if [ -f "$logfile"_previous_run.log ]; then # show only differences and log them echo -e "\E[32m" echo "Differences from last run:" | tee -a "$logfile".log echo -e "\E[m" echo -e "\E["$color_for_differences"m" diff "$logfile"_this_run.log "$logfile"_previous_run.log | tee -a "$logfile".log echo -e "\E[m" fi fi echo $separator echo -e "\E[33m" #echo "List of resources for translation:" cat "$log_directory"/list_of_resources_for_translation.txt echo -e "\E[m" # if you use this script by click it in GUI uncomment the next line #read -p "Press any key to continue... " -n1 -s # restore saved_dir cd "$saved_dir" # pwd # set -x # turn debug tracing on with set -x # set +x # turn debug tracing off with set +x exit 0