# file: /etc/sysconfig/static-routes-ipv6
# description: this file contains all static IPv6 routes
# description: Here you can specify several routes to specified gateways
# description:  and also route through a virtual tunnel interface
# (P) 2000 by Peter Bieringer <pb@bieringer.de>
# Changes to 
#  20000704: initial taken from my network-ip6.conf
#  20001125: remove (C)opyright (makes no sense in a configuration file) 
#             and add path to file information

#Device	IPv6 network to route			IPv6 gateway address				
#eth0	fec0:0:0:2::/64				fec0:0:0:1:0:0:0:20
#eth0	3ffe::/16				3ffe:0400:0100:f102:0:0:0:1

## enable following as "default" routes through a gateway (but review gateway!)
# IPv6 Testing Address Allocation (6bone testbed)
#eth0				3ffe::/16		3ffe:0400:0100:f102:0:0:0:1
# IPv6 official addresses 
#eth0				2000::/3		3ffe:0400:0100:f102:0:0:0:1

## enable following as "default" routes through a tunnel
## Virtual tunnel interface	IPv6 network to route through
# IPv6 Testing Address Allocation (6bone testbed)
#sit1				3ffe::/16
# IPv6 official addresses 
#sit1				2000::/3