# chkconfig: Required. is a list of levels in which the service should be started by default. and are priority numbers. For example: # chkconfig: 2345 20 80 # description: Required. Several lines of description, continued with '\' characters. The initial comment and following whitespace on the following lines is ignored. # autoreload: true Optional. If this line exists, the daemon checks its configuration files and reloads them automatically when they change. # processname: Optional, multiple entries allowed. For each process name started by the script, there should be a processname entry. For example, the samba service starts two daemons: # processname: smdb # processname: nmdb # config: Optional, multiple entries allowed. For each static config file used by the daemon, use a single entry. For example: # config: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf # config: /etc/httpd/conf/srm.conf # pidfile: Optional, multiple entries allowed. Use just like the config entry, except that it points at pidfiles. It is assumed that the pidfiles are only updated at process creation time, and not later. The first line of this file should be the ASCII representation of the PID; a terminating newline is optional. Any lines other than the first line are not examined. # probe: true Optional, used IN PLACE of autoreload, processname, config, and pidfile. If it exists, then a proper reload-if-necessary cycle may be acheived by running this command: /etc/rc.d/init.d/SCRIPT `/etc/rd.d/init.d/SCRIPT probe` where SCRIPT is the name of the service's sysv init script.