#!/bin/sh # This should be called whenever an interface goes down, not just when # it is brought down explicitly. cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts . ./network-functions unset REALDEVICE if [ "$1" = --realdevice ] ; then REALDEVICE=$2 shift 2 fi CONFIG=$1 source_config [ -z "$REALDEVICE" ] && REALDEVICE=$DEVICE /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown-routes ${REALDEVICE} ${DEVNAME} if [ "$PEERDNS" != "no" -o -n "$RESOLV_MODS" -a "$RESOLV_MODS" != "no" ] && \ [ "${DEVICETYPE}" = "ppp" -o "${DEVICETYPE}" = "ippp" -o -n "${DNS1}" \ -o "${BOOTPROTO}" = "bootp" -o "${BOOTPROTO}" = "dhcp" ] ; then if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf.save ]; then change_resolv_conf /etc/resolv.conf.save rm -f /etc/resolv.conf.save fi if [ "${DEVICETYPE}" = "ppp" -o "${DEVICETYPE}" = "ippp" ]; then if [ -f /etc/ppp/peers/$DEVICE ] ; then rm -f /etc/ppp/peers/$DEVICE fi fi fi # Reset the default route if this interface had a special one if ! check_default_route ; then # ISDN device needs special handling dial on demand if [ "${DEVICETYPE}" = "ippp" -o "${DEVICETYPE}" = "isdn" ] && \ [ "$DIALMODE" = "auto" ] ; then if [ -z "$GATEWAY" ] ; then /sbin/ip route add default ${METRIC:+metric} \ ${WINDOW:+window $WINDOW} dev ${DEVICE} else /sbin/ip route add default ${METRIC:+metric} \ ${WINDOW:+window $WINDOW} via ${GATEWAY} fi else add_default_route ${DEVICE} fi fi # Reset firewall ZONE to "default": if [ "${REALDEVICE}" != "lo" ]; then dbus-send --system --dest=org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1 \ /org/fedoraproject/FirewallD1 \ org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.zone.removeInterface \ string: "" string:"${DEVICE}" fi # Notify programs that have requested notification do_netreport if [ -x /sbin/ifdown-local ]; then /sbin/ifdown-local ${DEVICE} fi exit 0